Maria's Space: Summer's Sweet Moments Hosted by Milano

Friday, August 27, 2010

Summer's Sweet Moments Hosted by Milano

One2One Network has linked up with Milano cookies to ask about this Summer's Sweet Moments, a moment from summer that made you stop to savor the sweetness of life!

The reason I found this so hard to answer is because I spent 2 weeks of my Spring in the hospital and 6 weeks of my Summer suffering from all kind of "itis" issues. Diverticulis and Endometritis so while it seems I should have nothing "sweet" to discuss here, I have plenty.

My little family became much closer during my time away and my husband and I did what we could to make sure the kids had an enjoyable summer regardless of the fact that we had to stay close to home.

The moments I spend with my kids together and separately are always "sweet" moments for me. Moment's with my girlfriends, family members are moment's that I particularly enjoy but this year, the moment that was the sweetest for me was, my 44th birthday.

My husband came in bearing the necessities for the perfect meal for "ME". Wine, Steak, Sweet Potatoes and Chocolate Cake are all the things that make up the perfect meal in my eyes. To know that he really knows what I like and took the time to get all of it on his ride home, made me realize even more what I knew already. We are and always will be perfect together. There may not be grand gestures of adoration but in the long run, having someone who REALLY knows you, and takes care of all the little details (and the big ones too) really made my birthday special.

Then because I liked the cake so much....he went out and got it again...and another steak the next weekend. Now that IS "sweet".


  1. My hubby being Italian, loves Milano Lady Finger Cookies. That is all he eats! Great post!

  2. I was wondering how you staged those "fake" birthday pictures a week after your birthday! I was wondering,did they not eat that awesome looking cake?! But apparently you guys ate it and another one--I am so jealous :)

  3. And, yes, that was very sweet of Teach--you have your work cut out for you trying to top that on his birthday!

  4. Maria thanks for the great link to the Milano Cookies coupon and right next to it is their Baked Snack Crackers $1.00 off coupon too. I like that they are printed off the Bricks Coupon system because you are allowed two of each. Thanks so much. I hope they are also on sale when I go grocery shopping next. I like that the coupons if printed today don't end until sometime in October. I like the coupons that give stores the extra time needed to get the newer products in. It seems where I live it takes us longer to find them in our stores than stores back east.
    Thanks again.

  5. Anonymous7:48 AM

    I absolutely love Brussell cookies.


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