Maria's Space: May 2010

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

At Hospital

Dear Readers,

Long story short. I am at the hospital with an acute case of Diverticulitis. I pray to be out by Friday.

If I promised a reader or sponsor anything. Please know I will get to it as soon as I can.

Long version of this story when I get home.

I love you all.

Monday, May 24, 2010

It Was Like Lord of The Flies....(long post!)

Yesterday I headed to a birthday party for one of Handsome's classmates. It was one that I knew would be a little stressful because Handsome really likes this kid and this kid is quite popular. Handsome really wants to be like this little boy and is quite the outsider in this group of kids.

He is often removed from class to attend speech, OT and PT which means he misses out on a lot of the down time in class when kids are socializing. Which also means he misses out on the one thing he needs to strengthen in his social life.

As most of you know, Handsome had a speech delay which contributed to a social delay. He is a really good kid who just wants to fit in but doesn't know how to join in.

He is quieter and shyer than most of his classmates. He also doesn't speak up for himself which means most often you hear his name. It happens at home too! "Handsome, Handsome, Handsome, Stop! Stop! Don't hit me, give that back." So, you walk in and say, "Handsome, would you stopping hitting her! Give it back!" He says, "I'm not talking" which makes you angry, so you say something like, "stop touching her or you will be punished." Then he cries and after you sit down with him you find out that, "she" hit him 5 times while he told her to stop, then he retailiates by pulling out of her hand the thing she hit him with to hit her back."

I have learned that this is usually the way it goes and before I blame him, I try to find out what happened first.

Yesterday, I was sitting down 5 minutes into the party and a little girl comes over saying to her mom "Handsome hit me." The mom says, "tell his mom". The girl comes over and tells me so I head over and say, "Handsome be careful, this little girl says you hurt her."

I sit back down and 3 minutes later the same girl comes back and says the same thing. The mother tells her not to be a tattle tale but I head over to the bounce house, take off my shoes and crawl inside. There are about 15 kids in there and it is utter mayhem. I cross my arms and stand in a corner in the middle of this awesome bounce house complete with slide, basket ball hoop, ladder, two posts for bouncing into and a gate looking thing that kids are supposed to crawl under or climb over.

As I stand there I get to watch the chaos and calamity of 5, 6, 7 years younger and older in their own little world. There are kids hanging from this gate thing, holding onto it like koalas leaving only a small corner for kids to slip through in order to get to the ladder, leading to the slide. Kids are crawling and climbing and jumping over each other to hang, climb, slide, wrestling for a football, sliding down the slide as others climb up and then bashing into the kids at the bottom of the slide as kid congregate there instead of sliding and moving.

My son's name was called out at least 10 times by kids who wanted me to know he "hit them."

As the only present parent I was privy to how rude, mean, obnoxious and catty kids can be. They are so mean to each other. After listening to at least 3 kids tell me that Handsome had hit them. I was tired. He wasn't hitting anyone. What he was doing was trying to go down the slide, asking people to "please" move, asking kids to "slide over so I can get through." Then heading down the slide only to have kids congregate there and get knocked into chaos of kids coming down the slide. My son included.

Eventually I started telling them that I was tired of hearing how Handsome had "hit them" and started saying, "he did not hit you! he knocked into you because you guys piled up at the bottom of the slide" Or "you guys fell into a heap" Or "you guys slipped on a football".

When he came down the slide hitting with his foot a little girl who was sitting at the bottom, "I heard her say ow, Handsome!"  Another little girl said to her, "you can't beat Handsome up, but I can!" Then she proceeded to grabbed him from behind pinning his arms down. I watched to see what he would do. He tried to get away but never, ever said anything like, "Stop! Let go! Get off me!" nothing! I finally said, "Hey, let go of him now!" She did, saying that he had hurt a little girl. I told her that he had not and that I was watching. Then as he slid down the slide, I watched her, run up, throw herself down the slide to crash into him before he hit the bottom. He grabbed his wrist and started crying. I told her that I saw everything and that it was not nice! That I should have Handsome march right over to her mother as she had and that she was being really mean and it was not OK! Then I put my hand out to Handsome who thought he had done something wrong. If your mom is the only one there and all you ever hear is your name and to not do this or not do that, you eventually get a complex thinking you are the WRONG one.

I told him, "I am not mad you at. Come with me and lets put ice on your wrist. I saw what she did and that was very bad. She was not nice."

We put the ice on and eventually went back in. I stood outside the bounce house, not only watching mine for the two and a half hours, but the rest. It was ridiculously chaotic and I don't know how more kids didn't get hurt.

I stood there for 2.5 hours watching the chaos but mostly watching my son. So if anyone had a complaint I could say what did or did not happen.

At one point he jumped and a little girl (6?) who was hanging on that "post thing" fell off, held her side and ran off as I asked if she was OK. I heard her brother (12?) call Handsome! He didn't hear him and went to climb the ladder. I saw the sister (11?) heading toward him, I zoned in and saw her grab Handsome from behind. He silently fought her trying to get away. She lifted him up and I yelled, "put him down right now! Let.... go!" She did and walked over to me saying, "he hurt my sister and my brother wanted me to get him." (she was what, going to drag my just turned 7 year old out to her 12 year old brother?) I said, "He didn't hurt your sister, your sister fell. I am watching everything." She said, "I didn't know, I saw my sister crying and my brother asked me to get him." So, I calmly explained what happened, and that everyone in the bounce house was wild and crazy. That they are all complaining about getting hit but they are at the bottom of the slide and when 3 kids come down the slide, they WILL get hurt. She said, "so, it's their fault because they are at the bottom!!!!!" I said, exactly!

After standing and watching the chaos I just had to leave. I bribed him with a trip to Dunkin Donuts. It was heartbreaking and devastating to watch. Thankfully, he is not fully aware of how hurtful the day was. Eventually he will be and then it will be harder. Now, I am the one hurt. He is fine! It scares me about the things I cannot protect him from.

I can only pray that he is not bullied in school and if he is, I hope he learns to stick up for himself. We are teaching him that he needs to speak up and if someone hits you, you tell them them to stop, then go to the teacher and tell them.  If that kid hits you again, you are to hit them back as hard as you can! Hopefully he won't have to use this method because, I don't think he will do it!

Handsome was having a great time jumping, but I just couldn't watch the torture anymore. He was not allowed to play with them. Not allowed, to touch them. Not allowed to follow them. He just wanted to fit in and tried so hard but when you are bigger, older, "different" you are odd! It was so sad to watch him try so hard.

I don't believe these kids are bad kids. I believe that there was a lot of absent parenting going on. The kids are not being told what is right or wrong, they are not being told what is rude and mean. They are just kids. Without proper instruction. If no one is telling them, how will they know?

Childhood is hard enough but I am really worried about him. I am worried about how hard kids are. How mean kids are. How Handsome doesn't stick up for himself. If a kid goes up to a teacher crying after someone retaliates and the other kid isn't saying "that kid hit me first" the kid crying will be the victim.

I have talked to all his teachers, all his special educators and therapists, his bus driver, his preschool teachers, and everyone says the same thing! He is NOT an aggressive kid. He is a good boy. He does not look for trouble. He is very polite and asks if other kids are OK if they fall, trip or bang into something. Yet, he is made out to be the brute. The bad kid. The "hitter".

The day before he accidentally hit a little girl in the leg with a bowling ball. I knew for a fact that he didn't haul off and hit her but without him speaking up, he looks guilty. It was only after talking to him for 10 minutes that he told me the ball slipped out of his hands, the girl was sitting on the floor and it hit her.

My heart broke for him yesterday. I just wanted to ball my eyes out thinking about how hard he tried and how he felt like he was wrong. At the end, I made a point of telling him that I was proud of him. That he didn't do anything wrong. That he was a good boy.

When we got him home, his father and I had a talk with him separately about sticking up for himself. How it is OK for him to yell at someone, tell them to stop or even go to their mother and say, "so and so hit me."

Lessons for speaking up start now!

Mellow Yellow Monday - Birthday


Look at all the yellow at Handsome's 7th Birthday - It was a fabulous day.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Self Portrait Sunday - May 22, 2010

Happy Sunday!

Tomorrow night is the season finale of Lost and they are putting it on at 7:00 p.m. After watching for 6 years, they couldn't put it on after my kids go to bed. How the hell am I supposed to watch if my kids are up?

After spending the afternoon in a bowling alley for a 6 year old birthday party, I am shot! Feeling tired and goofy. Thought why not post a picture of one of my many talents. My daughter has been practicing the tongue roll since she is two and now can do it as good as I can.

Picture 099

Picture 113

God Never Blinks 50 Lessons for Life's Little Detours

What I Can Tell You: Even though it is a Best Seller I had never heard of this book before. This is one of the best parts about being a book reviewer. So many things are on my reading list that I normally wouldn't have noticed. God Never Blinks is a perfect title. It is thought provoking and a message I am teaching my children (God sees everything).

What Regina has done is created a templete that we should live our life by. I really appreciated her list of  45 life lessons and 5 to grow on that she wrote to celebrate growing older. It contained things like:

No one is in charge of your happiness except you.

Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.

What other people think of you is none of your business.

God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.

At 38 I felt like I really knew who I was, at 43 I know and accept even more of who I am and I like me. This is something I wished I knew in my early 20's. It would be interesting to know what kind of person I would be if I knew what I knew now, then (got that?)

Regina's advice is so basic and true that it fits most of the population universally regardless of beliefs, upbringing or religion differences. While this is obviously a book of one woman's story, it could be any of ours.

I personally love self help books.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Friday Fragments

It has been a crazy week.

Busy with life and still playing catch up on sponsors, giveaways, reviews and email.

Monday - I had a meeting with the Director of Curriculum, Principal and two other moms from the school. The other moms each of kids in the school and for the past three years I have heard about some problems that I was hoping to combat before the kids even started. Both kids will be in this school next year and there were a few things we wanted to bring to the attention of the school.

#1 for all of us were the attitudes of the aids who greet our children. We weren't asking them to move mountains or to fire anyone. We wanted them to know that the attitude presented at the school was NOT OK, unacceptable and unprofessional. Hopefully the few things we presented will be fixed before September when my kids start.

Tuesday - What the hell happened Tuesday? I don't remember. I think this was a laundry, review, cleaning day.

Wednesday - I met with someone about insurance! Boring and tons of paperwork

As a Pearista for Pear Tree, I received really cute note monogram note cards. For all your stationary needs, remember Pear Tree for your cards, invitations and more.

Then I received a box from Aurora Focus Group for YooHoo & Friends I received this box
You really want to make a kid happy! Let them open a box of really awesome stuffed animals.  Doesn't she look as proud as Octomom minus two kids?

Thursday - My baby girl, Goddess had her Kindergarten orientation. We had breakfast with Clary then headed to orientation. excited as I am for her. I am so sad. She is my little buddy. She looked so small on the bus. They took us on an 8 minute bus ride and she was so excited.

I also found out that I won a $100 Fisher Price card which is so exciting!

Friday - I got to see a friend who I haven't seen since Monday. Her husband is off and it is harder to see her. She came over for an hour and a half and we got to chat. Then Goddess and I did some work in the family room, some laundry and headed out to pick up Handsome.

Hope you had a great week!

May Has Become Birthday Month In My Life

Handsome's birthday is in May, three personal friends birthdays are in May and 6 kids in Handsome's class are in May. Is this normal? I cannot tell you how many birthdays I have attended this month (hence the quiet blog posts).

Getting for my kids is so easy. Handsome is very specific in his likes and wants. Goddess is super easy because she "LOVES" everything.

I really love buying gifts for kids. It is so fun. I just buy things I would want to play with. Being a "big kid" makes it really easy.

For Handsome's first two years I always got him educational toys. As an older, first time mom I wanted to teach him. All my time was spent with him which is why he was spelling at 2 years old. I have video of me doing a puppet show for him while reading a book when he was 2 months old. Poor kid!

When he started Occupational Therapy most of his OT toys looked like this.

I love mixing toys with education.

Now, I love the pretend play toys.

If I had more room and money, I would have bought Handsome something like this.

Isn't virtual wishing fun?

For the kids in my son's class this year I got a lot of them these.

Cute right? Melissa and Doug products are awesome.

Hopefully we get a financial reprieve next month. I am gifted out.

Allergies Killing Ya? Check out Halls Allergy Relief

Thanks to Mom Central I received a sample of Halls Allergy Relief Cough Drops.

Personally, I had no idea that Halls Cough Drops could aid in allergy relief.

I have taken my fair share of Halls for my cold symptoms. Head to Halls and find out which drop is right for you based on your symptoms.

Fight your allergy cough with a Halls cough drop.

From the Halls Website:
While you’re waiting for your allergy medication to work, HALLS® steps in and helps out as a complement to your allergy regimen. HALLS® starts working within 10 seconds to soothe your allergy related cough and sore throat.
During allergy season, inhaled irritants like pollen, grass and trees can trigger irritating coughs and scratchy, sore throats. While your allergy medication provides the all-day relief you’re looking for, don’t forget to take your HALLS® too. Take HALLS® with Advanced Vapor Action® formula for fast, soothing relief of your cough and scratchy, sore throat. It starts working within 10 seconds! As a complement to your allergy medication, the fast-relief of HALLS® might just put a spring in your step when spring allergies hit.

Hey, I will try anything to combat my allergy discomfort. 

Thanks to Mom Central for getting the sample sent out to me.  

 “I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Halls and received products necessary to facilitate my candid review. In addition, I received a gift certificate to thank me for taking the time to participate.”

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Do You Have A FabTabulous Idea?

Mom Select left something cool in my in-box today.

Huggies wants to help you!

Through their program called:

I have been sitting on an idea for at least 6 years now. Anyone I've told it to think it is a fabulous idea but I have never had the finances to move on it. Maybe like me, you have been sitting on an FabTabulous Idea. Maybe you have the "next big thing". Look at Silly Bands! Who would have thought?

Huggies Mom Inspired Grant Program wants to talk to you.

Huggies Mom Inspired Grant Program allows inventive moms to submit their original idea until June 11h. They are dolling out grants from $1,000 - $15,000 based on your idea. To apply and hopefully be accepted simply go to HuggiesMomInspired.Com

I finally put my idea and it took all of 15 minutes. Wish me luck!

If you have an idea that you feel will make life easier, please apply and let me know that you did. I would love to hear.

By posting this information, I am entered into a contest to win a $250 American Express gift card from MomSelect. I did not receive any compensation for this post and thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.

Book Review - Welcome to Harmony

The name just says it all. Look at that beautiful cover, you just know you want to put Jodi Thomas' newest creation on your list this summer. Some of my friends have started their summer reading list and I figured that is a great place to start.

Welcome to Harmony by Jodi Thomas
Sixteen-year-old runaway Reagan has always wanted a place to belong. She's never had a real home of her own, but perhaps she could borrow someone else's. Under an assumed name and identity, she moves to Harmony, Texas, but keeps her distance from the welcoming townsfolk. Until prairie fires threaten Harmony-and Reagan learns the true meaning of family, friends, and home.

I received a copy for review and although I had another 2 books to read before getting to it. I couldn't stop looking at the cover.

What I Can tell You:  It took me 2 days to devour this book because I have two little ones but this would have been a one day book prior to babies because I would have read for the whole day. You really don't want to put it down!  I wanted to find out what was going to happen to Reagan. Would she find what she was longing for. Every young person needs a home and people she knows love her for all the right reasons. My heart broke for poor Reagan. I just wanted to pluck her out of the pages and love her.  She heads to Harmony after meeting a woman named Miss Beverly. When Miss Beverly passes, Reagan heads to the town she heard so many stories and decides to pass herself off as Miss Beverly's granddaughter.

Upon entering the town Reagan is treated well and I believe she would have been treated well even if she wasn't Miss Beverly's "granddaughter".

She heads out to the home Miss Beverly shared with her grumpy brother Jeremiah. I personally loved all the scenes that included Jeremiah.

I also loved Fire Chief Hank who really takes care of his town and the people in it. Funeral Director Tyler, even tough Alex is likable. I don't think there is a single unlikable person in the book and I guess that is something you would imagine to find in a town called Harmony. There is an unlikable circumstance but not of the walking talking kind.

 I received an email from Jodi Thomas regarding her book. As an avid reviewer, as most of my book loving readers can imagine; I am always shocked, and thrilled when an author writes me. I have saved every email that was sent by an author.

Memory Rewind - Writing

This week's Memory Rewind is:
Look Mom I drew "M"
Here is Handsome who had just turned 4 writing for me. YOu can see how very proud he was. He was spelling at 2 and wrote his first letter a "W" when he was 3. He is a wonderful reader and read us a book yesterday while we did our own thing in the same room. It is so amazing how far kids come in such short times. We are very proud of him.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

ABC Wednesday - R

This weeks ABC Wednesday is the letter R

R is for Relaxing

After spending two hours climbing and sliding, Goddess relaxed at the bottom of the slide waiting for her cousins to come down.

R is for Running
There just wasn't enough time to play so Goddess spent the 2.5 hours running from slide to slide. Because if you don't go on each about 20 times, it just isn't worth it.

R is for Ring
Picture 972
Not all gems are inedible.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Dove Mini Moment Contest

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Dove Ice Cream. All opinions are 100% mine.

Who couldn't use a Mini Moment in their day? Just some time for yourself to do whatever it is that gives you peace of mind, allows you to take a deep breath, relaxes your breathing, or just makes you pause in the hectic pace of the average day.

Chocolate makes everything better and what is better than Dove Ice Cream encased in some of the best chocolate?

Release the guilt of indulgence, at 70 calories each, DOVE Ice Cream Miniatures are ice cream wrapped in real Dove chocolate making them the perfect treat. Try the new decadent Café Collection which features Java Chip and Cappuccino Flavors (include attached photo of Café Collection box). I ate some Dove Ice Cream after the kids went to bed and believe it is the decadent chocolate that makes it the best!

Nothing better!

I dare you to go to Dove's website and not crave chocolate after.

What is your mini moment? Dove wants to know. Share your favorite my mini moment and get a chance to win your choice of three mini escapes. But hurry, there are only 20 days left.

Dove's Mini Getaway Choices are:
  • An escape to the beautiful Wine Country of Napa Valley 
  • A Mini Spa Escape at your favorite Spa.
  • Revamp a favorite room in your home to create the perfect mini-Oasis
Also, the top ten finalists will receive a DOVEBAR® Ice Cream Indulgence Tote filled with DOVEBAR® Ice Cream Miniatures coupons, a spa wrap,eye mask, candle, lotions and shower gel.

To enter the contest head to "My Mini Moment" contest website. Register (it took me 3 minutes). Then upload a photo and write your story. Someone has to win! Why not you?!

Visit my sponsor: “My Mini Moment” contest

Father's Day Is Next Month - Do Something Dad Will Love

Where I live people go camping all the time. Every Monday someone or another has some camping photos on their Facebook page from the weekend before. As someone who has gone camping one time in my life I don't know if it is something my kids would love. Sleeping in a camping tent might sound good until you are actually doing it.

Today I had a conversation with a friend who went camping this weekend. She and her family love it and they don't even all have actual tents. They use tarps and such. We two tents and we sent them up in the dining room at times for the kids to play and sleep in every once in a while but sleeping outdoors? That is something I am not sure of. The bugs would make me their feast for the night.
Picture 1383

With Father's Day coming next month I started thinking that this is a great way to really spend some time together. Going camping with your husband and kids means that you have to count on each other for comfort and company. There are no TVs or computers. Sounds great already!

I would so go camping if we had a tent that looked like this...
I mean really! That is like the mansions of camping tents. I could totally live in this tent. It is the Coleman Elite WeatherMaster™ 6-8 Screened Tent.

Then I would need a portable BBQ and plumbing, air mattress and a really comfortable sleeping bag but....if it was hotter than 75 I would need a fan.

Seriously, with so many of my neighbors and kids classmates heading out to the woods in nothing but tarps or a small camping tent. Who am I? The Queen of Sheba. 

Note to Self: Talk of with the husband and gauge his interest.

Music is Very Important to My Well Being - One eskimO - Review

My husband and I before kids were huge music fans with an extensive music collection and music was always on. When the "baby" turned 3.5 I started putting more music on during the day. Other than that it had only been lullabies or classical music. Handsome still listens to the music he used to listen to while inside me. I used to put the headphones on my belly and lie down for an hour a day after work.

I had not heard of One eskimO prior to this CD review. I also didn't know that the third song on the CD, is the most played song on all adult radio stations.

Hometime - This song slowly grew on me over the second time playing it. I am a big melody girl. And the melody was really pretty.
Astronauts - I loved how this song started. The piano piece was simple and pretty. After hearing it the second time I felt like I had heard it before. It is a really great song.
Kandi - I have heard this song before. I thought it was John Mayer the first time I heard it. It is easy to hear why it is the #1 song.

Slip - I loved how this song started. This is probably my least favorite on the CD. I didn't moved me.
Simiple Day - The guitars are really pretty. I love acoustic guitar and the calmness of the sound. This was reminiscent of Jason Mroz for me. I like when the voices blended on the chorus.
Givin Up - I didn't like the start of the song but eventually it kicked in and was reminiscent of Seal.
Chocolate - I think I will be listening to this often.

All Balloons - I like the sound and the stop and start of the versus. Very easy breezy song that reminded me of something I would hear in a coffee house while sipping and watching people go by.
Chosen One - I believe this is my second favorite next to the Astronaut song. Really pretty sound and reminds me of just laying in my apartment during a rain storm listening to music alone.

UFO - This is a really great song. I love all the tones in it. There is so much going on. Loved it.
Amazing - Nice, the words didn't kick in for 40 seconds. At first I thought it was going to be instrumental. I really loved this too.

I think that One eskimO has a very interesting sound and I appreciate how different they are.


Ruby Tuesday

This week's Ruby Tuesday are some photos from Handsome's birthday party this past Friday.

Here is Goddess and her cousin who haven't seen each other in almost two years. It was fun to watch them play like family who saw each other yesterday.

This is pretty much how I saw Goddess this night. In a blur, whizzing by.

Looks like fun, I want to play. Parents were allowed to partake in the fun but Teach wasn't able to come so as the only parent, I kept my feet on the ground and played Hostess.

Wow Imports and Reviewing the Famous "Carrie" necklace

Thanks to Parent Reviewers I was selected to review a name necklace from Wow Imports.

As a Sex in The City fan, I was very familiar with the Carrie necklace and loved that I would get one for myself.

We received a "carrie" necklace with my name on it to try out and show off.

With graduation coming next month this is a great gift idea. Wow Imports has so many different styles of fonts and name necklaces to choose from. You can get the necklaces in whatever style fits the gift recipient's personality and personal style.

You can go with the classic name necklace or get a monogram, ring, vertical name, earrings and more. Wow Imports has so many ideas to choose from that I had trouble deciding on the font and style. I am not a gold person so I loved that there were options of gold or sterling silver. 

I also love that their were child sized necklaces. I have 8 nieces to buy for during the holidays and they all love jewelry.

What impressed me the most about Wow Imports was their fast delivery, the quality of the necklace but more than that was the selection of interesting different products I found on their website.

I bet you were wondering about the price right? Well, I bet you expect to pay over $50.00 for a name necklace! Get this, the name necklace sells for $31.95.

When you order a necklace, you get to choose the length, thickness of the pendent, the style of the font, the chain style, you can even put a Swarovski crystal on it and tell them where to place it on the nameplate. It is all up to you. You can really create the most personalized of name necklaces with Wow Imports.

What I can tell you:  Wow! Imports, is a family business, and a premier online store for African fair trade bead & wire art, beaded animal figurines, piggy banks, beaded key chainsrecycled plastic bag animals and more.

They have the widest selection handmade sterling silver and 14k gold personalized name jewelry besides the  Carrie necklaces, they have name rings, name earrings, name bracelets, name anklets and more.

I appreciate that they import from disadvantaged artisans in Zimbabwe and South African who are provided with the material and actually set their own hours and wages.

What a great company to support.

Thanks Parent Reviewers for the opportunity to participate in this very interesting campaign.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Disney Here We Come.............................

Well not literally but this is a great start. We are dying to take our kids to Disney. My kids are 5 and 7 and haven't been on a vacation yet.

They know all about Disney and believe Mickey Mouse and Disney Princess's live there.

Today I received this in my in-box.

Beside Disney there is so much to do in Orlando. An Orlando Vacation is right up our alley. Plus, my dad lives there and my daughter has never met him.

Orlando Vacation has some awesome Disney World Packages from 2 to 7 days.  You can build the perfect vacation based on your specific needs.

If I were planning the perfect vacation for my family, we would leave on a Thursday getting in at dinner time, dropping our stuff of at our room and getting room service. Crashing early, going for breakfast and heading out when the Disney World opens. One day in Disney World,  a day in Epcot and a day at MGM Studios. 

By day four, the kids would be able to go someplace other than a theme park. We could schedule a visit with my dad, hopefully having him come to us and resting in the hotel and at the pool. Day five we would take the kids to Sea World and for dinner, a theme restaurant. Day six, we would go to Universal Studios and perhaps dinner at Epcot (Mexico). Day seven we would sadly pack up and head out after breakfast promising to do it again.

I could just imagine my kids faces and the pictures I would get. Oh to dream!

Minimize Morning Madness Giveaway

We are all familiar with Scrubbing Bubbles®. I have been seeing the Scrubbing Bubble commercials since I was a kid. Now, there is a new Scrubbing Bubbles® product called Scrubbing Bubbles® Extend-A-Clean™ Power Sprayer.

  • The benefits of Scrubbing Bubbles® Extend-A-Clean™ Power Sprayer:
    • Active cleaners work overtime to keep your bathroom cleaner, longer
    • Invisible grime barrier is activated each time bathroom surfaces get wet, working for up to 4 days
    • Power Sprayer provides better coverage for easier cleaning
    • Makes bathroom cleaning simpler, easier and more manageable
The battery-powered Scrubbing Bubbles Extend-A-Clean Power Sprayer  leaves a layer of active cleaners so dirt and soap scum get washed away easily every time a surface gets wet. Plus, it keeps working for up to four days.

To see how this product works, check out the video here.

Click here to save $5 on any Scrubbing Bubbles® Power Sprayer Starter.

Thanks to SC Johnson, I received the basket you see below and have one to give away to one of my readers.

Included in the gift basket:
  • A Bottle of Scrubbing Bubbles® Extend-A-Clean™ Power Sprayer
  • A Travel Alarm Clock
  • A coffee mug from Starbucks with the words "RENEW" in light green (my new favorite mug)
  • Starbucks Via Coffee
  • A Waterproof notepad and pencil
To Win:  Now that you won't be spending an hour cleaning the shower, tell me what you will do with your extra hour by Midnight, June 1, 2010


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Items were sent to me free of charge courtesy of SC Johnson.

Mrs. Wages Salsas and Mixes Help You Keep It Fresh - Giveaway

I love meals that I can create with simple ingrediants and quickly. Mrs. Wages is a company that has ease, comfort and taste in mind. There is no reason to slave in the kitchen anymore to make healthy, tasty salsas or guacamoles. Mrs. Wages packets come with everything except the fresh, main ingrediant.

Never hearing of this company before I was excited to sample some salsa mixes that would cut the preparation time in half.

Mrs. Wages® a  complete source for home canning products, ideas, recipes and so much more. Home canning is a homecraft dating back hundreds of which has enjoyed a tremendous revival in recent years. And with the help of Mrs. Wages you and your family can enjoy the wholesome goodness of home canned fruits, jellies and vegetables in no time.
They mailed me their Guacamole mix

Which only required fresh avacado, lime juice, and a tablespoon of water. I loved this one the best. It taste like I slaved, cutting up fresh herbs and mixing the right amount of spices for the best giacamole ever.

I also received a Classic Salsa mix

Which only needed a can of diced tomatoes or fresh tomatoes. This one was a little to garlicly for me, but my spicy loving girlfriend loved it.

The last one was Salsa Verde

Which I had personally never had or even heard of. I used some cut up tomatillos which I had also never had but really did like.

What I can Tell You: At $1.25 each these little packets are a great, budget friendly way to spice up the kitchen without spending tons of time mixing and blending. You can hit your local supermarket, farmer market or whatever, grab the fresh ingrediants and have a super side or dip ready in no time. I love this idea. I also love that you don't have to use these packets just to make a tasty, quick dip.

Mrs. Wages website is full of recipes that use the packets in main courses. Like this one for Scallop and Tomato Stew.

Scallop & Tomato Stew


2 pounds Scallops
1 can (15.5 oz) Petite Diced Tomatoes
1 cup Onion (medium dice)
1 pack (0.8 oz) Mrs. Wages Guacamole Mix
1 cup White Wine
2 oz Butter


1. In a oven safe pan pour the scallops (thawed if frozen) into the pan.
2. Top with the drained diced tomatoes the onions and the white wine and mix together evenly.
3. Sprinkle the top with the Mrs. Wages Gaucomole Mix evenly.
4. Cut the butter into thin pieces and place randomly across the top of the scallops.
5. Place into a preheated 350º for approximately 8 to 10 minutes or until the scallops are firm to the touch.
6. Pour into a service dish and ready to serve.
Yield: 6 to 8 portions.

Note; If the scallops are not dry packed the brine from canned will release and need to be drained off. If this is the case precook the scallops half way prior to adding the stew ingredients.

To find out where to purchase Mrs. Wages, go here.

Mrs. Wages is the perfect addition for your summer picnics, barbecues and outdoor parties. Plus you can make these ahead of time, they keep very well (I used my Salsa over three days and it taste even better the second and third day when all the flavors were married and sitting for a while. Loved it!).

Mrs. Wages would love my readers to have the opportunity to try their products and have generously offered up a Deluxe Mrs. Wages Prize Pack with seven different flavors of mixes.

To Win:  Head over to Mrs. Wages and let me know something you learned there that I have not mentioned here by Midnight, May 31, 2010


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Thanks to Mrs. Wages for the opportunity to try the salsa packets and for sponsoring a giveaway on Maria's Space.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Perfect Baby - Preschooler DVD

As a mom with two children I have seen my share of kid DVD's.

I made a vow to myself early on that if the kids were going to watch TV, it was going to be educational, informative, engaging and entertaining.

When I got the opportunity to review a DVD geared toward babies and preschoolers and since I was such a viewer I considered myself a self proclaimed "expert" and said yes.

What I Can Tell You: I sat down to watch it thinking, OK, the kids are too old and I will, watch, review and pass along the information.  Putting the DVD in, it starts out with classical music and these little guys.

Goddess (5) comes in, sits down and says "can I watch?" I say "of course". We are two minutes in and Handsome (7) comes in and sits down. Making a mental note, I think, "interesting". The kids stand up and move toward the TV with me thinking, "OK, they are interested."

I am surprised, the DVD seems perfect for babies up to 3 years old but my kids are interested. Maybe it is the colors, maybe the puppets. I personally think it is a combination, of sing-song talking, music, movement, presentation, and puppets.

We have watched the DVD three times this week and we all sing the songs now. I believe it is a great, quality DVD to introduce your child to the world of song and movement with a very special sweet, child friendly host.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Photo Time at Day One

Here is my Handsome at his birthday party yesterday. We invited his whole class, only 7 showed but it was so worth it. In this photo, everyone is singing Happy Birthday to him. He loved it.


Self Portrait Sunday - May 16, 2010

Here are the reasons for playing: Come on, admit it, you look through your photo albums or computer folders and see very few photos of yourself. Maybe it is because, like me, you are usually behind the camera. Or maybe, it's because you never feel you look good in photos so you tell everyone, "don't take any of me."

Well, take the future you will wonder why you thought you didn't look good! You look good, be proud and show your smiling face!

Here is Goddess and I waiting for Handsome to come out of school.

Friday, May 14, 2010

America's Toothfairy Film Entitled - This Is Your Mouth

The makers of LISTERINE® Antiseptic introduce “This Is Your Mouth,” a new documentary narrated by award-winning actor Neil Patrick Harris (CBS’ How I Met Your Mother) that takes viewers on a journey inside the mouth and examines the potential effects of the millions of bacteria that dwell there.  We are thrilled that each viewing will benefit America’s Toothfairy® in support of our goal to eliminate children’s preventable suffering from pediatric dental disease…because every child deserves a healthy smile®.
Visit for more details and participating states and to share with your friends via Facebook and Twitter!
Every time you watch, $1.00 is donated to National Children's Oral Health Foundation: America's Toothfairy.
If this film doesn't make you brush more and use Listerine, nothing will. I brushed right after watching and stopped biting my finger nails at least three times. Maybe I will end up with long, beautiful nails thanks to this movie.

Change A Child’s Life Today!Boy and Girl Thank You AT UCSF

Earn your wings with ANY donation

Adopt the care of a child with a monthly commitment! Older Boy Thank You AT Photo
  • $10 per month
    = Examination plus preventive treatments for a child
  • $20 per month
    = Examination plus preventive treatments and oral health care education for a year
  • $50 per month
    = Total comprehensive dental care for a child in need

Friday Photo Flashback

Friday Photo Flashback

Here is Handsome in 2007 turning 4. Ohhhh my heart. This was when we saw family every once in a while. My mother-in-law and father-in-law are there, my nieces. It was a great time and Handsome was so happy.

In the first picture he is covering his eyes while everyone sang Happy Birthday. The smile never left his face but he watched through his fingers.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Memory Rewind is Back

Last week due to my computer virus I missed Memory Rewind. This week I am back and here is a picture of my Handsome turning 1. Notice the crazy hair. That is because earlier I had done a scalp treatment on his scalp for eczema. I called it descaling, I out baby oil on his scalp and then with a comb, cleared his scalp. This was also before central air and we were melting. It was hot in the house. You can see the red all over my face. I am not a summer person and don't do well in the heat.

Here is my baby eating cake. Shocking, I think it was the last time. He doesn't like cake at all anymore.
I love looking at these pictures. How young we all were. How easy life seemed. You have no idea how easy one kid is until you throw in a second. This was a picnic.