Maria's Space: April 2014

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Carrington Farms Adds Some Health Into My Life @CarringtonFarms

I was fortunate enough to receive a package from Carrington Farms a company I have never heard of before but man I know who they are now.

Coconut oil is something I have been meaning to try. It is everywhere these days.  They sent us the pure, cold pressed coconut oil which smells divine. I have used it for many things so far but the best part has been for the lipsticks my daughter has become obsessed about making.

It is pretty cool! You basically boil some water. In a little glass or in our case plastic bowl you melt the crayon with the coconut oil and wa-lah! Instant lipstick my daughter is allowed to wear.

We mixed, mixed and mixed some more until it was smooth.

Next we poured it into a bead container I never got around to using and let it set. I swear it is purple although it looks blue in this photo. She just uses the tip of her finger or a lip brush to apply. We need more crayons.

Our absolute favorite Carrington Farm product is Milled Flax Seeds. Goddess and I are addicted to Flax seeds and eat them as is. We usually have them in seed form. These milled seeds were opened right after the box with all three products was opened. We put them on everything from yogurt, to oatmeal, salad, and even my gym breakfast an English muffin with peanut butter and half a banana. Goddess just sticks a spoon in the bag.

We also found out that Flax is rich in vitamin and minerals. Also that it is a great low carb, gluten-free seed and is helpful for digestion. We just knew it taste good. 

While I don't have a photo of it, I have used the Coconut Cooking Oil on everything from french fries, meatballs, eggs, pork cutlets and more. There is no coconut flavor to it so it doesn't change the taste of the food but what I did notice is that it doesn't burn out the way other oils do. It doesn't smoke either. All great things.

I recently read on the Carrington Farms website that coconut oil is great for hair too. I have dry hair and hope to use it this weekend.

Head over to the Carrington Farms site and see what other products they have and why they are so good for you.

We will certainly be buying them in the future.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Thanks Nanoblock

Just a few quick photos for prosperity. Goddess received these really awesome items from some great folks at Nanoblock. Although she will only use the Lady Gaga toothbrush the Justin Bieber toothbrush will be going to her God sister. Goddess refuses to use it, she is adamant in her dislike for him.

Fun Easter Basket Idea for the future. Love this. I never know what to put in there now that the kids are getting older.

The Lady Gaga Toothbrush is so pretty and plays Gaga Songs for the recommended 2 minutes.

I can tell you she was very impressed with the Nanoblocks. They are so small! She loves the alligator which comes with a moving mouth which literally opens and closes. These miniature blocks are so cool!

If your kids love building with blocks they will love these challenging building kits

Monday, April 28, 2014

Spring Break Day Trip At The Liberty Science Center

Over Spring break my husband and I took the kids to Liberty Science Center in Jersey City, NJ. I wish it wasn't so crowded. It was almost an hour wait on line to get in and then we never really got near a display or a table for the kids to be very hands on.

I loved this window with all it's cheery colors. Even though it was a cloudy day, this window made everything better.

How cool is this little race car? I love that bright yellow!

This massive Rubik's cube hangs in the center of the building. My kids had no idea what a Rubik's Cube was. Guess we haven't been doing our parental duty.

The kids got to move this star by riding a bike. Pretty cool.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Some W's For A Thursday

We saw this beautiful lady at the Liberty Science Center last week. This Black Widow Spider is only beautiful because she is behind glass. Not a great photo as she was behind glass and since it was Spring Break and I had lost my family way too many times to ignore where they were walking to, I zoomed in quickly on a stroll by over a bunch of heads and snapped this blurry photo.

Yes it is only a cellphone photo but my daughter was working it as winter ended. It took forever for the snow to go away this year. This was taken in this month.

Monday, April 14, 2014

My Goddess Is 9 #happybirthday

I cannot believe it! I really can't! 9! My Goddess is 9 and I am so happy and sad.  I have been trying to post about the kids birthdays for years.

It was only yesterday we were a couple without kids and now here we are 11 years later in the Blink Of An Eye and my BABY is 9.

We celebrated Goddess' birthday "week" long birthday celebration on Friday when we brought in cupcakes for her classmates. Saturday we headed to an over night stay at the Courtyard Marriott in Mount Arlington NJ.  My kids are thrilled just to stay overnight and swim in the pool. They think this is a vacation. When your kids have never been anywhere it is not hard to thrill them.  A big thanks to the Marriott for our comp breakfast. My kids loved watching TV while they ate at their personal TV. BTW we think your beds are the best! Sleeping on our own last night was a big let down after the best sleeps we have had in a long time. We even took a photo of the label that was on the mattress because we were impressed.
Source: Courtyard Marriott
Goddess slept in the chair, Handsome and I shared a bed and Teach took a bed to himself. They were exhausted after playing in the pool for hours.

Last night Goddess opened her gifts after asking her dad how long she would have to wait tomorrow. He would be working on her birthday and since she is off for Spring Break she didn't want to have to wait all day for him to come home. He told her she could open to which she quickly took him up on it.

When we asked her what she wanted she said two words "Monster High". Makes things nice and easy for us too because there is so many cool Monster High items out there.

Being the good girl she is, cards are always first.

I think she likes her Aunt Marta card
Card from Aunt Marta
Card from Mom, Dad & Handsome

Handsome picked this Monster High decorate the disco ball thingy himself. It lights up and is soooo cool. You can check out the High Voltage Tara Toy here.

She didn't even know she wanted this Nerf Rebelle! She is loving it.

The High Voltage String of Lights Kit is awesome. You  can color them with the markers included and hang them wherever.

Picking out a doll is really hard because I love them all. This one had pink snakes coming out of her hair so that made it an easy pick. Her name is Viperine Gorgon besides her she also got Monster High 13 Wishes Frankie Stein - somehow we forgot to take a photo of her.

I think her favorite thing came from Aunt Marta. What girl wouldn't like a make up kit featuring all kinds of beautiful glittery things. Here is a photo of the Just Play Monster High Monsterfy Make Up Case from Amazon.
Source: Amazon

 She had a wonderful time opening her gifts and smiled the whole time while her brother and father ow'd and ahhh'd.  She also got a jewelry making kit, Barbie doll clothes, really colorful socks and a new bathing suit. Unfortunately I have no video which makes me sad. It was the first time I haven't take a video of the kids opening their gifts. They love watching videos of themselves opening their gifts through the years.

Ten Things I Love About You:

I love how sweet you are. Always thinking about others and putting them before yourself. This morning I asked where you wanted to go for your birthday breakfast and you said, Handsome likes McDonalds. We ended up at McDonalds because that is what your brother would have liked. Such a good girl.

We love how artistic you are. Your skills are getting better and better. Here are some photos you did just last week.

You love listening to music. You enjoy singing and know the words to every song on the radio and what you don't know you ask questions about. We look up a lot of songs so you can see the videos and learn the words. Right now you are listening to Pink, Kelly Clarkson, Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, Lorde and Paramore

You are so funky and fun. You pick your clothes including shoes and accessories out every single night. Sometimes even the nail polish and lip gloss are coordinated to the outfit. You are very different and unique with a style all your own.

You have an incredible sense of humor. You always get the joke. I totally feel like I can do stand up when you are around.

You are like totally warped and I love it. Your creative artistic side mixes with your bizarre creepy wacky side and sometimes you can totally shock me. Like when you created this guy by stuffing clothes into your clothes and using a ball for a head. "Mommy imagine if the head totally turned around right now! What would you do?"

That you totally change up your room almost every week. From sheets to what toys are on your shelves or rugs on the floor. You love to decorate.

You like helping. You love to cook and want to help clean or do laundry. Who wouldn't love the extra help? I can't wait until I can give you more demanding chores.

You love sitting at the computer and searching out cute animal videos. You think everything is cute. We have watched our fair share of adorable animals and know that one day I will miss this.

You whisper everything to me. If you want someone else to know something, your hot breath on my ear is expected. It could be your grandparents, aunt, or father but I will hear it first.

In a while we will make your birthday cake together but right now you are sitting with your friends from down the street watching a movie and before you know it you will be 10 and I will be crying but until now I will continue to love being with you while I can because you are truly the best part of my day. You make me crazier then any other but without you I would be completely LOST.

I hope you have a wonderful birthday my love!

Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Walking With Dinosaurs Is A Visual Masterpiece

I know this isn't the first time I have mentioned Walking With Dinosaurs but I am finally getting a chance to write my thoughts on the movie down.

 The 411 by Maria: 

I was floored with the 3D animation. This is truly cutting edge technology that is worth seeing. 

Patchi is our main character and he received his name because as a tiny little baby just out of his dino egg, a massive prehistoric bird swoops in and tries to take him away from his family. It is survival of the fittest after all and the bird probably has a family to take care and Patchi was going to be food. He is eventually saved from being regurgitated bird food but ends up with a hole in his ear that you can hear the wind whistle through.

Like most animal movies, Patchi and his brother Scowler end up orphans after his father perishes in a fight to the death. Sad yes but thankfully they don't spend anytime showing us what happens to dear old dad.

Eventually the brothers are in a new "family" migrating and learning their place in the herd.

Personally I was more amazed with the graphics then the storyline. It is a masterpiece! The storyline was a little slow for me HOWEVER, my kids and the two boys I babysit for the same age as mine 8 and 10 LOVED it. They want to see it every time they come over and isn't that what really matters in a children's movie?!

Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Journaling For Sanity

Over the past three months I have been journaling daily. There are just some things that don't belong on the internet for everyone to see. Journaling is something I have done since I am 9 years old with my first Holly Hobbie Diary, a Christmas gift from a family member.

This Journal isn't very big but since I was busy with life and eventually kids and my blog it houses the years 2002 - now. I find it fascinating to re-read some passages especially since it contains my months of trying to get pregnant with my first born.

Lately each passage has been less happy or hopeful but it is still fascinating to re-read. I see some turmoil, some sadness, some heartbreak, and tear stains but I also see a new dawn emerging and I pray that it only gets better from there.

I am tired of not living life to the fullest due to circumstances beyond my control! I am capable and will survive even this bump in my road. Life is good and I am good!

Do you journal? How often? I would love to know if there is anyone out there who still takes pen to paper and puts all the ugly and darkness on paper for your eyes only.

Monday, April 07, 2014

Lalaloopsy Redo By Goddess

So, do you see the Lalaloopsy Doll called Peanut Big Top?!

Well here is Goddess' version of this doll after a make over.

She loves changing up her dolls these days. It came out of the toy box and now sits on a shelf in her room!

Mellow Yellow Monday = Brownie Thinking Day

Thinking Day was in February but I am finally looking at the photos. Thinking Day is one of my favorite girl scout celebrations. It is a day that the Girl Scouts of America get together and celebrate friendship but also to show how Girl Scouts of America are part of a global community as 150 countries participate.

Goddess Troop was the Color Guard this year and present the flags for the start of the ceremony. Goddess is holding the Brownie flag. I was so proud. 

After that we walk around to other troop tables with a passport and learn about whatever country they have chosen to represent, sample foods and do crafts. It is really a lot of fun and I have sampled some delicious foods.

Here the girls sampled cookies and made pasta necklaces.

Goddess was patiently waiting behind a line of girls to get her necklace tied.

Some of the necklaces

Another table full of things from the country they chose

These cookies were unbelievable!

Goddess making some crafts next to a troop representing Mexico