Maria's Space: September 2009

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Goddess Is Testing Lately & Tonight Is the Biggest So Far

For the past three weeks Goddess has been testing her powers. She is a very strong willed, beautiful, loving little girl however she WILL NOT be told what to do. This will unfortunately be a problem for her over the next few years. She tests us (me and Teach) and her teachers at school.

She has always hated being told what to do. Where most kids will eventually crumble. She will NOT. Eventually she will do what was told of her but always with "don't see me." In her mind if we don't see her, it was on her terms, her time.

Lately, she has been trying to sit on the table. When I tell her to get off she smiles and gets back on. She, like Handsome think everything we say is a joke. It is only until we are standing over them screaming that they realize we mean business.

Tonight she started her table sitting. I took her off three times with a "we don't sit on the table" speech. The fourth time I took her to the bathroom brushed her teeth and took her to her bedroom (she would be going in 30 minutes anyway).

We did her prayers like every night, I tucked her in and said good-night. I saw the realization come over her face. She was shocked! But....she continued to come out for 35 minutes. I bring her back in and walk out hearing her cry. I fight the urge to walk in and have a conversation with her. It would make me look like a fool and know that she is Ok. A little crying never hurt anyone. I remind myself that I stood firm and that this is a good lesson for all of us.

I put her very good brother (for at least tonight) to bed with hugs and kisses and a few "thank you for being such a good boy tonight" messages and headed back into the living room where who is waiting there? Goddess, with a friggin smile on her face. Grrr....I push the anger, exhaustion and total pissed off feeling down. Picking her up the now 20th time tonight, I bring her back to her room. She comes out. I pick her up and bring her back in telling her that my patience is wearing thin but if she wants to say I'm sorry to call for me.

She follows me out. I bring her back in and give her a smack on her butt and walk out. I hear her crying. She has stopped right now and I want to walk down the hall to see what she is doing. Is she sleeping? Crying silently, creeping back down the hall?

The professionals would reprimand me for the smack on the butt but seriously it was just a tap. she came back down the hall. This is one of those things that if I had just let the table thing go she would have gone to bed at 8:00 like every other night and I wouldn't be so pissed off at 8:18 p.m.

She is still awake, still upset! She came out AGAIN. It is 8:27. I brought her back in. I knew that she needed to hear that I love her and everything is ok. I put her in bed and tell her "I know you are scared. You think Mommy doesn't love you right now but you are wrong. I do love you and I know you want to be a good girl because that is WHAT you are. You are good. You are being silly right now. It is time for bed and we are all upset. Go to sleep." She hugs me and asked if I will tell her Daddy what happened. She wants me to. I tell her yes and that he will kiss her forehead like he does every night. I assure her that everything is ok and that she doesn't have to be scared. She says, "I want to be a good girl." I tell her that she is a good girl and that this doesn't mean she isn't loved.

She hugs my arm. She is sensitive but I know I have to leave. As much as I want to stay until she is asleep. I leave. I hear her crying quietly. I know it is because she is tired, and hurt. She thinks that I am mad. She is worried. It wasn't a lifetime ago. I remember being a little girl, feeling that you let your parents down and that it was the worst pain in the world to think they were mad at you.

I will go in when I am sure she is asleep. I will kiss her forehead, play with her hair, smell her beautiful baby girl scent. Placing my hand on her heart I will tell her that I love her. I know she won't hear me but hopefully she will feel me and this will give her enough comfort to have pleasant dreams and know that her Mommy will always love her.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Because If I Don't Put It Here, I Forget

Just some life updates:

1- My girlfriend is working and I never get to see her anymore.

2-Goddess was sick for 24 hours this weekend. Thankfully it is over and we can all move on.

3-Handsome is doing great in school and his reading is impressive.

4-I had to stop for a bear crossing last week. It was 3:20 p.m. and the road was full of cars and buses. No matter, this bear had to get to the other side I guess. He crossed right in front of my car. I sounded like a crazy person as I told the kids, "look at the bear, look at the bear."

5-Went out with my husband two weeks ago. Had the best night. We went out last November and this was 100 times better. It was so good I am still thinking about it.

6-Tonight at about 5:30 p.m. a bear walked through my back yard as I shouted for the rest of the house to quickly look out the window. Big fat bear with no place to go. Just slowly walked through, across our bridge and through our neighbors yard.

7-I had to go to the doctor today for a rash that appeared on my hand on Saturday morning. I tried to ignore it but it spread to my other arm and then my torso. I figured poison ivy but the husband said, it wasn't the season for it. I headed to the doctor and was told yup, "poison sumac."

8-We are once again obsessed with South Park! South Park rules.

9-Looking forward to Cougar Town this week although I am not sure if I will stick with it.

10-Handsome's 1st tooth will be falling out any day now.

11-Today's visit to the doctor put a smile on my face. The doctor thought I was lying about my age. He assumed I was early 30's, perhaps 32, 33 at the most. I am 43 so hearing this is wonderful. Hooray Me!

12-Goddess has started using the word "actually" a lot lately.

ABC Wednesday - Knight

I was hard up for an idea for ABC Wednesday this week. I had some problems coming up with "K". I could have easily gone with kids. I have two and obviously have thousands of them but...I decided to go with "Knight".

The day before Goddess started school I took her to the Children's Museum. She had a great time playing dress up. One of the costumes was for a knight. I seriously need to take her again! This time with her brother. They have both been there but separately. It is much easier for mom to keep an eye on them if I have only one but they seriously want to go together.

Oh Yes, Sing For Me Harry - Oh and for One of My Readers - CD Giveaway

This week I received Harry Connick Jr's newest CD entitled Your Songs as part of the One2One Network.

First, let's just say, isn't it crazy how some men just get better with age???!! Would you look at this!

I have always liked Harry Connick Jr but this CD made me love him! These truly are "MY" songs.

Album Tracklisting (Originally performed by):

All The Way (Frank Sinatra)
Just The Way You Are (Billy Joel)
Can’t Help Falling In Love With You (Elvis Presley)
And I Love Her (The Beatles)
(They Long To Be) Close To You (The Carpenters)
Besame Mucho
The Way You Look Tonight
First Time Ever I Saw Your Face (Roberta Flack)
Your Song (Elton John)
Some Enchanted Evening
And I Love You So (Don McLean)
Who Can I Turn To? (Tony Bennett)
Smile (Charlie Chaplin)
Mona Lisa (Nat King Cole)

I am probably dating myself but there is not a single song I couldn't sing along to. My personal favorites were Can't Help Falling In Love, The Way You Look Tonight, First Time Ever I Saw Your Face (This has always been a beautiful song in my eyes and Harry does it complete justice).
Check out Harry's website here.
You can see sexy Harry here. There is a 3 min clip of the making of the album.
Become a Harry fan on Facebook 

Oh and set your Tivo or VCR because Harry will be promoting his album. You can catch him on the following:
Wed. 09/30: David Letterman, CBS

Don't take my word for it, listen to some clips for yourself!

Tip From Maria: If you are young, newly married, or simply someone who is hosting their very first holiday season in their new apartment or house. Parents, In-Laws, Grandparents, friends coming over and you are concerned about the ambience of the festivies; I highly recommend this CD!

This CD is available on CD or MP3 through Amazon

How to Enter: Thanks to One2One network I can giveaway a CD to one of my readers. To enter, please let me know the song you love the best on the album and why. (If this rule is not followed you will be disqualified). US and Canada Only!

Deadline: October 12, 2009 by Midnight

Do You Want More Entries? Please put each extra entry in a separate comment. You will get more entries that way.

* Blog about this contest and link back to me (provide the link in the comment) for two extra entries

*Add me to your blogroll and provide the link

*Follow me on Twitter , Tweet this and leave the link.

*Become a fan of Maria's Space on Facebook

*Become a fan of Harry on Facebook

*Subscribe to Chotskies my other blog

* Post my button on your sidebar


A winner will be chosen by and notified within 2 days. You will have 3 days to claim your prize or another winner will be chosen.

: I received no payment to write this review. I was given the CD for free to conduct my review. The words are all mine and I was not forced or asked to write anything you read here. In my opinion, a blogger review is the equivalent of me talking to my friends and family in my daily life, about a product I either love or don’t. All the opinions throughout my posts are strictly my own.

This Giveaway Closed - Winner - Leslie Davis

A Million Miles in A Thousand Years by Donald Miller Book Giveaway

As part of theThomas Nelson Book Reviewers I was given a copy of A Million Miles in A Thousand Years to conduct a review and giveaway.

A Million Miles in a Thousand Years
What I Learned While Editing My Life
By Donald Miller

Full of beautiful, heart-wrenching, and hilarious stories, A Million Miles in a Thousand Years details one man's opportunity to edit his life as if he were a character in a movie.

Years after writing a best-selling memoir, Donald Miller went into a funk and spent months sleeping in and avoiding his publisher. One story had ended, and Don was unsure how to start another.

But he gets rescued by two movie producers who want to make a movie based on his memoir. When they start fictionalizing Don's life for film--changing a meandering memoir into a structured narrative--the real-life Don starts a journey to edit his actual life into a better story. A Million Miles in a Thousand Years details that journey and challenges readers to reconsider what they strive for in life. It shows how to get a second chance at life the first time around.

In A Nutshell: It is a book you will want to re-read. As a blogger I write my daily goings on so I don't forget them. All the little things that make up a life is what is important.

As I moved forward into Donald's book I thought a lot about my own life. I was inspired to write things so I wouldn't forget them. Not just the kids had a great time at school but what we wore or ate that day and how it made us feel.  Donald writes with such honesty that you almost feel you shouldn't be privy to the information. Like you are in on some secret that is none of your business. I really appreciate the candor. The chapter on meeting his father really sat with me and I think it will for a while.

The whole concept is about trying to make your life more meaningful. Isn't that what we should all be after? I think so.

I review for Thomas Nelson Book Review Bloggers

I have a copy of this book to giveaway to one of my readers. Interested, fill out the form below.

The Giveaway

How to Enter: Fill out the form below  (If this rule is not followed you will be disqualified). US Only!

Deadline: October 13, 2009 by Midnight

Do You Want More Entries? Please put each extra entry in a separate comment. You will get more entries that way.

* Blog about this contest and link back to me (provide the link in the comment) for two extra entries

*Add me to your blogroll and provide the link

*Follow me on Twitter , Tweet this and leave the link.

*Become a fan of Maria's Space on Facebook

*Subscribe to Chotskies my other blog

* Post my button on your sidebar


A winner will be chosen by and notified within 2 days. You will have 3 days to claim your prize or another winner will be chosen.

Disclaimer: I received no payment to write this review. I was given the book for free to conduct my review. The words are all mine and I was not forced or asked to write anything you read here. In my opinion, a blogger review is the equivalent of me talking to my friends and family in my daily life, about a product I either love or don’t. All the opinions throughout my posts are strictly my own.

This Giveaway is Closed - Winner - SITO

Monday, September 28, 2009

The Air Show Brings It

Last week Goddess and I were in the right place at the right time. While getting gas we saw a plane doing free falls, death rolls, spins and spirals and I remembered that an air show was near.

I pulled the car over and we headed out. I found a spot not to far away from the airport and we sat on the grass watching. She picked me flowers, clovers and headed me leaves which I geared in my camera bag. Each item is a blessing. She told me on Thursday that the reason she gives me these is because "you take us to school and fun places and stuff." Cute. It used to be because she loved me. Then it was because "I know you like these."

The plane was red so I snapped a shot for Mary's Ruby Tuesday.

It landed and the yellow one started it's propeller.

Love the above shot because you can see the propeller moving!

Then the pilot of red plane got out and I snapped a picture of his red uniform. I felt like a total tool but I was on a meme mission and damn it I was going to get some red!!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Cemetery Angels

I headed out for a cemetery walk with my girlfriend on Friday. We both love angels and we took some amazing pictures of the statues.


Mellow Yellow Randomness - Because That's The Way I Roll

I seriously had no tie in for these random photos of various shades of yellow for Mellow Yellow this week. Is that a run on? Where the heck does the comma go?

(Click each to enlarge)


Cemetery Photo Shoot Brings Some Blue

This past Friday, I headed out on a cemetery photo shoot with my friend Lauri. We enjoyed the weather and the serenity as we snapped photos and read inscriptions. We hope to go there again before the leaves fall. It really is a beautiful place.

The doors of this mausoleum were taken specifically for Blue Monday.
(Click to enlarge)

The dress on the statue was a late find. I was so happy to find her. She was a little statue of a girl with holding a stuffed animal. Someone had put a necklace on her. There was a decorative Spring lawn flag, a dog statue, a garden orb and tons of flowers. I would love to know the story behind the monument. It didn't appear to be a headstone. It seemed to be just a statue. But she is well taken care of. 
(Click to enlarge)

Fun on A Budget Costs About 59 Cents

My son has been in occupational therapy since he was two. Thanks to his therapists I have learned a lot of wonderful ways to keep the kids busy with things that are fun for them and also helpful and useful for certain sensory fun.

Neither of my children have a sensory issue but they do love playing with shaving cream. Why not, I love playing with it too. It's squishy, fun, smells good, and you can do so many things with it. I look for the cheap cream and wait for it to go on sale. When it does I pick up a few cans of it.

Information on Sensory Disorder:
Some children who deal with sensory processing disorder experience tactile defensiveness. Parents who have a clear understanding of the nature of the tactile defensive child can incorporate “messy play” activities at home. These activities can have a positive effect on the child's sensory needs.
Overview of Tactile Defensiveness

• Children with tactile defensiveness are over-sensitive to touch and other tactile input when compared to their peers.

• Messy play provides the child with a fun way to experience new textures.

• Increased exposure to a wide variety of textures decreases the child’s level of tactile defensiveness.

Messy Play Idea – Shaving Cream

An inexpensive can of shaving cream can create a great opportunity for your child to experiment with new textures. If your child also has a sensitive sense of smell, it would be wise to find a fragrance-free brand of shaving cream. Spray the shaving cream on a mirror and allow the child to write or draw with his fingers. Once he is more comfortable with that sensation, encourage him to make handprints; using the entire hand gives a completely different feeling than using fingers alone.

We usually just take serving trays and I spray a huge amount of cream in the center. They make snowmen, rub it all over the trays, squeeze it between their fingers, hid smalls toys inside it, and eventually have it up to their elbows. They will play for about 15-20 minutes and love it!

BTW, here is a great source for sensory recipes.

Helpful Beauty Books Can Make All The Difference

We all know the saying Beauty comes from within but mostly we all want to look our best on the outside too!

I was so excited to receive Bobbi Brown's Living Beauty and Charla Krupp's How Not To Look Old.

I am 43 years old and have always loved reading beauty books. While I don't spend a whole lot of time on myself and tend to be more whatever is comfortable girl, I love looking at tips and tricks of the pros.

Bobbi Brown's Living Beauty Book is full of beautiful color pictures and advice from celebrities such as Susan Sarandon, Vanessa Williams to name a few. There are also tips on a Make-Up Face lift, beauty treatments that make a difference, the perfect haircut and my personal favorite section, head to toe make-overs.

It is amazing what some simple techniques can do for your overall appearance. We all know that the way you feel about yourself shows in the way you carry yourself.

This is a great book for any age especially women over 35 who want to age gracefully. "It's not about looking younger, it's about looking as great as you can look for your age"

HOW NOT TO LOOK OLD is full of great advice, tips, and tricks for looking good, younger, hip while still being appropriate. The last part, appropriate is the key word here. A lot of women look good in their 40's. They look better than ever and can still wear young, hip clothes, makeup and accessories from the junior departments. But, just because you can fit in junior sizes, doesn't mean you should be wearing them.

Ask any teen with a mom in her 30's and 40's if they want to see their mom wearing their clothes and you will mostly get a big fat "no".

 Charla and her friends, the best hair pros, makeup artists, designers, dermatologists, cosmetic dentists and personal shoppers in the biz. Packed with eye-opening details on hair color, brows, lipstick, wrinkle-erasers, jeans, shapewear, jewelry, heels, and more, the book speaks to every woman: from low maintenance types who don't want to spend a fortune or tons of time on her looks to high maintenance women who believe in looking fabulous at any price. Check out the website for How Not To Look Old here .

Old Rule: Always match your purse to your shoes
New: Matchy-matchy makes you look oldie-oldie

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Self Portrait Sunday - September 26, 2009

To find out why I began Self Portrait Sunday, see my first post here.
This week are photos I took of myself on Wednesday night when I took the kids outside to play soccer.

Are We Playing Soccer Or What?

The past couple of nights I have been taking the kids outside to play around dusk. The weather is amazing, the sky stunning, the kids full of energy and willing to listen and my son practicing his soccer.

I have been trying to get him to play soccer on a team forever. For two years I signed him up and headed down on Saturday morning for at least 6 weeks before pulling him out. He never played. I never pushed. Just tried to coax. It never worked. This year with Wii and Kindergarten, he is very interested in soccer.

We head out for about an hour and he kicks the ball back and forth with me. He is good at traveling and blocking. Shock of all shocks, he likes it.

This week, I started talking to Goddess about making Fairy houses. I love how interested she is in all things outdoors. She really loves touching leaves, sticks, finding nuts, feathers, bugs, whatever. Building a Fairy house would be so much fun. So, while Handsome and I were kicking around a ball, she collected some things for her Fairy house.

When Handsome saw her pile getting bigger he headed over to investigate. She told him what she was doing and he started searching for things thus forgetting all about mom and the soccer ball.

This weekend I hope to build a Fairy house with them. Pictures will follow!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Etsy Sales, Promos and Special Items

Calling all Etsy Artisans! Link up your favorite items, sale items, promotions every Saturday.

I love shopping and telling my friends, family and readers about Etsy.

Every item is welcome!

I look forward to getting to know you.

Tinkerbells Got My Back

Why does the baby happen to be hiding behind her Tinkerbell Umbrella?  Who knows! Personally I believe she is watching too much "Ni hao Kilan". She wears the umbrella only when it is sunny. To keep the sun out of her eyes and has started talking to me in Chinese. I have no idea what she is saying. I think I have to start watching Ni hao Kilan too.

Photo Friday - Face

Photo Friday is a wonderful meme full of great photographers. I don't participate often because I never feel like I have what it takes for the theme. This week I do!

I headed out with a girlfriend this morning on a photo hunt. For the past three years I have been dying (haha, is this in bad taste?) to take pictures at this cemetery near me. Well, we headed there and spent about 2 hours, taking pictures, reading stones, and just enjoying the beautiful, serene moment. The weather was amazing and the sky blue!!!

Lather Up, Laugh It Up, Have A Colorful Day

1. Does soap or shampoo have to really lather up for you to feel that it cleaned throughly? For me. Yeah, bring on the suds.

2. Do you have a long standing joke with someone that you still laugh about every time you talk to that person? is long standing and we still laugh about it but it is not every time I talk to that person because that would be demented. We talk at least once a week. But it happened over 20 years ago and we still laugh about it.

3. Share something that happened to you this past week that was unusual. While shopping at Michael's the cashier asked, "You're Street Angel right?" Too cool!

4. If you dropped a purple crayon and a green crayon off a roof, which would melt faster in the sun? I have two answers: 
Green, because it would be the thinner one, we use it more.
Neither, I wouldn't have a crayon on the roof with me, it would have a sharpie or a can of spray paint.

5. You are standing in line (grocery store, bank, etc.), and someone gets in line behind you that stinks. The stink is so bad that people in line in front of you turn around and look to see if you are the one causing the stink. Do you cover your nose, hold your breath, breathe through your mouth or just get out of line altogether? I make nasty, annoyed faces, hold my breath and sway my hand in front of my face while huffing and puffing until I can scadaddle out of there.

6. If you dropped your cell phone in the toilet, would you fish it out? If so, how much soap would you use to wash your hands afterward? Oh hell yes! My beautiful pink, Blackberry in the toilet! Yikes. If it were my bathroom, enough to rinse. If it was someone else's toilet. There wouldn't be enough soap around to wash the feeling off my hand. It would require a special trip to CVS for a pint of Purell!

7. Sydney Australia dust storm (link). How long do you think it would take you to clean your house after that sort of dust storm? Screw cleaning. I'm moving out!

8. Do you think you can dance? I can swing ma hips baby. Bartending at a gogo bar for two years, you learn a thing or two.
9. You are out to eat and someone across the room is staring at you. Do you get paranoid, try to ignore them, or go find out why they are staring at you? I would figure they were trying to see if I was Street Angel of course. (refer back to #3)

10. Come up with a crazy, wacky Thursday Thunk question. Do you blame the kids, the dog, or the floor when you fart loud enough to be heard?

Night At The Museum- Night At The Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian

I am so excited. December 1, 2009 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment will be releasing Night At The Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian. If you remember back in June, I took the kids to see Night At The Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian, their very first movie. I had to leave about 15-20 minutes into the movie. I was very interested. I loved the first one. Love Ben Stiller and love movies that I the whole family can enjoy.

The movie is going to be released on Blu-ray Disc/DVD Combo Pack (Blu-ray, DVD and a Digital Copy*) and for a limited time only a “Monkey Mischief” double DVD.

Blu-ray/DVD Combo Pack: The Night At The Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Blu-ray/DVD Combo Pack includes a high definition version of the film with over one hour of laugh-out-loud special features – including an interactive museum scavenger hunt game, gag reel, 12 deleted scenes with an alternate ending, featurettes including “Cherub Bootcamp,” “Phinding Pharaoh With Hank Azaria” – a Digital Copy and a standard DVD. The pack is available for the gift-giving price of $39.99 U.S. / $49.99 Canada.

Monkey Mischief: The limited edition “Monkey Mischief” double DVD boasts a second disc including over 30 minutes of entertainment complimenting the bonus materials featured on the first disc, including cast and crew commentary, six deleted scenes with an alternate ending, a gag reel, and more. The holiday two-pack DVD will be available for the suggested retail price of $34.98 U.S. / $45.98 Canada.

Single Disc:
The Night At The Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian single disc DVD has one hour of special feature laughs from favorite stars including commentary by cast and crew, featurettes, six deleted scenes with an alternate ending, and a gag reel for the suggested retail price of $29.98 U.S. / $43.48 Canada.

Blu-ray/DVD Combo Pack Special Features: Disc One

· Night At The Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian Blu-ray
· Gag Reel
· 12 Deleted Scenes Including Alternate Ending
· Curators of Comedy: Behind The Scenes With Ben Stiller
· Museum Scavenger Hunt Game
· Cherub Bootcamp
· Phinding Pharaoh With Hank Azaria
· Monkey Mischief Featurettes
· Historical Confessions: Famous Last Words
· Secret Doors and Scientists
· Cavemen Conversations: Survival of the Wittiest
· Museum Magic: Entering The World Of The Photograph
· Director 201 With Shawn Levy
· Gangster Levy
· Audio Commentaries With Filmmakers
· FOX Movie Channel Presents Featurettes

Disc Two
· Digital Copy of Night At The Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian

Disc Three
· Night At The Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian widescreen feature film (2.40:1 aspect ratio)

Limited Edition “Monkey Mischief” Double DVD Special Features: Disc One

· Gag Reel
· Curators of Comedy: Behind the Scenes with Ben Stiller
· Cherub Bootcamp
· Six Deleted Scenes, Including Alternate Ending
· Phinding Pharaoh With Hank Azaria
· Audio Commentaries with Filmmakers

Disc Two

· Night At The Museum Monkey Mischief bonus disc
· Show Me The Monkey featurette
· Monkey Business
· Primate Prima Donnas
· The Secret Life of a Monkey Movie Star: Life Off Camera
· Monkey Slap Game
· Abel and Dexter’s Flights Of Fancy

Single Disc DVD Special Features: Special features include everything on “Disc One” of “Monkey Mischief Edition” above.

Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment

So Into You - Sandra Hill - Book Review

So Into You
Grand Central Publishing

August 2009
ISBN-10: 0-446-53577-X
ISBN-13: 978-0-446-53577-9
Product Description
Angel Sabato has been in love with best friend Grace O'Brien for 10 years--but he's only just realized it. Too bad she doesn't take him seriously when he tells her about his feelings. Reeling from the rejection, Angel hightails it out of town.

Now Grace is left to wonder if her problems from the past are keeping her from opening herself to love. But she brushes these "useless" musings aside, concentrating instead on the work she's doing as an apprentice to folk healer Tante Lulu and keeping up with the old woman's good deeds.

Such as starting a foundation to help families still homeless after Hurricane Katrina. One family consists of 5 children who lost their parents. The eldest, only seventeen, has been struggling to take care of her siblings and lying like heck to the state agencies in order to keep everyone together. Tante Lulu and Grace take the children under their wings and decide the foundation will build a house for them.

Re-enter Angel, who helps with the construction. Unbeknownst to Grace, Tante Lulu has decided to try her hand at matchmaking again. And Tante Lulu has never failed before!

In A Nutshell: I loved this book! I loved the names, Grace is my middle name. Angel, I collect angels. Sabato, hello Jagger from General Hospital! We all lived through Hurricane Katrina some of us more than others but even all the way down here in New York my heart broke for everyone who lost lives and homes.

This is a beautiful story with heart, friendship, second chances. Tante Lulu was by far my favorite character. I love a women with spunk!!

Check out Sandra Hill's blog here.
Read an except here