Maria's Space: September 2020

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Ways Your Snow Blower Shop Can Help You Get Ready for Winter

Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay 

inter is just right around the corner and if your snowblower is not ready to run, you will be using your back muscles to shovel it out of the way. There is a lot of things that go into getting that snow blower ready for winter. You may find that you just do not have the time necessary to perform the work yourself. So, it will be necessary for you to enlist the services of a snow blower repair shop. There are many types of snow blower problems that you might need help with before you're ready to tackle the first big snowstorm of the season. 

There are many things that a repair shop can help you with that will get you ready for the winter season. They can do all of these and more with little effort.

  • They can change the spark plug on the engine. This includes making sure the new one is properly gauged and inserted into the slot. They will also make sure that the connecting wire is properly installed and secured.
  • They can inspect your belts on the blower. They will check for cracks and tears in the unit. Without a belt, the blower will not function properly. They will also make sure that the belt has the right tension applied to it. 
  • Your blower will also get a paddle inspection. This means that they will look over the paddles that move the snow to the blower unit. Any paddles that do not work well will need to be replaced. 
  • They will also check the shave plate. These are the parts of the paddles that scrap the snow from the ground.
  • They will also adjust the skid shoes. These are the adjustable parts of the snow blower that allows you to set the auger to a correct level. 
  • You will also find that they will replace any shear pins that are damaged. 
  • An oil change is probably why you took the blower into the shop in the first place. They can do it quickly and you will not have to dispose of the oil. 

The only thing that you might have to do is fill it up with gas and stabilizer. Your local shop will be able to tell you what stabilizer you should use. They might even have some available for you to be able to buy. But they are vital to helping you get your blower ready for winter. 

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

How To Celebrate Halloween During A Pandemic

As October nears, this pandemic is still prevalent and the safety of our families is always on the forefront. How can we celebrate Halloween with COVID? Their social and emotional wellness can be affected by not being able to participate in a festivity that creates so much happiness and connection. 

Parenting expert, guidance counselor, licensed educational psychologist, and board-certified behavior analyst, Reena B. Patel (LEP, BCBA) addresses how to ‘Halloween' during pandemic!
Here are a some of Reena's tips to help accommodate a traditional Halloween during this pandemic. 
  1. Decorate the inside and outside of your house. If you haven't before, this is the year to start.     
  2. Create a month of Halloween countdown. Why not? We do it for Christmas too. Make a countdown calendar and for each day have a Halloween surprise ready to share with your child. Example : an Halloween coloring sheet, candy corn puzzle, pencils, stickers. Nothing small that represents and leads up to the big day.     
  3. There are some companies that participate in themed activity boxes. Yes some are subscription plans, but you can even get one for the month of October. A fun way to do the open box surprise and see what arrives at your door 
  4. Connect with your child’s school and see what the teachers have planned. Volunteer to help your school create some fun Zoom Halloween activities. A week of Halloween Zoom costume dress up is a great example. 
    Get Baking! Baking is such a fun, creative way to interact with your child. 
  5. Have Halloween themed reading nights and movie nights
  6. Host a virtual pumpkin carving party    
  7. Plan a small social distance safe house party, get together with a small group of family and close friends. , include a fun halloween pinata

Saturday, September 26, 2020

How to Look After Yourself as an Emergency Responder

Photo by Aidan Bartos on Unsplash

Whatever type of emergency responder you are, you will be only too aware that this is a highly demanding and challenging job. You are facing a great deal of stress on a regular basis, so it is vitally important that you look after yourself as thoroughly as possible. Proper stress prevention and management techniques should become a key part of your schedule. If you don’t look after yourself, you are less likely to be able to look after those who need your support. 

Prepare for a Response 

Preparing for a response can be done in numerous different ways, but you need to ensure that you are properly trained and confident in what you are doing. You should also make sure that you have all the correct equipment – a lot of which can be foundat Explain to your loved ones about your job and how you need as much support from them as possible and establish a means of communication if you can. You don’t want to worry about what is going on at home during a response.

Identify Signs of Burnout 

Unfortunately, burnout is a common situation amongst emergency responders. It can be categorized as a feeling of extreme exhaustion, anxiety, and the sense that you are overwhelmed. There are plenty of coping techniques that can prove to be effective including managing your diet, getting enough exercise, and talking to people about your situation – whether this is with a trained professional or just a friend or family member close to you. There are also negative coping techniques such as binge eating or drinking, which are going to have a bad effect in the long run.

Develop a Buddy System

A buddy system refers to two responders providing support for one another. Just the simple act of talking to each other about your lives can go a long way. Assess each other’s strengths and weaknesses so you are in a better position to offer support. Acknowledge when you are facing a tough situation, but also celebrate your achievements – however small they may be. You could also offer support in each other’s personal lives wherever this is appropriate. Look out for the signs of burnout that we discussed above and encourage each other to engage in positive coping techniques.

Practice Self-Care Techniques 

There are plenty of self-care techniques that can prove to be effective for an emergency responder, starting by limiting your working shifts, though this can often be tricky in this line of work. Writing in a journal, practicing meditation and yoga, reducing your use of stimulants such as alcohol and caffeine, and getting enough sleep are all effective techniques that you should build into your everyday life.

When you work as an emergency responder, it is vitally important that you look after yourself properly – both for you and the people you are caring for. Hopefully, you have found something useful in the techniques above that will help you take care of yourself that little bit better.


Tuesday, September 22, 2020

This Thing Called Life By Christian Borstlap

The book leaves lots of room for discussion and for new discoveries with each reading.

The 411:

I really enjoyed this book. I loved the illustrations but I also liked the easy concept of life on a very basic level but depending on your personal situation the book can be very deep too.   Life is so many things and in just a few words on each page you get that and the message at the end is one that resonated with me. It says "Here's the thing: You can't do life alone. Life is something we do together. All of life is connected and dependent on the rest of life." I am a firm believer in "it takes a village." It does! 

My favorite page is probably the ant page which says that sometimes life is complicated. The book also tells us that life is unpredictable but that all life ends. The message that some things are here for a little while and some only a day leaves this open for so many messages and situations which one of the reasons I loved it! It can be very basic or it can help someone who has lost someone which was what I personally came away with after reading the book. 

5 Things You Can Do Personally in the Fight Against Covid-19

The coronavirus pandemic has swept across the nation since the beginning of the year, infecting over 6.75 million Americans and causing 198,000 deaths. In the current crisis we find ourselves in, many US citizens are feeling anxious and worried about what action to take to fight against the disease.

To minimize the risk of contracting the virus, here are five things you can do personally to keep you, your loved onesand those around you safe.

Maintain Social Distancing

Social distancing measures are in place to keep the general public safe. Whether you’re going to work, using public transport, or going for something to eat, you must adhere to the rules and avoid close contact where you can. Get into the habit of putting six feet of distance between you and others who don’t live with you. If you have family members who are at a high risk of getting very sick from the virus, you need to keep your distance from them.

Wash Your Hands Regularly

While you should already understand the importance of washing your hands regularly, the coronavirus pandemic has made more people take notice. You must wash your hands with water and soap for a minimum of 20 seconds, especially if you’ve been in a public setting or after coughing, sneezing, or blowing your nose. If you are in public and do not have access to a restroom, you can purchase hand sanitizer products from Killing Them Softly.

Wear a Face Covering

When using public transport, or going into a store, make sure that you wear a face mask that covers your nose and mouth. If you fail to do so, you could end up spreading the virus to others, even if you don’t display COVID-19 symptoms. Face masks are designed to protect those around you in case you have become infected with the disease. Face coverings are available online, in grocery stores, and healthcare units that will dramatically reduce your risk of catching the virus.

Monitor Your Health

Knowledge is power, which is why you must research and be alert of what symptoms to look out for regarding COVID-19. If you encounter shortness of breath, a persistent cough, or fever, these are common coronavirus symptoms that you must be aware of. Should symptoms develop, you should take your temperature, get plenty of rest, drink lots of water, and call your doctor if symptoms worsen. 

Clean and Disinfect 

Things like tables, light switches, and doorknobs are frequently touched surfaces that must be cleaned and disinfected daily. Whether you’re at home, work in an office, or run your own restaurant, these kinds of surfaces can get dirty very quickly. The coronavirus can last on these surfaces from several hours to multiple days, which is why you must get into the habit of cleaning regularly. 

Unfortunately, there is no current vaccine that can be used to treat COVID-19. This means that until one has been found, you must follow the measures above to reduce your risk of contracting the virus and passing it on to others.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Take A Walk With Us

Tonight with the weather being perfect my daughter and I headed out for a walk. This is the season we are outside way more than usual.  No humidity! No bugs! I love it. 

Since Goddess is currently taking a photography class she wants to practice with the Canon which truly makes my heart smile. I always had a camera attached to my hand from the age of 12. My friends alway knew they would either have their pics taken or be videotaped because I slung that huge camcorder on my back and went everywhere with it. 

Goddess reminds me of me in so many ways but especially in her love of taking pics.  While we didn’t download hers yet, here are mine. 

We love this.

We are very impressed with these stacks

Thursday, September 17, 2020

4 Reasons To Learn How To Drive

Photo by Elijah O'Donnell from Pexels


Driving has the potential to change lives; it equips people with the tools to get out more, to explore their local area, and to become more independent. Driving gives individuals enhanced freedom, and it’s this that makes it a truly beneficial skill to learn. 


The longer you put it off, the harder learning how to drive becomes, as you struggle to find the time to learn. That’s why it’s important to master how to do this essential activity as soon as you can. Here are some good reasons on why you should learn how to drive, which should encourage you to finally get behind the wheel. 


To Gain Independence 


The ability to drive makes you much more self-sufficient and less reliant on other people. Driving allows you to run errandssuch as going grocery shopping—more easily, and also means that you do not have to beg for lifts or depend on unreliable public transport to get from A to B.


When you know how to drive, you can go wherever you want when you want, without having to schedule your time around other people’s availability. It means you can be spontaneous and go to the mall when you feel like it or get a drive-thru meal. The independence that a car can give you can make you feel more like an adult and be more responsible. To get a head start be sure to book driving lessons in San Diego today


For Better Job Prospects 


There are some jobs out there that require you to have a license in order to fulfil them, meaning that not being able to drive can actually harm your career prospects. Having a car means that you’re able to get some extra cash working as a delivery driver, but also makes you more attractive for more professional roles. Having a license shows that you’re a good learner and committed, and this can make recruiters more inclined to hire you. Owning a car and being able to drive also means you can search for roles that are a bit further afield as you can get to them a lot easier, meaning your pool of potential jobs is bigger. 


To Make You Dependable 


It’s okay to not have the ability to drive when you’re younger, as for most of us there are figures in your life who can bare the load and transport you around. However, as you get older and start planning for a family, you’ll find that not being able to drive can be a big hinderance as it means you won’t be able to provide for thfamily as well. You will not be able to drive your children to school, or whisk them about, making you a somewhat less dependable parent. Leaning how to drive at an early age gives you the driving knowledge that lasts a lifetime, and this can be used to improve your future. 


To Boost Your Confidence 


Leaning how to drive isn’t easy. The process of studying for a theory test and becoming good enough to pass a practical exam can be difficult; however, getting through it can instill a lot of confidence and aid your personal development. As you grow more confident with driving, you’ll see yourself become more confident in other areas of your life too, making it a process that can truly enhance your life as a whole.






Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Inventive garden storage solutions for your home

Storage is one of the most common considerations buyers have when purchasing a new home. Indeed, poor home storage – both inside and out – is often perceived as a sign of lousy house design and can dissuade some buyers. 
While there sometimes isn’t that much we can do to improve our internal storage options, there is often great scope for adding additional storage space outside our homes, in our gardens. 
Traditional options like sheds or outhouses provide extra additional space for your home and can be used to store gardening tools, equipment or other hard-wearing items. However, they are often too big or too expensive so, if you’re looking to add external storage space to your home, why not consider these alternatives.
Bench units
Bench units in a garden don’t just look great – they also add precious outdoor seating and, in many cases, can be used to give valuable storage space. Look for units with removable top sections and a hollow space underneath, which can be used to keep items dry. Also, depending on the value of what you’re keeping inside, consider adding locks to deter unwanted access. You can even add your own design flair by choosing striking fabrics and materials to give your benches that truly unique look – or even go so far as building your own. Actually, if you’re adding a bench anywhere in your home, you should always look at adapting the space underneath to stow items. 
Hanging wall storage
Adding a metal grid or frame to the side of an exterior wall can provide a handy space to keep items such as garden tools, watering cans or pots. Again, think about adding some personal touches – perhaps by adding some foliage or creeping wall plants to help the frame blend into its surroundings. Remember, storage of this nature will be open to the elements (and, possibly, intruders), so you may be limited as to what you can store on an outside rack. You could look at using locks for more valuable items but, in the main, hanging wall storage is really only suitable for cheaper gardening equipment. 
Tent storage
The idea of using a tent for storage might at first seem like a temporary solution – however, modern tent frames are built from rugged materials capable of enduring even the harshest weather. Also, for extra security, tents can be secured to the ground using concrete blocks or metal plates – and semi-permanent tents have the advantage that they can be moved around your garden should the need arise. Better yet, if the tent somehow becomes damaged, replacement cover kits are cheap and straightforward to fit.
Underfloor decking storage
Nothing transforms garden space quite like wooden decking but, with a little inventiveness, your decking area can also become a huge outdoor storage space. Firstly, ensure the platforms are built with waterproofing in mind, but also remember to prepare the ground underneath with a concrete surface or gravel. You should also galvanize locks and bolts to protect them from rust, and consider using plastic storage bins to protect items from damp possibly rising up from the ground underneath.  
Adding extra space to your home can make your life easier and more organized, while also making better use of your available space. The ideas above don’t just improve your storage options, they can also add panache to the exterior of your home and enhance its curb appeal.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

The Scary Book - Thierry Dedieu Want To Know What Scares You?

The 411:

Made for 3-6 year olds this book has bright color creatures that alone aren’t scary at all but what happens when you lift the foldout flap? Well, that my friends is when the fun begins. Each 2 page spread is colorfully bright and features one animal with bold to bolder text and a lift away, fold that either opens, or elongates their mouth showing us what is inside. It is made for littles so it isn’t very scary but you have to know your child. My almost 3 year old class liked the pictures and text but didn’t want the ghost or wolf opened after the first time. I love the idea and high quality that I have come to know with Prestel books. Thick board book pages makes this a book I can read with my class over and over again without worrying about the pages ripping although I believe if I were to give it to them to read alone eventually the fold outs would rip from the page.

Friday, September 11, 2020

How To Properly Clean Your Bicycle During a Pandemic

Photo by carolyn christine on Unsplash

During the COVID-19 pandemic, people have been turning more to bicycles as a means of solitary fitness when going to the gym is not an option. Proper cleaning and maintenance of hybrid bikes and other models is important during the best of times. However, in light of the current public health crisis, it becomes even more important to ensure that your bike is not only clean but sanitized before you ride.

Basic Bike Cleaning

If your bike is visibly dirty after a ride, it is advisable to clean and lubricate it thoroughly before putting it away. However, wiping off the frame with a damp rag and lubricating the chain after every ride is considered a good habit by the experts.

If you own an electric bicycle, which is one with a battery and a motor to provide pedal assist, you may wonder if it needs any special care. In fact, the electrical components are designed to withstand water. Therefore, cleaning a womens e bike need be no different from a traditional nonmotorized bike. You do, however, need to prevent any leather components on your bicycle from getting wet.

When cleaning your bike, you can use either a bucket of water or a hose with a normal spray attachment. Do not use any sort of pressure washer. This can cause the bearings to rust by forcing water into them. You can use a pre-formulated bike wash cleaner, or you can use diluted dishwashing fluid, which workswell because of its degreasing properties.

Special Bike Sanitation

Normal bike cleaning tends to focus on the parts of the vehicle that are closest to the ground and therefore most likely to encounter water, dirt, and mud. However, efforts to stop the spread of infectious diseases such as COVID-19 focus more on sanitizing the surfaces that you touch most often. On your bike, this primarily means the handlebars and the brake levers. You should use a disinfectant cleaner on a cloth or pre-prepared wipe to clean these areas off both before and after each ride.

In fact, it may be a good idea to sanitize everything that comes in contact with you during your ride. This means not only the bike itself but your helmet should also be sanitized. You may think the risk of infection from your helmet is low, and perhaps it is, but you never know what might happen to it when you leave it hanging on the bike or set it down on a surface that could be contaminated.

Don't forget hand hygiene in addition to bike sanitation. After your ride, wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water as soon as possible. In situations where you do not have access to soap and water, an alcohol-based hand sanitizer is an acceptable alternative. In either case, be sure to rub your hands together vigorously because it is the combination of cleansing agents and friction that neutralizes and removes the viruses from your skin.

As long as you comply with orders from your local government and take reasonable precautions to prevent the spread of germs, you can continue to ride your bike during the pandemic. If you're looking to get back into riding, check out mens bikes for sale from reputable online dealers.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Camping With My Girl and Some Friends - Day 3

Day 3 is return to life day. Jen had to leave early because she was working. I don’t know how she did it but she loaded up her car, made breakfast and before you know it she and her kids were gone. 

This is a pic of my Goddess in the loft area for size comparison. She if 5 feet tall.

We walked around making sure nothing was left behind after loading up the car. Grabbed the garbage and headed out to drop it and the key off. Look at my little genius

I called my son to tell him we were heading home and he told me that he couldn’t wait for us to get home. I asked him why and he said “I miss you.” It hurt my heart! I said, “but you don’t even hang out with us, you stay in your room.” He said, “Yeah but knowing you guys are not here makes me sad.” Awww..BTW...he still hangs in his room. Nothing has changed. 

All in all it was a good time away. Fun time with my girl except when she was being a true PITA teen but that is to be expected right?!

So glad we went.