Maria's Space: November 2009

Monday, November 30, 2009

The Stray by Sherry King - Awesome Holiday Gift Idea for Readers of The Paranormal

Can the wrong dog be the right man?

The Stray, a Paranormal Romantic Suspense Novel by Sherry King, was released by L&L Dreamspell in September 2009. 

For years, Chanah has avoided the peculiar danger that sex represents for an empath. Other women might at least say stop if something hurts, but her empathy brings her along for every ride. If he likes it so does she.

The regrets come later.

All men are dogs, she tells herself, until the day the stray she’s feeding reveals himself as Nick, a splendid shapeshifter.

This handsome monster may be the one man Chanah cannot resist.

Can she come to terms with her unresolved past and embrace an unlikely future while evading a murderer with a grudge?

The Stray by Sherry King was released in September 2009 – Distributor – Ingram
ISBN 978-1-60318-132-7 – A Paranormal Romantic Suspense Trade Paperback - $15.95
– Page Count 220.  Learn more at

In a Nutshell: Perhaps you prefer the werewolf in a world full of Vampire lovers. If you ever wondered what it would be like to be with Sam Merlot (True Blood) or Jacob Black (The Twilight Sage), well baby, Sherry King is going to tell you. 

The main characters, Chanah and Nick are hot together. I thought Chanah to be an interesting character and appreciated her humor. She has moxie that chick!  Nick is hot and I couldn't help picturing Taylor Launtner while reading it. The shapeshifter premise is something I have read a lot of lately, and The Stray has a nice balance of paranormal mixed with romance and suspense.  I loved it. There was some hot scenes that make this not so much for young adults but lovers of romantic paranormal will love it. 

The Stray Excerpt: You're the Dog!

"I'm done for dead. Lights out for sure dead."

"You're not dead."

The beautiful male voice sounded halfway between relieved and amused. Chanah stiffened. She lay half across a lap. Someone known and safe, but for sure she never heard that voice before. A jack-hammering headache. Chanah's eyelids parted just a little, then wide and wider. The man ... no shirt ... or pants.

Are we doing the deed? The usual context for naked men--not that she'd seen any since Tommy, the trigger-tail skunk pimp.

It didn't seem she'd forget a guy like this. Lean, long muscled, uh, blond, a yummy side of beef, and she hadn't even seen a face yet. Urges Chanah long ago learned to ignore raised their hands to heaven and shouted "Amen!" at the feel and smell of him. He had an aura sweeter than a Jilbert's Yooper Mud Slide Sundae. Familiar. Where? When? On the floor in the hall and head hurt.

Her whole body stiffened like a gillnetted steelhead.

This butt-naked man knocked her out--and she lusted after him? My rat-attract radar strikes again. No wonder MZ says I have bad taste in men! She drew back an arm and punched him a good one. Her knuckles stung, and she struggled to stand.

He blinked and released her. Smooth as God's grace he stood too and backed up one step. "Don't be afraid."

Oh, God. In the movies, the murderous creep always said that just before he tortured someone, or ate them. Chanah's foot struck something hard--a hammer on the floor. She didn't know how it got there, but she put her foot on the handle. Pick it up and slam him with it.

His eyes followed her gaze and took in the hammer. "You don't need that. I won't hurt you."

Chanah's gut told her to believe him, but she had questions, including the most--most obvious: "What might you be doing in my house without your clothes on?"

The grin changed his rather triangular face. Chanah noticed his ice-blue eyes and dark blond lashes. She knew those eyes. And that gold-blond hair with sun bleached white tips.

Check out Sherry's other books here.

Blue Monday - The Latest And Greatest

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This Blue Monday, I am posting a photo of my latest and greatest necklace to date. I absolutely love this necklace and can't stop looking at it.

This upcoming weekend, I am part of a pre-holiday extravaganza with 4 other entrepreneurs, and will be trying to sell this baby along with 90 of my other pieces. It will be hard to part with this beauty but heck, I create with the goal to sell so it has to go.

Oh yeah, see me? There I am in the silver pieces, well my lens anyway.

I wish you a very happy morning.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sunday Stealing: The Tell Me About Yourself Meme

1. When is your birthday? In August

2. Where were you born? In a hospital 

3. Where do you live now? In a house

4. What is your heritage? Italian but I always say I am American!

5. Tell us about a weakness. My kids

6. What's a goal that you'd like to achieve? Getting through this meme. 

7. What is the most overused internet phrase? LOL

8. What was your first thought this morning? They are up already?

9. When do you usually go to bed? When I am tired.

10. Do you smoke? If not, did you ever? I am smoking but I have never smoked. bwhahahaha

11. Do you like your current relationship status? Sure, we get along and generally like each other.

12. Do you (or did you) get along with your parents? It is hard to say. My mother died when I was 12 and dad left when I was 14. I get along with him as much as I can considering I have seen him only 5 times in the last 20 years.

13. How often do you drink alcohol? I am not much of a drinker. Probably average a drink every 3 months.

14. Have you ever tried drugs (that weren't prescribed)? Never did. I prefer to always be in control of myself and my actions.

15. Have you ever gone skinny dipping? If yes, do tell. Well, I cannot remember a time when I didn't have clothes on while swimming although I would like to try.

16. If given the choice, how would you like to die? Sleeping

17. What did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be a nurse now I want to be a Playgirl photographer when I grow up.

18. Have you ever been dumped? Oh sure, this one time, in band camp, this guy dumped me right on my ass.

19. What's on your pizza? Pepperoni

20. Have you ever shoplifted? Yes, I was about 8 and it was an Archie comic book. I felt so guilty that I brought it back to the store and put it back. Unfortunately, I was caught putting it back and had to explain the whole thing which was what I was trying to avoid in the first place. 

The Sky in Monochrome is Still Beautiful


A Goddess Moment


While waiting for my son to come out of school the other day, Goddess and I were waiting in the car. She likes to come sit in the front while we wait and this day she had something to say about Princesses'.

"Mommy, sometimes princess make this face when they are locked up."

Me: "when they are locked up?"

"Yes when the bad person locks them in a tower."

Me: "oh (trying not to laugh), yes I guess they might make that face."

"And sometimes the sing a song."

Me: "what kind of song?"

"I don't know something that makes the animals come or makes people sad."

Too cute.

Umm....we don't watch a lot of Disney movies but now I am wondering where she got this from.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

A Goddess Moment

We picked this cute little Skelkitten up at Target after Halloween. I love hitting the sales two days after the holiday when everything is up to 75% off. Goddess had wanted this kitty before Halloween and I told her I would get it eventually. I snagged it for $3.00 and she was so happy. The face? Well, it is a Goddess face. She is an actress in the making.

We were at the library and one of the librarians asked her, "did you get that kitty for Halloween?"

Goddess replied, "nope, we got it from Target."

Hahahaha...Target, if you are listening, we are spreading the Buzz.

Self Portrait Sunday - Nov 29, 2009

To find out why I began Self Portrait Sunday, see my first post here.The rules are simple. Just post a picture of yourself linking back here. Hope to see your beautiful faces.

Ever wonder what you look like when you take a picture? Here is what I look like!

Chop Socky Chooks DVD Giveaway- 5th Day of Christmas

 On The 5th Day of Christmas, Maria's Space gave to me a DVD for my family!

Chop Socky Chooks is a video that will entertain you and your little ones. My kids and I got to review one a few months back and we thought it was funny. If you have to watch kid shows, it might as well be something you can enjoy too.
To Enter, Fill Out The Form Below before Dec 6th at Midnight. This is US and Canada Only.

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Disclaimer: I received no payment to write this review. The words are all mine and I was not forced or asked to write anything you read here. In my opinion, a blogger review is the equivalent of me talking to my friends and family in my daily life, about a product I either love or don’t. All the opinions throughout my posts are strictly my own.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Ronzoni Smart Taste Pasta Rocks!

Thanks to Mom Central I was sent a box of Ronzoni Smart Taste Pasta to test on my family.

Usually anything that has "smart, healthy," or "good for you" doesn't always taste so great. That is not the case here. I made it as the box stated and it was perfect. I added a very light, white cheese sauce over it and then added it to another recipe I reviewed. They were perfect together but more on that later.

Ronzoni Smart Taste Pasta states that they are an excellent source of fiber and calcium, with lower calories and fat than traditional white pasta. They also claim to contain no sodium, preservatives or cholesterol. I can tell you this..I don't see a reason to eat another pasta. Ronzoni has always been my families pasta. It is what I grew up on and I can still eat it without the guilt.

Ronzoni Smart Taste is available in Spaghetti, Thin Spaghetti, Penne Rigate, Rotini and Elbows. Ronzoni Smart Taste is available at retailers nationwide. Each 14.5-ounce variety is $1.69.

Head over to Ronzoni's Site for a rebate of $4.00 when you purchase Smart Taste and a movie. You can also get $1.00 coupon here.

"I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Ronzoni Pasta and received a sample of Ronzoni Smart Taste Pasta to facilitate my review and a $20 thank-you gift certificate."

Color Carnival - A Necklace

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I seriously love this necklace. It goes with everything. The beading took me forever and the pendent is just wrapping paper that I had a sample of.

The Most Beautiful Dogs in the World-Camera Critters Saturday

I was heading into the supermarket for some Thanksgiving shopping on Tuesday when I spotted these guys sitting in a nearby truck. I stopped, started walking again and turned back toward the truck. Reaching in my bag to find my point and shoot which is always with me, I asked the driver who was reading the paper if it would be OK if I took their picture. He said it would be fine and started telling me about all the awards they have for best dog! The dogs are father and son, the son is in the foreground. They were massive, beautiful and sweet. The driver told me to feel their ears. It was an odd request until I felt their ears. If they were my dogs, I would tell everyone the same thing. They must be about 3 inches thick with fur. Aren't they beautiful?

Camera Critters

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Glade Holiday Candle Collection Review & Giveaway-4th Day of Christmas

 On The 4th Day of Christmas, Maria's Space gave to me a Glade Candle That Smells Sweet!

Thanks to the Family Review Network I was able to participate in a sweet review for  Glade® Candles Holiday Collection. The Limited Edition Collection is incredible.

The Glade Candles Holiday Collection captures the warmth of the holiday season, adding that extra little touch to transform your home into a haven for family and friends. The collection is offered in Apple Cinnamon and limited-edition Bayberry Spice. Seasonal designs of falling stars or festive gift packages adorn the red or green candle holders. The collection features new, refillable Glade Scented Oil Candles decorative glass holder; refillable Glade Scented Oil Candles tins; and Glade candles 4 oz. jars. 

The manufacturer suggested retail price for the Glade® Candles Holiday Collection is:

·         $3.49 for Glade Scented Oil Candle tin
·         $3.49 for Glade Scented Oil Candle decorative glass holder
·         $3.49 for Glade Scented Oil refills available for the tin and decorative glass holder varieties; contains four refills
·         $3.49 for Glade candle 4 oz. jar 

I received two oil candles from Glade to try out. It is so simple, you take the candle out of the package, place it in the tin and light it. The candle becomes a liquid and when the oil burns off, the candle goes out.

A neighbor had stopped by to drop mail off that was delivered to their home accidently. I had lite the candle about 15 minutes earlier and placed it on my counter. When I opened to door he said, "ummm..that smells so good. Is that an Illumination or a Yankee Candle?" I was like, "nope, it's Glade." I felt like the woman in the commercial.

It is so true though. Why spend $10-25.00 on a candle when Glade for so much less gives you exactly what you are looking for?

Thanks to Glade I am able to give one of these candles away to a lucky reader. Glade is going to surprise the winner so I have no idea which one you will be getting but you can't lose with Glade.

Please let me know which candle fragrance you prefer by heading over to  Glade® Candles Holiday Collection.

To Enter, Fill Out The Form Below before Dec 8th at Midnight:

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Happy Thanksgiving to My Readers!

Fresh Organics - Organic Baby - 3rd Day of Christmas Giveaway

 On The 3rd Day of Christmas, Maria's Space gave to me, something for my sweet baby!

Thanks to The Family Review Network, I was able to participate in a review campaign for Fresh Organics, Organic Baby Products.

My son has severe exczema and always has, we have to be extremely careful with what we put on his skin. This is especially important during the colder months. He is suffering terribly right now because I ran out of his laundry detergent and used the one we use for the rest of the family. His skin looks as uncomfortable as he feels. I rushed his detergent and hopefully with much cream we will get this under control.

I realy wanted to try Organic Baby on him last week, if this wasn't truly a great product we would know right away.

We used the shampoo/body wash and the bubble bath. We are always hesitant to use a bubble bath even though he loves it. Why cause him more discomfort just to have bubbles? He loved that he was able to have a bubble bath and suffered no extra discomfort. We have found our bubble bath for sure.

What is great about these products is that they are all natural.

Shampoo & Body Wash
Organic Baby Conditioning Shampoo and Body Wash is gentle enough to use on the most delicate skin and hair every day. O
ur hypo-allergenic, all-in-one formula is made from a special blend of organic oils, soothing emollients and mild cleansers to thoroughly clean and condition. Now there's no more tears or tangles at bath time - great for skin and hair of all ages.
aqueous infusion of organic white tea, organic aloe vera gel, decyl glucoside (plant derived), sodium cocoamphoacetate (plant derived), vegetable glycerin, wildcrafted organic shea butter, polyglyceryl-4 caprate (plant derived), organic papaya extract, organic chamomile extract, vitamin E (d-alpha tocopherol), vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), vitamin C,  grapefruit seed extract, polyhexanide, botanical fragrance (plant derived).

Bubble Bath
Our hypo-
allergenic, all-in-one formula makes bath time bubbly fun.  Our tearless formula, with essential oils of organic lavender and sweet orange, makes luxuriantly fragrant bubbles that dissolve both tension and grime. Make bath time a delightful ritual of relaxation for the whole family.

aqueous inf
usion of organic chamomile, organic aloe vera gel, sodium cocoamphoacetate (plant derived), decyl glucoside (plant derived), vegetable glycerin, amino acid (plant derived), organic lavender essential oil, sweet orange essential oil, vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), vitamin C (ascorbic acid), polyhexanide, grapefruit seed extract.

For the adults with sensitive skin; fear not my friend, Fresh Organic will take care of you with their Men and Women products

Thanks to Family Review Network and Fresh Organic Baby I am allowed to offer one of my readers the chance to try the Shampoo/Body Wash, Bubble Bath and a Travel Pack Gift Set of their best baby products.

To Enter, Fill Out The Form Below before Dec 10th at Midnight:

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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

This is a test

Test post

"What are Your 5 Favorite Holiday Activities to do with Your Kids?"

Twitter Mom's is asking the question: What Are Your 5 Favorite Holiday Activities To Do With Your Kids?

1- My favorite thing to do is called 25 Days Of Christmas. I read about it before having kids.  I knew that once I had children it was something that would be fun. Basically, I wrap all our Christmas books and movies and put them in a basket. As the kids get older baby Christmas books and movies will make way for other books or movies. I also put a new ornament in the basket for the tree. Starting December 1st, we draw a name (there are only 2) and let that kid pick the first gift. They alternate nights. They open the gift and we either read or watch the book or movie. It makes Christmas last instead of ending in one day, plus we spend quality family time together. It is my hope that this is something they will continue with their own families.
December 1, 2008 (1)
2-I love taking them to have the picture taken with Santa. It is something I always knew I would do when I had kids. We go early in the season and early in the day. Usually we are the first on line. The kids talk to Santa, we take a picture, walk around the mall, throw pennies in the fountain, look at the puppies, have lunch and head out before 5:00 p.m. traffic.
December 5, 2008 (22)
3-We drive around looking for decorated homes. We love all the lights at night and stop and gaze until we feel we saw it all.

4-Heading out to see my in-laws and my sister is a highlight of our holiday.

5-Baking cookies with my sister-in-law and the kids is one of my kids favorite activities. When Aunt Marta comes everyone is happy.

Watch Dora's Christmas Carol Adventure Dec. 6 on Nickelodeon
Favorite Holiday Activities with Kids

"What is your Black Friday plan of attack this year?"

Well, for me...that means staying far, far away from the stores. The prices are never low enough for me to decide to leave the safe, warm confines of my home to brave the masses.

But, that may have more to do with the fact that I don't have a shopping thing. In my early twenties I lived with two other girls who LOVED shopping. They are the people advertisers work for. They love sitting together, planning their shopping agenda, slowly milling around the malls, trying things on, laughing and talking about clothes and more, having lunch, shopping some more, getting a $6.00 coffee and braving the traffic out of the mall. That is so the opposite of me.

I prefer shopping when the stores open, during the week when everyone else is sleeping, working or at school, getting what I need and flying out of there in record time. I shop for bargains but do it throughout the year. Yes, the prices on Black Friday can be inticing but that is what is so great about the internet. Anything I can get at the stores can be found online.

This year, I will be checking out the deals at Target as soon as I wake up on Cyber Monday. However, I believe that the deals keep coming long after Black Friday. While Black Friday may be a great thing for some, it is a day I prefer to stay away. Don't look for me the day after Thanksgiving. I will be sitting at home with my family enjoying some time with them.

To find out with everyone else is doing this Friday, be sure to head over to Twitter Moms (that's me) and let us know how you spend the day after Thanksgiving.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Patiently Waiting

I took this photo for Monochrome Weekly, while waiting on a bench at the park for Goddess. It was a beautiful, November day and those will be few and far between as we head into the colder months of NY.
Picture 040

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Self Portrait Sunday - Outside

I played with Picnik adding cross processing and changed my hair color in the second one. So fun.
Picture 037
Picture 043

Christmas Gift Idea for Preschools - K'Nex Sesame Street Neighborhood Collection

Recently I was able to review K'Nex The Sesame Street Neighborhood Collection with my children. They loved it!

The K'nex Sesame Street Neighboorhood Collection lets kid's build and then play with their favorite Sesame Street pal, including Elmo, Cookie Monster and Ernie. There are 4 individual sets to choose from and kids can build and rebuild over and over again.

They are retailed at $9.99 - $19.99 and at those prices you can get them the whole neighborhood.

We received this one.

My daughter happened to be home sick this day with a stomach virus and this made her day.
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When I asked her to pose with the box she had no problem at all.Obviously!

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Feeling much better, she proceed to build. She tried to copy what was on the box and got something like it but not quite. Then she asked me to do it for her. She was happy with that and played until her brother got home from school. Then they took it apart and made Elmo and Ernie robots. They received it over 8 days ago and have played with it everyday alone and together. They are even asking for the other sets.
Picture 071

The box says it is good for 2-5 year olds but my son is 6.5 and is still in love with Sesame Street.

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K'nex Neighborhood Collection head over here

For a safe, fun, colorful way for children to play with characters they love and are comfortable with I highly suggest K'Nex.

K'nex isn't only for the littlest kids on your list. Check out the kits they have for the older builders on your holiday list.

Thanks to Team Mom for this really fun opportunity!

P.S. How does a $1,000 worth of K'NEX Building Sets sound? Good to me! K'NEX is holding a video contest where there winner would win big time!

How: Make a video that showcases your child's K'NEX building skills and features your child building with K'NEX. Be creative, use your imagination, construct your own story-as long as the video features building with K'NEX the possibilities are endless!

The 10 best videos will be featured on KNEX.COM and the winning video will receive $1,000 worth of K'NEX toys.

Contest: November 4, 2009 - December 7, 2009

How to Enter: Post your video on your own blog or website and submit the link along with a completed entry form, including name, age, email, phone number to

No blog or website? No worries, simply send your DVD/VHS, completed form to Make A K'NEXion Video Contest, K'NEX Brand, LP, P.O. Box 700, Hatfield, PA 19440.

Videos must be at least 30 seconds but no more than 3 minutes long with one or more of the following products:
  • K'NEX 400 PC Tub
  • K'NEX Sesame Street Building Sets
Sounds like a good time to me.

Computer Woes!

My laptop is 6 years old and has been working hard ever since I received it. Unfortunately, I believe things are coming to an end. This is being written up on my husband's computer.

Wahhhhh....this isn't efficient blogging at all and when it takes over 2 hours to write a 3 minute post you tend not to want to get on the computer.

Hopefully, Santa or some wonderful computer company will take pity on me and put my worries to rest with a shiny new laptop.

One can dream can't one?

Celebrate This Thanksgiving With Sandra Lee and Music By Joshua Bell - CD Giveaway

Thanksgiving is in just a few short days. Can you believe it?

Thanks to Sony Music I was given the opportunity to tell you about the perfect combination of delicious food with a dash of the perfect dinner music.

Food Network's Sandra Lee has created the perfect Thanksgiving meal and a drink inspired by the music of Violinist Joshua Bell's music.

There is nothing like the perfect meal, great friends, and amazing music to listen to.

Sandra Lee has created the perfect Thanksgiving meal and a drink inspired by the music from Joshua Bell’s new album At Home With Friends which features duets with Josh Groban, Sting, Regina Spektor, Kristin Chenoweth and many others. For the ambiance Joshua Bell is making available to you his full album for to stream throughout your Thanksgiving dinner party.

“Thanksgiving is the perfect time to bring everyone together to celebrate a year of blessings. Simple, time-saving shortcuts to create a meaningful feast can be found in my new book Sandra Lee Semi-Homemade Cocktail Time. Give your gracious gathering a heartwarming start with my personal favorite, Joshua Bell’s new album, At Home With Friends and greet guests at your door with a vibrant cocktail, such as a Cinema Paradisio. The main attraction is food, so try turning your main dish into a colorful centerpiece. For a quick and easy dessert try Semi-Homemade Brownie Bottom Cheesecake, so you can spend less time in the kitchen and more time celebrating with your family and friends.” – Sandra Lee

Sandra Lee has some amazing tips.

Rename your cocktails for a signature touch and serve them in an array of glasses in different shapes and sizes for a glamorous effect. If you have a special album playing review your song list and allow the song titles to inspire your cocktails, ie. Peach Cider can be turned into "Cinema Paradiso" to match the beautiful deut of the same name Joshua Bell's new album At Home With Friends.

To listen to Joshua's Album click the link below.

Pop Up Audio 

Thanks to Sony Music Commercial Music Group I have a copy of Joshua Belll's CD.

To Enter, Fill Out The Form Below before Dec 5 at Midnight:

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* Blog about this contest and link back to me (provide the link in the comment) for three extra entries (Enter 3 separate comments)

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*Post my holiday button on your sidebar.


Disclaimer: I received no payment to write this review. The words are all mine and I was not forced or asked to write anything you read here. In my opinion, a blogger review is the equivalent of me talking to my friends and family in my daily life, about a product I either love or don’t. All the opinions throughout my posts are strictly my own.

Friday, November 20, 2009

When Teacher's Talk - A Book Review

Product Description

Principal abuse of power and principal abuse of teachers, which has been clearly documented by teachers in this book, may very well be the most significant underlying cause contributing to the decline of public education in America today. Abusive and incompetent public school administrators who treat teachers with anything less than the dignity and respect they deserve do so at the direct expense of teachers, their student populations, and the communities in which they reside. Throughout the interviews in this book, teachers give detailed accounts of how principals do not provide them with the administrative support needed to effectively teach and maintain discipline in their classrooms. They explain how they have been prevented from functioning optimally and how their best efforts to help their students have been frustrated. The inevitable results are dysfunctional, permissive, non-disciplinary school environments which produce a steady stream of students who leave school and enter mainstream society totally unequipped to take on the responsibilities of functioning adults.

For decades, the widespread condition of principal abuse of power has been hidden from public view. Throughout the book, teachers describe in detail, numerous examples of principal abuses they have personally witnessed and experienced, and how and why the situation remains unrecognized by the general public. Many teachers legitimately fear suffering repercussions for publicly speaking out about the problem. Consequently, parents have been almost completely unaware of its existence and the degree to which it affects their children's education. It is important to again emphasize, that the studies in this book are by no means a condemnation of all principals, and the positive contributions of good administrators have been fully recognized. The teachers who were interviewed for the educational studies in this text freely expressed their feelings regarding both “good” and “bad” principals for whom they had worked. However, the overall negative results of the studies unequivocally indicate that a crisis of major proportions may be present in many public school districts across America.

Since my son started Kindergarten I have had the opportunity to read so many books on education and the school system. This book was yet another one that made me reconsider the idea of homeschooling. If you are a teacher this book will not come as a surprise to you. However, it does uncover what a lot of us parents already know. The principal of the school isn't perfect and can and will make mistakes. The mistakes are not the problem, it is the abuse of teachers and students that is the heart of this book.

Every job has a boss. In the school the principal is the boss and then we move up to the Superintendent.  I am not ready to say that principals are the sole problem in the school. I believe the problem is much bigger than that. We all know that the BS trickles down from the top. I would never say the principal is the brains of the school. Maybe in some locations this is so but honestly, I believe the person who sees and knows everything is the School Secretary. In my experience they are quite knowledgeable, pleasant, do everything, know everything and  see everything. The principal is nothing without their secretary.

The problems is much more global than a bunch of power wielding principals. The school system as a whole has to be reevaluated. The people we put our children in the hands of need to be looked at. They need to be happy. They need to be compensated. They need to be educated and that education should never stop.

While the government is busy increasing the age of mammogram recipients they would be better of looking into our schools. The place where our children are being molded needs to be looked at under a microscope.

This book should be read by all parents, teachers, PTA members, and school board members.

Parents: If your child attends a school, buy this book and educate yourself. Get Involved! See what is really going on and if you don't like it, don't be afraid to do something about it. The school is where your child spends most of their time. Shouldn't it be a healthy environment?

You will not be able to put this book down.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

New Moon Giveaway, Candy & Jewelry Ahhhh Perfect Together

The countdown for New Moon has pretty much taken over my Chotskies Blog for the past 9 months. I love the whole Twilight Sage and can't wait to see New Moon.

I am not so fanatical that you will see me anywhere near the theatre for the next few weeks because I really want to SEE and HEAR the movie. I can do without the gasps and screaming of the crazies but I am as excited as the next person.

Hopefully I can get some of my girls together and go see the movie one day in a couple of weeks.

Until then, I have a New Moon Giveaway for my readers.

Last month I found New Moon. Chocolate by Skybar to be exact. Carmel for Edward, Cream filling for Bella and Peanut Butter for Jacob.
I wish I bought more than two bags because they were yummy. We (the husband, my nieces and I ate one bag) and the other I hid away for this exact moment.

Beside the Skybar Chocolate I have a New Moon Keychain and a Jacob (minus the shirt) pendent from Street Angel

Since this giveaway is for New Moon fans, I thought we could have some fun with this.

To Enter answer 1 or all of these questions, for each question answered correctly, you will get another entry in the giveaway.

If you are a New Moon fan, these questions will be easy for you.
  • What is the name of the vampire family that lives in Volterra, Italy?
  • How does Edward plan to provoke the vampire royalty into killing him?
  • Who finds Bella in the woods after the Cullen family leaves Forks?
  • Who did Sam Uley imprint on?

To Enter, Fill Out The Form Below before Dec 3rd at Midnight:

For Extra Entries:

*Subscribe to my newsletter

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*Make Street Angel a favorite on Etsy

* Blog about this contest and link back to me (provide the link in the comment) for three extra entries (Enter 3 separate comments)

*Add me to your blogroll and provide the link

*Follow me on Twitter , Tweet this and leave the link.

*Become a fan of Maria's Space on Facebook

*Subscribe to Chotskies, my other blog

*Email 2 friends and CC me

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*Post my holiday button on your sidebar.
