Maria's Space: March 2018

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Don't Judge My Cat's Easter Basket

Seriously! Don't judge us. We had a cat and dog before our kids. We loved them so much but vowed we would wait to get another pet until the kids were older. We are firm believers in the fact that kids need a pet so we got our daughter a guinea pig. It was an OK pet to start with but then we started volunteer at the animal shelter and we fell in love with many cats. SOOOOO on my anniversary last year we brought home Chipolte. Well that was her name when we got her at 7 months old. She quickly become Luna and and we love her. Well, my husband is less in love because her hair is everywhere and he wears dark suits every day. 

With Easter coming up we decided to do a basket for Luna so that the kids could be involved.   What can I say, she is spoiled. 

We love how interested Luna is in her Easter basket. We have had to do an early Easter it was torturing all of us to watch her paw at her goodies for these photos.  She loves everything but especially her new toy fish on a string.

What do you get a cat for Easter?

Well we have a cat tree coming in a day or two from Amazon. We are hoping this keeps her off the dining room table. She likes to look out the sliders and the table is up against them. Hopefully if we move the table and put the tree there she will use the tree. HOPEFULLY!

We have also added:
Catnip toys - Hartz Just For Cats
Treats - Temptations
Food - Delectables from Hartz
A New Collar that glows in the dark

She is a bit spoiled but I wouldn't have it any other way. I have also ordered a bag of corn based litter from World's Best which is what the animal shelter that we volunteer at uses. 
It was really cute to watch her sniff everything. We have finally given in and she has used, tried, eaten, sampled everything in the basket ahead of schedule but like I said, she is spoiled.

The House With A Clock In It's Walls


In Theaters: September 21, 2018

In the tradition of Amblin classics where fantastical events occur in the most unexpected places, Jack Black and two-time Academy Award® winner Cate Blanchett star in The House with a Clock in Its Walls, from Amblin Entertainment. The magical adventure tells the spine-tingling tale of 10-year-old Lewis (Owen Vaccaro) who goes to live with his uncle in a creaky old house with a mysterious tick-tocking heart. But his new town's sleepy façade jolts to life with a secret world of warlocks and witches when Lewis accidentally awakens the dead.

Based on the beloved children's classic written by John Bellairs and illustrated by Edward Gorey, The House with a Clock in Its Walls is directed by master frightener Eli Roth and written by Eric Kripke (creator of TV's Supernatural). Co-starring Kyle MacLachlan, Colleen Camp, Renée Elise Goldsberry, Vanessa Anne Williams, Lorenza Izzo and Sunny Suljic, it is produced by Mythology Entertainment's Brad Fischer (Shutter Island) and James Vanderbilt (Zodiac), as well as Kripke.

Executive produced by William Sherak, Tracey Nyberg, Laeta Kalogridis and Mark McNair, The House with a Clock in Its Walls will be released by Universal Pictures.  

Monday, March 26, 2018

Things We Haven't Said: Sexual Violence Survivors Speak Out

"There are days when I am less stardust than sawdust, less survivor than victim, but that does not mean that the reclamation of my own body is any less eternal." -Jane Cochrane

"How to describe the feeling of not being believed? It is the feeling of disappearing."
-Stephanie Oakes

"I used to want to hurt you, to break you, to give you the sort of nightmares I still have so many years later." -Melissa Marr

"It's so easy to say you'll fight when it's not happening to you. But then it was happening to me. And I locked up. My bones had all linked together and I was still." -Bryson McCrone

Things We Haven't Said is a powerful collection of poems, essays, letters, vignettes and interviews written by a diverse group of impressive adults who survived sexual violence as children and adolescents. Structured to incorporate creative writing to engage the reader and informative interviews to dig for context, this anthology is a valuable resource of hope, grit and honest conversation that will help teens tackle the topic of sexual violence, upend stigma and maintain hope for a better future.

Made up of essays, poems, letters, vignettes, interviews, and concrete information, the book breaks the silence around sexual violence and verbalizes the experiences of these victims and, in doing so, creates a chorus of hope for children and young adults who have experienced similar abuse. Aside from being incredibly timely, the book is getting great buzz. It just got a starred review from Kirkus."This book will save hearts. This book will save minds. This book will save lives," says author A.S. King of the collection. And all of the author's proceeds from the book will go to survivors' organizations.

The 411:

Definitely a difficult read. I was worried about being triggered by some of the stories (it's has been years but it can happen). Fortunately that didn't happen but what did happen was how hearing these stories made me angry. Angry that anyone has to go through this.

The stories included were very candid and sometimes made me uncomfortable. They were more candid than I have ever been when I discuss my own abuse and made me feel that I haven't been honest enough at times. Honest with myself yes but maybe speaking about the details would have helped me heal a lot sooner than I did. I have talked about my own abuse for years but not "really". All the details have been left out of my story. I need to release them. I need to make a point of talking them over with someone.

After each story there is a small interview where the women answer questions about who they told, who heard them, what was most helpful during their recovery and more. What worked here is that each survivor's story has a follow up questionnaire to their writing piece giving you even more information to where they are now and providing other survivors with other resources.

The brave woman in this book who told their stories in their own words and in their own way are heroes. I hope that anyone who reads this who has been silent will find their own voice and use it so make sure that are never hurt, disrespected, or scared again.

To Purchase:

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary product for my honest opinion. No monetary compensation was offered.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

good2grow Juice With Character Tops @good2grow

These spill proof juices are perfect for kids. good2grow is not only are yummy but comes with character tops like My Little Pony, Super Heroes, Care Bears, Disney Princess, Thomas the Train and more. Made with 100% juice and no sugar added you can feel confident that you are giving your child something they will love.

The juice has no GMOs, No Sugar, No artificial flavors or preservatives and comes in Fruit Punch, Strawberry Kiwi, Apple and more.

Plus the tops can be used on any of their bottles so if you have a character your child loves, save the top.

AND on a final note. Why not start a collection. Clean them out and tops can be used as a display, collection or your child can play with them as a figurine.

To Purchase:

My Life In Photos March 7 - March 23rd - Why Am I Always Behind?

March 7, 2018

Yet another snow storm to my region. It has been an interesting March! Snow Days galore but whatever. I enjoy day off with my kids and know that these days will be few and far between as they get older. It is so nice to go outside and walk around after a snow storm. Everything looks so different and it is so quiet.

March 8, 2018 
These lumps on my deck? My BBQ and the deck chairs.

March 9, 2018 

Waiting for my girl to come out of her guitar lesson. This throw blanket on the wall makes for a great selfie background. #snapchatfanatic

March 10, 2018

Not a great photo, we took it quick but had a wonderful time with my girl at the middle school play for Peter Pan. Her friends were in it so we really were excited. They all did a great job.

March 11, 2018

I never get enough of my 12 year old's artwork. She is pretty amazing and getting better all the time. I love how much she put into her work and how often she practices. I wish I had this talent.

March 12, 2018

Goddess doing what she loves; watching Rhett and Link and drawing. I wish she was as diligent doing her school work but an artist has to art draw.

March 13, 2018

Hooray! More snow means another snow day. Not bad. We are getting some cleaning done and I was able to do a few video reviews. Feeling caught up.

March 14, 2018

Today I received my first Walmart Beauty Box. It is only $5.00 and while they are not a sponsor I love sharing things I love!

March 15, 2018

While at school I noticed my girl's art work on the wall (top pic). Wish I had a better picture. I love the detail. There are people in the window and a person walking a dog. I love the feeling of depth she tried to create and wonder if that was the assignment.

March 16, 2018

It's me waiting for Goddess again in front of this mural wall again. Since St. Patrick's Day was on Saturday I decided to dress in my outfit a day early. My students loved the shamrock necklace. I hope they didn't spent too much time focusing on the beer mugs on the necklace.

March 17, 2018

Did a photo for my good2grow post using Goddess' basket. I love how they look and think they would make a great addition to your little one's Easter basket! There are so many character tops.

March 18, 2018
Goddess and Luna at the computer. Don't ask me what they were watching but both were equally engaged.

March 19, 2018

A picture every day is easy when there are cute kids and a cat in the house. Luna looking at something off the edge of the table. Goddess took this with my phone so I am the owner.

March 20, 2018

Goddess' original drawing. She was trying out a new style. I like it! She is getting better every day.

March 21, 2018

YET another SNOW DAY so we headed out before it started for breakfast with a friend. Typical teenagers.  Goddess did ask before she whipped out if it was respectful. I told her to go for it. I had a friend with me and we were able to talk without two kids staring at us.

March 22, 2018 

Another snow storm but it wasn't as bad as they had projected. We had a two hour delay. Not bad for my husband's birthday. March is unpredictable just like him.

March 23, 2018

Set Goddess and I up in the family room for a viewing of Jumanji but she fell asleep 5 minutes into the movie. I ended up sleeping on the loveseat. Up all night but it wasn't horrible. I was worried she would wake up and feel alone.