Maria's Space: Taking the Pen To Paper Challenge

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Taking the Pen To Paper Challenge

Photo Cards

As a Pearista (a group of bloggers sponsored by Pear Tree Greetings that value the power of connecting through stationery) I am taking the Pen to Paper Challenge

Basically, this means I will be mailing a note card out every week instead of a quick email or Facebook blurb. Along with the note card I will send a blank note card for the recipient to use for their own use.

I am old enough to remember when letter writing was very important to me. After moving to Brooklyn from Millbrook after my mom passed away, and leaving all my friend, we would write long mult-page letters back and forth to tell each other what was happening in our lives. I remember the feeling of getting that letter in the mailbox and sitting down to devour 8-10 handwritten pages of information. In fact, I still have a lot of these letters in my storage/memory box.

Email, Facebook, MySpace, Texting, IM'ing have taken over where we used to write letters or even phone a friend. My birthday this year, I received over 35 greetings on Facebook but only 4 birthday cards. Weird right!!

If you plan on getting back to the personal art of writing to your friends and family, (something to be treasured for ages), check out Pear Tree Greetings, an online stationery company that loves to help people connect, whether it's via a personalized note card, Christmas Card or birth announcement.

Do you save the hand written notes you receive? I have trouble throwing personalized things away, especially letters and pictures.

Here is my first note card which will be going out to my amazing friend Olga. She is beautiful person. Her heart is enormous. She and I worked together many, many years ago. I love her entire family and consider her youngest, a great friend. She is truly one of the nicest people I know. We haven't seen each other in 5 years. It is hard when she works two jobs and is taking care of her parents too! She will always hold a special place in my heart. She used to give me the most amazing gifts with little notes. One Christmas she gave me a Johnny Mathis Christmas CD because she knew that he was someone my mother loved (if you are reader of mine, you know that my mom died when I was 12). She wrote that only special people liked Johnny Mathis and that she and my mom would have been great friends.

I adore her!

Knowing her, she will write the note card I include back to me. That would be nice.


  1. How great! we forget sometimes how more personal and significant a hand written note or letter can be goodluck on this challenge :)

  2. Pen and paper should not be forgotten, though writing with ink is a lost art! Great post!

  3. I keep letters and cards in shoes boxes in my closet, mainly so I can read over them with my daughter someday, seeing as how most of them have to do with her birthdays. I love writing letters. Maybe that's why I comment so much on your blog. That's the next best thing! I hope all your friends write back soon.


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