Maria's Space: July 2009

Friday, July 31, 2009

Photo Friday - Cameraphone shots

This week's challenge: 'Cameraphone Shot'.

Here is my man and my mini me.

Friday Flll Ins

1. It's time for a vacation!

2. Home ; it's not a bad place for relaxation

3. I must be insane to keep these people in my life.

4. Being a mother, is the best thing I have ever known.

5. My Life is simply Simple

6. The last time I laughed really loudly was one morning in Clarissa's kitchen when we both laughed so hard we cried. (I love that kind of laughter).

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to reading, tomorrow my plans include making some jewelry and Sunday, I want to sleep past 7:00 a.m.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

A Thousand Word Thursday

Someone is happy to be at the park. Looking at the other kids from high on his perch he found the hiding place of everyone before running and tagging them all. Smart!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Preschool Shows You Can Stand Behind - 3 DVDS To Giveaway

If you don't know who Sid The Science kid is you are missing out. This mom having grown up with the cartoons of the 70's is always impressed with the graphics of today's cartoons. Sid is no exception. Besides being colorful, Sid the Science Kid is an awesome show for kids 2 on up to, well this mom is 43 next month. Sid has catchy, repetitive songs and the characters are all interesting.

Sid debuted in September 2008 and was created by the Jim Henson's company. The puppets are digitally created using a special Henson technique.

Sid was created to teach science to preschoolers and I have to tell you there is nothing cuter than my kids learning about science from one of the TV friends. They are curious and when end up heading to the library to research something they learned from Sid about dirt, or how to make the perfect pancake. Seriously this stuff is cute and I especially love the theme song, "I'm looking for my friends"

In 2009, Sid the Science Kid was awarded the Parents' Choice Award and was called "Recommended Television for the spring of 2009" by the organization.
In May 2009 it the nominees for th 36th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards were announced. Sid the Science Kid is nominated in two categories - "Outstanding Children's Animated Program" and "Outstanding Achievement in Main Title & Graphic Design".
The series was nominated by the Television Critics Association for a TCA Award in "Outstanding Achievement in Children's Programming."

It is a great show and you can find it on PBS, check your local listing for the times.

The DVD's I got to review were the first two released for Sid the Science Guy, The Bug Club and Change Happens.
The Bug Club was cute and contains episodes Hello Doggie, Home Tweet Home, The Dirt on Dirt, and Don't Forget the Leaves.

Change Happens includes episodes, My mushy banana, My Shrinking Shoes, My Ice Pops, and The Perfect Pancake.

Seriously cute, thought provoking, entertaining and educational. Adults may just find themselves learning a thing or two, too.

Check out the Sid The Science Kid website for some more information and fun games.

The other DVD was one I had never heard of called Dive Olly Dive and it is about a little sub called Olly obviously, and his friend Beth another sub in training. Stationed at the Special Underwater Research Facility (S.U.R.F.) under the guidance of Diver Doug, the young subs explore their spectacular underwater world. It is really cute and Olly has a very sweet voice. My kids were asking if there was a toy Olly sub they could have for the bath. I don't believe there are any toys out there yet but I wouldn't be surprised.
I am fortunate enough to be able to offer my readers a chance to win the 3 DVD's for themselves.

To Enter The Giveaway: You must be a subscriber or a follower! Tell me what your favorite kid show was when you were growing up and what your child's favorite show is now.

(If this rule is not followed you will be disqualified). (US Only! 18+ Years Only!)

Deadline: August 13, 2009 (midnight)
Do You Want More Entries?

1 Extra - Blog about this contest and link back to me (provide the link in the comment).
1 Extra - Add me to your blogroll

1 Extra - Follow me on Twitter

1 Extra - Tweet this and leave the URL link.

1 Extra- Post my button on your sidebar

A winner will be chosen by and notified within 2 days. You will have 3 days to claim your prize or another winner will be chosen.

ABC Wednesday - Round 5 - B

B is for.....





Smelly Wash Can Make Your Towels Smell Good Again-Giveaway

Last week I was able to try out Smelly Washer!

This little bottle contains some pretty amazing granules. Simple add a tablespoon of Smelly Washer to your stinky washing machine and get that wonderful right out of the wash again!
Well, like the women on the video I had the same problem. If I used a ball full of softener, that smell goes away, but if I am out of softener then I have that smell. You know, the smell like they sat out wet for a while.

It works! My towels especially my beach towels (we go to the lake 3 days a week) were smelling kind nasty. After one use, no more smelly towels. The bottle should last you a year. I believe this is worth the money. We clean ever other thing in our home so why not clean our washing machine?

Want to try it? You can purchase it here and be sure to take advantage of the 10% discount for my readers by using (reesspace) in the promo code section.

If you would like to try it for yourself, please leave me a comment!

Giveaway Instructions

To Enter The Giveaway: You must be a subscriber or a follower! Leave me a comment.

(If this rule is not followed you will be disqualified). (US Only! 21 + Years Only!)

Deadline: August 12, 2009 (midnight)
Do You Want More Entries?

1 Extra - Blog about this contest and link back to me (provide the link in the comment).

1 Extra -
Add me to your blogroll

1 Extra - Follow me on Twitter

1 Extra - Tweet this and leave the URL link.

1 Extra- Post my button on your sidebar

A winner will be chosen by and notified within 2 days. You will have 3 days to claim your prize or another winner will be chosen.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Snack On The Go - GoGo SqueeZ

GoGo SqueeZ is awesome. I was sent a box of regular applesauce and one of each of the flavored kind on Saturday. They were awesome.

They come in: Regular, peach, strawberry, banana and Cinnamon and none of them were a let down. There is no sugar added, no spoon needed. Simply unscrew the cap and sip away. It is like sucking delicious applesauce up with a straw. Love it! It is so good you feel like you are eating a treat rather than something that is good for you.

These GoGo SqueeZ are great for snacking on the go, lunch boxes or wherever. We took them to the park over the weekend and today I brought two to the beach with me. I asked the lifeguard if he wanted to try one and he said, "these are applesauce? In here?" I told him yes, "unscrew and squeeze." He loved it! He said he would definitely buy and that it was a perfect snack for his lunch box on the beach. He asked for the website which I was happy to give him and now I will give it to you.


The Queen's Meme No. 3 is called the Culinary Meme

1. If you could put thyme in a bottle, what is the first thing that you'd like to do? I would spend every day till eternity passes aways, just to spend them with you.

2. Do eggs really crack or do they merely have a nervous breakdown? I have seen some have a nervous breakdown until they crack! So sad.

3. Why are you whipping the butter? What did it ever do to you? I actually have never whipped butter, I do however give the cream a wallop or two now and then.

4. Do your spoons spoon in the drawer? Have you ever noticed? And more importantly, if wooden spoons spoon do they get splinters? My spoons actually hate each other. They never even sit next to their own kind. They usually fraternize with the forks and knives. No matter how many times I have tried to keep them together. As for the wooden spoon, I have no idea because I have the Mack Daddy of the woodens and he usually hangs with Ms. Plastic Spatula.

5. You hear: "Dumpling, my Dumpling, come hither." The candles are lit, the fondue is dipping, the Godiva is pouring, the scallions are steaming and the music is playing.....but wait, the windows are open.
Why did you close them? Who left them damn windows open anyway? My central air would just be wasted. Money doesn't grow on trees ya know!

6. Do you need a recipe to cook or are you a bohemian chef? Show us your reckless and wild side in the kitchen. Don't have one? Here's a recipe I made just for you: You will need a spatula, a whisk, a gallon of Chardonnay, a banana and a rump roast. What is the name of your dish? I am a total Bohemian Chef. The recipe, by the way, would be called, Wasted ass and a banana on top! Yo!

7. After dinner, the dishes are so dirty that the dishwasher refuses to wash them.
What did they say to get in hot water? Yo, start scrubbing B'Otch!

8. Is your pot black? No but my kettle is!

9. What is the sexiest spice or condiment in your cabinet? What makes it so? The cayenne pepper because she is so spicy.

10. How much crock is really in your crock pot?My crock is full of crock! She is so full of crock that put her out of my mind until this very question. Oh yeah, I have a stinkin crock pot. I am craving some chili.

Ruby Tuesday - The Bench

It's a holy bench! Get it? Holy....bwahahahahah

One of My Favorite Commentors Gave Me An Award!

I am thrilled and surprised to receive this award from Lorie

Thanks so much Lorie! bad am I. I didn't even know you were a blogger. I don't think you ever left a URL on the Google Doc Comment sheet. I just signed up for your email feed.

Eco Store Winner

This giveaway ended on the 24th at midnight but, I had my nieces over this weekend. They left last night and I am so bummed.

So without further ado, the winner of the Eco Store Giveaway is.....

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

72 - Cindy 

Timestamp: 2009-07-28 16:22:15 UTC

Cindy said, I'm a new follower! The product I would choose is the Coconut & Vanilla Body Wash. It sounds yummy!

If you are looking for some vintage clothing or housewares check out Cindy's shop on Etsy called Hellcat Vintage

Monday, July 27, 2009

Sunday Stealing

1. Who was your FIRST date? His name was Peter I think.

2. Do you still talk to your FIRST love?

3. What was your FIRST alcoholic drink? Beer at the age of 10 months.

4. What was your FIRST job? I worked in my uncle's office doing office work. I hated it!

5. What was your FIRST car? A 1986 black Camero

6. Where did you go on your FIRST ride on an airplane? Florida

7. Who was your FIRST best friend & do you still talk? Peggy Beattie and yes we still talk about once a year.

8. Whose wedding did you attend the FIRST time? My cousin Herbie's

9. Tell us about your FIRST roommate. Her name was Karen and she was a coke head who eventually needed to go. She was dating my boyfriend's brother and when he and I broke up and I started dating another things got ugly.

10. If you had one wish, what would it be (other than more wishes)? To be around to see my grandchildren.

11. What is something you would learn if you had the chance? I would love to play an instrument.

12. Did you marry the FIRST person you were in love with? Hell no!

13. What were the first lessons you ever took and why? I took ballet lessons when I was 3 years old because my mother wanted to see me in a tutu.

14. What is the first thing you do when you get home? Open the door!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Annabelle's Secret: A Story about Sexual Abuse By Amy Barth

Recently I was offered an opportunity through Parent Reviewers to read a book by Amy Barth called Annabelle's Secret. This is a book I wish was around to read when I was a child. As a child of sexual abuse there were no books that confirmed what I needed to know; that the abuse was not my fault!!

The book narrated by 14 year old Annabelle discusses the abuse she suffered when she was 7 years old, the age I was when my abuse started. When a neighborhood boy Joel approaches Annabelle about a secret club, she is very interested until she realizes that this club makes her feel bad about herself and the things she is expected to do. When she turns 11 those bad feelings resurface. Annabelle finds the courage to finally tell her mother who supports her and tells her that the abuse was not her fault.

Amy Barth, takes a very sensitive subject, and in the voice of a child, lets children reclaim their power.

This book should be in every therapists office and given to all children of abuse. Also, a great way for parents to be able to discuss with their children, the dangers of predators and let them know in a very safe, sensitive way about inappropriateness. Someone asking them to take off their clothes or touching them is wrong. They should know to say "no!"

Highly recommended!
Parent Reviewers

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Cool Clothes For Your Kids

Like Wear is a really cool company that creates clothes your kid will want to wear. School starts soon and everyone is thinking about back to school shopping. How about a way to get your kids clothes and support your sisters (the entire sales force is made up of moms).

The powers that be sent me out some clothes for my kids to try out.

My daughter received a tank top with Lucky Charms on the front (center picture, bottom row).
She wore it for two days straight and refused to even take it off at night. Thankfully she isn't a dirty kind of kid because I actually had to sneak it into the wash while she was bathing or it wouldn't have gotten washed. This is the first piece of clothing she had that reaction to. She loves her pretty dresses and tutus but always takes them off.

The tank she received is of really good quality and the image nicely done. Not your typical iron on quality.

Ken & Lisa Gold, a husband and wife team created the company together. Beside a great company to purchase clothing your children will love, they also have career opportunities for mom's. If you would like to find out more about this opportunity go here.

Their entire sales force is made up of moms. When you head over to their site, you would search for a representative and check out their site.

Head over and find fun clothes for your kids to start school with.

Follow them on Twitter
Follow them on Facebook

Amateur Book Review & Giveaway - Any Minute

Thanks to one of my favorite publishers, I received Any Minute by Award Winning Authors, Joyce Meyer and Deborah Bedford.

This is a classic tale written beautifully. It is a new take on the Dickens tale without the holiday melodrama.

Sarah's desire to be successful takes her away from her family. She and her husband are drifting apart, her children never see her, and she is constantly letting her son down by not showing up on scheduled family outings. While racing to her next job duty, she spots a delay and tries to outrun the drawbridge about to go up for a passing boat. Her car plunges off a bridge and into the water.

Her husband is informed and he races to the scene to watch the rescue. Divers head into the water and search for her vehicle. While she is presumed dead, Sarah is experiencing her life presented to her by two divine beings. One being her grandma and the other a surprise visitor.

Sarah and her family will never be the same.

This is a great story about not taking your life and what you have for granted. It is true what they say about never knowing what you have until it's gone. This story by two remarkable authors is a reminder that we don't get second chances to make life right. Enjoy life, live in the now and never take for granted what was given to you. Life is precious, it is a gift!

While I don't have another copy to offer as a giveaway, I would love to share my review copy with you.

Giveaway Instructions

To Enter The Giveaway: You must be a subscriber or a follower! Leave me a comment and tell me what you think you take for granted. (If this rule is not followed you will be disqualified). (US Only! 18+ Years Only!)

Deadline: August 8, 2009 (midnight)

Do You Want More Entries?

1 Extra - Blog about this contest and link back to me (provide the link in the comment).

1 Extra -
Add me to your blogroll

1 Extra - Become a Fan of Any Minute on Facebook

1 Extra - Follow me on Twitter

1 Extra - Tweet this and leave the URL link.

1 Extra- Post my button on your sidebar

A winner will be chosen by and notified within 2 days. You will have 3 days to claim your prize or another winner will be chosen.

Purchase book here

Rock of Ages Originally Broadway Cast Recording

I am thrilled to be part of this campaign through One 2 One Network. Sometimes doing review allows me to experience things that weren't on my radar. As a mom of 2 we watch a lot of kid shows and DVDs.
Rock of Ages on Broadway wasn't even something I had heard of. Now that I have heard the soundtrack and am dying for tickets to the Broadway show starring American Idol finalist Constantine Maroulis.

The music is so much fun and there wasn't a song I didn't love! If you love 80's music this is the soundtrack for you.

Soundtrack features 22 songs from the Broadway show, and these aren't your grandma's showtunes! Click here to check out the 'Making of' the album featuring the cast!
Just Like Paradise / Nothin' But A Good Time

Sister Christian
We Built This City / Too Much Time On My Hands
I Wanna Rock
We're Not Gonna Take It
Heaven/More Than Words / To Be With You
Waiting For A Girl Like You
Wanted Dead Or Alive
I Want To Know What Love Is
Cum On Feel The Noize / We're Not Gonna Take It (Reprise)
Harden My Heart / Shadows Of The Night
Here I Go Again
The Final Countdown
Any Way You Want It / I Wanna Rock (Reprise)
High Enough
I Hate Myself For Loving You / Heat Of The Moment
Hit Me With Your Best Shot
Can't Fight This Feeling
Every Rose Has Its Thorn
Oh Sherrie
The Search Is Over
Don't Stop Believin'
Click here to buy the album!

Rock of Ages is set in 1987 in a legendary Sunset Strip rock club, a small-town girl meets a big-city dreamer and they fall in love to the greatest metal songs of the 80's. The play dialogue is entwined in the songs and is so much fun. Some dialogue was a little hockey but that is Broadway and is to be expected. Who doesn't love Broadway?

For Tickets go here
Become a fan on Facebook
Follow on Twitter

Camera Critters - The Puppy

Here is my baby girl holding Bella, a girlfriend's puppy. Cute right!?

Friday, July 24, 2009

Sky Watch Friday

The day started out pretty pathetic but it has turned out lovely!

Thursday Thunks

1. You walk into a store and the cashier is being held up by a robber. The robber's accomplice is dead on the floor at your feet with a shotgun laying next to him. The robber does not see you, but the cashier does - what do you do? I slowly step backward as silent as a mouse with my hand up to my ear so that I let the cashier know that I am calling 911, then I run and hide in a corner sobbing into my chest until I hear the sirens.

2. We go to an ice cream shop for an ice cream cone. You say you are buying and I am going to stay in the car. You ask me what I want and I say "surprise me", what kind of ice cream cone am I going to get? If we are in my car, you will get the less messiest; vanilla in a cup with nuthin'. If in yours, the newest flavor on a cone so that I can try it before bringing it to you. Shhhhh...

3. You have a dream that your co-worker, friend or whoever is hit by a garbage truck after they back into a ladder with a black cat on it. The next day you see that person standing by a ladder with a black cat on it and there is a garbage truck driving down the road.... what do you do? Shout, "run Forest run", then I sprint over, tackling them to the ground before opening starting my own show, "I dream the future, so listen up!"

4. What is the most money you've won on a lottery or scratch off ticket? $85.00 or something over 80. It was before kids and now I've got less brains cells so that memory is gone along with all the others I have of LBK (life before kids).

5. A neighbor kid down the street comes to your door and offers to wash all of your windows outside for $10 - do you have him do it? I would, but only if he can do it from the ground by using a really long pole and then I would have him come in to do the inside for the same amount.

6. Go to Google Images. Type in the name of the last movie you saw. Post the first picture that comes up.
For my post on the movie go here.

7. Your local animal shelter calls you and says there are 3 dogs that need an immediate foster home for 3 days. If you do not accept, the dogs are put down that day. Do you take them in? First, if a shelter was to call saying that I would report them. The nerve! Making me feel guilty for not being able to take in an animal. I am in no position to take in a dog of any kind, let alone 3 dogs. I would however say that I would spend the day on the phone trying to help find them a home. Then I would search out the internet for a rescue shelter.

8. What is the messiest room in your home? Well, that would be the family room which is no stairs. It is my husbands office/exercise room. I never go down there except to head into the laundry room directly at the bottom of the stairs. It is a disaster area.
9. Have you ever been to a wedding that participated in a strange tradition that you had never heard of? Nope! But I think all wedding traditions are strange. The whole name announcement thing, the clinking of the glasses with spoons so that people will make out in front of you, the garter thing (what is that all about and who started it?), the dancing with your mom or dad (this is the only time most people ever dance with these people so why at a wedding? Why not have them tuck you in or read you a bedtime story since that makes sense.

10. Name one sport that you just don't get. Football! No matter how long I sit and watched (oh the years wasted), I just don't get it. Why does it take so damn long???

11. What was the last email that came into your inbox about? Something from Twitter Moms.

12. Have you ever purchased anything from a sex shop? Extra points if you tell us what it was....Oh hell yes..Not sure what the point system is but I'll tell you...come closer, closer, can you hear was a candle! Ahhhhhhahaha, if you want to know what else I have purchased prior to the candle you can email me or at least let me know about this so called point system.

13. Go back to that Google Images link... type in the last food item that you ate. Post the 2nd picture it comes up with.

14. Got any bumper stickers on your vehicle? What are they? Nope, I have some sticky stuff from the damn trees above my driveway though.

15. What meme question do you wish was never asked again? Who are your favorite bloggers?

Sepia Scenes and A Thousand Words Thursday

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Goddess Can Be So Deep Sometimes

My kids say such sweet things sometimes that I want so badly to remember every single one. Thank goodness for the blog. I love reading back at the things they say to me that I had forgotten.

Monday while driving to my son's swimming class she said, "Mommy, I wish I could fly up to the sky. If I could fly up to the sky, I would dance on a cloud and hug the sun." I totally started tearing up. This kid just makes me so happy sometimes.

Today while putting on her new blue hand-me-down dress from her friend she said, "I'm pretty, I'm really pretty and this is my horse and she can fly and together we fly all over the sky." As someone who never felt pretty as a little girl I am so thankful that she feels this way about herself. I think it has more to do with her imagination and the Barbie Pegasus movie. She thinks Barbie is really pretty.

This weekend at the beach Goddess found a ladybug. She showed her father and I about 5 times each. She begged her brother to come out of the water so she could show him. She carried it around for about an hour dying to show someone. At one point she walked over to some little boy and showed him. When her brother finally got out of the water she met him at the waters edge and said, "Look it's a lady....." then "" When I asked what happened she said, that he slapped the bug out of her hand. She was devastated. My son wasn't impressed and slapped her hand from the bottom sending the bug into the water. We never found it and I explained to her that it was probably fine and that the bug fly away but she was devastated and felt responsible. Poor sweetie. Early lesson on how the male race just don't get it sometimes.

I heard her telling her girlfriend yesterday. "No, I can't dance because my mommy will laugh at me." This just breaks my heart because she actually does think that when people laugh at things she says or does that they are laughing at her. It is totally false. We laugh because 1) she is funny 2) she is so deep and it shocks us 3) because she amazes us 4) because she is adorable. This has been explained to her a million times and not just by me. I am just afraid that she will end up with a complex but I don't know how to explain it to a 4 year old. "No one is laughing baby girl, you just astonish us with your wit."

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

ABC Wednesday - Round 5 "A"

ABC Wednesday is starting Round 5 this week.

Here is my submissions for the letter "A"




Apple Juice