Maria's Space: 2008

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Getting Ready For 2009

I don't know about you people but ending a year means tons of work for me.

Here is my agenda for the next week in no particular order.

  • Visit 3 more homes to exchange gifts.
  • Put away holiday decorations.
  • Clean all rooms thoroughly.
  • Send out thank you cards/holiday cards.
  • Get my husband's company ready for taxes (spreadsheets, receipts, filing paperwork).
  • Get household finances in order (categorize on Money, file paperwork, organize).
  • Make a photo book through Clark of Christmas 2008.
  • Clean out photos and video from cameras and sort into folders.
  • Go through and delete any photos not worth keeping (approx 5,000 pictures).
  • Make a folder of the best of 2008 pictures and put the others onto a hard drive and onto back up DVDs.
  • Find homes for all Christmas gifts.
  • Pull out 2009 calendar and mark important dates on it.
  • Put my feet up and reflect on the new year.

Tired On Christmas Morning


Photo taken by Handsome 5.5 years old.

Monday, December 29, 2008

"They're Here"

We always ask Goddess why she ends up in our bed. Her reasons change over the weeks.

Reason 1 - "I don't know".

Reason 2 - "I really, really try but I can't do it".

Reason 3 - "My dreams bring me to your bed, I am very, very sorry".

Reason 4 - "The TV brings me to your room." This is what she told my husband last night. Today I asked again. Her answer was "The TV brings me there. It takes me by the hand and walks me into your room." I asked whose TV and she said "yours."

I am not sure why my TV is pissed at me but I seriously need to talk to it. The Teach and I wake with terrible back aches over the past few years because we have to share a bed with the twitching little mama. I may have to get rid of the damn TV and see what happens.

Ruby Tuesday - Christmas Morning After The Chaos

Head over to Mary's Ruby Tuesday Meme by hitting the button above.

Opening the gifts is fun but I love to see the kids sit with all their presents. Getting them to sit is impossible but the pictures are always fun to look at over the years. My parents used to take a picture like this every year and I still love looking to see what I got for Christmas waaaayyy back in the day.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Monday Morning Memes - Blue Monday Manic Monday, Monochrome Maniacs

Here is my daughter wearing a coat that belongs to her father. He has never worn it but I can't throw it away. I just might have to take pictures of the kids wearing it over the years.

This is a photo of Santa's Christmas cookies which the kids left out for him before going to bed. This is the second year that we are putting them out and I plan on continuing for many more Christmas Eves. In the past we went to my in-laws house and got home long after the kids had fallen asleep. This is something I used to do as a child and love that my kids are so excited about it. We place them in a special Santa plate with the matching cup on a little Santa table.

This was taken with my new Canon EOS 50D. I have a lot to learn but I shot this in black and white with this meme in mind. I anyone has any helpful hints about using this camera, I would much appreciate it.

Sunday Stealing: The TV Meme

1. Name a TV show series in which you have seen every episode at least twice: Lost and Ghost Hunters.

2. Name a show you can't miss: Ghost Hunters, Ghost Whisper and Lost

3. Name an actor that would make you more inclined to watch a show: George Clooney

4. Name an actor who would make you less likely to watch a show: Rosie O'Donnel

5. Name a show you can, and do, quote from: Married with Children

6. Name a show you like that no one else enjoys: General Hospital

7. Name a TV show which you've been known to sing the theme song: Gilligan's Island

8. Name a show you would recommend everyone to watch: Ghost Whisper

9. Name a TV series you own: None

10. Name an actor who launched his/her entertainment career in another medium, but has surprised you with his/her acting chops in television:

11. What is your favorite episode of your favorite series? Lost - Sawyer and Kate locked in a cage.

12. Name a show you keep meaning to watch, but you just haven't gotten around to yet: The Mentalist

13. Ever quit watching a show because it was so bad? Grey's Anatomy

14. Name a show that's made you cry multiple times: Little House on the Prairie

15. What do you eat when you watch TV? I drink coffee or water

16. How often do you watch TV? Average an hour a night

17. What's the last TV show you watched? Ghost Whisper

18. What's your favorite/preferred genre of TV? Ummm...don't have one.

19. What was the first TV show you were obsessed with? The Brady Bunch. What? I was like 9 years old.

20. What TV show do you wish you never watched? Dancing With the Stars, Big Brother and the Bachelor, I can't get enough of them.

21. What's the weirdest show you enjoyed? Wipe Out

22. What TV show scared you the most? Nothing yet.

23. What is the funniest TV show you have ever watched? Friends made me laugh out loud

Saturday 9

1. What was the best thing that happened to you personally in 2008? I guess that would be being chosen to be a Godmother to my girlfriend's daughter. I know what a big deal this is for her because she took 8 years to chose someone. Getting the phone call from my soon to be God-daughter saying she was excited made it very memorable year.

2. What was the worst thing that happened to you personally in 2008? That would be having something from my past come back to haunt me. I felt that I had walked away from a situation that would have been life altering but then I stare into the eyes of someone I love and discuss the situation in detail.

3. What was the best thing to happen to all of us in 2008? Anyone who is able to read that question right now is lucky to be alive. That is the best thing in my eyes that has happened. Any day above ground is a blessed day.

4. What was the worst thing to happen to all of us in 2008? I can't talk for everyone. What is good or bad for anyone is about perspective. What may be something I consider the worst thing possible may be a blessing for someone else.

5. What was the best gift you receive during the ’08 holidays? My Camera. My husband has purchased over 6 cameras for me in the past 11 years. Between 35mm, digital, video, and then digital video he has probably spent over $8,000 on camera for me over the years.

6. What was the best gift (most appropriate or best received) you gave during the ’08 holidays? My son getting his Star Wars game for Wii. It was the only present he opened, stopped, jumped up, and threw his arms around my waist to say thank you.

7. Do you have any regrets about what you did in 2008? No. I don't believe in living with regrets.

8. Do you have any regrets about what you didn’t do in 2008? No! See above answer.

9. Did you meet anyone that became important to you in 2008? I met the mom of one of my son's friends and a grandmother of another that I care very much for. They are in my thoughts often and I wish we had more time to talk in our busy schedules.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Saturday Six

1. How many members of your family not living with you did you see on Christmas Day? NONE

2. When spending time with family, how long after you arrive do you begin to feel “antsy” about being there too long? About 5 hours.

3. Is your family more likely to have pleasant discussions or heated arguments during a big meal? Do you join in or quietly listen in? We have pleasant discussions and I am usually an observer.

5. Consider the family member whose views are most opposite of your own: If your friends or co-workers met the person, what single topic would probably be the source of the most embarrassment for you if your friends heard that person talking? Probably just the absolute potty mouth this person uses on a continual basis to discuss and describe everything.

6. Did you get everything you wanted for Christmas? What one thing that you didn’t get would you like to have received? There are two things. I wanted the Twilight Box-set and Season 1 of Lost on DVD. I received the most awesome gifts so I really can't complain.

My Christmas Gift!


No, you can't see it! It's not one of the gifts with the beautiful wrapping paper under my tree. It was the camera that took the photo.

A Canon EOS 50D Digital SLR Camera!

This was the first photo taken and I have a lot to learn.

Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday.

Friday 5 - End-of-Year Positivity

This Week's Friday 5
  1. What’s one really cool/useful/nice thing you purchased for yourself this year? I purchased a necklace themed from the movie Twilight. I love it!
  2. What’s one area of your life you really improved this year? That would be my schedule. I keep a better calendar. The kids have school, extra-curricular activities and various appointments to keep. I write everything down so I maintain total control.
  3. Who or what was a regular source of encouragement or inspiration to you this year? My husband! His advice and relaxed manner throughout the year takes a lot of my stress away. He has always told me to not spend time concentrating on things I have no control over and that is exactly how I live my life.
  4. What’s something nice you did for someone else this year? Oh I don't know...probably. What I may think was something special, someone might think was no big thing and what I think was no big thing someone may think was special. It is all about prospective.
  5. In what way was 2008 better than 2007? A year makes a big difference when it comes to toddlers. My children are a great source of inspiration, and comedic relief. They also allow me to try to give someone a full, hopefully wonderful childhood. Now that they are getting older I really love my conversations with them.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I'm Not A RedNeck But I Play One On The Weekend

This past weekend my husband was sweet enough to build me a fire while we watched the kids play in the snow.

It was fre-fre-freezing out, so he asked if I wanted a fire.

Me, being the nice girl or martyr I am said, No thanks, it's ok.

He, being the gentleman did it anyway.

After grabbing some of our broken bricks that are scattered under our deck he built a small chimney with a half lid using a broken shingle from the house so that the snow wouldn't put out the fire. Then he grabbed some cinder blocks and a piece of wood which was my bench.

It was toasty I must admit.


Saturday Six on Wednesday

1. On an average year, how many days before Christmas do you generally finish your Christmas shopping? I am usually totally done three weeks before.

2. Is the economy making you spend any less on gifts this year, or are you spending about the same? I have spent about the same.

3. What part of the Christmas scene do you find the most chaotic? What part do you generally worry most about? Visiting the in-laws on Christmas day. It isn't the house that is chaotic, it's the traveling and the stress I feel leading up to the day. Last year was the first year I told them I wouldn't be coming on Christmas Eve (something we have been doing for over 14 years) because I wanted my kids to fall asleep in their own home. My husband's family always does Christmas Eve gifts at Midnight. When we leave there my children obviously are already sleeping from the hour + ride and then we carry them to their beds. They never get to experience what I loved as a child; putting out the milk and cookies and trying not to fall asleep for fear you would miss Santa. I want them to have that and honestly, my son's reaction to the cookies being gone last year is my favorite memory from Christmas morning. Read it here.

5. What Christmas movie is your favorite? Which one is your least favorite? I like the Polar Express. I guess my least favorite is The Christmas Story. I know it is a classic but I just don't get it and think once is enough.

6. What Christmas tradition from years past do you miss the most now? I guess it would be opening 1 present which was always PJ's

Monday, December 22, 2008

Have Scissor Will Cut Hair

Yesterday, I set the kids up to do some crafts at the table. I went over for the occasional request (draw this, write this, glue this) but mostly they did their own thing. This happens about 4 time a week in this house but this day was different.

As I did my 100th flyby I noticed something on the floor under the table.

I said, What is that?

Goddess said, Nothing.

So, I reach under to pick it up and see that it is hair. Her hair! Goddess' hair! Her very first hair cut was done by herself??????

As I collect all the pieces of hair I notice that my son is still coloring and Goddess about to go into her blanket, "I'm just sorry" mode.

With all the pieces (3 small sections) clutched in my hand I remove her from her chair, remove the scissors from her hand, give her a tap on her butt and walk her to her room. Noticing that she is about to cry (insulted, scared, embarrassed, or otherwise I see the card I have to play).

I squat down and say, I am very sad. Now, I can't trust you with scissors. This makes me very sad. I stand and walk out of her room.

In true Goddess fashion (I knew this name would fit her when I started using when she was 3 months old) she quietly shut the door behind me.

Standing in the bathroom I look at myself in the mirror as I wait to go back into her room. I am so sad. Why? Maybe it is because this was her first haircut. Maybe it is because I left her alone for 2 seconds. Maybe she wants short hair and I am holding her back, was she making a statement?. Or maybe it is because I am mush when it comes to my kids and her cutting her beautiful hair reminds me of all the terrible haircuts that my grandmother gave me when I was little. Whatever it is, I have humungo tears in my eyes as I knock on her door and walk back into her room. (I know, I knocked on a 3 year old's door. I have been doing this since they were babies. They deserve their privacy and I want to respect that too) She is standing there where I left her trying to hid behind her Princess couch and looks at me.

Getting on my knees I put my hands on her shoulders.

I tell her to look at my eyes. She does.

As she glances at me, I allow a tear to roll down my face (I really should have been a damn actress), and say...I am so sad that you cut your hair. You had scissors close to your face and you could have hurt yourself. Mommy cannot let you do cutting unless I sit with you from now on. You can go color if you want. I hug her and leave.

Standing at the sink about to wash the glass in there she walks over to me.

I look down and she says, I am just so very sorry Mommy.

Giving her a pat on her head I say, I know you are.

She goes back to the table to color.

The whole time her brother has been sitting at the table coloring. As his father comes up the stairs, he runs over and says, "Daddy, Goddess cut her hair."

Giving my husband the envelope with her hair and the cut sign across my throat I tell him I would like to talk to him inside.

She is 3 and since we already talked about it I didn't want her to hear me talking about it with anyone else.

The moral of the story is, kids can't be trusted with scissors even if you have trusted them for months and even when it appears that one child is oblivious, they are taking in the whole thing.

Oh and another reason to go ape shit and yell at a child when they do something wrong....just get very serious and freak the hell out of them. If I had gone into freak out mode she would have felt defensive.

She will not be doing this anytime soon. How do I know?

6 hours later while cleaning up the toys I asked her to please stop throwing things.

Her response, "ok...I don't want you to be mad and sad like before."

Yes! 1 for mom 0 for kid

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Manic Monday - The Christmas Tree

Man, how I wish I had better photos of my tree....

I really love my tree. The decorations all mean something. Every item has a special meaning behind it. I can remember who gave it to me or where I bought it and why. There is the wedding one, the pregnant one, the second baby one, my parents ornaments, a best friend one, handmade ones, etc...they all hold a special place in my heart.
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Monochrome Monday

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The weekend was spent outdoors. The kids loved the snow and we err...the husband...had much shoveling out to do.

This is my daughter at the top of the mountain next to our house. The kids from the block all come here to sled. Weird!

My daughter has been watching my son go down this hill for 2 years and was dying to go. I kept telling her "next year" but my husband told her to go ahead.

My heart was in my mouth but she did fab and had a blast. She was also exhausted by the end of the night as you could imagine.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Excuse Me While I Freak Out!

This week I was contacted by the Media Editor of Parents magazine and told that I am their Huge Gift Guide Prize Package winner. Can you even imagine?

After using the local food pantry for the holidays over the past four years this is unbelievable to me. I plan on providing gifts to as many of my friends and family as possible who have been there for me over the years. There are been very loyal friends who gave my kids extra every year because they knew we couldn't. Christmas morning in my house has always been amazing but the past 4 years have shown me what true Christmas Spirit is really about. As I wrote to the strangers who bought gifts for my kids the last 3 years, "long after my kids believe in Santa, I will be able to tell them that there really is one and it lives in everyone."

Last week I mentioned that if you are not blog giveaways you are loco. Now, I am going to add, if you are not entering blog giveaways you won't be able to "Freak Out" as I am.

Please visit and buy from the following sponsors who donated gifts to the Goodblog's giveaway.

Friday Fill Ins

1. Said the night wind to the little lamb, do you hear me now??
2. The first Noel, the angel did say, What is noel?
3. Snow blankets the ground, Over the hills and everywhere.
4. It came upon the midnight clear, wow, look at all those stars.
5. If your stomach is heavy, Let your heart be light.
6. And the thing that will make them ring is the carol that you sing or try to sing on Christmas day.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to chilling with the homies, tomorrow my plans include shoveling out and Sunday, I want to relax.

Friday 5 for December 19: Keeping it Positive

  1. What’s your favorite thing about the shoes you’re wearing (or the shoes you were most recently wearing)? I love my ankle black boots. They have a small heel and under pants you would never know that they are only up to the ankle. They make me feel more dressed in jeans than if I were just wearing sneakers.

  2. What’s your favorite thing about the people you work with (or the people you go to school with)? I work with a review group online and I love how creative they are.

  3. What’s your favorite thing about the climate where you live? That we get to experience all of the seasons to their fullest.

  4. What’s your favorite thing about Friday? Ghost Whisper.

  5. What’s your favorite thing about the year coming to an end? Tying up all the loose ends and going through all my pictures as I get ready to close out the year.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

3 Year Old Goddess is Too Smart for Her Own Good

Yesterday Handsome came to me telling me that Goddess hit him. He wanted me to go talk to her because "she hit me in the head, could you please tell her please don't do that?!"

I call her over and ask, "did you hit your brother? Are we supposed to hit each other?"

She says, "No!"

I tell her "He is telling me that you hit him. His forehead is red, please come over and apologize to your brother for hitting him and don't do that again."

She again tells me "I didn't do it!"

So I ask, "who did it?"

Her answer: "I don't know. It's a mystery!"

In the words of Homer Simpson, Doh! What do I do with this chick?

This weekend after telling her to stop throwing things 2 times she threw a toy at me. I picked her up and put her in her room telling her that I warned her and that I would tell her when time out was over.

I heard her shut her door which is normal these days. I guess she feels like she has the power.

She came out briefly and then went back in. When I walked in less than 3 minutes later she was without pants and crouching in the middle of her bedroom with her back to me.

When I looked past her I noticed that she had peed right there in the middle of the room and the reason she had left her room was to get toilet paper (the only paper she can reach) to try and clean it up.

When asked why she peed in her room she said, "I don't remember where the bathroom is."

Double Doh! She knows where the damn bathroom is, umm...right across from her room. So I tell her, "you know where it is. It is right there."

Her answer, "oh, thanks mom."


Sepia Scences - Even Santa Knows The Reason for the Season

About 25 years ago I saw a snow globe that had Santa leaning over baby Jesus. His red hat was in his hand and his head was bowed. I collected snow globes and really wanted it. I never got it but have spent the past 25 years looking for it. This is an ornament I found about 3 years ago and is as close as the original as I can find. My search continues...
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Wordless Wednesday - Playdate Fun


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Product Review - Pledge Natural Beauty Furniture Polish - Try It For Yourself Giveaway

This weekend I received a bottle of Pledge Natural Beauty Furniture Polish. My family has been using Pledge since I was a child. I always loved the smell and as an adult I have tried other products but I always go back to Pledge.
Yes, it could use some updating but it is my favorite piece of furniture.
The reason: This is my mom's dresser. She got it in 1965, the year she got married. It is mine now and I wouldn't change a thing. It is just like it was when I dusted it as part of my chores.

Yes, Pledge Natural Beauty Furniture Polish smells great, shines and restores wood surfaces but there is another reason to use Pledge in your Household. Pledge uses an anti-dust formula that removes dirt, dust, smudges and COMMON ALLERGENS. We can protect our families from pesky allergens while making our home beautiful.

Common allergens such as pet dander, mold, dust mites, and pollen lead to all kinds of colds or worse health issues. Using Pledge Natural Beauty or other Pledge products can help your family keep your home cleaner and that is the best reason of all to use Pledge.

Pledge is just one of the products made my SC Johnson. They also make Drano, Shout, Scrubbing Bubbles, Glade, Windex and loads more. If you open up your cleaning supply cabinet I bet there will be at least 1 of these products in everyone's household. This company has been around for 120 years, they must be doing something right.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Ruby Tuesday - Some Holiday Decorations

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Finally, a place to put some of my Christmas decorations. My house doesn't have a whole lot of furniture and there aren't many places to put up shelves. The living room doesn't have a full wall at all. Here is the layout of my living room. Walk wall is a half wall or a up to your waist wall. Look over and there are the stair you just walked up. The other wall is all window, the third wall is a fireplace and the fourth wall, non-existent because that would be where the dining room is. In the dining room there are sliders on one wall, windows on the other, doorway into the kitchen on the third wall and then back to that non-existent wall (the livingroom). All of these decorations used to be on the floor by the tree or not put out at all.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Twilight Fans Gift - Etsy Find

Looking for a stocking stuffer for the Twilight Yesterday I received a necklace I ordered from Etsy seller Atlantis804. The necklace was going to be a gift but honestly...I love it too much to part with it.

I think even Bella and Edward (my desktop background) would approve. Doesn't it look like they are looking at their newborn or something?

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Friday, December 12, 2008

The Friday Meme's and Then Some

  1. When did you last sleep in a bed outside your home? The last time was 2 years ago when my sister in law in from California wanted her nieces and nephew all in the same house while she was visiting. My in-laws were away, so she got smores, made a tent, told ghost stories, and then we all crashed in my in-laws room because it was the only room with air-conditioning.
  1. When did you last drive someone else’s car? It was my girl Clarissa's Jeep. She knew that I would prefer to drive it if my kid was going to be in it. You got to love a friend who REALLY knows you.
  2. When did you last cook in someone else’s kitchen? Ummm...I don't know that I have. If I have then I don't remember.
  3. When did you last care for children who aren’t yours? Last year if we aren't counting the four legged kind. But I will be caring this Sunday for my dear friends baby girl for a few hours.
  4. When did you last do someone else’s job? I do someone elses job everytime I put cans back on the shelf at the supermarket

1. Friends but loves no more, just friends but not like before (Does anyone remember The Little Rascals?)

2. Good health; it's more than physical.

3. I'm ready for Christmas (don't be a hater!)

4. Lilacs is one of my favorite perfumes or aftershaves or smells.

5. The oldest ornament I have is an ornament that used to be my parents from the first year they were married.

6. Take some chocolate and milk mix it all together and you have my daughter's favorite drink.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to sitting with the kids to watch a holiday movie tomorrow my plans include spending time with my husband and Sunday, I want to play with the kids and some board games.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Sickies Have Taken Refugee In My House

We are all feeling a little under the weather. It started for me on Saturday night with a scratchy throat. The next day it was body aches and a nice, hearty cough followed by chills. Let's not even talk about the horrific sneezing. Umm...hello, it brings the kids running from whatever room they are in to say, "are you OK?"

Now, the Goddess is complaining and sneezing. She says her head hurts and has been a little quieter today. Even her gymnastic teacher came over concerned asking, "is she OK?"

I called the pediatrician to ask if I could give her St. Joseph's but was told only Tylenol. Crazy! My parents gave my sisters and I St. Joseph's for everything.

Hopefully my husband can hold off the cold but I doubt it considering that I have been holding onto mine like luggage, it is not going anywhere and the boy is now complaining too.

It would help if the weather would work with us. Most mornings we have hats, mittens, scarfs, boots and winter coats and the next we are just wearing a light jacket. Today started out warm but the cold is coming. We are suppose to get 1 to 1 1/2 inch of ice over night.

So just a reminder: Drink your OJ, get a good night sleep, have chicken soup and Tylenol on hand and make sure you dress those little ones warm with Pink and Blue. Like my mother always said, "if your head is warm and dry, you WILL BE warm and dry."

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

My Kids Wacky Christmas Lists

I think we should start setting money aside for the therapy that will undoubtedly be necessary for my kids.

Last night I asked the kids to let me know what to put on their list for Santa.

Here is what they asked for:

Handsome 5.5 Years Old

  • A Marching Band
  • Munch & Abe (he XBox game he plays)
  • Christmas Tree (Ok, Tiny Tim, we already one)
  • Bad Guy Toy
  • Bad Dog Toy ("like my Munch game")
  • Big Guy Toy
  • Daddy's Train (which is around the tree)
  • Snow Man
  • Spiderman Toy
  • Big Bed like Leo's (Leo is a friend of his and he has a loft bed)
  • Angel
  • Daniel Toy that I can knock down and play with
  • A Leo Toy
  • Sled
  • Family Dolls
  • Ghost
  • Skeleton
  • Dora & Boots
  • Bat (He means the flying kind)
  • Snowball

Goddess' List 3.5 Years Old
  • A Marching Band (A black one)
  • Giant Bear
  • Giant Owl
  • Ghost
  • Mummy
  • Bat
  • Halloween Toys
  • Skeleton
  • Play Doh
  • Dancing Snowman
  • Fan in my room "A Princess fan" (Honestly I didn't know what she meant until she pointed to the dining room fan. She wants a ceiling fan!
  • Scissors
  • Moon
Umm...oddly enough I always thought my kids were pretty average, now I am not so sure.

Sepia Scenes - Goddess and The Rubber Chicken

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Goddess is holding the ugliest rubber chicken to her cheek. She only had it for about 4 hours before her brother broke it. Meaning that the water and egg that comes out of it's butt when you squeeze it (don't ask) was shooting everywhere. I finally removed the sack that held the egg and water and now it is just a rubber chicken with a hole in its butt (don't ask).

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

My Advent Calender - Christmas 2008

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Over 10 years ago I read somewhere about a women who did 24 days of Christmas with her children by wrapping their Christmas books, DVDs, video tapes.

About 3 months ago I went through the kids book cases and pulled out anything that was related to Christmas and stored them in a bin in a closet. November 30th I spent about an hour wrapping all the books and movies and put them in a basket.

December 1st I put the basket on the table for the kids to see when they woke up. I explained that everyday one of them will open 1 gift and when the basket was empty it would be Christmas.

My son opens on the odd days and my daughter on the even. They keep track of who opens what and I love hearing them discuss the basket. It took about 3 days for them to get the concept. Of course they want to open all of them.

I love this tradition and hope to keep it going for as long as I can.

If it is a book we open, we read it, a movie we watch it and a CD we listen to it. It is a great way to enjoy Christmas for a whole month.

Usually December is about planning and buying all for one day. Then the one day is over on Christmas Day.

With our Advent calender we have Christmas for a month. We love it.

Hump Day Memes - Wordless Wednesday & ABC Wednesday

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ABC Wednesday is up to letter "U". My thought for the letter is "under the tree." Last Christmas with the help of family, the food pantry, and friends we were able to give my kids an amazing Christmas morning. My son's reaction when he came out in the morning was "wow."
That about sums it up.

Goddess Names Things - God I love 3 year olds!

If something is missing in the house she says the "taker monster" must have it.

She wants to name her black dress up shoes "tappy"

Monday, December 08, 2008

Ruby Tuesday - Our Santa Visit


We went to see Santa on Friday. There were 4 people in front of us and the line went very quickly. When it was our turn we were there for 25 minutes. It wasn't because of the kids it was Santa. He was very sweet and took a lot of time talking to my daughter and occasionally my son who was sitting next to him. It was a sweet experience. He held my daughter's hands as she stood in front of him and in the most loving Santa voice said, "I know what your name is, your name is Cinderella." The he sang Santa Claus is Coming to Town and asked them what they wanted for Christmas, if they have been good, if what he wants them to leave out for him on Christmas (cookies, milk and carrots for the reindeer), what he should bring for mama ("is she a good mama? What should I bring her?" The answer "Christmas presents") etc.

It was very nice and I was able to take tons of pictures while waiting for the photographer to tell me when he was ready. I was getting uncomfortable as I moved around taking photos from all angles because there were people waiting on the line. I told the photographer to let me know when he was ready and I would stop using my flash. He said, "whenever Santa is ready" as he and the other assistant rolled their eyes.

Finally, we got the picture done and Santa told the kids to "mind their mama" to which I filled in "that means no talking back, hitting, or fighting."

Then, he reached into a bag behind his back and pulled out a little bear, holding Goddess he said, "I never do this but if I give you this bear will you take it home and take care of it forever?" She said "yes."

He turned to Handsome and said, "would you like one too?" My son of course said, "yeah".

I went to pay and watched two more have photos taken. He gave them candy canes and was with each about 3 minutes.

It was a touching visit and my kids are dying to go back.

Amateur Book Review - Queen of The Road

When the Family Review Network asked for reviewers for Queen of The Road by Doreen Orion I jumped at the chance after reading the summary.

Doreen Orion's husband had a dream. He wanted to spend a year on a bus traveling the U.S.

The cover says:

The True Tale of 47 States
22,000 Miles
200 Shoes
2 Cats
1 Poodle
1 Husband
and a Bus with a will of its own

I found this book hysterical. I love Doreen. This chick can tell a story. I love her attitude, the fact that she makes no apologies for who she is, her wit and her relationship with her husband.

Anyone whose nickname for their husband is "Project Nerd" while wearing her Manolo's and eating bonbons, while sipping a martini has to be a character. I would love her as a friend.

Doreen and Tim's relationship is based on mutual respect for each other and accepting and loving each other for the differences as much as their similarities which as far as I can tell is just their profession (the are both psychiatrists).

Her recount of the bus door flying open while Tim was driving made me laugh out loud.

Each chapter begins with a martini recipe and instructions, such as the:

Love Me Bender
2 parts passion fruit liqueur
2 parts champagne
1 part raspberry liqueur

Rest shaker on hip, gyrate, drink. If you can still recall that the love of your life is making
you live on a bus, repeat.

I love her description of Mardi Gras. She writes: Why would I want to scream and beg funny looking people to throw me some gaudy plastic doodads that wouldn't (Thank God) go with a single outfit I own?

And how she goes on to write how cows become steak, deer becomes venison and pigs turn into pork but chicken, rabbit and turkey stay the same. Funny, never thought about it but now I do.

I love how she also goes to her first open coffin wake and compares the body to waxed fruit. This chick is Fun-knee!!

Honestly, there are too many good things to point out in this book. Doreen is a great storyteller I mean really who else could take the story of 2 people traveling cross-country by bus and make it entertaining?

Check out her website for more information on the book, her podcasts, interviews, merchandise and more.

I highly recommend this book and will be passing it to a friend to enjoy.

This is a great stocking stuffer for any reader in your life.

Amateur Book Review - Then Along Came An Angel


Then Along Came An Angel by Julie Bonn Heath

I love all things Angel. Online I call myself Angel, my daughter’s middle name is a derivative of angel, I collect angels and my mother is my angel in the sky, so when this review came up I really wanted in. Thankfully I was selected to receive a copy.

With no expectations other than I was going to review a book about experiences with angels I propped up some pillows and got ready to read.

I read the book in one night. The book is actually a compilation of angel stories told by the people who lived it, the people whose lives were altered, either by the feeling of an angel or someone in human form.

The stories range from survivors of impossible catastrophes to kidnapped children being returned.

One that sticks with me is of a women who was driving her children. As they drove along she kept noticing a man on every corner. She says it was impossible that he walked as fast as she was driving, but he always seemed to be there. When she finally got to a red light, the man walked over and told her to get out of the car. He said that there was a fire. Her daughters were concerned, but something made her trust a stranger and she and her daughters got out. She walked across the street with the stranger, when she got there her car went up in flames and when she turned to the man he was gone. She was told that the fire started where the girls would have been sitting. Thankfully she trusted her “feeling” and got out. Divine intervention is a powerful thing and the people in these stories will forever be changed because of their experiences.

We all wish we saw signs that were so blatant, signs to tell us or reassure us that there is a higher, greater power than us. The signs are all there if we chose to see them. Most of us walk around ignoring the signs of celestial power but thankfully the people in these stories live to tell about coming through the human fog of doubt and seeing the glory of all that is good.

Whether these stories are fabricated or someone’s imagination, the fact that their life was altered in the best way possible (finding faith) is what really matters.

If you are looking for a beautiful read for yourself or for someone else, you really couldn't go wrong with this book. I believe it should be passed around from friend to friend and never collect dust on ones bookshelf. So if you get one, pass it on to someone else with the same message. Mine is going to a women I know who could use a smile on her face.


Saturday, December 06, 2008

Weekend Snapshot

Someone is playing Santa. All her animals are the reindeer and the basket of presents is out Advent calender (more on that later).

Questions of the Week #42

As a regular reader of Me and Mine I recently decided to join one of her meme's called Questions of the Week.

Here’s this weeks questions.

1. I want to see you. Can you post the very latest photo of yourself? Or link me up with your latest photo.

I had my son take this just now. Can you tell I am on about 5 hours of broken sleep?

2. Do you remember what last week was? What? Um, yes...I think so. It was the week of Thanksgiving preparation.
3. Are you going to spend more money or less money than last year’s Holiday Season? Unfortunately more. I usually shop more during the year. This time I feel like I did most of my shopping in November and December.
4. Do you prefer your clocks/watches to be set on 12hr or 24hr time? 24 hour!
5. Do you like the funny junk mails that friends or relatives send you? Nope! I never read any of them. They sit for days and then I finally have to just delete them. I get about 250 emails a day.
6. Have you ever fainted? Too many times. Mostly when I used to take the subway and get stuck in a tunnel. My mind would get the best of me and I would end up hyperventilating thinking about all the carbon I was breathing in from everyone else. It was just too warm in there. Fortunately, my live in boyfriend was with me (we worked together) and he would carry me over his shoulder until he could get a seat.
7. What other capital city aside from your own country you’ve been to already? What was it? None.
8. When you see a number between around 1900 and 2050, do you automatically think of years? 1978, the year my mother died.
9. How many hours of sleep do you get on average on weeknights? 3-6 broken hours. I tell my kids daily that they are putting me in an early grave. Therapy money is being saved as we speak.
10. Santa can only give you 3 things this Christmas and each gift can only be $15 or less. What are you going to get? Link us up;-) Twilight, Chocolate, and a People Magazine.

Friday, December 05, 2008

Friday FIll Ins

1. Snow Cones

2. I'm looking forward to Sunday lunch with my girls.

3. My husband is the best friend I have ever!

4. One of my favorite old tv shows is moonlighting.

5. I'm done with today.

6. The most enjoyable thing around the holidays is playing with my kids.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to going to bed early, tomorrow my plans include wrapping gifts and Sunday, I want to go to lunch with my girlfriends on our yearly holiday lunch date.

Friday 5 for December 5: Childhood Indulgences

1. When did you last have a mid-day nap?
Probably about 5 1/2 years ago when I started my maternity leave while pregnant with my son.

2. When did you last have milk and cookies?
Oh, I love milk and cookies and try NOT to have it. It has been a while. More than a year.

3. When did you last have a bubble bath?
Ahhhh...I would love a bubble bath. I had one about 5 months ago and before that 5 1/2 years ago.

4. When did you last jump on the furniture?
About 2 years ago I jumped with my son on the bed. Big mistake, I have been trying to keep the kids off ever since.

5. When did you last play in the mud?
I don't think I ever played in the mud but I have diddled with facial mask mud.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Thematic Photographic 27 - Shadow

This week I am jumping onto the Thematic Photographic meme by Carmi again. Since the theme is shadow I am going to use one of my absolute favorite pictures from this year.


Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Has Your Kid Ever Freaked You Out?!

Tonight after giving the kids a bath I braided my daughter's hair and combed my son's hair. Afterwards we headed to the bathroom so they could look in the mirror.

I held the mirror out for my son and he checked himself out and nodded. I guess that means he liked it. He's a man of few words like his dad. My daughter came in to spin her braids around in the mirror and laugh at herself. When I looked at my son in the hall he was reaching out his hand straight in front of him and with his thumb and pointer finger looked like he was grabbing something. I made the same gesture with curiosity and he put his hand down.

I asked, "what are you doing?"

He said, "trying to grab the blue thing."

I asked "what blue thing?"

He tells me, "the spinning blue thing."

Ahhh what? What the hell is he seeing?

I say, "where is it?"

He says, "right there."

I try again, "what blue thing?"

Again, he tells me, "the spinning thing" but then gets agitated.

I say "what does it look like?"

He says, "like Daniel." (Daniel is a classmate) "Do you know Daniel doesn't listen to his grandma?"

This is something he says all the time so I don't know if he was trying to change to subject or if he got distracted. All I know is I was freaked out!!!!!

Goddess Randomness

When my daughter is spinning around when she stops she pretends to bump around and says, I'm busy!" When I ask "you're dizzy?" She says, "No,'s the same word!"

Today, in the car she shouted, "look it's a shooting star! LOOOOOOKKKKK"!!!!
When I looked up it was a plane but I love that she thought it was a shooting star.

She likes her hair braided these days and calls it "Katy Hair." She gets so excited when she sees herself in the mirror with her Katy Hair. When we finally take the braids out she says, she has "your hair." She likes my hair natural and I like it straight. I make it straight because I love her hair she wants hers wavy because she likes mine. Already at 3 she wants hair she doesn't have and doesn't want the hair she does. Grrr...women are never happy.

She is in the Why stage and asks why for everything. Now, instead of just why she says, "Whhhyyyy da do dattttttttttttttttt?" Agggghhhh!

When I put her to bed at night she says, "stay wit me!" I tell her I can't because I need to, fold clothes, drink my tea, sit with daddy or whatever else I need to do that night. After that she says, "ok, but will you come and check on me?" It takes everything to walk out of her room.

As crazy as this chick can make us with her banshee shriek we are totally in love with her. She is the sweetest baby girl ever. It is impossible to get mad at her even when she makes me mad. God I hate that!

These days she wants to help. Whenever we are cooking or cleaning she is asking to help. She also takes it upon herself to do quick pick ups. I was about to clean up the other day when the phone rang. I picked it up and had a conversation with my girlfriend. As I did I watched Goddess run around putting things away, throwing things away, putting stuff in the sink, in drawers, on beds or wherever they needed to be. It was actually very amusing to see her little mind work. She is an amazing 3 year old and I adore her.

She is always asking if I wish I were little. "Mommy, do you wish you were small like me? If you were little, you could come to school with me and play with me. We could be bwest fwends." You are my best friend honey. I love being with you and you make my heart smile. I laugh every day because of something you do or say.

I love watching the way you play. You have a wonderful imagination. God bless you baby girl. I can't wait to see what could of women you are going to be.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

ABC Wednesday - T

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T is for Tia. Every Christmas Tia comes from California to spend time with her niece and nephew. She stays over one night and we try to see her 3 times while she is visiting. The kids are very lucky to have her in their life and they know they can count on her for the most awesome presents. This year she is totally out doing herself in the gift department. I can't wait to post pictures of the kids with their gifts from her. Last year when this picture was taken, the kids and Aunt Marta made some cookies and a foam gingerbread house. This year I may just have to get a real gingerbread house and see how they do with that.

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T is for Toys. There are so many Christmas toys under the Christmas tree and this is way before Christmas. The train, The Little People train, Little People Manager and Christmas Village, along with various other kid friendly things are out of control. I love this shot of my son waiting for the train to come around.

Product Review - Evergreen Wreath from Wreath's Direct

When Family Review Network asked if I wanted be included in their Evergreen Wreath campaign I couldn't respond to the email fast enough.

A few days later, UPS delivered a white box and a wreath printed on the front. My excitement got my kids wondering what could be in this box.

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They hung around while I opened the top and we all peeked in.

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Both of them let out a
wow it's a Christmas tree
to which I replied "almost" because it certainly did smell like one! The smell was amazing!

Who doesn't love the smell of fresh cut pine?

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While I thought about pulling my Autumn wreath off the door and placing the Evergreen
wreath there, the smell made me not want to waste it on the door. Why not put it in the
house so that we could enjoy the aroma? So that is exactly what we did. I have a raised
ranch which means when you open my front door you are greeted by walls and stairs. The
first thing you see when you step in is the wall where one of my paintings hung. I
removed the painting and placed the wreath. The aroma is there but I don't get to see
the wreath so I doubt I will keep it there for long. The wreath is beautiful and I want to
look at it. I might take down some photos and hang it above the fireplace. As the air in
the living room gets warm from the fire the scent from the wreath will permeate the house.

It is like having a little Christmas tree nice and early. Since we get a live tree, we usually don't put it up until the 2nd weekend in December. The wreath is a great way to add a holiday touch to the house while we wait for the Christmas tree.


Monday, December 01, 2008

All About Him

1. He's sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen?
Fox News, NJ Devils, Football or The History Channel.

2. You're out to eat; what kind of dressing does he get on his salad?

3. What's one food he doesn't like?
4. You go out to the bar. What does he order?Beer

5. Where did he go to high school? Public H.S. In New Jersey

6. What size shoe does he wear? 12

7. If he was to collect anything, what would it be? Guitars

8. What is his favorite type of sandwich? Italian Sub

9. What would he eat every day if he could? Pizza

10. What is his favorite cereal? Wheaties

11. What would he never wear? Turtlenecks

12. What is his favorite sports team? NY Giants, NJ Devils

13. Who did he vote for? McCain/Palin
14. Who is his best friend? Me
15. What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn't do? Climb on step stools and ask instead of tell.

16. How many states has he lived in? Two

17. What is his heritage? Spanish

18. You bake him a cake for his birthday; what would it be? Chocolate/Chocolate
19. Did he play sports in high school? Yes, football

20. What could he spend hours doing? Reading, watching TV, sleeping

21. What's something cool about him? He is amazing and can do anything. There is nothing he can not do. He is self taught in so many things.

Ruby Tuesday - Baby's First Christmas 2005



Product Review - Polliwalks The Coolest Shoes

This is going to be the easiest review I have ever written.

When Family Review Network asked if I wanted to review Polliwalks I was ecstatic especially when I saw all the cool boy styles.

I have a son and daughter. Buying for my daughter is very easy, there are so many styles for little girls as is the case with Polliwalks too but, they have tons of boy friendly shoes too.

We received the box last week and my son was beyond excited to review something.

You can go here and see all the reasons to buy Polliwalks.

Here are my reasons:

1. Tons of styles for all kids tastes.
2. Cool animal prints on the bottom.
3. My son refuses to wear anything else.
4. Everyone and I mean everyone noticed them and commented.
5. My son says they are so comfortable, "like my slippers."
6. They are fun.

I had the most amazing conversation with a 4 year old about these shoes. My son was in his martial arts class and a kid sitting along the wall came over to chat me up about the shoes.

Kid - Where did you get those shoes from?
Me- I am going to review them for the company.
Kid - I really like them and I think my brother would like them, what size are they?
Me- Well thank you. They are a size 1. (wondering if they were his brother's size would he try to take them).
Kid - Oh, my brother is a size 3. I really like them.
Me - Why do you like them?
Kid- They are very different. I like the color and kids like animals. Also, I have never seen them before, I think I would be the only one with them.
Me - Well, thanks for your input. I am sure the company would love to hear that.

These are the Gator Style. I love that they can be worn as slip-ons after the child outgrows the sandal with a strap. The strap at the ankle flips forward covering the gators eyes for a less casual, playful sandal.

These on the other hand are called Fish Lips and are part of their spring line. Fish Lips (a fish sandal whose squishy lips change color when exposed to UV rays of the sun) and FIREFLY (a clog in the form of a firefly that has a light in the back that lights up when in motion, like a firefly!) will be available at Dillards this holiday.
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Product Review - A Month Of Meals

Check out A Month of Meals
A Month of Meals was designed to help you:
  • Consistently save money.
  • Spend more time with your family
  • Shop and cook less
  • Help you plan your food budget and your menu.
Imagine spending only approximately $200 A MONTH. Yes, that is not an error. Only about $200 month on groceries. I spend almost that weekly now.

Included in A Month of Meals, you will receive:

The first time I used the plan, I was so excited. I felt no pressure walking into A& P. There was no wondering aimlessly through the aisle wondering what I would be making for the week. I was armed with my list and ready to shop. I felt good as I headed to the checkout with my small but detailed collection of items. There was no extras since I walked in knowing what I was buying and I spent $48.90. Usually I would have spent $160.00 because I have no game plan, or no menu ideas. I just walk through wondering what my children, or my husband would want to eat.
My favorite recipe so far has been for the eggplant parm. My husband loved the tuna melts and the kids the mini pizzas.
Order the E-book today and get yourself on track to save money and eat better for you and your whole family.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Handsome Performs

This Wednesday, all parents were invited to watch the pre-school class perform a song. I didn't make a big deal out of it because honestly, I didn't know there was going to be an actual performance. While watching, I really wish that The Teach was there.

We were all directed to a door for the church. There were 2 moms standing on either side handing out flyers. The flyer was a detail of everything that was going to happen.

My son and his class marched out all dressed as either a bear, squirrel or a bunny. Handsome was a squirrel. He scanned the crowd for me and then waved when he saw me. It was then that I wished his father was there. He didn't make a beeline for me, he was standing with his class waiting for his teacher to direct them.

They all did the Pledge of Allegiance then started singing a song called, "animal homes."

I don't remember all the words but I love the part where they said,
"we're squirrels, we shake our tails like this" and my son turned as he obviously had been taught to shake his big paper bag tail. He was the only one to do so. Beam!

After that there was a video montage' where the teacher took 2 kids at a time into the kitchen, let them play in the sandbox and asked them all the same question. "How do you think turkey"

Innocent question and it was fun to hear some of the kids talk about how you have to put chocolate or hot dogs or some such thing in it. Or the kid who said when a turkey falls on the floor you have to wash it.

Then she made them smile at the camera and say "Happy Thanksgiving."

Afterward there was a Thanksgiving party. It was great!
Unfortunately, I didn't get many great photos. It was too dark and the camera wasn't cooperating or maybe the photographer sucked. Either way...I hate that I didn't get any good pictures of him on stage.

It was great. Baby Boy you made me so proud!! I love you.

4 Days of Daddy Fun

This weekend we made a TooBEEZ for that was the star of the house for 2 days. I threw blankets over it, put blankets and pillows inside and had a great time reading stories to my daughter.

Saturday evening my husband went inside. Kids are so used to Mommy playing that when Daddy does something silly with them they love go nuts.


My daughter was in her glory as she played fort with daddy. They hid under the blanket watching my shadow, whenever I pulled up the blanket to take a picture she screamed like a banshee.

My son and his father have spent countless hours playing Super Mario Galaxy over the last 4 days. I love watching them talk each other through the screens or yell at each other when one screws up.

Yesterday my husband wanted to clean the gutters and put up the Christmas lights. While he did the gutters, the kids and I started working on the leaves. My son gave up after filling a garbage can with leaves. My daughter on the other hand was amazing. She filled up 3 garbage cans with her little 3 year old hands while I blew the lawn clear of leaves. She wasn't done until the last leaf was picked up from the pile. Such a good work ethic already. She had a job to do and wouldn't do anything else until she was done. She wouldn't even stop for a piece of chocolate (her favorite). "Let me finish this. I'll have some when I'm done."

I told her that her father and I were going to pay her for her hard work. I think that job was worth at least 3 dollars.

We have never done an allowance but I remember as a kid I loved getting paid for a job well done.

This is above and beyond their normal chores which we don't believe (at the moment) they should be paid for.

Daddy also played his first board game with us. Not sure about him but, I loved it!

The kids and I play Zingo about 2 times a week. It was great to have him join us for a few games.

All in all this was a great long weekend. Freelance work done, reviews drafted, time with daddy, Christmas lights up, Lord of the Rings marathan and way to much food.

Slice of Life Sunday - My Big 4-0

My big 4-0 was 2 years ago but today Slice of Life asked:
Slice of Life choices for the week of November 30 are:
1. Winter Wonderland
2. The Big 4 - 0
3. Writer’s Choice

I decided to go with #2. This is what I wrote about my birthday in 2006.
I am planning my 40th Birthday party. While it hasn't consumed my every thought until this week, I have gone into Birthday mode in the past four days. The theme...Luau...the peeps...My Girlfriends.

I am pyched! In the past week I have completed the menu:

Huli, Huli Chicken, Sweet and Sour Meatballs, Coconut Shrimp, Pineapple, Sweet Potato and Macadamian Nut Crumb top, Orange Lime Sauce for over the rice, Haupia (some Hawaiian candy type thing). Fruit Salad in a Pineapple, Green Salad, Coconut Cream Pie, and numerous type cookies and sweets, and enough alcohol to knock some chicks on their ass.

The drinks are:
Pina Colada, Maria's Pinapple Punch, Maria's Happy Island Punch, Maria's Luau Punch...

I am providing grass skirts, leis, flower headbands, wrist bands, and such. I made name tags for everyone with their Hawaiian name. I think it is going to be a blast.

I have been working on a project to honor the women in my life and hope to complete it tonight or tomorrow at the latest.

I am making each of them a card with pictures of us, a paragraph why they are important to me and cute embellishments. I hope they like them.

The card goes something like this...(this is my sisters)...

Tomorrow is my birthday so today I want to celebrate the women in my life. Each and every one of you are part of the mosaic that was, is, and will become Maria. I love you all for various reasons and for the same reason. You are all different and each and every one of you is important in my life. I am so happy I am celebrating my life with all of you.

Gabrielle – I could not breathe without you. You are my sister, my mother, my friend. I adore you! Our chats about our lives sometimes bring tears, sometimes bring conflict but they constantly bring laughter. Thank God we can laugh about our lives. Your quick humor and raw attitude make me love you every day. You have been there for me when I needed a shoulder, an opinion, or a laugh. You are one of the funniest people I know and also one of the bravest. I wish we lived closer because there are days I miss you like crazy. We can talk numerous times a day and still end every call with an “I love you,” I don’t know many people who can say that. Thank you for loving me. I am so glad that you are my sister but I love that I can call you my friend.

I am officially 40 as of 7:38 pm tonight. It is strange to think that 40 years ago my mom was healthy and a first time mom. What a beautiful day weather wise.

Today was fairly quiet but after yesterday that is the way to go..

My Birthday Luau yesterday was so much fun. There was me and 8 of my closet friends eating, drinking, and talking. I started cooking Friday night, and finished in the morning while my sister decorated my deck. Guests arrived by 2:00 p.m. and the party began. Being the first to reach 4o out of my peeps makes me feel older but hell what do they say these days? Something about 40 being the new 30?

My husband took (for the first time by himself) both kids out so that I didn't have to host and mother. That alone was a gift in itself. He need not get me anything.

Here are some pics from the day.

My sis and me

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Pink Saturday & Scenic Sunday Pretty In Pink

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I took this picture by making a circle with my fingers and in front of the camera lens. I love the effect and it doesn't hurt that my daughter doesn't seem to be able to take a bad photo.