Maria's Space: Date Night Starring Steve Carell & Tina Fey- Amateur Review

Friday, August 13, 2010

Date Night Starring Steve Carell & Tina Fey- Amateur Review

Claire and Phil Foster (Tina Fey and Steve Carell) are a suburban couple slogging through their daily lives and marriage. Even their “date nights” of dinner and a movie have become routine. To reignite the marital spark, they visit a trendy Manhattan bistro, where a case of mistaken identity hurtles them through the city at breakneck speeds, into non-stop adventure. Remembering what made them so special together, Phil and Claire take on a couple of corrupt cops, a top-level mobster – and a crazed cabbie – as their date becomes a night they’ll never forget.

Thanks to 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment I was allowed to review Date Night Starring Steve Carell and Tina Fey which came out on DVD and Blu-Ray August 10th.

What I Can Tell You: This is a laugh out loud movie. I am not someone with a big funny bone. It takes a lot to make me laugh. I found myself laughing out loud more than 4 times. Tina Fey and Steve Carell are great together, a modern day Lucy and Ricky. They have great chemistry!

The movie is amusing although I don't know that anyone who isn't married or has kids will find the humor in it.
For me it was hysterical because I can totally relate to a couple with two kids who are too tired to get their grove on as much as they want to.

In a case of mistaken-identity Steve (Phil) and Tina (Claire) stumbles innocently into a world of criminal intrigue.

Some of the best parts are their scenes with Mark Wahlberg. "Wow, honey you see a lot of clients, how do you remember this one?" Then Marky Mark opens the door with no shirt on and Steve's character totally understands why his wife remembers him. He begs him to put on a shirt ever two seconds and wonders out loud why a guy needs muscles on his shoulders. Loved it! Tina Fey as the tired wife, in love with her husband and gushing over Mark Wahlberg is too cute.

One of my favorite scenes is this one below.

With cameos of James Franco (God I love him), Mila Kunis, Mark Ruffalo, Ray Liotta, Will I Am and more this is a fun, movie with loads of familiar faces.
Check out the Date Night Facebook page for more information.

To Purchase:


  1. I really liked this one too! I love both Steve Carrell and Tina Fey!

  2. I love Tina Fey, but I don't really care for Steve Carrell--however, I think I'll have to check this movie out just because of Mark Wahlberg!

  3. Anonymous8:25 PM

    I can't wait to see this movie. I was told not only by you that this movie was hilarious.


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