Maria's Space: February 2009

Friday, February 27, 2009

The Friday Memes

1. I'm good, I'm important, I funny.

2. Why do I have a father and not a parent?

3. How does this life work, anyway?

4. Every morning, I put contacts on my eyeball.

5. I consider myself lucky because I love.

6. One day we’ll see more clearly.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to having nothing to do, tomorrow my plans include going to the library and Sunday, I want to start reading Corline.

  1. How often do you get paid? I get paid daily in hugs.
  2. Do you tend to splurge a little on (or shortly after) pay day? I never was a splurger!
  3. What are the few days leading up to pay day like for you? Since I don't work, ummm they are like any other day.
  4. If you had the option, would you like to be paid daily for each day’s work? I would love a check for 555.00 Every day.
  5. When did you get your first paycheck and what was it for? It was in 1984 but I do not recall the amount.
Who was your childhood hero? I loved Helen Keller and Eleanor Roosevelt when I was a child.

In your opinion what is the world's greatest invention so far? So far, it is the digital camera. I love not having to wait for film to be developed before we see the picture.

What time do you typically get up in the morning and what time do you usually go to bed? I get up before the crack of dawn. My kids wake me all night long and they wake about 5:25 a.m. these days. It sucks. I go to be between 11:00 and 12:30 a.m.

Midnight Snack
What was your last thought? That we are all in charge of our own destiny.

Recipe for the Week (instead of your recipe for life, what is it just for this week?) Life's what you make it. We are all stars of our own reality.

Breaking Dawn has Come To An End

Last night I finally closed Breaking Dawn. I am sad to see it end and have been reading it for over 3 months. Not because it was hard to read, boring and any other reason you can come up with. The sole reason was because I knew after I finished it, the saga would be over! Saying goodbye to Bella, Edward, Jacob and the rest of the clan didn't sit well with me.

I pray that Stephanie Meyer will eventually finish Midnight Sun. Edward's voice needs to be heard and I know millions who are dying to read it.

To everyone who hasn't read it yet; I am so jealous. Read it! You won't be disappointed.

Photo of My Baby Girl

Awesome gift idea.

Phokki has established a way for you to create a one of a kind gift for you or someone else.

With Phokki, you can turn into photo into graphic art. The site is especially user friendly. The hardest part was choosing which of my photos to use in the review and the graphic style, there are tons to choose from.

Sounds great right? It is...check out this image of my baby girl.

I used Mix and Blend. Here is the original next to the Mix and Blend version. So pretty.

Goddess loved her picture and is mad that all her pictures don't have "stars" all over them.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Mommy Friends Discuss It All

Friends and Best Friends MySpace Comments and Graphics
What do 3 moms talk about when they get together for coffee... it would be easier to say what don't they say.

Religion, movies, Parenting, blogging, music, product reviews, sex toys ( Which ones are the best? 1 out of 3 of us never used them), celebrities, and more.

The best part about this small group of women is that no one takes anything too seriously. It is a really comfortable dynamic and I totally can be 100% myself.

Friends Rock!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Thematic Photographic 38 - Winter

Carmi, at Written Inc, is asking for Winter this week. For our family, winter means sliding down hills, eating loads of snow and warm nights around the fire place.

ABC Wednesday - Family

"F" is for family. I love how close my children are. They are family but they are also friends. They love each other very much and I hope to continue helping that friendship blossom.

See my other submission, the flower her

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Simple Woman's Daybook~February 23rd Edition

For Today...

Outside my window... bright sunshine, glorious day but brutally cold.

I am thinking... life is what you make it but damn things are stressed right now.

From the learning rooms... I need to put more trust in my faith

I am thankful for... the unconditional love of and for my children.

From the kitchen... I really need to go shopping but man things are tight these days.

I am wearing... comfy yoga pants and a tight graphic t-shirt that makes me feel thin.

I am reading... 100 Cupboards

I am hoping... to reconnect with someone this weekend.

I am creating...a couple of draft posts for my much deprived Memories Through Photography

I am hearing... my son complain and repeat himself over and over again.

Around the house... I need to take care of some tidying.

One of my favorite things... is bedtime.

A few plans for the rest of the week... draft up some reviews and catch up on my blog friends.

Here is a picture I thought I would share with you...

This is a daisy from my daughter's Valentine bouquet. I was so happy to give her her first flowers. She loved them and she is still taking care of them.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sunday Stealing: The Stolen Sex Meme

1. Is there anyone of your friends that you would ever consider having sex with? Oh hell all of them. I consider most things and never say never!

2. Sex in the morning, afternoon or night? Whenever, it's all good.

3. What side of the bed do you sleep on? The side nearest the door. The kids are looking for me when they come in so it just makes more sense.

4. Have you ever taken your clothes off for money? Nope! But it would take a hell of a lot of money.

5. Have you ever had sex in the shower or the bath? Is there someone who hasn't done this? This question seems like one that would be on a cosmo quiz.

6. Do you watch/read pornography? I love my porn collection. It helps keep this mom of 2 smiling and sane.

7. Do you want someone aggressive or passive in bed? There is a place for both types.

8. Do you love someone on your blogroll? I love everyone. I am a happy, loving person. Even Oinker has a place in heaven.

9. Would you choose love or money? Love is amazing but these sounds good too.

10. Your top three favorite kinks in bed? Oh Lord, I so won't go there. What I think is kinky someone may find normal and what I find normal someone may find kinky.

11. Has anyone ever gone beyond your personal line of respect sexually? Yes!

12. Where is the most romantic place you have had sex? Is there a such thing as romantic sex? Wow, never had it.

13. Where is the weirdest place you have had sex? What's weird to you?

14. Have you ever been caught having sex? Yes.

15. Ever been to a bar just to get sex? No. I go to a bar to drink and hang with friends. What, no, never mind.

16. Ever been picked up in a bar? Yes, see there was this time that my car got a flat and my friend/now husband had to pick me up.

17. Have you ever kissed or had sex with someone of the same sex? Never!

18. Had sex in a movie theater? Uh, no.. I go to the movies to watch the movie. Why spend a small fortune on movie tickets and waste them on sex when I can just have that in the alley later? Duh.

20. Had sex in a bathroom? I prefer not to but sometimes, a girl has to do what a girl has to do.

21. Have you ever had sex at work? Ummm..., what are we calling sex these days?

22. Bought something from an adult store? And it came in a plain brown package too.

23. Do you own any sex toys? I have a small arsenal of friends who might or might not require batteries.

24. Does anyone have naughty pics of you or are you on film? My husband might have a photo or two or one hundred.

25. Have you ever had sex with someone and called them the wrong name? Never. But I did have a guy call me another name during an argument.

26. Do you think oral sex constitutes as a form of intercourse? but I do consider it sex.

27. What's your favorite sexual position? Any that matches up the necessary parts.

28. What's your favorite sex act? Any old act will do.

29. Have you ever had sex with more than one person at a time? Never! Damn it.

30. How many Sunday Stealing players do you think will not post this meme this week?

Saturday 9: Letting the Sparks Fly

1. Where would you go if you wanted to spark your creativity? I would surf the Internet. There are so many creative people out there. Bloggers and Etsy folks are an interesting and talented group with a wealth of ideas for creativity.

2. What would be one thing that would embarrass you a great deal? There is really nothing that embarrasses me. But, there was a time that I came out of the bathroom at work, walked past a room full of patients with my ankle long skirt stuffed into the back of my pantyhose. After that, I really wanted to go home for the day.

3. What values did your parents instill in you? That if you have nothing nice to say, you say nothing at all. They also taught me to give to others even if you have nothing for yourself.

4. What’s a fad of your teen years that you remember well? Wearing a big, fat colorful comb in my carpenter jean pocket.

5. What is your favorite breakfast? I love breakfast. My favorite is a "Clarissa special."

6. What is the best birthday gift that you have received? My laptop and my engagement ring.

7. What gadget could you not live without? My laptop, and my camera. I love them both.

8. Do you collect anything? I used to be a big collector. I collected horses, then snow globes, angels and now Willow Tree Figurines.

9. What website (non-blog) do you regularly visit? There is nothing I visit regularly. I visit Twitter and Facebook but not very regularly.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

You Want To Be A What When You Grow Up???

Thursday night as we were heading to my son's martial arts class he told me what he wants to be when he grows up.

Here is what I heard...

Handsome: "I want to be a policeman when I grow up Mom"

Me: "You do? That's so nice Baby"

Just as I was taking the moment to beam at the fact that my son is telling me where his thoughts are on his career at 5 years old there is another voice in the back seat.

Goddess: "Mommy, I want to be Jesse's police car when I grow up"

Me: You do? Hahahahah...why are you always a scene stealer?!

Friday Fill In we go!

1. Give me respect and I'll give it right back.

2. Whenever Wherever

3. I wish I felt closer to a particular person right now.

4. Clarissa's breakfast sandwich was the last thing I ate that was utterly delicious.

5. To live in this world is a blessing

6. Other than this one, 5 Minutes for giveaways is the last blog I commented on.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to vegging out, tomorrow my plans include catching up with my email and Sunday, I want to watch a movie with the kids.

Friday, February 20, 2009

I'm Gonna Break That Wood!!

Tonight Handsome will graduate from white belt to high white in his Tao class. I am so excited for him to see what he has been working for all this time.

Last night his Master was telling the class what to expect on graduation night. She had their attention as she quietly explained everything they would be expected to do. Pulling out a piece of wood she explained what it was, and how they would break the board tomorrow night at graduation. The Dragons all looked excited as she presented a piece of practice Styrofoam for them to try out. They each hit it and it broke in the center. After each had a turn she held the board they would be expected to break tonight. Her hand was holding it in the middle and my son decided to hit the board. I missed the actual breaking but I heard her saying "that was great. You shouldn't have been able to break that because I was holding it in the middle and in order to break it we have to hold it on the edges". He apologized, and said "it was an accident." She told him it was OK and that now he knew what to do for tonight.

After class, she brought the wood over and told me how he shouldn't have been able to break the board.

I also found out that as they are breaking the board they will turn to the crowd and shout, "I'm going break that wood."

I can't wait to see how he does tonight. His father, Teach is coming with us tonight. It is supposed to be a zoo and extremely over crowded. I am sure he will be very proud of what our Handsome is doing.

I am proud of him for breaking his first board. We brought it home and will date it and hang it in his room.

Even if he doesn't continue Tao, I am proud of the work he has accomplished so far. Tao has helped his coordination so much and I highly recommend it. Besides his coordination and discipline he can now Korean. He has learned a lot of Korean actually but I don't know how to spell any of it. Damn it!

Pictures of graduation coming soon.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Taking on the Bible

Over the past 5 or 6 months I have slowly welcomed two Jehovah Witness's into my home. The reason is, they are nice.

They started out by handing me a Watchtower magazine until last week when they gave me a bible. I always thought there was a bible in my house. My mother had a bible (or so I thought) which is now mine. Turns out it is a prayer book of some sort.

Over the past couple of weeks, it has been too cold to stand in the doorway with the door open to listen to them or to ask questions so I let them into the hallway. Last week they were welcomed to my dining room table. I wasn't feeling well and didn't want to stand in the doorway.

I was raised Catholic but have attended Catholic and Lutheran over the last 30 years but I do not know the bible and it wasn't until last week that I learned how to read the bible.

My JH friends have a lot of patience and answer all my questions with scripture.

What have I asked?

Who is Jehovah and what are you witnessing?

How do we know the bible wasn't written by some Stephen King dude sitting in a dark room wasting his time away?

What is your goal? Why do you come to my home every week?

Are you looking for money?

Why are all these numbers in the bible? It makes it hard to read.

Are you volunteers or does your church pay you?

Not to get into a long post about religion, so I will only answer if you ask me what they said but I find them interesting. Religion is religion when you think about it. We all fall under the same umbrella.

I am sure there are some fanatics out there who are appealed at my questions (my husband was too). This is certainly not to poke fun at Jehovah Witness's or any other religion nor am I making light of religion.

If you know me, you know I fall under the "whatever" umbrella. Whatever works for you and makes you happy is what is right. It might not be right for me, but it is right for you so that's cool dude.

Seriously, when a friend asked me last week why I am reading the bible with the Jehovah Witness's and not at my church I said, "they come to my door, gave me a bible and only stay on my terms." My church isn't doing that.

A few weeks ago when they came I was watching General Hospital. I ran out when my husband opened the door just long enough to tell them that it was sweeps week and I didn't want to miss General Hospital. They said, "see you next week" and thanked me for my honesty.

There are a lot of misconceptions about Jehovah Witness's and I am learning a lot. They are just like you and I but they dedicate themselves to the bible.

You have to respect people who can pull scripture and apply it to anything I ask. They make me think and look forward to their visits.

I am not looking to become a Jehovah Witness but I believe that everything happens for a reason. They came here, I opened the door and we connected. I have longed to read the bible and understand it. With them I don't feel silly asking the questions that might embarrass me if I were asking a preacher or priest. It just works.

Trying Not To Judge But.....

Yesterday my family and I headed out to Chuck E. Cheeses for something close to a nightmare experience. Honestly, I hate being in crowds, especially when my kids are involved. Crowds and noise make me feel less than nice. Not sure if it is normal but for me I start feeling claustrophobic and confused. The noise and everything else makes it hard for me to concentrate.

Now that I am a mom, I feel less confused and more angry. Not being able to hear yourself or see your kid in the crowd contributes to that.

Chuck E. Cheese gets crowded enough but on a day when school is closed man 0 man, it is a down right jungle.

We got there at 1:30 p.m. and it took 30 minutes to get in the door. I wasn't feeling good so my cousin's kids chased after mine. Honestly, there wasn't much chasing that had to be done. There was more pulling. It appears that my children are more like me and were a bit overwhelmed. They had a fab time and my cousin's girls were awesome.

But....about an hour and half into our time there, my sister finds a baby girl alone. The baby was only about 13 months old. She was walking but not yet talking. My sister looked for her mom for a 1/2 hour before handing the baby over to the management. They walked around for a while too. I asked the manager if they could turn the music off and announce over the PA they had a lost girl. She informed me that the PA was broken and I asked if they had called the police yet and she said no. I was surprised when I saw her still walking around with the baby as we were leaving.

Leading my kids through the crowd, I noticed a women looking around. She was holding her necklace and searching the crowd. My cousin's kids are 5'9 and I couldn't find them in the crowd so I don't know what this women was thinking. If my baby was missing I would have demanded the music be shut off and there would have been no PA system necessary. Everyone would have heard me.

I walked over and touched her arm asking if she was looking for someone. She turned and breathed, "yes". I asked if she was looking for a baby girl and she said "yes". As I told her the manager had the baby her friend said, "that lady has her over there." They ran over and I watched the women hug the manager.

What is wrong with people? I can't even imagine what was going through this women's head. I can't imagine why she hadn't gone to the manager in the first place. The baby was so young she didn't even know to be afraid of strangers. She just hung onto whoever was holding her.

Sweet baby girl, I will think of your beautiful little, trusting face for a long time.

Everyone Has To Save The Planet Says 3 Year Old

My soon to be 4 year old wants to save the planet. I love that she is showing interest in our planet and all living things.

Today we were walking from school to the library and she took a sticker off her jacket.

Goddess: "I don't want this sticker anymore" she said as she rolled it up.

Me: "Ok, honey. Don't throw it on the ground. Give it to me and we will throw it in the garbage can."

Goddess: "We can't throw it on the ground because we would be like other people. We have to protect our planet. It is our Earth, we need to take care of it."

Me: Bending down to hug her, "Yes sweetie. You are right!"

Then we walked on, as my smile beamed.

It is the little lessons. Everything can be a teaching experience and they don't even know they are being taught. Sometimes, we don't even know we are teaching.

These are the moments that make it all worth it.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sunday Stealing: The Q & A Meme

1. Where is your significant other? Downstairs banging out sheetmetal for a job on Tuesday. He has been banging since Saturday. At least someone is getting some.

2. Your favorite thing? This is impossible to choose. I love my laptop, my cellphone, my Sirius MP3 Player, my new and my old camera, my kids, that I am writing this, I see that everything that is a favorite was a gift from my oh so unromantic husband. Maybe he is more romantic than I realize.

3. Your dream last night? Unfortunately, because I never get to sleep, I never actually enter REM which you need in order to dream. Yes, this is dangerous because we all need REM, but I haven't slept more than 3 hours of unbroken sleep for the past 6 years.

4. Your goal? To raise, well adjusted, polite, smart, happy, self confident, adults.

5. Your hobby? I love blogging, reading, scrapbooking, journaling, photography.

6. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Where I am but hopefully doing the things we never seem to have time for now.

7. Where were you last night? On the couch suffering through some excruitating stomach pains.

8. What you're not? I am not pretty, confident, happy, satisfied, encouraged, supported, or loved. Obviously, I am having a bad day.

9. One of your wish list items? Time with my husband where we go out as a family and create a memory with the kids.

10. Your pet? Currently, our only pets are the squirrels and birds that we feed outside our sliders.

11. Missing someone? Always. I would love to spend some time with my family.

12. Your car? My car is amazing and gets me from point A to point B.

13. Something you're not wearing? An ascot.

14. Love someone? Yes...quite a few people.

15. When is the last time you laughed? Today, my daughter cracks me up.

16. Last time you cried? About 4 days ago. Sometimes I need a good sob to make it all better.

17. Favorite past time? Doing nothing.

18. Are you a hater or a lover? I am a lover but you would never know it from these answers. I shouldn't have played today.

19. Any vices? Yes, the phone. I need my friends. They are my life line.

20. Favorite meme other than Sunday Stealing? I have so many. Check my sidebar.

Saturday 9: Be My Valentine

Saturday 9: Be My Valentine

1. Do you have Valentine’s Day plans? We never have Valentine's Day plans. It is not something my husband is into. Their is romantic and then there is the other end of that. He is the other end.

2. Do you buy a Valentine’s Day gift for someone special? I do, I think Valentine's Day is beautiful. Even a little token is appreciated. This year I got him Iron Gym. He is working out like crazy and I wanted to contribute to the body he will be sporty by early spring.

3. What, so far, was the happiest event of your life? The birth of my son and finding out I was having a girl. Being introduced to my babies was by far the best experiences of my life.

4. What is the best job that you ever have had? Being a mom before that my best job was bartending. I hate working in offices and have always had bosses from hell.

5. What would be your fantasy job? I don't know that there is a fantasy job for me other than being the photographer for Playgirl magazine (yeah baby) but I would just like to be appreciated and respected. That is really all I would need to have a great job. I like working , enjoy getting a job done and look forward to meeting new people.

6. What would you think would be the worst job? Cleaning up other people's shit. Whether it is a toothpick they used, their socks or literally their shit.

7. What foreign countries have you visited? Honestly, I don't have much desire to see other countries. I think there is a lot of America that I would like to see so why travel overseas?

8. What foreign country would be your fantasy trip? I guess if I had to chose someplace, I would see Spain, my in-laws have a home there and it would be cheaper to visit them.

9. Since leaving your home growing up, how many places have you lived? In over 20 homes. I really hate the fact that I moved so much. You can bury me in the backyard. It would take a lot to get me to move again.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday 5 for February 13: Seven Days

  1. This past week, were you more predator or prey? Predator. I started as prey but I believe I finished more as a predator.
  2. Which Beatles song title could best be the title of your week? Click here for complete list of Beatles songs! "Mean Mr. Mustard"
  3. “Roses are red / Violets are blue / You are a pain in my ass/but I love you true.” How would you complete this poem so that it described this past week?
  4. How many pieces of unopened mail are sitting wherever you put your unopened mail? 2
  5. What was the best meal of the past seven days? My "Clarissa" made breakfast. She makes the best breakfast sandwiches.

Friday Fill In

1. It seems like only yesterday I met my son.

2. Clean up when you're done, please?

3. If I thought you were coming I'd a baked a cake!

4. Food is what I think of most when I think of you.

5. To me, Valentine's Day means getting a card.

6. My kids gives me strength.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to spending time with the man, tomorrow my plans include playing with my kids and Sunday, I want to go to a birthday party!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

First Pony Tails - Peek Out of Ruby Red Shutters

I seriously need to get out and take some pictures. I had to riffle through my photo archives to find something for Ruby Tuesday. This weeks submission is my daughter from 2006. My girlfriend Sheress had just given her ponytails. I was sure that her hair wasn't long enough for tails but Sheress insisted. She was obviously right!

Monday, February 09, 2009

Product Review - Whimzee Glass & Etsy Shop Christy

One of my life desires is to be crafty. I am awed by the folks I meet online everyday. There is some crazy talent out there and I had the opportunity to meet one of them (virtually that is).

I found Christy while shopping on Etsy this past December. I was searching for something "Twilight" and found this amazing necklace. Her shop on Etsy is called ChristyM113 and you can find it here.

The necklace is beautiful. It has Bella and Edward on one side, the other has "and so the lion fell in love with the lamb." I love it and wear it at least 4 days a week taking it off only to alternate my cross necklace.

When I got in touch with Christy, I learned that she has quite an ecclectic passion. Her main company is called Whimzee Glass.

By eclectic, I mean, Christy's talents know no bounds. Christy, a southern girl, born and
raised in Baton Rouge. She wrote romantic fiction for years and is a self proclaimed, "middle-aged, Ellie Mae Clampett". She is the grandma to a fat, lazy skunk named Buster
and a mischievous, hyperactive squirrel named Gustav (who was a gift after Hurricane
Gustav blew down one of their oak trees). She forwarded me some video of her babies and
I am deeply jealous. I always wanted a pet squirrel. So sweet.
Who wouldn't be impressed by this? You can check out her site for more
photos of the beautiful work she has done. I was amazed.


Chotskies First Givaway is Coming Soon

My Other Blog "CHOTSKIES" will be hosting a giveaway soon, from an Etsy distributor.

Check back this week to enter the giveaway.

Click the picture of my honey and me to be
taken to the home of Chotskies.

Want a hint on the giveaway?....................................Vampires and Keys

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Sunday Stealing: The "Get to Know Your Friends" Meme

1. What is your occupation right now? Warden, referee, cook, doctor, lawyer, chauffeur, personal shopper, maid, teacher - Can you guess what I am?

2. What color are your socks right now? We're bare footin' yeah, yeah, yeah...bare footin'

3. What are you listening to right now? My kids argue back and forth

4. Last person you spoke to on the phone. Sheress who was in her bathroom and said, "if I die, no one killed me, I had a heart attack." Oh the things we say when our stomach is falling out.

5. How old are you today? 42 and counting.

6. What is your favorite sport to watch on TV? Dancing with the Stars! As much as I try I just don't understand spending hours watching sports on TV.

7. What is your favorite drink? Water

8. Have you ever dyed your hair? Yes!! Otherwise my kids would think I were their grandmother.

9. Favorite food? I love a grilled steak!

10. What is the last movie you watched? We just watched Explorers from 1985 starring Ethan Hawke, River Phoenix and the 3rd guy who I had to look up is Jason Presson. Imagine Explorers is the biggest movie you were ever in and they leave your name off the DVD cover? The cover shows 3 boys yet only 2 names. Sad. I feel bad for this guy. Even the video on his IMDB page features a video from a movie he was in with the freeze frame on Lukas Haas. Poor dude.

11. Favorite day of the year? I like every day that I am alive and breathing.

12. How do you vent anger? I don't vent. I actually just clam up.

13. What was your favorite toy as a child? I loved my Holly Hobbie and my paper dolls. That Montgomery Ward catalogue was an awesome source of dolls.

14. Living arrangements? Under a roof, walls, windows and doors!

15. What was the last thing that you cried about? I forced some tears last night for my son's benefit. I was done with his talking back and nothing else was working. Figuring I would try something new I scrunched up and gave it all I had. It worked, he stopped and he is still hugging me this morning "I'm sorry I made you cry mom!" Ahhh...sue me. Don't judge....I am a whatever works for you kinda girl.

16. Who is the friend you have had the longest? Out of my current in my life everyday friends, Teresa. Ask if she ever reads my blog?

17. What did you do last night? I watched some silly Sci fi channel movie with my husband. I critigued it the whole time.

18. What are you most afraid of? The thing in the closet, the thing under the bed, the thing in the shower, mostly..I am afraid of leaving my kids too early.

19. In how many areas of your country have you lived? I have moved 33 times within 2 states. Crazy no?

20. What is your favorite flower? I love the lilac. It is my favorite scent. Each delicate flower makes up one larger flower. So pretty.

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Saturday 9: Time Has Come Today

1. What time of day do you usually play Saturday 9? Whenever I have the time to play.

2. At 9AM on a weekday, what are you doing? Taking 2 kids coats off so I can leave the school.

3. At 9PM on any given night, what would you most like to be doing? Sitting on the couch finally, blogging.

4. What is your most frequent activity online? Blogging and chatting but it used to be surfing. I haven't surfed in ages.

5. Is there one day of the week that seems to fly by? If yes, why? Tuesday flies by, we leave the house for school, before you know it I am picking up, dropping off, picking up, driving home, late lunch, playing, changing for martial arts, eating late dinner, getting home, washing up, putting to bed, and crashing myself.

6. Do you agree that the older you get, the faster time seems to go by? I think the older you get, the more time you have to think about how fast time is going.

7. What is your favorite thing to do with free time? Veg out. It used to be read, watch TV, talk on the phone or get on the computer. Now, I just want to breathe.

8. How much time do you spend alone? Would you like it to be more? Less? Yes and No. I would like to be alone but not for long. Every once in a while I need some down time. It's only normal.

9. If you could spend one hour doing something what would it be? Contemplating what I should be doing for that hour.

Contemporary Portrait

Here is my baby boy, Handsome last summer. It is amazing how young he looks in this picture. When I look at him right now this looks like it was taken at least 2 years ago. Where does the time go?

Friday, February 06, 2009

Friday Frenzy Memes

1. Please don't tell Mom, the Babysitter is dead! 

2. Can you touch me in the morning?

3. The color Blue makes me want to Happy! (Does that make me crazy?)

4. I have a craving for something salty, like barbecue potato chips

5. If my life had a pause button, I'd pause it so I can prolong my kids childhood (Does THAT make me crazy?)

6. Eyes are the windows to the soul and baby I'm looking at you!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to watching TV with my man, tomorrow my plans include having no schedule and Sunday, I want to read all day (now THIS makes me crazy)!

Food 4 Thought Friday

What helps to pull you out of a bad mood? My kids can pull me out of any bad mood. A hug, a kiss or just "we'll make you feel better mommy" works better than any anti-depressant in the world.

Who were your favorite teachers growing up and why? Oh God, the only teacher I can remember is Dr. Bello. Dr. Bello was my 10th grade Biology teacher. All my classmates hated him but I found him fascinating. He made Biology interesting to me and gave me my first A+. I will never forget the teacher who made me feel smart.


What, in your opinion, is the worst song ever? I hate the song Dancing Queen. God this line just sucks, "You are the dancing queen, young and sweet, only seventeen
Dancing queen, feel the beat from the tambourine."

Midnight Snack

What personal activity, when performed in public, bothers you the most? Blowing my nose. I never feel right doing it. Did I leave something on my nose? Is there paper stuck there? There is no beautiful way to blow your nose.

Recipe for the Week (instead of your recipe for life, what is it just for this week?)

Asking questions without feeling foolish, can sometimes open many doors.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Thematic Photographic - "DOWN"

Honestly, this was an easy theme for me. Being 4' 11" most of my prospective is on the D&L. Also, when I take a photo I am trying to capture a feeling. Shooting my kids head on is great but I also want to remember long after they are towering over me that they were once small.

This is a photo I took of my daughter and I as we sat waiting for her brother to come out of school. I took this last summer before the end of school. We would get to school about a 15 minutes before he was released and sit and talk or look at bug, trees, flowers, grass, whatever. I loved sitting and listening to her observations. I have my camera with me all the time, this particular day I loved her little feet in her sandals and wanted to get a picture. I love looking at the difference in our length and remembering how much time we got to spend together.

I took this picture last spring at the park. My daughter was going up and down the BIG slide alone for the first time, so I decided to go up and wait for her to come back up each time she slide down. She had just come off the slide and was running back to the steps to go back up.
She looks so small.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

ABC Wednesday - C

Theletter this week is "C" over at ABC Wednesday. Join the group by hitting the button above.

C is for costume. I was dressed as Paris Hilton in jail of course and this was a friend's son dressed as Slash.
"C" is for cold. I was watching my kids slide down the hill when my husband built me a sweet little fire to sit near. Check out my redneck fireplace.
"C" is for cup. This is my baby girl, Goddess having her first cup of hot chocolate. I love this picture because of two firsts. It was her first cup of hot cocoa and her first time using a cup I used as a child when my grandmother let me drink really sweet coffee. God how I loved her coffee. Seeing Goddess drink from this cup made my heart ache for Grandma, my childhood and the innocence of life.


Her Name is Early????

Conversation with 3.5 year old Goddess.

I want to go to Qwarrissa's house!

Me: We can't honey, she is working.

Goddess: Why is she working?

Me: She thought she was off but they called her early this morning.

Goddess: Why did they change her name to early?

Either I am tired or stupid but it took me a minute before I laughed my ass off.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Sunday Stealing: The Super Sunday Stealing Meme

1) What was your dream growing up? I wanted to be a jockey then a vet and lastly a nurse.

2) What talent do you wish you had? I wish I could retain everything I read, learn and see. My memory sucks.

3) If I bought you a drink what would it be? I could go for a sangria right about now but usually a Corolla would do. When I do drink it is usually just a beer.

4) What was the last book you read? Well, you can check out my amateur book review here on my last read.

5) Worst Habit? Biting my nails.

6) If you saw me walking down the street would you offer me a ride? Hell no. I don't know you. What did you think my mama raised a fool!

7) What is your favorite sport? Is playing Wii a sport?

8) What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator with me? Scream and pound the door begging for someone to help me before fainting because I hyperventilated. No, I would probably say, "looks like we are going to be here for a while", then I would whip out my book of 1000 questions and ask away.

9) Worst thing to ever happen to you? we go again, my mother dying when I was 12 or my grandfather molesting me from the age of 7 - 14. You choose.

10) Tell me one weird fact about you. I can roll my tongue? Is that funny? I don't know. Oh, how about I called into the Opie and Anthony show to talk to a wrestler whose name I can't recall.

11) What if I showed up at your house unexpectedly? I would hide until your car pulled out of my driveway then call the police to say that someone I know online had found my home and was stalking me.

12) If you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be? I would be taller.

13) Would you be my crime partner or my conscience? The old me would have been your partner in crime now I am a mom so I would be your conscience.

14) Ever been arrested? Nev-ah!!!

15) If you won $10,000 today, what would you do with it? Pay off anything that is due right now and save the rest to pay off the next batch of monthly bills.

16) Favorite thing to do in your spare time? Blog


17) Biggest pet peeve? I hate when people are late!

18) In one word, how would you describe yourself? Shy

19) Do you believe in/appreciate romance? I would love some romance!!!!

20) Who wins today: Arizona or Pittsburgh? I don't really care.

Reading My Weekend Away - Amateur Book Review Takes on 3

This weekend I sat down for a marathon of reading.

The books I chose won't be winning any Pulitzer Prizes but they were entertaining and that is exactly what I was looking for

First Up - I Hate Your Guts by Jim Norton (you know little Jimmy Norton from Opie and Anthony). This was the follow up to his first book Happy Endings. I love Jim and was so excited to find this at library.

This was a fabulous book even if you aren't a Jim fan. I love him! His preface starts out with him celebrating and mourning the life of George Carlin. His first line is, "George Carlin died yesterday and I'm goddamn depressed about it." (BTW..if you are easily insulted this is probably the tamest line in the book so take heed.)

Jimmy calls Heather Mills "a high priced load receptacle" and many fans of McCarthy bow down and agree.

He covers everything from Reverend Al Sharpton to Dr. Phil and the Yankees. His chapter on Starbucks made me laugh out loud. I also love his chapter on the pregnant man Thomas Beattie, "I told you to clean your room, young lady! Just wait until your father finishes changing his tampon." Come on you pussy laugh that is funny.

Actually, a lot of the book made me laugh out loud but I am not easily insulted. None of this book was insulting or degrading to me. However, if YOU are easily insulted by bad language, dirty words, or sex conversation then I suggest you just pass this one by while strolling the book aisles.

But, if you like to laugh, find humor in everyday situations and like when people speak the truth without censorship than you will love this book.

Jim Norton is a God and George Carlin would be proud.
I Hate Your Guts

2nd Book - Kat Von D's High Voltage Tattoo.

If you don't know who Kat is I'll tell you. She is the hottest, heavily tattoo rock and roll chick around and the star of The Learning Channel's L.A. Ink.

She is also dating Motley Crue's Nikki Sixx who wrote the books forward.

This was an awesome read. We learn about Kat's background. Her love for her family and the fine arts. She has been drawing since she was 5 and tattooing since she was 14). BTW...real tattoo folks don't use terms like ink, tats, or otherwise. It is tattoo baby!

Kat's quote "love is my power, family is my strength and art is my passion" rings true for so many people.

It is filled with childhood photos, loads of high quality pictures of Kat looking hot, art work from her childhood and tats (oops tattoos) she has done and the history behind them.

You will love this book if you are a fan of Kat or tattoos but you will also love this book if you want to read about a real person who looks like she is tough as nails but deep down is just like the rest of us. We all bleed red people!

The third and final book of my weekend is Red Carpet Suicide by Perez Hilton. Honestly, I almost passed up this book but since it was brand new, right out of the wrapper at my library I figured I would give it a gander.

All in all the book was funny and read pretty much like his website. You have to give this guy credit where credit is due. He had a friggin celebrity gossip site (how many bloggers are trying to do that) and now he is one of the biggest celebrity bloggers around. He is funny, candid and doodles all over everyone's photos.

I took this from his site because I love Madonna's daughter Lourdes and so does Perez (aka Mario). Usually he is calling out the mini celebrities such as Nicole Richie, Lindsey Lohan, Tara Reid and the rest.
Beautiful girl, no?

His first chapter covers how to become a Hilton. If you are interested, according to Perez you have to be a gym rat, scary skinny, put on a faux food show, pick the right DUI for you, wreck a home, leak a porn video, and so on.

BTW...a faux food show means you eat in places you can be seen. "You never go to the Olive Garden, Red Lobster or Applebees. Those places are enclosed and dark. You can't be seen eating in there. You have to eat in wide open, giant store front windows so the photographers can get that "look at me, I'm not anorexic, I like burger" picture.

The book is a must read for all celebrity watchers like me.

As you can see, no classics here...Enjoy and when you are done reading, please take a shower and wash that celebrity filth right off of you would ya.

Peace out and happy reading!

Wii Fit Week One Ends with Results!

Last week my husband and I started our healthy body plan. By the summer I am hoping to be in my best shape possible. I don't want to say the best shape of my life because I refuse to set myself up for failure. This is not saying that I don't think I will continue on my course, this is just a preventative measure. I was bulemic for more than 5 years of my life and that is one thing I will not go back to.

I got back on Wii last Tuesday after about 4 months of not using it. While I thoroughly enjoy Wii, my son, the holiday, my blog and life had taken over and exercise was not something I put on my list of things to do.

Getting on again was way scary because of that whole Obese thing but I mustered up the confidence telling myself "it is what it is". Oddly enough, I had lost weight since my last time on. Awesome! I wasn't starting from the beginning again which was a big confidence boost. As an ex-bulemic getting on the scale is very hard. I spent my two pregnancies facing away from the scale with a big note in my medical file that they were not to discuss my weight unless it became an issue. I can't let my weight be about a number!

Last week I did Wii 3 days and the treadmill 2. Today when I got on, Wii informed me that I had lost 1.8 pounds. Awesome!

I set small goals because they are easier to manage and when you by-pass it, you get that boost of confidence that we all need (learned from my husband). I had wanted to lose 1.5 pounds in two weeks so 1.8 in a week is fab.

My Wii Fit Regimine.....
All strength training exercises
5 Yoga poses
2 rounds of hula and stepping
3-5 various balancing games

Followed by meditation!

As for the treadmill, I did 25 minutes each time.

I bet if I cut all the extra snacks out such as (eating a fruit snack my daughter feed me, BK with the kids the other night and a bacon and egg sandwich two times this week, I would have lost at least 2 pounds. However, the last thing I will ever be is fanatical about dieting.

Breakfast is usually, coffee and wheaties but I do love eggs, so I had egg beaters twice.

Last weekend I made home made chicken soup so that was my lunch all week.

Dinner is usually something small, salad, cereal, chicken soup or an english muffin.
Snacks were Weight Watcher cookies and Haagen Daaz Frozen Coffee Yogurt, so yummy!

We'll see what next week holds.

BTW...My Wii age is 34, 8 years younger than my actual age. Woot!