Maria's Space: Camera Critters - The Snake

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Camera Critters - The Snake

Camera Critters

We took the kids to a parking lot last weekend to ride their bikes. While there, this little guy was trying to make his way across the parking lot.


My husband picked him up and walked him over to the grass so he wouldn't fry. For a guy who hates snakes, I was impressed.


  1. I am NOT a snake person but that first shot is a great one!
    I could not have picked it up. :)

  2. Really cool pics! Like the first one on pavement, very cool!

  3. Snakes are like spiders--beautiful as long as they are far the hell away from me or my kid.

  4. Harmless little garter snake but I still don't like them, but your husband is a good example to follow.

  5. Great shots... love the colouring of the snake.

  6. Anonymous8:23 PM

    YUCK YUCK YUCK. I hate snakes. Thank God I wasn't there to witness hubby picking it up.


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