Maria's Space: January 2022

Friday, January 28, 2022

3 Fun After-School Activities That Could Help Nurture Your Child's Creativity

Are you looking for fun ways to enhance your child’s creative thinking and help support his or her education after school? Although as a parent, you may not have unlimited time to supplement your child’s learning, you can still squeeze in some fun with your little one by making the most of his or her time at home. Simply work these three activities in when your child comes home from school.

1. Unique Educational Programs and After-School Clubs

If your own schedule is packed and your family is crunched for time, one simple way to make the most of your kid’s after-school hours is to sign him or her up for a club or an educational program. Some types of learning programs Milford MI could be an effective tool for nurturing your little one’s interests. Typical clubs your child’s school may offer include:

  • Arts and crafts clubs
  • Sports clubs
  • Foreign language lessons
  • Coding and computer science clubs

2. Spend Extra Time at Your Local Public Library

For a cost-effective way to help educate your child, consider visiting the public library. Reading with your child is a crucial way to foster creativity, and frequent library trips could help:

  • Expand his or her general vocabulary
  • Strengthen his or her literacy skills
  • Explore new topics and subjects
  • Broaden his or her overall creative horizons

3. Practice a Fun New Skill Together

Lastly, remember you can always teach your child new skills at home. For instance, spend some time after school:

  • Baking cookies
  • Cooking simple dinners
  • Mastering the basics of first aid
  • Planting and tending to a garden

With the right after-school activities, you can easily support your child’s education and help him or her get in touch with his or her creative side. Whether you’d prefer to have your child join a club, go to the local library, or pick up a new skill, these ideas can help you supplement your little one’s learning.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

The Mixtape by Brittainy Cherry - Book Review

The 411

I was looking for something to read while I wait for my kids to come out of school. I looked forward to my 20 minutes a day getting to know Emery and Oliver. My life is hectic so anything that holds my attention is a Godsend.

The writer gives us both main character's point of views which made it even a better read. It was sweet and sexy.

Honestly I must have cried 4 times. Not a new story about new relationships or why they both struggle before they found each other but adorable anyway.

Emery was my favorite character. Hard life but still managed to be a sweet, helpful, caring person. Who quietly tries her best to understand and do well by people including herself.

If you are looking for a sweet story without too much negative space thrown at the two main characters, this is the book for you.

Monday, January 24, 2022

Belly Laugh Day - January 24, 2022

Belly Laugh Day which I have never heard of was started by Elaine Helle in 2005 to celebrate the gift of laughter. 

Laughter is by far one of my favorite things to do and the thing that most attracted me to my husband and to some of my friends and the reason I love spending most of my time with my daughter. She makes me laugh like no one else. 

These days everyone is butt hurt and offended over everything but back in the day, laughter was the best medicine. Now you have to rethink everything because you just may offend someone. This statement may very well offend someone. At 55 I truly think if it does, please move on. It is not your job to school someone on what may be offensive to you. We are all different and thankfully so. Watching standup comedians as a child I realized there were things my parents laughed over that I just didn't get and that may very well be you.  It is very well my own daughter. She hears me laughing at some comedian and comes into my room, stands there and says, "I don't get it." 

Whatever makes you laugh, share it on your socials today. Someone you know may just need to laugh at that very moment! Don't worry if you think it may not be funny to the masses because it will certainly upset someone somewhere. That is the way life is these days. However, remind yourself that the beauty of the internet is we can keep scrolling or if in person walk away. If you are one of those people who feels the need to school someone as to why something isn't funny or may not be funny to others, maybe share something you find funny instead. No one really wants to hear why it isn't funny to you. 

Here are some things that make me laugh:

Benny Hill

I Love Lucy

Silent Movie 

Movie Bloopers

Anna Kendrick

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Tomorrow Is National Compliment Day #NationalComplimentDay


January 24th is National Compliment Day which is a great reminder to say something nice to others.  Offering genuine compliments can truly make someone's day. I am not sure how my parents taught me this or if it is something I figured out after receiving a compliment one day and realized just how meaningful someone's words were to me, but I have no problem dishing out the compliments. Not just something just to be kind it just happens. It is part of who I am. 

You never know! Your compliment big or small may be the only kind that someone hears that day so don't be afraid to dish them out!

If it is not something that comes natural to you, maybe just tell the barista at your coffee place "wow, that was fast! Thank you so much." Making someone feel special doesn't cost a thing!  

Let the cashier know that they went above and beyond to make your day easier. If you have time, visit the customer service or write to the company letting them know how wonderful their employees are. My daughter knows exactly when I will do this now after seeing me do it a few times. I think people are willing to take time out of their day when something isn't going right but will not think twice about speaking highly of someone. Some companies reward their employees when they hear something kind. Someone told me that they got a $50 gift card from their company one day after I took time to find their manager and speak about them. 

So....give those compliments freely. It feels good for the person getting it and will feel good to you too.

I love your shoes (I don't even have a shoe thing but it comes out often)

Friday, January 14, 2022

Currrent Favorite Earworm - The Kids Are All Dying by Finneas

My current favorite earworm is The Kids Are All Dying by Finneas.

The lyrics are catchy, the meaning is deep and the video fun. It looks like they did it in one take. Rented a location, had 3 minutes to do the video and got it done complete with Finneas missing the glass one time and a bloody finger.

Plus...I can't listen to the first two words without hearing South Park Fingerbang

Bang! Bang!
Knocking on my door
“Do you have a dollar?
Would you like to fund a war?
What’s your carbon footprint
And could you be doing more?”
I tried saving the world
But then I got bored

What you wanna do?
Make a lotta money
Buy a house in Malibu
Show me if it’s funny
If it’s not, you don’t need to
I tried picking a cause
But I got confused

How can you sing about love when the kids are all dying?
How can you sing about drugs? Politicians are lying!
How can you sing about sex when the school is on lockdown? Lockdown!
Now, baby, maybe we’re next
Maybe we’re next

So shut up! The internet is mad
They say you’re problematic and you’d better take it back
There’s nothing you can do that people won’t misunderstand
They won’t feel any better till you feel bad

And good God! We never catch a break
Whatever’s on the news, the other side’ll call it fake
I wish I was the Queen, I’d tell ’em all to eat their cake
Maybe humankind was just God’s mistake

How can you sing about love when the kids are all dying?
How can you sing about drugs? Politicians are lying!
How can you sing about sex when the school is on lockdown? Lockdown!
Now, baby, maybe we’re next
Maybe we’re next

I know my pool is heated
Business class is where I’m seated
And I’m whiter than the ivory on these keys
I think too much about myself
Drink my wallet and drive my wealth
But enough about me

Bang! Bang!
Knocking on my door
“Do you have a dollar?
Would you like to fund a war?
What’s your carbon footprint
And could you be doing more?”
I tried saving the world
But then I got bored

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

My Life In Pictures - June 15 - June 24

 June 15 - Hanging in the car with my kids. 

June 16 - The Moon. My class actually loved doing this. Using a toothbrush we made stars. They love being allowed to make a mess.

June 17 - My class is so into The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

June 18 - 19th - NOTHING

June 20 - A gift I got for my husband on Father's Day. I think I like it more than he does.

June 21 - 22 NOTHING

June 23 - My girl waiting for her hearing test at her yearly pediatrician's exam. She looks teen like here!

June 24 - Another Father's Day gift that I think I love more than he does.

My Life In Pictures - June 1 - June 14

 June 1 - This happy Jumping Spider's face says it all!

June 2 - Nothing but class photos which I cannot share.

June 3 - Driving and listening to music with my girl. One of my favorite things to do. 

June 4 - A huge moth spotted at work. I needed to take a photo.

June 5 - Burying my dad with my mom. 

June 6 - My kids have their Father's Day frames all ready for their photos to be put in and wrapped up.

May 9 - They are so cute!

June 10 - Just watching our ducks cool off in the creek after eating.

June 11 - Lunch and sangria. SOOOOO good.

June 12 - My daughter's dress design going down the runway on her model. 

June 13 - I have wanted to make one for so long. This is a Dollar Tree Pizza Pan with a placemat. All items from Dollar Tree.

June 14 - Getting some juice after the gym. It was amazing

My Life In Pictures - May 1 - May 15

 May 1 - I love this little area my husband set up by the creek. Those purple flowers are stunning with all that rock texture.

May 2 - Filtered me!

May 3 - My class painting their Mother's Day frames. They took such pride in their work and picking their moms's favorite colors. 

May 4 - Sometimes I take photos of songs I hear in the car so I can remember them for later. It isn't often I hear "new" music that I like.

May 5 - Just photos of my classes painted frames with their photo in it that I cannot share. 

May 6 - Jinxy and his whiskers!

May 7 - Mother's Day Meal at Outback.

May 8 - We added some yellow to the area. It looks great. 

May 9 - Me and My girl in filter. 

May 10 - One of my 2 year old's drawing a Q. I was so proud! This is totally a Q.

May 11 - How did this guy turn 18? I cannot believe it. He was only 2 when I started blogging. 

May 12 - Walking around with my girl and my sciatica pain. I spent years tying her shoes and now she ties mine. 

May 13 - Another set of baby birds! Hooray.

May 14 - My assistant's mom brought in a guinea pig for my class to see and touch. They loved it. 

May 15 - Just a hula hoop wreath I made for my ugly door.

Feeling Sick? Do This Now!


1. Drink lots of water! Water flushes waste from your body as well as regulates your body temperature. It also carries nutrients and oxygen to your entire body, helps you absorb vitamins, minerals and nutrients from your food which will increase your chance of staying healthy.  There really is nothing better than drinking water. It is honestly my favorite drink and if you don't love it, learn to. It is important to your body.

2. GO TO SLEEP! Your body does its best healing when it is sleeping.  Your body needs to focus on the molecular things helping your immune system. “Many of the molecules and substances that circulate in our body and also within cells overlap between immune function and sleep,” says David Rapoport, MD.

3. Gargle with salt water! Salt destroys bacteria and stops it from growing. As soon as I feel the beginning of a sore throat, I warm up some water and add some salt. 

Easy and Delicious Mozzarella Cheese Sticks


For New Year's Day my husband made the most delicious Mozzarella Cheese Sticks and I am not even a fan!


1 - Cut the cheese into sticks. I simply unwrapped the block of mozzarella and cut into mozzarella stick sizes.

2 - Roll each stick into a mixture of almond flour and coconut flour

3 - Dip into egg 

4 - Roll into the crushed pork rinds. This is going to give you that nice crunch.

5 - Place all sticks on Parchment paper and place in the freezer. This will stop your sticks from melting too fast when you cook them.

6 - Preheat Air Fryer to 400

7 - Place in Air Fryer and cook about 6-8 minutes 

You can dip them in marinara sauce, but I love mine plain.  I wish there was more.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

My Life In Pictures May 16 - May 31

 May 16 - Dropping these cuties off for volunteer work at the animal shelter. I love that they do this together. 

May 17 - Just some art work.

May 18 - Goddess and Brian spending some time together. We love cat sitting.

May 19 - How my daughter tends to baby birds around our home. She digs up tons of worms and hand feeds them. Disgusting and amazing.

May 20 - One of the coolest people I have ever met. 

May 21 - bird feeding!

May 22 - Met this little cat Trouble. He was laying in the road just getting some sun. We called the number on his tag after scrapping off all the crude that covered the phone number. He lived only three houses away from where we found him. The owner came out asking Trouble to stop causing trouble. We look for him often but haven't seen him. 

May 23 - This boy is lucky he is loved because he is such a pain! Look how cute he is!!

May 24 - Sometimes you have to sage the place.

May 25 - Snap filter are fun

May 26 - My little Mary Poppins always has everything you might need in her bag. This umbrella came in handy.

May 27 - Out for a stroll with my favorite girl.

May 28 - Filters are strange I don't even recognize my daughter in this one. 

May 29 - These guys now come and meet the car waiting for food.

May 30 -  Just a lazy night on the couch

May 31 - My girls