Maria's Space: November 2013

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Thanksgiving With The Kids

While I did have the Canon with me, I grabbed a quick pic for my sister-in-law and niece in California who were missed this year. I am a terrible shot with the iPhone.

My kids were so excited to spend the day with their cousins. Goddess wore her Indian costume as she has every year for the past three years. I believe this will be the last year she fits in it.

We haven't spent time at my sister-in-laws for a while due to a family situation but at the moment that situation is gone.

Goddess says she laughed and screamed so much. It was wonderful to spend the day with family.

How did you spend your Thanksgiving?

Cyber Monday Deals

Cory Vines - Get premium-quality easy-sweat activewear for a fraction of the cost of the megabrands, you will also have the chance to win a Nike+FuelBand to motivate you to stay active this holiday season. 

Offers an array of v-neck, short-sleeved and long-sleeved tees, tanks, leggings, workout shorts,  and boat necks for women and henleys for men. All items are super-soft and breathable that allow you to feel good and look good at the gym. 

Dotson Tots is a NEW baby headwear company that has created a line of handmade, 100% certified organic accessories for children newborn through toddler and will be offering a 35% off discount on Cyber Monday. An ideal gift for kids or parents, all accessories are created to protect toddler’s ears, nose and throat and are created with low-impact dyes, eco-friendly, designed with breathable, irritant-free fabric, manufactured right here in the USA and shipped in 100% eco-friendly packaging.
HopePaige, makers of customized and fashionable medical ID accessories have created custom engraved and stylish medical accessories for men, women and children. This year, Hope Paige will be giving 20% off entire purchase to shoppers who use the code “cybermonday.” Hope Paige has a variety of styles and colors that can be found online at

CureDiva is a revolutionary online portal designed to help women in all stages of breast cancer find products, seek support and gain information about breast cancer. Supported by leading breast cancer survivors such as Giuliana Rancic, CureDiva’s high-tech community and shopping site provides a safe forum for those diagnosed feel beautiful and empowered again. This year, CureDiva will be offering shoppers who register on the site $30 off their purchase at

Steamy Christmas Read and A Contest - Enter Now!

From award winning author Katharine Ashe, comes an enchanting Christmas novella about a shy but imaginative princess and the rakish Earl who could make all her wildest fantasies come true…. The Christmas season has never been so steamy.

Handsome as sin and scandalously rakish, Cam Westfall, the Earl of Bedwyr is every young lady's wickedest dream. Shy wallflower Princess Jacqueline Sensaire knows this better than anyone, because her dreams are full of the breathtaking earl's kisses. And not only her dreams--her diary too. 

But when Cam discovers the maiden's not-so-maidenly diary, will her wildest Christmas wishes be fulfilled in its pages . . . or in his arms?

<!-- end .content

--> Excerpt from KISSES, SHE WROTE, A Christmas Romance by Katharine Ashe

“At least you won’t be at a significant disadvantage when you wed,” the princess said thoughtfully. 


“There is . . .” Her voice trailed off. She looked out the window and tilted her head. Her stance was relaxed. This conversation did not, apparently, agitate her as it did him.


“The thing is, I have never kissed a man,” she said and looked over her shoulder at him. “Will my husband be disappointed to discover that I have no knowledge of kissing?”
Cam’s throat had gone entirely dry. If she had no actual knowledge of kissing, she certainly had excellent intuition. “Why do you ask me?”

“I cannot very well ask my brother. How horridly embarrassing that should be.” She scowled but her eyes twinkled.

“You might ask your ladies in waiting, or the Duchess of Lycombe.”

“How would they know the answer? They are women.”

He was nonplused. “Well . . .”

She turned to him fully. “You and I are friends, so I trust you will answer me honestly. I know you have considerable experience kissing women.”

His cravat had shrunk again. “Do you?”

She lifted a single, eloquent brow. She was far too intelligent for him, and far too forthright, and he was far too accustomed to consorting with females of much less acute minds and much baser characters. She was not now flirting with him but making a statement of fact.

He nodded in silent admission.

Both brows perked now, like the shimmering feathers of a raven. “So . . . ?”

“I should think that your husband would be delighted to teach you the finer points of kissing.” And learn a thing or two in the process.

“I suppose you may be correct about that. Men like to instruct women. I think it makes them feel more in control.” He could not hide his amusement. “You don’t say?”

“Well, doesn’t it? You are a man.”

“Good of you to notice.”

“Do you like it when you feel in control of a woman?”

“I like it when a woman feels she is getting what she wants from me.” Her fine, expressive eyes widened. Then, slowly, she turned to the pianoforte and began rearranging the music on the stand. Cam studied the clean sweep of her back to her gently curved hips and the straight set of her shoulders. She was not petite, not enticingly round, not anything he had ever desired in a woman. But merely looking at her back and knowing what she imagined of him — of them together — made his heartbeats hard.

“I should like to give it a try before I marry,” she said without turning around. Her voice was pitched a bit low. “Kissing, that is.” She glanced at him. Her cheeks were ever so slightly pink.

“Should you?” He suspected where this was going. He’d been the object of countless women’s flirtations. But never this woman. She confined her attentions to him safely in her diary.

This was a different woman before him now.

“Yes,” she said. “I think it would be a useful experience to take into marriage. Don’t you?” She turned her hungry gaze upon him . . .

Steal your own Christmas kiss with a $100 gift card to Sephora! Follow Katharine Ashe on Twitter, like her on Facebook, or leave a comment with a diary story of your own to enter for a chance to win!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, November 28, 2013

November Update

Originally posted November 28, 2007

Life has gotten hectic. I enjoy when it’s busy but hate when I feel like I don’t get a chance to live in the moment and reflect on pivotal events that are soaring by.

Thankfully I take enough pictures that I actually have a sort of photo journal in case I forget something that I didn’t get the chance to submerge myself in. I can look through my photos and see my entire month as you would a calendar.

This month the photos show that my son dressed up as Stephanie from Lazy Town complete with pink wig and pink dress. We visited a friend with a dog and my daughter was able to spend some time petting the animal who was caged at the time without it jumping all over her which she absolutely hates.  There was a trip to the mall with the same friend and her son where the kids had lunch and then were able to ride on some typical mall rides. Put in your hard earned 50 cents and the kid can bounch up and down for 2 minutes. I don’t understand why they like it but they do.

We also took a trip to the Staten Island Children’s Museum with my sister, cousin and their respective children. It was a rainy, grey, gloomy day but the museum was fun and the cousins enjoyed spending a few hours together and my two can’t wait to go back. They mention it at least two times a day with a wishful shout out, “we’re going to the museum tomorrow!” To which I reply “not today sorry. but soon”. I hope to get them back there before February. I would love it to be earlier but I prefer to be realistic.

There was a trip to the park where the kids and I had the entire place to ourselves for about 45 minutes and we were in our glory. Mostly we just went up and down the enclosed tubular slide. Unfortunately there are no pictures of this day, I didn’t know we were going to end up there but as I passed it, I realized that beautiful days will be few and far between in the next few months so might as well take advantage of the warm sun while we can.

There were many hours of freelance typing this month also which obviously there are no pictures but who the hell wants to remember being chained to a table for hours typing monotonous bullshit? Not I, my friend!

November 22nd brought us a beautiful surprise when we awoke to a winter wonderland. Our first actual accumulation of snow. The kids were so excited and wanted to go sledding. There really wasn’t enough for that but it did make for a picturesque morn.


November 23rd gave us a Thanksgiving party at Pre-K where I got to see Handsome behaving and participating nicely in class. He sat with his little girlfriend and wore a pilgrim hat. He was allowed to chose between and Indian or a pilgrim but he chose the pilgrim. I wonder what that means if anything.

Thanksgiving day, had me cooking for 8 which was fun and unexpected. The food was good, the company ok, the dishes too friggin many. There was a brief kitchen fire when Teach decided it would be a good idea to pop the turkey bag before removing it from the oven which obviously sent turkey juice, champagne and apples (which I use everytime I roast a turkey) to spill into the hot oven resulting in a small, albeit scary fire.  At least I have a Thanksgiving story to tell in the coming years. This was the first time I have done Thanksgiving, usually I head to the in-laws so at least it was eventful.

After that, there was a bridal shower for a cousin who I believe is too young to marry but I guess when you know it’s love you know it’s love. Who am I to say what’s right for someone? I know it wouldn’t have ever been right for me but maybe this is exactly what she is supposed to do.  Good for them for finding each other with so many years to enjoy life together. I wish them luck.

On another note my love of the written word as allowed me to finish two more good books as this month comes to a close.

First, Middlesex which took me about 169 pages to finally get into and then it moved so quickly. I enjoyed it and would recommend everyone skipping the first 167 pages, putting your feet up and reading a really decent book.

Along with that I read Heroin Diaries a Year in the Life of a Shattered Rock Star by Nikki Sixx which I recommend to everyone who likes rock, everyone who liked Crue, everyone who has an addictive personality and everyone who wants to read a brutally honest book and anyone who likes to read!!!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Building Up Your Child’s Math Grades

Every child has to take math classes from kindergarten through twelfth grade, and possibly even after that in college!  If you’ve noticed that your child seems to be struggling with a subject in math or a certain type of problem, you should address it as quickly as possible.  Each year of mathematics builds on ideas from the years before, so if your child does not have strong foundation, he or she will have to play catch-up in each new grade.  Whether it’s doing a few extra problems or going to some tutoring sessions, there’s a solution to any math problem that your child could have.

Extra Math Help
Thankfully, it is not that difficult to help your child perform better in his or her math classes.  Children who struggle in math usually just need more practice with a certain type of problem, or perhaps a slower, more in-depth explanation of a concept.  If you have the time to help your child do extra worksheets and challenge problems, or if you feel comfortable re-teaching mathematical ideas to your child, then that may be all he or she needs to do better.  Sometimes, extra time with a child’s teacher can be arranged, or in-school peer tutoring, or some combination of these options.
If you do not feel comfortable with the idea of explaining math to your child, you could also consider a few private math tutoring sessions to build up any skills that your child may need to do better in his or her math classes.  Working with an expert tutor will ensure that your child’s needs are adequately assessed, and a tutor can build an individual study plan for your child that can guide his or her math progres.  This is a great option for busy parents who don’t have enough time in the day for extra schoolwork, or for parents who want someone skilled at math to help address their child’s problem areas.

No matter which kind of math help you decide is right for your child, it is essential to address difficulties with math promptly.  There’s nothing worse than feeling like the only kid in class who doesn’t understand something!  The best action that you can take is to encourage your child if he or she is struggling with math and to come up with a plan that will help your child perform to the best of his or her abilities.

Written by Katharine Rudzitis on behalf of Origins Tutoring. Origins Tutoring is a holistic tutoring company based in New York City that offers a wide range of academic services.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Some Things We Have Been Up To So Far This Week

Can You Guess who my kids are trying to be?

Goddess found this really cool leaf the other evening at the school yard. It looked like a bowl!
The past few sun sets have been stunning!
This is what happens when I let Goddess do her own make-up

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

It's Getting Cold Outside, Warm Up With Beautiful Player by Christina Lauren


A bombshell bookworm. A chronic Casanova. And a lesson in chemistry too scandalous for school.

When Hanna Bergstrom receives a lecture from her overprotective brother about neglecting her social life and burying herself in grad school, she’s determined to tackle his implied assignment: get out, make friends, start dating. And who better to turn her into the sultry siren every man wants than her brother’s gorgeous best friend, Will Sumner, venture capitalist and unapologetic playboy?

Will takes risks for a living, but he’s skeptical about this challenge of Hanna’s…until the wild night his innocently seductive pupil tempts him into bed- and teaches him a thing or two about being with a woman he can’t forget. Now that Hanna’s discovered the power of her own sex appeal, it’s up to Will to prove he’s the only man she’ll ever need.

The 411 by Maria:

I love sexual tension build up in my books. I love comical banter with the main characters. I love friendship that turns into love! Beautiful Player is all that.

Unfortunately I have yet to read Beautiful Bombshell where we are introduced to sexy Will Summer but hope to grab it soon.

This is a a story about falling in love with your childhood crush the boy you fantasized about as a teen, saw all the time but had to fight the feelings because of family, another relationship or at the time you were too young.

Hanna knows Will for years. He is her brother's best friend and her sister made out with him as a teenager.  They spent many years together with Hanna silently watching him and him seeing her as just his best friends kid sister.

Hanna is a dedicated worker and spends too much time in the lab and not enough time living life. Her brother Jensen and her father corner her one night demanding she start "living"! Like a big brother he enlists the help of his friend Will to get his little sister out. After all, Will is a social maven and a "player".

The book is a fun, progression of a relationship that starts out innocent and awkward. Christina does a great job of showing us both characters feelings and reading how the other is thinking and not having to imagine the thoughts in their head made this story even more exciting.

If you like sexy romance books, this is the one.

 Disclaimer: I received no monetary compensation for writing this review.