Maria's Space: July 2012

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Rainy Blooms

. I really love these shots I took after a rainy morning.

Is That Supposed to Be Blood?

Look at this really cool paper fish on a wood carving board. Goddess kept asking, "Is that supposed to be blood? I can't believe they would do that!"

It looked pretty cool to me and I saved it for my Ruby Tuesday contribution.

For more photos from these amazingly talented art students go to yesterday's post .

Monday, July 30, 2012

What I Learned This Weekend Working With Nick

Nick is Nick Zungoli from Exposures Gallery in Sugar Loaf, New York.

Working with Nick has been very interesting. First of all, he is an actual photographer who gets paid a lot of money for his photos. He also travels the world to take photos that he sells. Not  a bad gig for someone who is in love with her camera and wishes she was making money using it. He has been able to make a living doing what he loves for over 30 years. So there is still hope for all of us who love photography.

While Nick's photos are on a whole other level than mine, there is so much to learn from him and I will share whatever I learn with you, my dear readers.

Here is my current list and if I can remember anything else, I will add it
  • It really is all about the light!
  • Use a tripod
  • Learn your camera
  • You cannot teach someone composition. You either have it or you don't
  • If you are shooting in JPG only, you are doing your camera a disservice unless you will only use the photos digitally. If you can set your camera up to save RAW and JPG, go for it. 
  • Think about the photo before you shoot to reduce the need for cropping (when I told him I am the cropping Queen).
  • Download MyPantone and make sure your monitor is showing you the colors you will get on your prints plus assists with color matching and other coloring issues. Still waiting for my confirmation email but really excited to set up my monitor for color specification.
While I am not taking photos with Nick, I am a studio associate there to sell his photos, he has been kind enough to look at some of my flower photos. Here are some of his favorites.

June 13, 2012 New Camera Settings (10) IMG_4444 IMG_3122
So worth the 5 days away from my kids to hear him say; "Maria, you have the ability to be a really great photographer. You have great composition and a great eye for detail. You cannot teach someone composition. I am really impressed with your work!"

He told me to bring the camera in next time and he will give me a quick course on setting it up after hearing I know nothing about how to really get a great photo and that mostly I just consider myself lucky when I get a good shot. He doesn't believe any of these shots to be luck and thinks I am selling myself short. Excited to see what I can learn and applying it for some amazing shots.

More to come.

So Much Blue N' Yellow

This past Wednesday was the kids last day of swim class so I brought along the camera and walked the halls before we went to the pool. The high school art class at this school is amazing and their window displays really show off their talents. Here are just a few of the murals and art displays.

This paper fish was hanging by wire in a glass fish bowl
One of my favorite pieces. This artist has amazing talent.
How cool is this! Nice place to add some beautiful color

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Working Mom

The title is incorrect considering that I have always been a working mom but my work never took me away from the house. Whether it was freelance work, babysitting, running Maria's Space, my social media company, or running my community website the kids are used to me working. What they are not used to is me leaving them and leaving for 7 hours to work somewhere else and I must admit, I am not used to it either.

Being a stay at home mom was something I was adamant about. My mom died when I was 12, we were abandoned to my grandparents by dad and molested by my grandfather but before all of that, we had some really bad babysitters. Both my parents worked and we had babysitters that either expected us to sit with our hands folded in our laps, hit us with brushes or left us with their older children who touched us inappropriately. Weirdness, fear, chaos, and being uncomfortable is what I remember as a kid and this was not something I want my children ever to experience. Life is hard enough without all of that. isn't easy and we cannot struggle financially anymore. The Teach has worked hard to make sure we stay in our home but we will never get our head above water unless I take whatever jobs come my way. This one landed in my lap and it would have been foolish not to take it.

Basically, the hours have been weekends when Teach is home for the kids and we don't have to pay for a babysitter which would eat into my small salary. The job is also more frequent because I am training but will eventually be a when we need you so it will work for now until something more permanent comes along.

The hardest part has been just leaving the kids. They hug and kiss me three times before I leave and when I come home they are waiting at the door which is nice too.

We will all get used to it and this week I will be able to pay for Handsome's glasses which are in! Hooray.

Color Carnival - July 29, 2012

Goddess and her candy. The girl would eat candy everyday if you let her. True chocoholic!


Friday, July 27, 2012

It Is All About The Jump

Jenny Matlock 

The kids have been in swim class for almost three weeks and they love it! Yesterday was their last day so I got to go in the pool too which was awesome. It is a great pool and listening to them complain about how cold it is twice a week made me very curious. It is cold but if you are like me and jump without testing it is easier to get used to. I see no reason to test the water with my toe then spend 14 minutes trying to get my body accustomed to it. Jump in completely and you are fine!

Goddess jumps
Handsome jumps 
Two Instructors jump

Monday, July 23, 2012

Mellow Yellow - Yellow Bloom Blend

My first photo blend for Mellow Yellow Monday! For more of these and larger, head over to my Flickr account

Surprise In A Photo

Last month I was in an informal photo class with two professional photographers and we headed outside to take some photos after the rain. Upon noticing a bunch of rain drops on a blade of grass I got on my knees and snapped some shots. Finally having time to look at them, I zoomed in to check out the drops and noticed this little guy in the top photo. Same picture just cropped closer so you could see him too.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Color Carnival - July 22, 2012

Some awesome colors for a girly girl pirate birthday party at Handsome's Godmother's house. Love these colors together.

Space Saver Storage Bags Helps You Get Organized With A Giveaway

The makers of Space Bag products have been perfecting home storage solutions with its vacuum-seal bags for nearly ten years. But did you know these space-saving bags can also be used on the go?

Space Bag Dual-Use Bags can be compressed like other Space Bag products ­ with a standard household vacuum hose ­ or by rolling the bags to expunge air through a one-way valve. This convenient manual compression system makes Dual-Use Bags ideal for anyone planning an outdoor trip or family vacation, and anyone who doesn¹t own a traditional vacuum.

 About Space Bag Dual-Use Bags:
Space Bag Dual-Use Bags can be compressed with a standard household vacuum or by hand rolling to slowly expunge air through a one-way valve. This convenient compression system makes the bags perfect for anyone on the go or who doesn¹t have a conventional vacuum at home.
Here are some of the ways you can put Dual-Use Bags to work at home or on the go:

Pack extra blankets, pillows, towels or other linens inside Space Bag Dual-Use Bags so they take up a fraction of the space they did before. 

Protect your belongings from the elements ­every Space Bag product has an airtight seal that protects items inside from dirt, moisture, odors and pests. 

Keep your extra clothes, kids¹ water toys, towels and more organized and waterproof on your next boat trip Space Bag Dual-Use Bags on your next backpacking or camping trip to get all of your gear into a backpack or duffle. 

Pack more with the same amount of space. 

Have a loved one headed off to college? Ditch flimsy cardboard boxes and pack their belongings in Space Bag Dual-Use Bags to load more in your vehicle for the move. 

Anyone living in a small apartment or college dorm room who doesn¹t need a standard vacuum can still enjoy the space-saving benefits of these hand-compressible bags. 

Pack up out-of-season clothing or store extra linens under the bed.

The 411 by Maria:

I received some Space Saver bags a few years ago and still use them.  

Our uses are using them to store extra linens that we can not fit in our tiny linen closet. 

Baby Clothes that I just can't get rid of because I have dreams of making each kid a comforter with their clothes which I have stored under their beds.

And...Some seasonal clothes so I can consolidate and condense storage bins. I can fit twice as many clothes in them as I did before. Less bins means more storage space.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Chicken Soup for the Soul Giveaway - Say Hello to A Better Body

It can be hard for women over 50 to lose weight and stay fit. Bodies change and old strategies don’t seem to work anymore. But readers can find encouragement and practical advice in this new book that combines inspiring Chicken Soup for the Soul stories written just for this book and accessible leading-edge medical information from Harvard Medical school assistant professor and weight management specialist Dr. Suzanne Koven.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 A Turning Point
Saying Hello 1
Not Your Mother's Menopause 7
New Seasons, New Reasons 12
Letting Go, Holding On 15
A Better Kind of Hot Flash Helen Reeves 19
Tending My Rose Garden Suzanne F. Ruff 22
Getting the Picture Valerie J. Frost 27
The Whistle that Woke Me Up Mary Elizabeth Laufer 31
Chapter 2 Taking Stock
You Are HERE 39
Beyond the Scale 44
A Health Inventory 46
The Next Step 48
Newly Hip Lois Wickstrom 51
Reunion April Knight 55
Exercising Power; Gloria Ashby 58
Chapter 3 Moving Forward
Why Exercise? 67
What Kind? How Long? How Strenuous? 70
Staying Injury-Free 73
Making Time for Exercise 75
Raising the Barre Joan Hetzler 77
Row Strong, Live Long Beth K. Fortune 81
My Walking Buddy Marilyn Turk 85
Keep It Steady Monica Morris 89
Running Like Sixty Terri Elders 94
Water Walking Kelley Knepper 99
Fabulous Fifties Carol Britt Bryant 102
The Silver Streakers Simone Sheindel Shapiro 107
Chapter 4 Food for Thought
What Should I Eat? And How Much? 115
Emotional Eating 139
The Tiny Waist of the Fifties Carole A. Bell 144
The Closet Witch Denise Marks 150
The Power of Four; Kristine McGovern 154
An Apple a Day Ruth Jones 158
Healthy from the Inside Out Elisa Yager 162
Mom, Eat Your Vegetables Amy Newmark 166
Voices Donna Savage 171
Chapter 5 The Long Run
To Live, Not to Diet 177
Back to Exercise Andrea Atkins 180
Life on Foot Sally Schwartz Friedman 183
92 Years Fit Lois Muehl 187
Saying Goodbye, for Now 193
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, July 20, 2012

Scunci Flower Bendini Clip Review

The 411 by Maria:

We love Scunci and have about 15 different pieces that we alternate from. This is really great because Goddess can do it herself. She LOVES the color and I love the ease of using a beautiful clip that quickly transforms any hairstyle into something special. The scünci® flower bendini clip that we reviewed is one clip that looks like two flowers attached. We picked up the pink two piece clips last week and Goddess wears them every chance she gets.

You simply slip the clip into your hair and flip it. It holds even my super thick hair which is very amazing. Nothing holds mine for long and today, it has been in for over 9 hours.

Phantom by Laura DeLuca - Book and More Giveaway

Book Blurb for Phantom

The “Phantom” was a musical phenomenon that Rebecca had always found enchanting. She had no idea that her life was about to mirror the play that was her obsession. When her high school drama club chooses “Phantom” as their annual production, Rebecca finds herself in the middle of an unlikely love triangle and the target of a sadistic stalker who uses the lines from the play as their calling card.

Rebecca lands the lead role of Christine, the opera diva, and like her character, she is torn between her two co-stars—Tom the surfer and basketball star who plays the lovable hero, and Justyn, the strangely appealing Goth who is more than realistic in the role of the tortured artist.

Almost immediately after casting, strange things start to happen both on and off the stage. Curtains fall. Mirrors are shattered. People are hurt in true phantom style. They all seem like accidents until Rebecca receives notes and phone calls that hint at something more sinister. Is Justyn bringing to life the twisted character of the phantom? Or in real life are the roles of the hero and the villain reversed? Rebecca doesn’t know who to trust, but she knows she’s running out of time as she gets closer and closer to opening night. Only when the mask is stripped away, will the twenty first century phantom finally be revealed.

The 411 by Maria:

First, don't be thrown off by the cover. The 3 characters are very Sims like and there is more to this book than this cover depicts. It is much deeper and you will find yourself completely engrossed in this modern day version of Phantom!

This is my third Laura DeLuca book and what I can tell you about Laura is that you can tell that she really loves creating her characters. Each character in Phantom is important to the story and all very well rounded. I wonder if she has a back story for each one! I wouldn't be surprised.

Rebecca is like every one of us in high school. She has a few friends. She longs for the popular boy but he is so far out of reach. Her talent as a singer would probably have gone unnoticed if the school wasn't looking to cast the roles of her absolute favorite play Phantom of the Opera. Overcoming her shyness and nerves she sings the songs that she knows by heart and wins the lead role of Christine. While she has been dying to be on popular boy Tom's radar forever, she is now drawn to new guy, Justyn who wins the lead of the Phantom.  With Tom and Justyn vying for her attention and affection, Rebecca finds her life paralleling Christine's.

People are dying, accidents at every corner and Rebecca is living the role she obsessed over.

What a great read it made me long to see Phantom of the Opera again.

This was a mystery, love story, and musical all tied into one! There were so many quotes from the play, the songs, the words of the lovelorn Phantom and his obsession with Christine are throughout the book. Laura must be a BIG fan of Phantom!

Also, kudos to Laura, it wasn't until I was 85% through the book that I finally realized who the villain was.   Whenever I thought I had it figured out, I didn't. If you read it and knew before that, I would love to hear from you.

Great young adult book!

Enter to win Laura's Phantom Prize Pack

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Get Your Daily Requirement of Omega 3 with an Omax 3 Giveaway

All omega-3 supplements are not the same, so it’s time to say “see ya” to krill oil and “bye bye” to bargain omega-3 supplements. It’s important to look for (and to expect!) purity and concentration in every pill for the best health benefit, and you get this with new omax3® Ultra-Pure™. It’s a new pharmaceutical grade all-natural omega-3 supplement that delivers the highest omega-3 purity levels available, providing 100% of the daily requirements of omega-3, as recommended by the American Heart Association.   

In fact, one dose of two omax3 Ultra-Pure soft gels is equivalent to the omega-3 benefit of eating eight and half egg yolks or 90 walnuts (which would be impossible to do daily). Do you have time to eat that every day?

Developed by physicians affiliated with Yale University,  omax3 Ultra-Pure is tested twice for purity and is free of contaminants, such as unwanted omega-6 fatty acids, mercury, lead or PCBs, that can be found in fish oil supplements.  Not to toot our own horn, but “toot toot”, because omax3 Ultra-Pure delivers unsurpassed purity and concentration of omega-3 content with more than 91% pure omega-3 content per soft-gel, compared to most omega-3 brands, which deliver only 30-50% purity and contain mostly fillers.

omax3 Ultra-Pure is also gluten-free, and is optimally balanced to support the body’s normal inflammation response to achieve a balance of EPA and DHA (4:1). 

And because no one likes fishy burps, the omax3 Ultra-Pure soft-gels are easy-to-swallow and, when used as directed, won’t cause fishy burps, aftertaste or odor like many less pure omega-3 products. 

Still not convinced? Take the omax3® Ultra-Pure™ Freezer Test®. Low purity omega-3 products will often turn white and cloudy when placed in the freezer for 24 hours, but omax3 remains clear. That’s because there are no saturated fats or other impurities in omax3. 

Undesirable fats = impurities. Take the challenge!

The 411 by Maria:

Teach and I are both at a place where we put a lot of weight on what we put in our body. Maybe it is because we are getting older. Maybe it is because of my medical issues in 2010. Whatever it is, it isn't a bad thing.

Both of us are careful what we put into our body and I can tell  you that for him, it is really showing. He looks better than ever but than again he only eats 6 different things and works out 2 hours a day for the past 4 months. Good for him but this is not something I can do. 

What I can tell you is that the omax3 Ultra Pure soft gels are easy to take and easy to remember. The best part like the feature portion of this post states is that there IS NO fishy burps. If you have taken Omega 3 supplements you know this is pretty nasty.  These tablets are easy on the stomach as well. I have had no issues. While I have not tried the freezer test myself it makes sense.  Knowing there are no saturated fats makes this something the Teach and I feel we can take for a long time. We like knowing that although it is one more pill, it is a good one!

a Rafflecopter giveaway Disclaimer: We received a complimentary bottle for the purpose of this review. The sponsor will be providing the giveaway.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Wilfred Is An Interesting Show


 Wilfred: The Complete First Season (2011)

The 411:

Well..OK...where should I start. I found myself completely shocked at this show. Really, Elijah Wood/Frodo wants to commit suicide and now sees his neighbors dog as a dude with an Australian accent wearing a dog suit? Umm..I watched the whole first season and must admit the first half was like watching a train wreck. Almost like I was uncertain as to whether I should be watching this. Was this for real? I can tell you now that 13 episodes in, I am hooked but The Teach absolutely thinks this is the worst show ever. He doesn't get it at all but than again, we have very different humor. I love watching comedies and stand up comedians and he, not so much.

Elijah is a big actor to me, I have watched him since, Radio Flyer in 1992 and love him so maybe I am a little biased and the show actually sucks.

Only Ryan can see Wilford in his adult wearing a dog suit form while everyone else sees him as a dog. Watching Wilford, hump legs, motorboat boobs and be forced to lick peanut butter off a perverts balls was just disturbing but I love hearing how Wilford/the dog can't help himself after all he is just a dog.

While I don't think Wilfred is for everyone, it is dark, and strange but very thought provoking. Is Ryan crazy? Is Wilford crazy? I have no idea but I am hooked.

Quotes from Wilfred
I don't know, Ryan. Why is the sky grey? Why is the grass grey? Why is a rainbow grey, grey, grey, grey, grey, grey and infra grey?"

How many innocent babies have to survive before we put an end to this senseless nurturing?

One man's trash is another man's feng shui. That's why I left that pool of yellow water by the southeast door.
I hope you're proud of yourself Ryan. I'm gonna be up all night licking Jenna's tears. Do you know what all that sodium's gonna do to my blood pressure?

Sometimes when I look at you, I can almost see a 10-foot tampon string hanging out of you.


The Three Stooges on DVD & Blu-ray July 17th!


ThreeStooges_Title (2)

The Hits Keep Coming… And Coming… And Coming As Larry, Moe and Curly Nyuk-Nyuk Their Way to Blu-ray, DVD and Digital Download July 17

The 411 by Maria:

Literally hysterical and the perfect introduction for my kids who have never seen the Three Stooges.  Larry, Moe and Curly are back and funnier than ever. Played magnificently by Larry (Sean Hayes), Moe (Chris Diamantopoulos), & Curly (Will Sasso) we laughed in almost every scene and if we weren't laughing we were oofing and oohing. The Three Stooges slapstick comedy is perfect for the whole family. 

Sean Hayes as Larry is great. These guys really learned their roles and were in fact, the Three Stooges. With a lot of the same noises, hand gestures and comedy falls as the originals mixed with some currentness like the Jersey Shore cast and woman trying to off their husbands you and your kids will love this!

Making a a trio like the Three Stooges and their humor current, isn't an easy task but the The Farrelly Bros do a great job even adding a few minutes at the end letting kids know that all the gags are fake and showing them that the guys hit each other with rubber mallets and axes and how they shouldn't try any of this at home. Pretty responsible considering the humor and the fact that this is a family movie. There is some violence for a family movie but it is all very slapstick and cartoonish. Goddess and Handsome loved the movie and that says a lot. He doesn't usually sit for movies. 

Can A Tummy Belt Be The Answer To Our Tummy Troubles

The Tummy Tuck Belt is a 10 minute system designed to reduce those unsightly stomach bulges you’ve been carrying around - without leaving home.  The simple three step method is guaranteed to significantly decrease belly fat, and users will typically begin to notice a difference within the first week.     

All you have to do is complete this quick, easy process:
1.       Apply the Thermal Accelerator cream to your belly

2.       Put on the Tummy Tuck Belt and do two minutes of abdominal exercises (included in the instructional video)

3.       Watch TV, take the dog for a walk, do whatever you want for the remaining eight minutes
That’s it! Take the belt off (or leave it on—the belt can be worn under your clothes for an instant slimming effect), and go about your day as usual.  The 10 minutes spent wearing the belt will set of a fat burning chain reaction, continuing to melt fat hours after use.

The Tummy Tuck Belt ($49.99) can be purchased at and is also available at

The 411 by Maria:

OK everyone, I would love to be able to say that my belly looks like it did before my stomach surgery but I am not a believer in easy fixes. I believe the body changes from hard work and diet. BUT...what I can tell you is that the Tummy Tuck Belt is super easy to use. As far as ease of using this belt gets am A+.

Simply rub some cream called the Thermal Accelerator cream onto your belly, put the belt on (maybe the hardest part of the whole thing, I have tried it over my head and also by stepping into it and both require some work to work it to my middle). Next, you put in the instructional DVD and do the 2 minutes of abdominal exercises which consists of pulling your belly button in and your chest up, holding and releasing before doing it again.

The kit also comes with a measuring tape which you can use prior to putting it on and after taking it off to see if there is a difference. I can tell you that there has always been an inch difference on the measurement each time I have used the system but I know weight fluctuates all day.

My tummy issues are from two cesareans and an abdominal surgery in 2010. I am not expecting massive results because nothing apart from surgery will help extra skin but at the $40.00 cost, this won't break the bank. If it works for you, I want to know. The Teach plans on trying it to see if it helps him too. We unfortunately, since his weight loss are probably the same belt size right now. Hopefully it works for him.

What I do like about it is that I have to wear a belly belt for my hernia and this works better than my pharmacy belt. A+ on that one!

You can order the Tummy Tuck Miracle Slimming System here.

Disclosure: I received a complimentary product to facilitate this review. No monetary compensation was offered and I was not asked to state anything. All words are my own. 

Summer Party Tips


Dawn Bryan, Founder of The Qualipedia, suggests some sizzling summer party tips for enhanced summer fun with family and friends

Summer is finally here and with it brings the coveted outdoor entertaining season. Dawn Bryan, founder of The Qualipedia, offers some basic summer party hosting tips that will also turn your outdoor event into a spectacular evening.

Party Basics:
·  Arrange guests in small comfortable groups, to foster mingling (this can be done with small tables or even over-sized grass blankets with filled baskets anchoring the corners)
·  Offer fun water toys/floats for parties with a pool
·  Enhance ground seating with rugs, pillows, or blankets
·  Serve up a rain date on the invite so there is always a contingency plan
-       Buffet Basics:
·  Arrange food by this order: entrees, sides, salads, bread, butter, and condiments, and always prepare extra portions
·  Provide enough extra dishes and silverware for second helpings to be enjoyed on clean dishes
·  Position the drink table away from the buffet to avoid traffic jams
·  Offer leftovers in take-away containers, especially to guests who have children
-      Beyond Basics:
·  Create a signature theme with a recipe, color, music, or games  
·  Send guests home with a gift bag that relates to your theme (example: if your party theme is 4th of July, find some sparklers and ring pops with a note attached saying “let freedom ring” to fill each goody bag!)
·  In your gift bag, include a take home bagel or Danish for Saturday or Sunday morning breakfast

Above all be sure you feel comfortable, look great, and are ready to have a fantastic time!
Have a wonderful Summer from!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Umm...Summer - Eat, Live, Love and Be Happy

Healthy Summer Cocktail Recipes

Cherry Mojito – This light, refreshing cocktail is perfect to help beat the summer heat.  The mint and lime keep it flavorful, while still being light on the calories.

·         Pitted, sweet cherries
·         Mint
·         Lime juice
·         Light Rum
·         Club soda
·         Grenadine (optional)

·         Muddle together cherries, mint, and lime juice.  
·          Add ice, and 2 oz. light rum.
·          Shake together and top with club soda or sparkling water.

For something a little sweeter, add a splash of grenadine when you muddle the cherries.

Cucumber Basil Martini – This delicious cocktail is a perfect to choice to serve guests at a summer party.  The cucumber and lime keep it refreshing, while still being a great low calorie beverage.

·         Cucumber chopped or sliced
·         Basil
·         Cucumber vodka
·         White Cranberry juice
·         Lime wedges
·         Simple syrup (optional)

·         Muddle together cucumber and basil with 1-2 lime wedges.
·         Add ice, followed by 2 oz. of Cucumber vodka.
·         Shake.
·         Add splash of White Cranberry juice, shake again and serve.

Again, for something sweeter, add a splash of simple syrup.  Make this cocktail without it for a healthier alternative.

BBQing Tips
·         Simply mix your favorite spices with olive oil and salt into a thin (brushable) paste.  Brush on the hamburgers or steaks when grilling the second side.  Tip: You can hold off on flavoring the first side, as the meat may get stuck on the grill and be hard to clean.
·         Add more flair by putting toothpick flags of the countries represented into the meat when grilling is done. 
·         Before guests arrive, caramelize onions and peppers in a sauté pan with a bit of salt and oil.  The aroma will smell great as guests arrive and they make for great toppings.

Suggested Flavors to Enhance BBQ Fare:
·         Curry paste to add Indian flavor
·         Cayenne or hot pepper and cilantro for a South-of-the Border influence
·         Paprika and garlic for an Eastern European twist
·         Lemon and garlic for a Greek-inspired meal
·         Hummus or tahini for Middle Eastern taste

A seasonal side that will “Wow” Guests:
·         Place local corn (husk and all) on the grill for approximately 10 minutes, rotating the corn until most of the husk is lightly charred.  The corn inside will have a delicious grilled flavor without the charring or burning.  For toppings, add dried spices to salt or fresh herbs to butter.  Basil, parsley and dill are readily available during the summer months.

Summer Party Décor
  • What to choose for your centerpieces. Fresh flowers as centerpieces are a simple way to make your space feel special and inviting for guests.  Better yet, choose what’s in season!  July is a great time for calla lilies, gerbera daisies, hydrangeas and roses.
  • How to furnish your event: Rather than change all of your furniture for one event, purchase some affordable, brightly colored throw pillows that match your theme.  They look great on couches and armchairs, and large pillows can also double as floor seating.
Tip from Ms. Ricky Eisen a premier NYC-based caterer and event planner with more than 35 years of experience in the food and beverage industry. She’s the Founder and President of Between the Bread, one of Manhattan’s most renowned and prestigious corporate catering companies. Whether you are in need of a healthy, refreshing cocktail recipe, trendy flavors for BBQing, or some fun outdoor décor options, Ricky has the perfect tips for any summer party

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Pick Your Teeth Clean

The Stim-U-Dent mission statement is: To provide natural, effective oral care solutions for today's busy families!

Well, now...that is right up my alley.

The 411:

Yeah, I know...we are supposed to floss. As easy as it is, I don't do it everyday and haven't taught the kids to do it either. Go ahead, you can slap me on the hand. I am a bad mom and all yada, yada. It is just that I never found it easy.  I don't know why. I just know that I tell the dentist the same thing for years now. I cannot get the floss into my teeth. Maybe my teeth are too close yo no se, IDK and all that....but this is different.

I actually have become quite addicted to Stim-U-Dent and that is a good thing.

You take the little piece of wood which comes in a match box size box and literally, floss your teeth and gums. The wood tastes minty and while I have only tried the original I am running out and getting the thin ones.

Even better Handsome, Goddess and even Teach are using Stim -U-Dent and doing it everyday. Hooray. Great product. Will be using for life!

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary product for the purpose of this review.