Maria's Space: May 2020

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Is It a Photo Album, Journal or A Family Project? Whatever You Want To Call it, The Adventure Challenge Rocks #theadventurechallenge

The Adventure Challenge books are my new favorite thing to do with my daughter. There are a Couple's Edition, Family Edition and Friend's Edition. The purpose is to unplug, and reconnect with people and have fun. 

We have since ordered a Polaroid Instant Camera since starting our Family Edition of The Adventure Challenge. This is such a wonderful idea and makes a wonderful gift for families, newlyweds, new parents, engagements, etc because it is a photo album and journal but also a surprise because you don't know what you will be doing until you select what you will be doing based on prompts from the book.  We went out with our camera and thought let's do one of the challenges.  

We were so excited to get started and selected a challenge based on how much money we had in our pockets and the time of day.  

This is what makes the book so wonderful. The prompts tell  you how much it would cost if anything for you to do the challenge. It tells you if you need to leave the house, what supplies you need, if it is messy, what time of day it is and if you will be eating. Now that just might by my favorite prompt. 

The one we selected said it would only cost .10 and that we could do it anytime at home. We scratched it off and it said we should buy yarn. I haven't been to Walmart or anywhere since the Pandemic but as soon as I can I will. Not sure where I could find yard for .10 but it seems like fun.  Then you take a photo of your challenge to post in the book. The book has double sided tape so you can just affix the photo right next to the challenge and then a spot for journaling.

The Table of Contents shows me that there are going to be some very fun challenges in our future. 

I cannot wait to give the Dating Edition to my niece. She and her boyfriend Charlie are going to have such a good time filing this out. 

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Kornered The Game For Ages 5+

If I Never Met You by Mhairi McFarlane - If faking love is this easy... how do you know when it’s real?

The 411:

Interestingly enough I started reading this book at exactly the same time I started watching DollFace on Hulu. While they are not the same at all they start out roughly the same. A woman's significant other suddenly leaves her for another woman PERIOD! That is where the similarities end but I suggest you read this and also watch DollFace. I loved it and cannot wait for Season 2.

Back to the Book

Laurie has wanted a baby forever and her boyfriend Dan doesn't want kids until he suddenly leaves her for a pregnant girlfriend although this lying cheat leaves the fact that he has moved on a secret leaving Laurie to wonder what happened.    Breakups are hard but this one is even more complicated because Laurie and her ex work together. She hears about his girlfriend being pregnant through office gossip and concocts a scheme with the office playboy Jamie. 

Laurie is liked and respected and Jamie would like to move up the ladder and Dan will be so jealous if he hears Laurie has moved on with Jamie no less so it is clearly a win-win for them both. 

Things couldn't go smoother until Laurie and Jamie start to see each other as more than just a scheme partner but are the both on the same page?

I loved this book. It was a fun read and while I have read this story a million ways this one was different. It was witty, sarcastic and well crafted. Great pace with great characters. Not a single one annoyed me which is something I can't always say.

Perfect read for losing yourself for a little while. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

6 Simple Machines All Around You

If you tell a child that there are only 6 real machines in the world, you might get a funny look. After all, we're surrounded by technological advancement everywhere we go. It's easy to forget how mechanical objects have grown commonplace throughout history. In fact, if you look around your own home, you might be surprised to find these simple machines quietly making your life easier all around you. 


One common example of a wedge is an ax. Unless you're enthusiastic about chopping lumber, however, you're more likely to have examples of wedges that are less easy to think of. Some common wedges include knives, nails, doorstops, teeth, pushpins and needles. 


Chances are pretty good that some pieces of your home are held together with screws, rather than nails since the teeth on this simple machine allow it to hold stronger than a flatter plane. If you go into your kitchen, however, you'll probably notice bottle caps and jar lids that also use the power of the screw to keep them in place. Items like pipes and hoses are often held together with the ingenious properties of screws like in marine hose clamps that keep the waterlines tight and secure. 


Although this one might not seem likely to be in your home unless you have a wishing well or a sailboat, pulleys are commonly used in many areas where things need to be raised and lowered. A variation on the simple pulley is likely in your garage doors, exercise equipment and perhaps even in your window blinds.

Inclined Plane

Ramps and slides are easy examples of inclined planes, but even uneven surfaces like stairs and ladders count as inclined planes and are commonly found in homes. 


Unless you've left your arms and legs behind, you probably have a lever with you anywhere you go. That's because your body works on the basic principle of force divided by distance. Scissors, tweezers, bottle openers, boat oars and shovels all use the basic idea of indirect lift to get more work done with less effort. 

Wheel and Axle 

One of the most critical inventions of all time, wheels are everywhere. Obviously these exist in vehicles, but you might also find wheels in rotating bar stools, hinges and dials. 
Simple machines really are everywhere. Thanks to these simple mechanical wonders, nearly everything we do is just a little easier. 

How to Stop Overspending and Keep a Balanced Budget

Overspending is a major issue in US households. It has been estimated that the average consumer overspends by $7,400 every year. And while 74% of Americans stated that they had a budget, 79% said that they weren’t able to follow it. This eventually leads to more consumer debt when we should be focusing on saving. 

Curbing overspending doesn’t have to be difficult, however, and sometimes, only making a few lifestyle choices could be enough. Let’s take a look at how you can stop bleeding money and keep your budget under control.

Read the Signs

In order to stop overspending, you have to be aware that you’re overspending in the first place. If you’re constantly behind on your credit card payments or can only afford to pay the minimum, then that could be a sign. Another sign is if you automatically spend more when you make more money. You should be able to maintain your budget and put the extra money towards savings. You also shouldn’t have more stuff in your closet than in your bank account.

Look at Value Retailers and Find Deals

The fashion industry is one of the biggest scams there are, and if you fancy yourself a fashionista, know that keeping a budget will likely always be an issue. Instead, you should consider looking at value options that offer high-quality products without the pricey brand name. 

Stores like Belk are a perfect example. You’ll find great high-quality clothes for you and the whole family and you can get Belk Coupons virtually everywhere. They also have a rewards credit card and you can use Belk Coupons to get discounts on purchases made on it. This could be a way to make your credit card work for you, not the other way around.

Forget Your Credit Card Numbers

A lot of us know our credit card numbers by heart, but this can both be a gift and a curse. That ultimately facilitates impulse buying, which is often the main reason for overspending. Having to go and grab your card every time you make an online purchase will put an additional barrier up and will give you some extra time to think about it.

Cut on Entertainment and Food

There’s no reason to spend hundreds on food and entertainment each week. Take-out in particular is one of the major areas where people overspend without even realizing it. You also have to remember that this is often on ordinary food that you could easily make yourself. Once you realize how much a pizza really costs to make and how easy it is, you’llthink twice about spending $20 on a single pie.

If you want to go out with your friends and socialize, is there really that much of a difference between sitting at a table inthe new French bistro or enjoying a cup of coffee at a nice shop? If you’ve made the decision to spend less, you should let your friends know and they should be supportive. If they aren’t, then they’re not actually your friends.

Keeping a budget often boils down to making smarter decisions. Thankfully, everyone can adjust their spending as long as they're ready to make the sacrifice and truly commit to it.

Friday, May 22, 2020

What You Need To Know About Finding the Right Lawyer

Image by succo from Pixabay

Buying and selling your home, as well as managing real estate can be difficult at times, and can come along with a lot of fine print. Because of this, there can be many benefits to hiring an Estate Lawyer to help you in this area. However, it may at times seem difficult to find the right lawyer for you. Here are a few things to keep in mind while searching for the best lawyer for you and your situation. 

Do Plenty of Research

Before committing to a lawyer, it can be a good idea to do plenty of research. Often, one of the best ways to do this is to ask friends and family for personal referrals, that way you can get a first-hand account of their experience with them. However, if you aren't able to get any referrals, internet research is usually the next best option. Although it may not be as reliable as a referral, by being thorough in your research and reading plenty of reviews, you can help get a clear picture of what kind of lawyer they are, and if they will be a good fit for you. 

Show Up to Meetings Well Prepared

Once you have selected some lawyers to meet with, you should prepare for your meetings. A good way to do this is to compile a list of questions that you have for them, as well as the types of answers you are looking for them to reply with. You should then bring this list with you, as well as record their answers, and take notes about overall impressions that you got as well. This can be particularly helpful if you are meeting with multiple lawyers within a short time frame, that way you can be better able to keep their answers organized and separated. Even though some may think that they will be able to remember details from each meeting, the reality is that it can be easy to mix things up or forget who said what. Because of this, the more thorough your notes are, the greater likelihood you will have of ending up with a lawyer that is suited to you and your real estate needs. 

The Final Word

When it comes to real estate, there can be a lot of things to keep track of, and a lot of fine print to understand. For these reasons, it can be helpful to have a lawyer on your side. And, with some careful research, it can be possible to find the right lawyer for you. 

Ideas To Make Your Next Event Memorable

Image by bridgesward from Pixabay

Party planning can be both fun and stressful. There are so many details to coordinate when it comes to creating a memorable and successful event. Whether you're planning a gathering for business or social purposes, a few key points can make your event stand out. Here are tips for making the most of your next event. 

Professional Decorating  

When you want to make a wonderful first impression, your event's decoration is crucial. Masterful designers can work within your budget and style preferences to create the perfect setting. You won't have to rush all over town in search of the best deals and decorations with the help of an expert design team. Details such as chair coverings, linens, napkin rings, and centerpieces help pull a room's aesthetic together. Tabletop rentals Oahu allow for a variety of exciting and engaging decorations that you don't have to find a place for after the event.

Mood-Setting Music

Conferences and wedding receptions alike benefit from the right music choices. The appropriate type and volume of music can set the tone for the duration of the event. You may be tempted to simply grab your tablet and a speaker and choose a streaming radio station, but that can result in awkward musical mistakes. Don't risk having inappropriate songs permeate your gathering. You can make customized playlists that allow you to control the music fully, or pull out all the stops and hire a live band. 

Thoughtful Gifts 

Guests at many types of events have become accustomed to receiving a small gift as a token of the host's appreciation. The gift can be as simple as a company pen or as lavish as custom-made wine bottles or soaps. Either way, the key is to make the gift relevant to your gathering. If you're hosting a gardening conference or a garden-party-themed reception, consider giving your guests small starter pots with seeds they can plant and enjoy. If your event is in a winery, have party favors made from wine corks or design custom wine bottle labels. No matter your budget, be sure to choose something useful and then add a personal note to make it sentimental.
It can be easy to get lost in lists of items that need to be checked off to plan a successful soiree. Remember these tips when putting together your next event so your guests will leave with warm memories of their time with you.

Monday, May 18, 2020

How to Create a Functional & Fabulous Coffee Table Display


A coffee table can make a great addition to your living room, acting as both an attractive feature and a functional piece of furniture.

That being said, it can be a challenge to get the balance right and you often end up with either a cluttered and unusable surface, or a beautiful display that cannot be touched.
Fortunately, there are ways to ensure that you get the best of both worlds and are able to enjoy your coffee table practically and aesthetically. 

Keep reading to find out how!

Evaluate Your Coffee Table 

Whether you are scouring the web for coffee tables that will complement your home, or if you already have one, before you start creating your display you need to look closely at your table:

• How big is it? 
• What color is it?
• What kind of material is it made of?
• What kind of texture does it have?

All these elements will contribute to the type and number of items you will be able to display and you need to make sure that you consult these attributes every time you consider an article for your coffee table. 

Aim for Balance 

This is often the area where people experience difficulties. Itcan be challenging to know what items will look attractive on your table and which will also allow you enough space to rest your coffee cup or put your feet up.

As a rule, it is a good idea to avoid any items that are too big or tall as they risk overpowering the table or being continuously knocked over. On the other hand, you do not want to pick lots of small items as they will get lost amongst one another, risk looking cluttered and not add any benefit to your display. 

Focus on Fluidity 

This is a key element of any display. You need to make sure that the items you choose all complement each other and work together as a unit. 

Avoid adding too many colors and try to focus on one particular theme, usually the same one that you have designed your room to. 

Textures, however, can be experimented with to add depth but still need to fit into the overall theme. 

Classic Items Will Always Work 

If you are unsure about what to put on your coffee table, it is best to stick to traditional and classic items such as flowers, attractive books, a wooden box or a few decorative glass items. 

Trays are also a good idea as they add an organizationalelement to your display and can be used to store small items that you extensively use such as a pair of glasses or the TV control. 
If possible, add a personal item as this will not only bring you joy every time you see it, but will also make your display more unique. 

What to Avoid 

• Any items that only look good from one angle such as a photo frame
• Overcrowding 
• Clashing colors

Friday, May 15, 2020

3 Reasons To Use a Professional Shear Sharpener

Pixabay License
               Free for commercial use 

Keeping your cutting shears maintained properly is essential to ensuring consistent performance and long life. Good-quality shears should provide years of service, but only if they are taken care of adequately. Proper handling, cleaning and oiling are all factors that contribute to longevity. Another is the need to periodically sharpen the blades.
When you are looking for shear sharpening Hilton Head Island, there are many reasons to choose a professional to perform this task. Below are three of the most important when it comes to this critical tool of your trade:

1. Blade Geometry

Contrary to what some may think, shear blades are not perfectly flat from the pivot point to the outer tip. There is actually a gradual angle built in along the length of the shear. This manufactured design allows you to make the same cut anywhere on the scissor. Without the proper experience, a sharpener can easily remove too much material and effectively negate this beneficial trait. Doing it improperly can change the blade angle, which will lead to degraded performance.

2. Shear Damage

Sometimes shears don’t just lose their precision cutting power gradually. Damage caused by accidental drops or mishandling can instantly create issues with performance. This could show up as a bend or misalignment, or as a severe nick in the blade surface. In either case it may not be necessary to toss them out and get a new pair. Those shears can still have plenty of life if repaired by a professional.   

3. DIY Issues

Attempting to sharpen shears yourself, or taking them to someone with similar inexperience, can lead to dreadful results. Blades that would be perfectly fine with a professional tune-up can end up ruined quickly. There are proper techniques that sharpeners are trained to use. All of this results in maintenance that costs less than having to buy new shears repeatedly.

My Boy Graduates Preschool


Manic Monday – Pride

The word at Mo’s Manic Monday is Pride.
This is going to be a piece of cake. I have been brimming with pride ever since Friday, June 20th when my son graduated Pre-K.
Walking into his class room with his father who has only been to school once I thought for sure he would bolt from his seat and give his teacher a hard time when she asked him to sit.
He was one of the 85% who were able to contain themselves. They sat looking at us (the families) while we stared at them for about 15 minutes before the festivities began. There was a time when he stood up to walk over 10 minutes in but his teacher asked him to sit and he did.
Last year he would not sit and I was unable to get any pictures of him and his class. This year, he stood with the class and posed for 100 pictures as all the families snapped away.
I was so proud that he went up for his diploma with a big smile on his face(last year his teacher had to ssssstretch and hand it to him). Proud that he posed with his therapist and his teacher for pictures and proud that he sang all the songs, the national anthem and counted in Spanish 1-10 and then backwards. Love it!
So cute to see all their little faces as they leave the school and high five each other.

Friday, May 08, 2020

#GIVEAWAY - Crave Caramel Flavored Coffee - 40 K-Cups

Coffee is Life! It was before quarantine and these days I cannot get through without it. Being home has made me tired so instead of 1-2 cups a day I find myself drinking 4-5 cups. I guess it is better than wine right?!  Crave Caramel flavored coffee is a treat. I usually have it around 11:00 a.m. after my husband finishes the pot of coffee for his work thermos and again about 3 and AGAIN about 6 PM. I love the taste because it is like a treat which is better than stuffing my face with a sugary treat. The caramel is distinctive and smells like a yummy dessert.  I love the smell, the taste, the flavor, not too weak, not too strong. I add a little milk and 1/8 cup of Italian Sweet Cream and it is perfect!

Like all Crave coffee it  is made with 100% Arabica beans for a full bodied cup every single time.  Since I am not working these days, thanks Corona Virus my co-workers are probably going to miss out on this review which I am sad and happy about. They do love trying new coffee with me. Oh well....I guess I will try to save a few cups for them. Wish me luck because this coffee is GOOOOOD!


To Order:

To Enter:
Disclaimer: I received a complimentary product for my honest opinion. No monetary compensation was offered.

Six Fun Ways to Incorporate Your Pool into Homeschooling & Virtual Learning

Homeschooling and virtual learning are on the rise and a necessary part of American life during safer-at-home orders in many states. If you're new to it – and so many of us are -- you're probably looking for ways to make lessons fun and engaging.

An excellent way to keep kids from getting bored by their at-home school routine is to mix things up. Show them there are other places to enjoy their lessons--like the pool! Not only will they continue to learn, but they also get to enhance their swimming skills. Here are excellent ways to incorporate your pool into a learning plan:

  1. Teach measurements and fractions.
Playing in the water is a great way to teach children about measurements. Take some buckets and measuring cups. Ask how many teaspoons can make a cup, and how many containers can make a gallon. Also, how many gallons do you think could fill this whole pool?

  1. Explore what sinks or floats.
Sink or swim? This one always makes the kids happy. Ask them to find a few things they think will float, and a few items they think will sink. Older children are mostly right because they understand density and buoyancy, but this is a great way to encourage younger kids to think. Sometimes the things we believe will fall to the bottom end up floating to the top!

  1. Use waterproof cards to teach math.
You can combine a waterproof deck of cards with the classic card game war. In a pool without a filter, throw the waterproof cards in. Ask each child to swim and get as many cards as they can. The faster they get the cards, the bigger advantage they have over the others. Now play a traditional game of war. Turn any game of war into a lesson on subtraction, addition or multiplication. Ask each player to pull out two cards and solve the equation. The child with the highest score wins the cards.

  1. Set your kid's inner photographer free.
One of the best investments you can make as a pool owner and homeschooler is a waterproof camera. Not only do many waterproof cameras today take excellent photos, but it's also safe enough to go anywhere with your child without fear that it will fall into the pool and break. Besides learning how to frame shots, they are also improving basic hand-eye coordination.

  1. Use some educational bath toys.
Educational bath toys like foam letters and toy fishing don't need to be limited to the bathtub. Take them to the pool for some education and fun. Toss letters out in the pool and have the kids swim to catch the letters and spell a word. This is an excellent way for children to be physically active, have fun and learn while staying cool in the summer.

  1. Read aloud at the pool.
Take your read-aloud book to the pool to stay cool and still get some reading done. Allow the children to stay in the pool while you read sitting on a step of the pool. This is a great way to relax and enjoy your summer reading list when choosing to homeschool at the pool. Let the kids have a turn and read something from their curriculum. You may consider waterproofing their reading materials.