Maria's Space: Mellow Yellow Monday - Toys and More Toys

Sunday, August 08, 2010

Mellow Yellow Monday - Toys and More Toys

The rules are pretty simple:
1. Every Monday post a photo with a little or a lot of yellow.
2. Please only post photos you have authority to use.
3. Include a Mellow Yellow Badge or a link to this blog in your post.
4. Leave the link to your Mellow Yellow post below on Mr. Linky.
5. Visit other blogs

Goddess has a ton of Littlest Pet Shop stuff. They are her favorite go to toys. They are also a lot of fun to take pictures of.


Here she is playing in her Pet Shop Village. The set up takes time. She spends more time setting up that actually playing. I bring out all the big pieces and also put them away. That is the deal we made. There are way fewer bigger pieces than little ones so I got the better deal.

Here is the chaos and calamity when you open up the Rubbermaid case they are all stored in.



  1. Wow lots of toys that is pretty fun to play. Happy MOnday!

    Mellow Yellow Monday

  2. Wow! That's a LOT of Littlest Petshop toys! They are giving those away in Happymeals now here in Georgia.

  3. Holy cow!

    I see lots of yellow in the last shot!

  4. Anonymous2:27 PM

    OMG!!! Thats alotta toys. lol


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