Maria's Space: April 2019

Monday, April 29, 2019

My Life In Photos - March 14 - March 22

March 14 - We take our class out everyday. The weather doesn't matter. The need the fresh air and it breaks up the day. We were searching for 4 leaf clovers. They all thought they found one of course. Very cute.

March 15 - NADA

March 16 - Sage and her beautiful face!

March 17 - My girl's art of course needs to be included. My life definitely is better with her work. I love every new piece.

March 18 - I took photos but I cannot include them. They show too many preschool faces and I do not have permission to post them.

March 19 - A view from my sunroof or moonroof depending on who you talk to. Which is it for you?

March 20 - I get so excited at Scholastic Book Fairs. We bought $80 worth of books. How about you. Can you get through there without buying books?

March 21 - Isn't she cute? My daughter definitely has a style to her art. I can tell it anywhere.

March 22 - Cause this is normal.

My Life In Photos - March 1 - March 13

March 1 - NADA

March 2 - Luna is a gorgeous cat and I love taking photos of her.

March 3 - We love our cats. My daughter and I will do anything to get one of the cats to lay down with us. Luna was loving our attention.

March 4 - Snow, snow and more snow.

March 5 - Not sure what they thought would happen but when my prism from Wish came in I couldn't wait to try it.

March 6 - Showed this photo to my daughter of our hands from when she was a toddler. She decided we should try to reenact it. I kinda like it.

March 7 - The month of February I decided to write a note on a heart every day for each of my kids up until Valentine's Day. The hearts are still there. I think they liked it.

March 8 - I took one of my empty Valentine Hears and filled it with colored paper and a matching pom-pom for my class to color match. It came out really cute and they loved it.

March 9 - I have been trying my hand at couponing. I got all this at Dollar General for under $12.00 ($11.76)

March 10 - NADA

March 11 - He did NOT want his photo taken but I try to take a pic a day and he is never in my photos. Teens UGH!

March 12 - Ahhh My girl and her friends. LOVE THEM ALL.

March 13 - We were doing a post for Nancy Drew and the Hidden Staircase. She will hate this photo but I love it.

My Life In Pictures February 23 - February 28 OMG Why Am I So Far Behind?

February 23 - Took my family to Medieval Times. My in-laws live so close but have never been. So happy they experienced it with us.

February 24 - Took my Goddess out for the day. We headed to Walmart looking for any Spring deals. The decorations were cute but we ended up buying nothing that day.

February 25 - Got to love co-workers who bring in homemade Sofrito. It was delicious. Don't know what Sofritio is? Check out this recipe from Kitchen Gidget

February 26 - Food Glorious Food. I made sauteed veggies and steamed shrimp over quinoa. It was amazing.

February 27 - I want to change my hair color so bad but I am so scared. Maybe one day but until now I will just use Snapchat.

February 28 - I love taking photos of Luna and since I need to always throw a cat picture into the mix, this one was as good as any.

We Love Our Cats But Haven't Embraced The Fur - FurZapper

Many of you guys know that I have 3 cats adopted from the animal shelter my family and I volunteer at. I love them all and the addition of all of them have added to my family greatly. They are very loved and very taken care of. In fact, they have their own Instagram page called my_3_catsss.  Follow them if you please. With that being said, embracing the fur has only worked on 2 out of the 4 of us. The kids don't seem to mind at all but my husband has to wear a suit every day so making sure he is hair free has become a chore. I was thrilled to try FurZapper and while I can't tell you we are 100% hair free, we definitely see a huge difference.

Pet owners love their furry friends, but no one loves the hair they leave behind! FurZapper is an easy spring cleaning solution to removing pet hair from clothes, pet bedding, blankets and more. Just toss it into the washer and dryer with your laundry and let it work its magic. This tacky, flexible disc is just sticky enough to gently collect and pull fur, hair, dust and debris from items as they tumble through the cycles.

It's non-toxic, re-usable, hypoallergenic and 100% made in the USA. So, if you’re tired of washing and drying your clothes and still having pet hair all over, try FurZapper!

FurZapper comes in a two pack. There is one for the wash and one for the dryer.  We have used it for 3 weeks and I have noticed that when I do spot a hair on the clothing it isn't inside the threading of the clothes. It comes off easily. 

Last week my dryer decided it had enough and stopped working. (Remember when appliances used to last 20+ year? Yeah...they did but now we are lucky to get a good 5-8 out of them.) I headed to friend's to dry my clothes for a few days. I didn't want to bombard anyone so I made pit stops at three friends and each one noticed FurZapper in my laundry and asked about it. They all have purchased since my visits. Honestly, I should have bought them all a FurZapper now that I think about it.  

Here are some other pet products you may be interested in.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

How To Upgrade Your Home and Garden On A Budget

Turning your property into your dream home doesn’t have to be an impossible fantasy. From your bedroom to your garden, sometimes even the smallest of upgrades can be transformative. Those upgrades don’t need to cost you extortionate amounts either, and if budget is a worry then don’t panic. You could make some simple yet striking improvements to your home without damaging your bank balance, and sometimes even the smallest of changes can turn your least favorite room in your home into somewhere that you never want to leave. So if you’re thinking of giving your home a makeover, then these four tips could see your property quickly and easily transformed into the home of your dreams.

Kitchen Perfection
There are many ways to make upgrades to the heart of your home. You could make small changes like exchanging your stainless steel taps into something more elegant like copper varieties. Alternatively, you could paint a single wall in your kitchen to create a more dynamic feature that will draw the eye without costing you a fortune. You could also change the handles on your drawers and cupboards, or even paint the cabinets themselves.

Bedroom Luxury

You want your bedroom to focus on comfort and luxury, and that doesn’t have to mean calling in the interior designers. Start with your bed, and make sure that you have a striking and original headboard. Always prioritize your bed for maximum comfort, so a good mattress and matching bed set are always going to look and feel amazing. Lighting is essential, so make sure that you have lamps close to the bed and dimmer options available.

The Great Outdoors

There’s nothing quite like a well-manicured garden that you can relax in over the warmer months. As well as a comfortable seating area (and play area for the kids), it’s always a good idea to have a neat water feature. These can act as the perfect focal point in your garden, but you will have to make sure that they are kept tidy. Go for a low maintenance option by installing a pond that comes with the latest pond filters from A pond can be a great source of inspiration, and you can get very creative with your water feature ideas.

Bathroom Bliss

The trick to a better bathroom is to avoid clutter. Make sure that there is a place for everything, and everything in its place. You might have to install some more storage units for your toiletries, or a washing basket for your dirty clothes, but that’s always going to be better than leaving them on the floor. You should also spend a little of your budget on better towels. The right towels can make your home feel like a hotel, and that’s always going to be more satisfying than those damp, yellowed towels that you’re currently using.

Transforming your home is satisfying, but it could also pay off financially as well. Take the time to make even the smallest of upgrades to your home so that when you start thinking of selling, you may even have added more value.

Tree Hut Offers Up Some Amazing Mother's Day Gifts For The National Arbor Day

What did you guys do for Arbor Day, April 26th ? I work with preschoolers so for Arbor Day we went out and hugged and kissed some trees. Teaching kids to love nature and how to take care of the earth and our environment is near and dear to me. It is also near and dear to the folks over at 
Tree Hut and The National Arbor Day Foundation!  

I love this idea and love Tree Hut products. This Mother's Day show mom you care by giving her a product that cares. They never test on animals, use quality, natural ingredients and give back by helping plant trees by partnering with National Arbor Day Foundation.

They sugar scrubs and body butters are amazing. I use them often and have sent my sister-in-law at least 10 over the past 4 years. She loves them. 

Friday, April 26, 2019

My Son Is Navigating Bullies In High School

So I found out through a friend that my son was offered $10 to grab a girl’s butt at school fortunately he is smart enough to know this is NOT something any boy should do and refused saying, “I am not doing that, I don’t want to get arrested.” Smart boy. 

These are the kinds of things that have scared me and kept me up at night while he was in middle school. Kids quickly pick out the kids they can use and will try. When he was in middle school I had a lot of eyes and ears in the school. We are there for 5 years and live in a small town. I also worked in the school as a temp and were friends with many teachers and assistants. There were people who kept their eyes on him making sure no one tried to get over on him. I was told “they ask him to do stupid things. Nothing big but things that can get him in trouble and he thinks everyone is his friend.” 

Fortunately he was smart enough to refuse $10 this time. Fortunately, all our talks haven’t fallen on deaf ears. Fortunately he told someone who told me and now we can build on the lesson quietly without him getting upset or realizing that this has anything to do with what was said so he continues to be open with the student who told his mom. Unfortunately this kid will be graduating this year. Unfortunately my son thinks everyone is his friend. 

I can only hope that the next time some black-hearted punk decides to try to talk my son into doing something for entertainment he again refuses.  It is what I pray for every night before I go to bed. Lord help him navigate life and come to us if he ever needs help or has questions. 

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Wonderful Books For Kids

Secrets Of A Fangirl by Erin Dionne

The 411:

I loved everything about this book. Sarah is my kind of chick. She isn't looking to share her whole world with everyone in fact she has a pretty big secret. She is in a contest for her favorite book series entitled MK Nightshade. She won a trivia contest against two boys and now she wants to prove that she is NOT a fake fan like the folks at the contest seemed to think but but the biggest fan.  Her knowledge of her favorite books is deep and she will let nothing keep her from winning this contest and proving herself. 

What I loved about Sarah is she didn't let anything stop her from her goal. It is about time there was a book about a strong girl who doesn't need a boy to make her feel whole. LOVED IT!

To Purchase:

The Pepper Party Picks The Perfect Pet by Jay Cooper

  • Print Length: 128 pages
  • Publisher: Scholastic Inc. (May 28, 2019)
  • Publication Date: May 28, 2019
  • Sold by: Scholastic Trade Publisher

Age 7- 10
Grade 2 - 5

Annie Pepper has her heart set on adopting a Chihuahua in need. But none of the Peppers can agree on the perfect pet, and they're not above sabotage to get their way. Soon they end up with a heartbroken lovebird, the tarantula that ate San Pimiento, a prissy French kitty, and a house full of chaos! Who'll win the clash of the creatures?

The 411:

This is a fun, quick read about a family with the last name Pepper. There are a lot of them but they have never had a pet because Peppers don't do pets. When Annie falls in love with a Chihuahua at the shelter she decides to change their mind but it doesn't go as she thought it would. They end up with a spider, a cat and a love sick bird instead. Annie isn't done trying though and comes up with a tremendous idea that helps everyone out.

Adorable book that kids will find funny and interesting. Annie is someone everyone will be rooting for in the end.

Diary Of An Ice Princess by Christina Soontornvat

The 411:

Lina is a special little girl. Her mom is a windtamer and dad is just a pilot. Lina hasn't harnessed her power yet. It seems to be all over the place but her moms side can all control the weather in some respect. Lina lives in a castle in the clouds with her dog Gusty and family. Lina's best friend goes to a grounding school meaning its on the ground and that is exactly what Lina wants. This school isn't just a school on the ground but it is STEM based and Lina loves Science. She wants to be like everyone else but how can the daughter of a windtamer just be like every other normal girl? 

I loved Lina's voice. She is a strong role model who knows what she wants. Like my favorite parts of superhero movies, My favorite parts were Lina learning her powers. When she iced Dylan's feet to the field I laughed out loud. Kids are going to love this Sci-Fi Children's book about a princess who lives in a castle in the clouds. 

Great message and strong family role models. 

3 Tips to Choosing the Best Cremation Urn to Memorialize a Loved One

Losing a loved one is never easy to accept. Many choose to wallow in their grief until they finally accept the reality of their loved one’s passing. While others, on the other hand, prefer to celebrate the life lived and not dwell on what could have been.

One of the most significant decisions loved ones face in this dark time is making preparations
for the final resting place. Careful considerations are made between burial and cremation.
Based on research and price comparisons among different funeral services, cremation is more
cost-effective than a burial, as the former does not require embalming and cremation urn is
relatively cheaper than a casket and burial plot. However, there are still plenty who prefer to
bury their loved ones as it is considered as the “natural” method of passing. Burial also allows
relatives to have a gravesite or place to visit during Souls’ Day or whenever they feel they miss
their lost family.

But should you come to the time when you have to make up this painful decision, and you
choose cremation, here are some tips when choosing the best cremation urn.

1.  Set your budget.
There are plenty of cremation services that offer a wide variety of urns. This will make your
already grieving mind more confused so setting your budget early on will at least narrow
down your choices. Remember, expensive does not necessarily equate to quality. There are
plenty of materials available that do not cost too much but still give off high quality or style.

The price of urn varies based on the size and materials used. Each has its own distinct quality.
Usually, cremation urns made from metal have the lowest price, ranging from $40- $460.
Those made from wood does not stray too far from the price range as it costs more or less
around $40- $525.

2.  Pick out a resting place for the urn.
A critical factor in picking a cremation urn is deciding where it will be kept after the memorial
service. Whether you prefer to display the urn in your altar at home or buried outdoors, there
is an urn to choose from. For indoor urns, there are various elegantly decorated urns that can
beautifully complement your style.  There also plenty made from crystals or porcelain. If you
prefer to display the urn in your garden, or outdoors near your fountain, you need to choose
something that is sturdy and resilient to the changing weather of the outdoors such as a
marble or metal urn. Cremation urns can also be buried when housed in an urn vault.  So
make sure you have already decided where the final resting place will be before buying an urn.

3.  Choose the size.

Size of the urn matters as this will be the basis of the amount of ashes you will get to keep.
As such, you should keep in mind your departed loved one’s build. You may want to ask the
cremation service if there is a computation or rule to consider to ensure that the ashes will
fit the urn.

Mothering Until She Tells Me To Stop

Two weeks ago a friend heard I had to make my daughter’s lunch for school and said “You still make her lunch?” My quick reply was “yup” but the longer answer was absolutely, I will continue making her lunch until she tells me to stop.”

Being a motherless daughter I want to mother my kids for as long as possible. My mother didn’t make my lunch but I longed for it. A bag with my name on it and a folded up napkin with a sandwich made with love, maybe a thermos with something to drink and a “treat”. I received hot lunch at school and traded it every day with anyone who would trade their bologna and cheese or peanut butter and jelly. Knowing their mom had made it with love in her heart just for them made me feel so warm inside. While I am not sure if my daughter feels warm inside when she eats my prepared lunches I hope she knows that I love and adore her every day when she opens that lunch box and sees something I put in there just for her. All the yummy things she likes. A yogurt, a fruit, an icepack, spoon and napkin in the bottom portion and in the top a treat or two or three. Nothing big just things I know she loves.

When she was younger I added a note, joke or sticker. Now that she is older I have stopped but I am thinking of starting again. Maybe not everyday but the surprise note once in a while.

While she is 14 years old and many kids are putting together their own lunch and moms are celebrating that they no longer have to worry about lunch for their school kids I will always make her lunch while she lives home with me. My days of being able to Mommy her daily are numbered. She is getting older and I am going to need friends to surround me when she moves out but for now Mothering is what I do best. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

The Adventures of Jurassic Pet Is On DVD and VOD

The Adventures of Jurassic Pet

The 411:

The Adventures of Jurassic Pet is a movie about a boy and a dinosaur and I cannot wait for part 2.

Chris walks into a shop looking to buy something "special". An older gentleman shows him a box that is locked which he purchases. When he gets the box home it eventually opens revealing a large egg that hatches a baby dinosaur. Chris names the Dino Albert. 

When he tries to go back the shop it is different and the woman at the counter tells her there is no man working there. He sees a photo of the man behind the counter but the woman tells him that is her husband and he died a few years ago. So wait, a ghost sold a box to a boy and it has a dinosaur egg? My kids and I are intrigued.  

Like with any family friendly film about dinosaurs and ghosts an evil scientist, Dr. Yost who wants to study the dinosaur does everything to steal Albert from Chris.  Thankfully our ghost shows up to help Chris and Albert and we are taken on an adventure as they try to protect Albert.

My daughter had a few concerns with this movie. One was that she felt there were too many guns. Dr. Yost has a bunch of gun toting guys running around with him and shooting at the dinosaur but for me the movie was okay however I would have liked to see more of Chris and his friends working together.  She also didn't like that Chris willingly went into a house with our ghost friend who was working with him as an old man and a homeless man.

I think many kids won't notice the guns and the "evil" scientist who will do anything to get his test subject.

Breaking Glass Pictures - ‘Carga’ On DVD A Review

Starring Netflix’s “1983” Michalina Olszanska in a breakout performance, 3-time Golden Globe winner Victor Norte (“Cinco dias, Cinco Noites”), and international model Sara Sampiao in her feature film debut. 


A truck driver tormented by the load he carries. A road that should lead to a better life. Human beings treated as goods for selling... In a capitalist society where each person focuses on their own needs, it is easy to forget about those around us and only do what is best for each of us. This is the story of Viktoriya, a young woman who throws everything away in search of a better life. From the moment the doors of the truck where she travels open up, Viktoriya is confronted with the cruel reality of human trafficking. Can she escape her fate?

The 411:

Knowing this is very real in our world, made the movie much harder to watch.

We follow two main characters Viktoriya a woman trying to escape her life only to be forced into a human trafficking situation and Antonio the driver with a conscious who is using his truck to transport people for the mafia to help take care of his wife, daughter and granddaughter.

The dark shadows used in the film transmit the vile organizations that support and exhibit selling human beings. It all felt all too real and harsh. Selling souls is a obviously a lucrative business run by power and money hungry degenerates who will hopefully burn in hell yet the film has you seeing the monsters as struggling souls as well. Everyone is trying to make their way through this sometimes difficult life. . I am not a huge fan of subtitles but there is very little dialogue in the movie so it didn't take away from the acting which was stupendous. My heart hurt after watching.



Tackling the issue of human trafficking, Carga is mainly a film about choices, survival instinct and strong women who do not give up, and a cargo that above all is emotional and that all the characters carry. My preoccupation with social themes is the painting of a rough portrait of the realities that humans often choose to ignore, but they are always part of what I write.


For seven years now, I and my producer have worked on several documentary stories. Once we had the story of a man who came to Portugal in a truck. This man did not want to come to Portugal, but he trusted someone who made a promise to him, but he was betrayed. Lost near Lisbon and unable to speak English or Portuguese, for a long time he was not able to ask for help. When I started writing the script, I always had this idea in my mind: how far can we go when we have nothing? How are the choices made? And when we are vulnerable, what can happen to us? I was very worried when I checked in and investigated how traffic networks operate. It was very important listen the stories of several persons connected to ONGS that work with human trafficking victims. That part of the process was essential to understand how close is this reality is from all of us. Viktoriya’s journey is not real, but represents the journey of millions of persons around the world that are caught in human trafficking networks. The fact is that these networks have victims at various levels and that is portrayed in the film.


All the characters have in their shoulders a bigger cargo that they can handle with. The film talks about choices and about the egoism of society and where the survival instinct often prevails above the common good. My concern as screenwriter and director of the film is to work the gray areas of the characters from the concept of “good people do bad things and bad people do good things.”. Despite that, all of them will live forever with the consequences of their choices.


In “Carga” we are confronted with the cultural differences and with the misunderstandings that the linguistic barriers can have on us, which was the reason that led me to cross 3 languages in the film: Portuguese, English and Russian. Communication in this film is power, that ’s why Viktor talks in english with António (despite he knows the truck driver speaks and understands the language really bad), but when he wants him to obey he speaks in Portuguese to make sure that he understands every single word. Now put yourself in the shoes of someone like Viktoriya: she doesn’t understand a word that those men are saying to her, she is suffering, afraid and even when she escape no one understands her language. How can you save yourself if no one understands you?
To Purchase:

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary product for my honest opinion. No monetary compensation was offered.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Spring Is Here - How About Some Spring Friendly Children's Books

Like the rest of us QuartoKid is ready for spring. My family and my preschool class have been spending a ton of time outdoors. Everyday I take my class outside and we run, look for rocks, talk to the birds, search for worms and enjoy the beautiful warm days after a long winter.

Tales From Nature: Bee 
By Magali Attiogbé
Board Book (ages 0-2)   
words & pictures
March 19, 2019

Join little bee as he gathers pollen from a flower and makes honey with his friends. But what happens when the queen bee arrives? Introducing nature to little ones, Tales From Nature provides simple, entertaining storylines with an animal character as the focus. Bright and colorful illustrations are sure to engage young children as they learn about each animal's day, from a cute description, to what it eats and where it lives. Simple, engaging text explains nature in a playful way for little ones. Each page includes a window or a flap to encourage children to read on and discover more. 

This is a favorite for my class. They love all the colorful flowers and the sweet face of the bees that they are learning they do not need to be afraid of.  It is a  very sweet book and they love putting their little fingers in the decorative cut outs of the page spread. I love the book because it gives my class a look into the life of bees and what they do in a very "toddler" friendly way. 

Tales From Nature: Ladybug
By Magali Attiogbé
Board Book (ages 0-2)   
words & pictures
March 19, 2019

Join ladybird as she helps gardeners with their aphids and camouflages herself from a swooping bird. But where should she hide her little eggs? Introducing nature to little ones, Tales From Nature provides simple, entertaining storylines with an animal character as the focus. Bright and colorful illustrations are sure to engage young children as they learn about each animal's day, from a cute description, to what it eats and where it lives. Simple, engaging text explains nature in a playful way for little ones. Each page includes a window or a flap to encourage children to read on and discover more. 

This book is so cute. Who doesn't love a ladybug? In this book with the cute cut outs perfect for little fingers, kids learn about the life cycle of a lady bug as well as why gardeners also love lady bugs.  

In Blossom
By Cheon Yooju
Picture book (ages 4-7)
Frances Lincoln Children’s Books
January 15, 2019

“Once spring blossom comes, I don’t want to do anything but watch blossom all day long. More than anything I love watching soft flowers bloom from ancient trees.” – Cheon Yooju

One day, a cat and dog meet on a bench. The cat eats her lunch. The dog reads his book. But the sun twinkles, the breeze blows, and there’s something sweet in the air…

I absolutely loved this book. It is so cute in it's simplistic message. The illustrations are adorable, muted and soft. A cat! A dog! A shared lunch between two "new" friends. 

The sweet message here to me was being alone is great and there is time for that but when the opportunity comes to make a new friend, embrace it. 

This would be an adorable animated short. Can someone please make that for me?

Baby Bird
Written by Andrew Gibbs
Illustrated by Zosienka
Picture book (ages 2-5)
Frances Lincoln Children’s Books
March 5, 2019

‘All birds are born to fly,’ thinks Baby Bird, watching the other hatchlings leave the nest. ‘I suppose it’s now or never…’ But one of Baby’s wings is twisted and shrunken and not at all like the other one. Instead of flying, Baby plummets to the ground. There, Baby makes a new friend, and learns that sometimes you have to find unexpected ways to achieve your dreams. A moving story about the power of friendship and the importance of accepting yourself just the way you are, this lovely watercolour picture book shows how friends can help you overcome difficulty.

This is an adorable book about a baby bird who isn't like the other siblings in the nest. One of his wings just isn't like the other. It is small and twisted, kinda like Nemos fin. When all his sibs leave the nest baby bird takes a chance and plummets to the ground where he practices and practices and practices but just can't fly. He never gives up but nothing works. Eventually he meets Cooter.

Cooter can't fly either but tries to help baby bird until Baby Bird gets angry and walks away trying on his own. He ends up under water where Cooter saves him. Cooter takes Baby Bird Cooter Scooting and baby bird learns you don't need strong wings to fly.

What a sweet book. My class was a mostly interested in the colors of Baby Bird but preschoolers will love the idea of friends lifting you when you are down.  This book is about being different and still rocking your difference, friendship, encouragement and acceptance. I thought it was adorable. I saw some reviews talking about Baby Bird being doomed and not understanding the message but I think this falls into who sees the glass half full or half empty. It is a sweet book and there is nothing wrong with the message of friends helping you until you can figure out your new normal.

Head over to Quarto Knows to order

Disclaimer: I received these books from Quartro Knows for my honest opinion. No monetary compensation was offered.