Maria's Space: January 2017

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

The Box House by Brigid Marlin - REVIEW

The Box House by Brigid Marlin

The 411 by Maria:

The book cuts to the heart. You immediately want to take Cassie and her siblings far far away and give them everything they have been missing. Cassie at 8 years old is the eldest of 5 children. She and her siblings are often sent out of the house without proper clothing or food when Mom is entertaining. They eventually head into a church because it was a place to go and there they meet Brigid and her children. Eventually Brigid takes Cassie and her siblings under her wing and her compassion makes a huge difference in the life of a little girl. A small gesture by a stranger shows Cassie the person she wants to be.

I was angry throughout most of the book. Angry that Cassie and her siblings were hungry, cold and their only solace was a cardboard box that their father turned into a house for them.  Angry that he didn't stand up for his children and do more. Angry that their mother was such a piece of trash and chose a man over her kids. Angry that they were beat and worse by her boyfriend. Angry that these kids had no one protecting them. No one speaking for them. 

It is a good read. One that will anger you and make you cry. I was so thankful that Brigid introduced the kids to the bible and showed Cassie kindness. We never know how our "small gestures" can ultimately change someone's life. Always show kindness, you may be the only kind person someone sees all day. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Wii U Amiibo Review By My Son #videoreview #nintendo #wiiu

My son loves his games. He has been a huge fan since the age of 3 and begged for Wii U Amiibos this year. This is the Squid Amiibo. Below see his brilliant video of 3 of his Splatoon Amiibos. He has come a long way from the little boy with all the Special Education services and I am so proud of him. He did such a good job and was so excited to show off his Amiibos.



Why Kids Should Put Their Phones Down Way Before Bed Time

2/3 of Teens leave their electronics on at night. This may not seem very important but kids who use electronic close to bedtime are  200% more likely to be excessively sleepy during the day--leading to poor grades, mood swings, and anxiety.

The RULE in my house is that they need to shut their electronics (phone, Kindle, Computer, DS), whatever they are on down an hour prior to bedtime. 

Goddess and Handsome go to bed at 9 which means that the electronics are off at 8. It isn't something they like but the rule is followed every school night.  

It takes a while to get the kids set in the routine but the earlier you do it the better. 

Set a curfew! Tell them they can read quietly, listen to music or even watch something together as a family.  Eventually they will learn this is the way it is going to be!

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Sunday Stealing: The Icebreaker Questions

1. Are you loud, outgoing or shy? It depends on the day and the crowd.

2. What’s coming up where you’ll see an old friend? Next Sunday I have plans to meet up with my old friend, son's Godmother Susan. It has been years and I can't wait. 
3. Are you easy to get along with? I think so. I don't expect much and feel fairly rational. Not much bothers me.

4. Have you ever given up on someone, but then gone back to them? YES.
5. Who was the last person that you had a deep conversation with? Teresa. It is always Teresa.
6. Are you okay with being in a big crowd? Not really. I prefer small groups.

7. Do you believe in luck and/or miracles? Yes. But not in the sense that we just walk into things but that things were preconceived to allow it to happen.
8. What good thing happened during the summer? (It’s good to think about summer when you are freezing your butt off in January.) Well, it was the first Summer no one had a cast in three years. We were able to swim whenever we wanted.
9. Do you think there is life on other planets? I would like to think that there are planets we haven't even learned about and there could possibly be life.
10. Who was your first crush on? Darrin in the 2nd grade! We are friends on Facebook.
11. What are your bad habits? Biting my nails. I hate it but do it all the time. 

12. What’s your favorite part of your daily routine? The end of the day when the bra is off and the contacts are out. is when I know I am done for the day and sleep is coming.
13. Other than your significant other, who are you most comfortable with? I am comfortable with many many people. Too many to mention.
14. Has an ex ever told you that they regret breaking up? Yes. We got back together and it wasn't for the good and we both knew it in the end.
15. Why should your celebrity crush drop everything to be with you? They shouldn't! No one should ever drop everything to be with anyone.
16. What would be the hardest to give up and why? Books. TV. Music. Books. I love reading. I love getting lost in a story.

17. Do you believe in second chances? Absolutely!
18. What would like to do next in your life? Get organized and more active
19. What’s the meanest thing that anyone has ever said to you? You think everything is about you and your friends think they know you. Your family left you.
20. What’s the nicest thing that anyone has ever said to you? You are a great mom!

Sunday, January 01, 2017

My Christmas Vacation Is Over

Welcome 2017 and everyone reading this. 2016 wasn't as bad for me as it was for others. Everyone I personally know were talking about 2016 being the year they wanted to kick in the butt for me it was the 2 years prior although it was sad to see so many celebrities leave us. The list is long.

I took 12 days off to spend with my kids. I hold two part-time jobs and with the kids, life, blogging, reviews it was nice to not have a schedule for a while.

New Years was spent at home like so many before. It was better than some and more boring than others but I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. It didn't really feel like a holiday as we aren't planning a party or getting ready for a party but the kids are home and we are all safe. I know I don't have many more with them as they will eventually grow up and live their own lives. For now I am happy to have them here.

I don't know about you guys but the kids spent most of their time away from school in their rooms. I know it is the age, I was a kid too. Last night was no different. We called them out to watch the ball drop, hug and take a few photos before eventually making our way to our bedrooms.

Praying you all have a wonderful 2017 filled with laughter, love and light.