Maria's Space: Blue Monday - Parakeet Feeding

Monday, August 30, 2010

Blue Monday - Parakeet Feeding

Blue Monday
At the zoo the other day, we feed some of the parakeets. Here is Handsome being so patient and still as a bird eats off a stick with bird seed.




  1. Those are adorable photos! I had a parakeet just like that when I was a child - they make wonderful pets! And what a lovely shade of blue!

    Hope you have a great Blue Monday!
    ~Joy @ Joysweb

  2. Ah... I used to have a parakeet exactly like this one. It was the sweetest bird and even spoke a couple of words.

    Happy Blue Monday, Maria! Check out my book giveaway.

  3. I remember his bum from yesterday! LOL

  4. Beautiful pictures of the front of the blue bird :)

  5. How fun-to get to feed these little creatures!

  6. That is a very pretty blue parakeet. The "handsome
    young man is adorable and very still trying to feed the bird.

  7. Anonymous7:41 AM

    I use to have 2 parakeets and they were the messiest birds. I gave them away after 2 months. They are cute but too messy.


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