Maria's Space: July 2006

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Just some pictures

They are so cute I could puke. I love how they are holding hands.

Does she like the strawberry? I don't know, you decide.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Big Brother All Stars Begins

Tonight on Big Brother we found out which boring peeps we will be watching this summer.

America's Choice
Top 4 females – Janelle, Erika, Diane & Nakomis
Top 4 males – Kaysar, James, Jase & Howie

BB Producer's Choice
Danielle, Marcellas, Chicken George, Evil Dr. Will, Allison and Mike Boogie

The twist this year is that there will be 2 HOHs and they must agree on who will be nominated for eviction. If they do not, the HOH will be put up.

The first competition for HOH was won by my favorite girl Janelle and Jase.

Danielle tried to stir up the pot by telling other house guest to try to get Janelle and Jase to disagree on nominations in hopes that this would get Janelle out of the house. She pushed the envelope a little too early in the game and ended up nomination along with Allison (thank God, I can’t stand that Allison chick!)

Note to Danielle – If you are going to attempt to ruffle some feathers make sure you have all your ducks in a row.