Maria's Space: "Five Lessons Every Kid Should Learn."

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

"Five Lessons Every Kid Should Learn."

Recently, Twitter Mom's and Nanny McPhee Returns (the movie) joined forces and asked:
What are the 5 Lessons Every Kid Should Learn, since I was curious about what my friends and family think about this, I sent a Facebook invite to a few friends and family asking them the same question. Some answered "family rules" rather than life lessons but a lot of us were on the same page with some important lessons.

Maria (little ol' me) Says:
  • Always be true to yourself. Know who you are and never compromise yourself for someone else.
  • Don't be afraid to take a chance. Fearing failure and never trying is worse than trying with the possibility to succeed.
  • Be good to others. Being kind and polite doesn't cost a thing. Treat people the why you want to be treated.
  • Never sell your short. Always strive for the best in yourself and what you deserve. 
  • Love with your whole heart. Love is one of the things that make us human.

Lori, says:
"That it is always better to tell the truth no matter what it may be, because I will be more hurt and angry that they didn't trust me enough to be honest... I will always be angrier about then lying than about whatever it is they may have done wrong."
Lyn, says:
-Respect their mother and father's decisions for the family.
-Respect other people's property
-Always empty your pockets before putting clothes in washing machine!

Laurie says:
Dont allow friends to encourage you to do something that you know is wrong.
Listen to authority
Dont make fun of people
Come straight home after school
Call home if your going to be late, or going somewhere

Deb says:
~Always put yourself in the other person's shoes. Think how your actions would make you feel if the roles were reversed. Always live by the Golden Rule.
~Respect your own property. Treat other's item as if they were your own.
~Mom and Dad would never do anything to hurt your feelings or hold you back. Trust that the decisions we make for our family are the right ones for us. Other families make the proper decisions for them and they will not always be the same as our's.
~Do your best. We ask nothing more than that.
~Every "failure" is never that. It is a chance to learn and grow.

Lorie says:
~Always put yourself in the other person's shoes. Think how your actions would make you feel if the roles were reversed. Always live by the Golden Rule.
~Respect your own property. Treat other's item as if they were your own.
~Mom and Dad would never do anything to hurt your feelings or hold you back. Trust that the decisions we make for our family are the right ones for us. Other families make the proper decisions for them and they will not always be the same as our's.
~Do your best. We ask nothing more than that.
~Every "failure" is never that. It is a chance to learn and grow.

Side Note: Do I know enough Lori's?

“I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and Nanny McPhee Returns blogging program, making me eligible to get a $50 gift card.

1 comment:

  1. I saw this movie and loved it. Actually even more so than the first one. Yup.


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