Maria's Space: September 2010

Thursday, September 30, 2010

You Capture - Together

Today I received some marketing material in the mail, which I will inform you more about next week. But since the theme is Together, here is my submission.

Picture 341

Can you tell Goddess has been crying? Yup, for about an hour. If she had been an infant I would have put her down for a nap. Homework was the reason. I picked the kids up from school early today due to the weather and she wanted to do her homework right away. This was the first actual homework from her teacher. She has had homework every night but it was always from me. She thought it was too hard. It wasn't. She couldn't do it. She could. And...she whined and cried forever where Handsome and I actually had to take Tylenol for our heads and eventually she requested some two hours later for a headache due to her crying. Kids!

Kid's Not Eating Veggies? Ragu' Has the Answer

Canned sauce is a pantry staple in my house. We buy it when its on sale and it is there for emergency meals or home made pizza when we are in a pinch. 

Now, there is another reason for us to have Ragu' Old World Style in our pantry. 

Ragu' Old World Style Sauce now has 2 servings of veggies in every half cup!   Available soon in major retailers nationwide, the healthy, great tasting RagĂș® Old World Style® Traditional pasta sauce that is already a kitchen staple has a new, naturally thicker recipe. 

For more information, head over to Ragu's Facebook page or their website for tons of recipes.

"Disclosure: I was entered for a chance to win a RagĂș® prize package in exchange for this post.  No monetary exchange took place."

Duck! Rabbit! A Book Review

Product Description
From author of Little Pea, Little Hoot, and Little Oink comes a clever take on the age-old optical illusion: is it a duck or a rabbit? Depends on how you look at it. Readers will find more than just Amy Krouse Rosenthal's signature sense of humor here--there is also a subtle lesson for kids who don't know when to let go of an argument. This is a smart, simple story that will make readers of all ages eager to take a side, Duck! Rabbit! makes it easy to agree on at least one thing: reading it again!

What I Can Tell You:
This is a really fun book. I usually read for the kids at snack time after school, at the soccer field while my son is playing, waiting for a meal to cook, or whenever. We are always reading here. This one grabbed my kids attention from the first page. It really is a short, simple book but very fun!

Great read at loud or alone book with simple, fun artwork. 

It is all about perception and how we each can see something different even if we are looking at the same thing. Perception is a very important lesson and very personalized.

Other Amy Krouse Rosenthal books I have reviewed:
The Wonder Book

Disclaimer: Just a book review of a book borrowed from my library.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Yoplait Save Lids to Save Lives Prize Pack Giveaway

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and once again Yoplait is sponsoring their Save Lids to Save Lives campaign which runs until December 31, 2010. 

According to, 10 million people could die of breast cancer in the next 25 years. As breast cancer continues to impact far too many of our loved ones, we are invited to join the cause.

Here is how you can participate and help? 

If you are going to eat yogurt anyway, buy Yoplait and save the pink lids. For every pink lid saved and sent to Yoplait by December 31, 2010, Yoplait will donate 10 cents to Susan G. Komen for the Cure®, with a total donation of up to $1.6 million and a guaranteed minimum donation of $500,000. To date, Yoplait has raised more than $25 million for the breast cancer cause.

Yoplait and and Susan G. Koman have been in a partnership for 12 years. Now that is a something you can stand behind.

To watch educational videos and read a Q&A with Dr. Funk, learn more about Nancy Brinker´s new book Promise Me, and for additional information about Save Lids to Save Lives, visit

Don´t forget to visit, where you can find fun and easy tools to pass on. While you´re there, make sure to "Like" the page and take a minute to share your photos of the pink lids you´ve collected. Get your friends involved in the cause by sending them a virtual Save Lids to Save Lives gift! For every lid gift sent by December 31, 2010, Yoplait will donate $1.00 to Susan G. Komen for the Cure up to $100,000.

You can also check out the Promise Me book tour sponsored by Yoplait to find out when Nancy Brinker will be making a stop in your area.

For writing this post and talking about Yoplait, Susan G. Koman and the Save Lids To Save Lives, a  $25 donation to Susan G. Komen for the Cure® was made on behalf, courtesy of My Blog Spark.

Thanks to My Blog Spark I have a Prize Pack like the one below for a lucky winner.

The Giveaway: 1 Winner will receive a Yoplait Save The Lids To Save Lives Prize Pack

The Sponsor: Yoplait Yogurt through My Blog Spark

To Win: Leave me a comment letting me know how you are going to encourage others to collect and send in their Pink lids by Midnight, October 13, 2010

For Extra Entries:
*Blog about this, and leave me the link for (3 extra entries) (each entry must be separate)
*Subscribe to my newsletter/email (3 entries) (each entry must be separate)
*Follow my blog (2 entries) (each entry must be separate)
*Subscribe to Chotskies
*Follow me on Network Blogs
*Follow me on Twitter, leave your Twitter name
*Tweet this giveaway and leave me the link

*Like Yoplait, Know Your Girls on Facebook and let them know Maria's Space sent you.
*Enter another giveaway on my blog and let me know which one.
*Comment on a non-giveaway post and tell me which one.
*Become a fan of Maria's Space on Facebook (Not my personal Facebook) and post a message that you entered with a link to the giveaway on your Facebook page and leave a link to the message in the entry form.
*Add me to your blog roll and leave the link
*Follow me under networked blogs (on my left side bar)
*Add my main button to your side bar
Do not leave entries in the comment section, 
those are for comments about the post only!!!!!

Disclaimer: I received a pack from Yoplait through My Blog Spark.

National Fish Taco Day is October 4

Gortons and Ortega have come together on a yummy combination
Add a Twist to Taco Night with Gorton’s Seafood
You want to serve fun, easy to make, nutritious meals, but your kids clamor for pizza and mac & cheese. The solution?  Create nutritious versions of kid-friendly favorites.  For example, kids love tacos, so filling crunchy or soft taco shells with fish or shrimp in exchange for heavier meat is a great way to add a delicious and nutritious twist to a classic meal. 
Dietary recommendations suggest that all Americans, including children, eat seafood twice a week. Fish and shrimp tacos deliver unique nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids help support brain and heart health.* That makes them the smartest tacos out there!  
Celebrate National Taco Day on October 4 by hosting a Fish Taco Mexican Fiesta night. Registered dietitian and nutrition consultant Sylvia Melendez-Klinger offers the following tips for involving the whole family:
  • Take the kids shopping and let them pick out their favorite taco toppings.  If they’re involved in the process, they’ll be more likely to enjoy the meal.  Some of my favorites are chopped tomatoes, shredded cabbage or green lettuce, low fat Monterey shredded cheese (or crumbled queso fresco for more authentic flavor ), chopped cilantro, fat free sour cream, and my ultimate favorite: chopped avocado.  
  • Create an inviting dining atmosphere. Set the tone with authentic Mexican music and get creative with the table setting.  Beach towels or a fiesta blanket are a great way to add color to the table 
  • Serve it buffet style.  Place all of the ingredients and toppings in small bowls and let kids be their own chefs by allowing them to build their own taco. 
For a variety of family-pleasing fish and shrimp taco recipes, visit 

*According to the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010, scientific research shows that eating two servings of seafood per week (4 oz per serving), which provide an average of 250 mg/day of omega-3 fatty acids, is associated with better heart, brain and eye health. 

What I Can Tell You: 
I had no idea that there is a National Fish Taco Day! But since there is, why not partake. We all know that fish is good for us and Gorton's makes it so easy to have fish for dinner.

We received some coupons and created our own tacos to try it out. My husband is pretty picky at dinner but this is one meal he was happy to sit down for.
We received shells and coupons from Gordon to try out these tacos. Ok, not the best picture but it was so good, we had it again two nights later. 
It was yummy. We added lettuce, cheese, salsa and

If you want to partake in Fish Taco Day next week, head over to the Gorton's website for coupons. 
BTW, while there, check out the contest going on until October 7th. You can win a trip to Mexico.

Disclaimer: I received coupons and taco shells for my honest opinion.

The EverAfter by Amy Huntley

The EverAfter
Product Description:

Madison Stanton doesn't know where she is or how she got there. But she does know this - she is dead. And alone in a vast, dark space. The only company Maddy has in this place are luminescent objects that turn out to be all the things she lost while she was alive. And soon she discovers that, with these artifacts, she can reexperience - and even change - moments from her life.
  • Her first kiss.
  • A trip to Disney World.
  • Her sister's wedding.
  • A disastrous sleepover.
 In reliving these moments, Maddy learns illuminating and frightening truths about her life - and death.

What I Can Tell You:
I picked this up at my library last Thursday and read it in two days. What a fantastically different book! I wasn't expecting much and since I didn't have to review it for a publisher, I was going to just read it for fun and move on, no review necessary. With that said, I HAVE to tell you about The EverAfter.

Madison, the main character is dead! She and objects from her life are floating around her in the "IS". The name she came up with for where she is. When she reaches an object it brings her back to the time in her life when she lost it and is able to relive the experience or change it. She sees herself as a baby, a toddler, 12, 17 and so on. When she writes about touching her mother again, or seeing herself with her mom carrying her as a baby or picking her up crying, I was beyond touched. There is nothing like a mother's love and these moments were my favorite in the book.

The premise is very different, haunting and interesting. It puts a fresh spin on the afterlife and what happens when one has "passed on". Maddie doesn't like the term because she doesn't remember passing anything. Hahaha....

It is a love story of a different kind.  Maddie is in a state of super consciousness and transcends time and space searching for answers.

How did she die? Where is she?
Can she change the outcome by changing the past?

Beautifully written and completely captivating. I devoured this book and would read it again!

Any movie studios out there reading? You should be looking into this for the big screen!

Book Review - The Day I Shot Cupid


The Day I Shot Cupid: Hello, My Name is Jennifer Love Hewitt and I'm a Love-aholic by  Jennifer Love Hewitt or Love as her friends call her, or JLH as she signs off in the book.

First, I am a Jennifer Love Hewitt fan and was an avid viewer of Party of Five and Ghost Whisper, plus, she is one of my husband's favorites if you know what I mean.

Honestly, I was hard up for a book and saw this at the library. The cover is cute, it is written by an actress I like and she and her finance' had just broken up as the book was released so I was curious to see what she wrote about him.

Product Description
For any woman who has ever bought a self-help book and wondered why she bothered. (P.S. Now that I know he's just not that into me, where do I go from there? Yeah, thanks for that advice.)

Jennifer Love Hewitt is a self-proclaimed "love-aholic" and hopeless romantic (her middle name is Love, after all!). She has been lucky and unlucky in love, and lived to tell--and she's done it all in the spotlight. Much has been written about her love life--some true, most made up to sell magazines. Now Hewitt shares the real story of what she's learned navigating the dangerous dating waters.

In The Day I Shot Cupid, Hewitt offers her hard-won wisdom and tells us how to embrace love with both feet on the ground. First, we have to shoot Cupid. We have to believe that happily-ever-after is hard work--it's not all flowers and symphonies and floating hearts.

Wise and wry and refreshingly honest, Hewitt talks about how to pick the right guy and how to know when to let the wrong ones go free, and she offers some surprising truths about the opposite sex.

From twenty things to do after a breakup, to ten things to do before a date, to the perils of text flirting (Note: You are waiting. By the phone. For his response.), Hewitt uses stories and dating secrets to illustrate the idiotic, romantic, crazy, depressing, hilarious, awkward, glorious moments we all experience in relationships. Funny, quirky, and empowering, The Day I Shot Cupid deserves a place on every woman's nightstand, bookshelf, or coffee table, or tucked inside her oversized designer handbag.

What I Can Tell You: The book is a fast read, 1 night. Jennifer is likable and obviously a complete romantic.  Obviously one of those girls that writes her name with his last name by date two and starts buying Bride magazine after the 3rd date. That's fine, I don't judge just making a statement.

The book is a dating advice book for woman, however, with passages like this:

 “OMG, let me just embarrass myself right now. I spent three hours once making his and her toiletry kids. One for my house and one for his house. At the time, I thought it was the most amazing gift. When I presented them I thought I would receive the Greatest Romantic Award. Uh, not what happened. Instead, I received awkward silence, followed by more awkward miles, and never heard from him again.”

 “Like a Velcro monkey, I will suck to the back of my cuddle partner, creating the ultimate spoon. But — and it’s no secret — guys hate to spoon. They prefer to fork, lol! … So here’s the trick: Play it cool until he falls asleep and then Velcro yourself to him, quickly and with very little motion (think Tom Cruise in Mission: Impossible). And then, if and when he wakes, turn quickly, like you were just stretching, and wait. When the little lamb sleeps again One . . . Two . . . Three . . . Velcro!!!!!!!!!”
It was a bit of a let down. I really wanted to like it.

The sections were short, some of them less than two paragraphs. Some of them were just randomness or just scattered thoughts, it is as if she took her diary and scanned for little passages. Or, has a journal of rambling rants that were included.

Some sections like, When Your Relationship Comes to a Skid Mark where she talks about doing laundry and finding skid marks in your guys underwear. Umm...yes...we have all seen them, throughout our lives, but just toss them in the wash and move on honey. There is no need to run around the house screaming before taking thongs and using the Rocky theme in your head to throw them in the machine. BTW...this little heroic feat made her feel like a "real woman" before making him do the laundry for the remainder of your relationship.

I believe her to be a very sweet woman who tried really hard to be profound and witty, it just came off short and believe this book should be read for the fun of it. Maybe it's me, maybe she was really witty and profound but it was lost on me. My expectations weren't high, and I don't think any less of her, she's not an author and this was a good attempt.

JLH, if you are out there, because you did say negative press hurts your heart, I want you to know, I still love you honey, just giving my honest review because that is what I do here and as you can see in my labels, it does say this is an amateur book review, so really....what the hell do I know.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Press Release Containing My Name?

Batter Up! Avocados From Mexico's Avocado League Returns for a Second Season
All-Star Women Compete to be Named Avocado League MVP and BIG HIT Recipe Winner

PR Newswire

FALLSTON, Md., Sept. 28

FALLSTON, Md., Sept. 28 /PRNewswire/ -- Play Ball! The Mexican Hass Avocado Importers Association (MHAIA) announced that the Avocado League – a league that celebrates women and their love for avocados and baseball – returns to the field today for its second season. An All-Star roster of women from around the country have been chosen to create a game day recipe featuring avocados that best embodies the spirit, passion and flavor of their hometown to compete in an online recipe contest. The recipe that hits it out of the park with the most online votes will be named the BIG HIT and earns the title of Avocado League MVP. Fans can vote for their favorite Avocado League BIG HIT recipe today through October 28 on .

Jennie Finch, world champion professional softball player, returns for her second year as the Avocado League Commissioner to crown the Avocado League MVP. As a mother and professional athlete, Jennie knows the importance of eating right to stay at the top of your game.

Avocados from Mexico offer a great addition to everyday meals like sandwiches, salads, soups and even a baseball favorite – hotdogs. Avocados contribute nearly 20 vitamins and minerals and only 50 calories per 1 oz (3 slices) serving. Plus, avocados have the "good" mono- and polyunsaturated fats.

Votes will be counted from September 28 until October 28; with the winner announced on October 29. The player with the BIG HIT – the recipe with the most online votes – will be hailed as the Avocado League champion and MVP and be awarded the Grand Slam prize package and receive $5,000 and a year's supply of avocados. Second and third place winners will also receive a year's supply of avocados and a $2,500 and $1,500, respectively, cash prize.

During the voting period, consumers can also get into the game by submitting their own avocado recipe. One "wild card" recipe will be selected each week to be featured on the BIG HIT site and the winning chef will receive a $100 gift card!

The Big Hit brings avocado enjoyment with the excitement of the Major League Baseball playoff season. MHAIA and the Hass Avocado Board are partnering with Turner Broadcasting System ® for their Major League Baseball ® postseason coverage on TBS. A 30-second spot featuring avocados and a promotional sweepstakes will begin airing the second week in October and will run during the American League ® and National League ® Division Series ® as well as the American League Championship Series ® games. The 30-second spot along with mentions on and other Turner network Web sites will drive consumers to enter the sweepstakes for a chance to win an exciting prize.

For delicious recipe ideas, to vote for your favorite Avocado League player, and for your own chance to win a "wild card" spot, visit Let's Play Ball!

Avocado League Starting Line-Up

Jennie Finch, Avocado League Commissioner

Piera Jolly, Atlanta

Jill Notkin, Baltimore

Dianna Ranere, Boston

Kim Hansen, Charlotte

Cherise Kachelmuss, Chicago

Maria Gagliano, New York (it's me! How funny)

Staci Albright, Philadelphia

Laura Franklin, Washington, DC

ABC Wednesday - K

This week ABC Wednesday is hosting the letter K.

K = Kangaroo
We were at the zoo and the kangaroos were so far away, hiding in this little area. Not the best but at least I got a submission for K.

K = Kick
These kids are focused! Look at them all...their eye is on the ball and they got it in!

The Happiness Project - What Makes You Happy?


The things that make me happy are so simple. My daughter finding a heart shape leaf and giving it to me, "I found a heart leaf, because I Love you!"


Sorry To Have To Ask But, Please Help Me

 It's Me. I'm a finalist in The Big Hit Competition!
Remember on September 13th I mentioned that there was a photographer coming to take my picture for a competition that I am in? If not, it had something to do with this.

In August, as part of a campaign for Mom Central I wrote a recipe for a breakfast pizza using Avocados. My job, if I chose to take it was to write about Avocados and come up with a recipe using one. Not only did I have to come up with a recipe but it had to be something that represented my home state. My state is NY and when I think of NY, I think of Pizza. It was the first thing that came to my mind. So, I called my girl Clary and asked her, "When you think of NY, what is the first food that comes to mind?" Her answer, Pizza!

So, I ran with it, and it was chosen.

The email read: Congratulations - you’ve been chosen as one of the eight Avocado League bloggers!

I was shocked. Me and 7 other people who also sent in recipes to represent their state are now going head to head to win a  year’s supply of avocados and a $5,000 grocery gift card.

So, why am I telling you all of this? Well, I need your help....

Please head over to The Amazing Avocado, Big Hit Competition site and select my picture if you feel that my recipe should win. Of course, feel free to select another recipe if that the one you feel should win. They are all wonderful woman and I hate competitions among woman especially some who are fellow bloggers.

If you decide to take time and vote, I just want you to know, I really appreciate it. Thank you so very much. BTW, it is a daily thing. You can vote once a day and I would be so appreciative.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Shadow Shot Sunday - Reflection - It's Me

Shadow Shot Sunday
It's me! I was taking pictures of the geese and decided to quickly snap myself. I should have used this for Self Portrait Sunday.

Garfield is Back - THE GARFIELD SHOW: ODIE OH!

Re: The Garfield Show: Odie Oh! On DVD October 5



The Sarcastic Orange Tabby Returns For All New CG Animated Antics Arriving On DVD October 5 From Vivendi Entertainment
UNIVERSAL CITY, CA – Here comes trouble! Jim Davis’ classic cartoon cat is back in action (or is it inaction?) in “The Garfield Show: Odie Oh!” pouncing on DVD October 5 from Vivendi Entertainment. Named one of the best new kids’ shows by People magazine and voted favorite comic strip by Nickelodeon magazine readers, “The Garfield Show” offers a fresh and funny look at Garfield’s day-to-day life, blending the modern look of CG animation and the familiar humor of Garfield, Odie the dog and Jon Arbuckle. Currently airing on the Cartoon Network, the vivid series follows the lasagna-loving, Monday-hating fat cat as he gets in and out of sticky situations, learning important lessons along the way. One of the most beloved and enduring cartoon icons, Garfield first appeared as a comic strip in 1978 and was later animated for TV specials and a regular series, “Garfield and Friends.” The fun-filled “The Garfield Show: Odie Oh!” DVD contains six segments and will be available for the suggested retail price of $14.93.

Garfield is back! Join the fun-filled, lasagna-loving feline as he plays amusing tricks on his not-so best friend Odie the dog. And watch as Garfield finds himself in sticky situations and going through "cat issues” all while learning a valuable lesson at the end of the day.

What I Can Tell You: I love Garfield and have since his arrival in 1978. My sister was a die hard fan of Odie and we used to buy her all kinds of Garfield stuff for Christmas and her birthday. 

Garfield is still obnoxious. He still loves his lasagna and will do anything to get it. John is still clueless.

The graphics are awesome and colorful.

  • In the first time Odie is hauled off to the pound in Pup in the Pound and Garfield has to get him out.
  • In the second one, Odie in Love; Odie is in love with his brush.
  • In the third episode, From the Oven, a massive, angry cake John bakes turns into a monster. Destroying everything in it's path.
  • In the fourth episode John is leaving on a trip and Garfield is told to watch and protect Odie. Odie ends up being kidnapped by a crazy little boy named Nathan in Neighbor Nathan and Garfield must rescue him.
  • The fifth episode is called Up A Tree and Odie is tormented by squirrels until he helps one of them.
  • In the last episode The Amazing Flying Dog, Odie dreams he is a "super dog" saving others from burning buildings and rescuing female pups from run away cars. Odie is told by Garfied that dogs don't fly until Garfield has a dream were Odie rescues him. 

This is a great video especially for those who love Odie. He is after all the star of this DVD!

You can pre-order the DVD through the Amazon link below.

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary DVD from Vivendi Entertainment for my honest opinion.

The Wheels on the Bus Sing-Along Travel Kit (Scholastic Storybook Treasures)

Re: The Garfield Show: Odie Oh! On DVD October 5
THE WHEELS ON THE BUS SING-ALONG TRAVEL KIT proved to be the travel accessory of the summer season, receiving loads of national publicity in top tier outlets and sites. 
Product Description
Disc 1 (The Wheels On the Bus) stories:
The Wheels on the Bus
Musical Max
Joseph Had A Little Overcoat
Bugs! Bugs! Bugs!
All the Colors of the Earth
Keeping House
Hush Little Baby

Disc 2 (There Was An Old Lady) stories:
There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly
This Land Is Your Land
Frog Went A-Courtin'
Over in the Meadow
Giraffes Can't Dance
Dem Bones
The Chinese Violin
Changes, Changes

CD Tracks:
The Wheels on the Bus
The Fox Went Out on a Chilly Night
Dinosaur Bones
Chicka Chicka 1,2,3
Donut Make You feel So Good
Dem Bones
He s Got the Whole World in His Hands
Everything s Better (When You Come Together)
Over in the Meadow
The Erie Canal
Frog Went A-Courtin'
Tooth School Anthem
Gonna Read to My Bunny

What I Can Tell You:
I was never one of those people who felt the kids watch too much TV. It isn't how much they watch, it is what they watch in my book. As long as it is educational, fun, and didn't drive me crazy I was OK with it. The songs and movies on Scholastic's The Wheels on the Bus Sing-Along Travel Kit were songs I could sing along to also and that makes me even more happy.

The kit comes in an easy to carry travel case with a handle that easily fits into any bag or can be carried by the littlest helper.

Inside the easy to carry kit is:

  • 15 musical storybooks on two DVDs

  • 13-song CD

  • 24-page activity booklet

  • Crayons

  • Travel tips for parents

  • To see a video go here

    This is the perfect addition to a long car ride. Our personal favorites are "There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly, and Dem Bones.

    On Another Note
    We can use it at home because we don't have a DVD player in the car. So......if a sponsor ever needs one reviewed, we would love the opportunity. Hint! Hint!

    Disclaimer: Scholastic sent us a complimentary kit to try out.

    Giddy Up Science - Make Your Own Bath Fizzers Kit

    Thanks to Child's Play Communication Goddess and I were able to check out a fun "football Sunday" project for just us girls.

    Goddess is 5 but since she was 2 has always loved to do crafty type things and is interested in Science and how things work. So when I saw the Scientific Explorer Bath Fizzers
    I was excited to check it out. She saw it sitting on my side table for two weeks and every day held it up stating "I wish we could do this now." Mommy knows best and I was saving it for a "Goddess needs a project" moment. This is usually when she just doesn't know how to not get herself in trouble. How could my little Angel possibly get in trouble? Well, she doesn't know how to speak softly and she never shuts up which means....we are constantly telling her to "be quiet", "lower your voice", "speak in your inside voice", "shut up" or some other derivative of. Football Sunday is one of those days when she could find herself in a world of trouble so, this Sunday I pulled it out.

    Bath Fizzers Kit 
    Ages: 8+
    In this kit, you'll find everything you need to make your own fizzers and learn some really cool science along the way. You'll be amazed at what these tiny tablets can do once they hit the water! The frothy little bubbles will massage your muscles, release a fruity scent, and leave you feeling refreshed and full of energy–like you just spent a luxurious day at the spa.

    Includes blue base, pink base, citric acid, 2 mixing cups, mixing spoon, fizzer mold, cosmetic bag, pipette, and activity guide

    About Giddy Up Scientific Explorer Kits:
    For young, curious minds, nothing is more fun than Giddy Up’s Scientific Explorer kits. New selections include Heavenly Hair Kit, Scientific Explorer Bath Fizzers, Shimmer Soap Kit, Blissful Body Mist, Lovely Lip Balm and MythBusters® Science of Sports, a new addition to the licensed line of MythBusters® science activity kits. For ages 8+.

    What I Can Tell You:
    The kit comes with everything you need.
    Picture 317

    Goddess enjoyed the experiment on chemistry
    Picture 331
    She was excited do mixing and pouring
    Picture 324
    It was fun to work together to create something that she was so excited and serious about.
    Picture 333
    The Activity Guide is set out perfectly with fun facts, supply lists, Science tidbits and more. We read it from cover to cover.

    Maybe it was the mixing or the amount of water drops she added (you are supposed to add 10), but our fizzers fizzed all over the counter we had them sitting on to harden overnight. Hopefully the next batch will be great but at we really enjoyed our science experiment and the counter does smell great. 

    Disclaimer: We received our kit complimentary from Child's Play Communication and Giddy Up.

    Harriet the Spy: Blog Wars DVD Review and Contest Information for Trip To LA

    Growing up Harriet the Spy by Louise Fitzhugh was one of my absolute favorite books. In fact, I still have my copy in a box in storage for when the kids are ready to read it.

    The DVD is an older much mature Harriet but it is still about an aspiring author only this time writing is done on a blog!

    Product Description

    In a modern twist on the popular book series, Harriet the Spy: Blog Wars begins with aspiring writer Harriet The Spy Welsch determined to become class blogger. Competing against her supreme nemesis, Marion Hawthorne, Harriet will do whatever it takes to win the coveted title. But when it begins to look like Marion might take the lead, Harriet becomes desperate to figure out a way to get the most blog hits.

    What I Can Tell You:

    Harriet the Spy: Blog Wars was a movie on Disney in March of this year. It starred Jennifer Stone of Wizards of Waverly Place, someone I was unfamiliar with until this movie.

    The movie is about blogs and bloggers, as if I wouldn't be excited to see this. It paired the competition of High School with the competition of Bloggers. Like we don't compete! You see everyone's Google score on their sites. Harriet and her nemesis have to figure out a way to get the most blog hits. Interesting project their teacher!

    I can appreciate the aging of Harriet to 16, I can even appreciate the "mean girls" in this adaptation. Unfortunately, I don't think the movie does a good job of enticing kids to watch the movie and then go read the book which in my eyes is a literary classic in children's books.

    However, with that said, the movie stands on its own and I believe the demographic (tweens) this movie was made for will love Harriet and pull for her to come out smelling like a rose and getting the coveted spot of class blogger.

    The Movie releases September 27th but you can pre-order it on Amazon below.

    Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy from Vivendi Home Entertainment.

    Now for the Contest Information:
    If you know a budding journalist, have them head over to Harriet The Spy Blog Wars to take part in a really fun, exciting promotion for the DVD release.

    Become a Blogger and win a trip to LA to meet Jennifer Stone! That's right, you and three members of your  family will be flown to Los Angeles to meet Jennifer Stone.

    The winner will be announced after November 5th, so go to Harriet The Spy Blog Wars for contest rules.

    Self Portrait Sunday - September 26, 2010

    Oh, my poor little meme has never quite caught on. So sad. Funny, people just don't like taking pictures of themselves but when we are old and gray and have a lot of people pictures of obscure things what then. I much prefer to think I am going to live into my Golden Years and will cherish all photos of me looking younger and full of life's promises.

     Last night I was out at a Passion Party with Clary at her sister's apartment. The sun was going down. It was nice and crisp out on the balcony and I could see for miles. It was just another time that I wished I hadn't left the Canon EOS 50D at home.

    It isn't the best quality because self portrait with a Blackberry during sundown...well...leaves a little to be desired but you get the idea.

    Saturday, September 25, 2010

    Camera Critters - The Spider

    Camera Critters

    My husband picked this guy up to show our daughter close up. She is interested in everything. I would not have picked this guy up based on it's back I thought...ahhhh...put it down, put it down!

    Then....I zoomed in on his face and thought look at those pretty eyes and long eye lashes. He/she looks very sweet, like a teddy bear.

    Maco Spider
    Macro Spider
    Picture 229

    Friday, September 24, 2010

    Alize' Awesome Alone or In Mixed Cocktail

    Intensely unique and inviting, AlizĂ© Passion liqueurs infuse premium French Vodka with luscious, all natural flavors from the world’s most exotic regions. Our Master Blenders travel from the jungles of Brazil, the lush hillsides of Chile, the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa, the flourishing Mediterranean Coast, and to the tropical shores of South America and the pacific islands to bring you the nectars of our exotic fruits.
    Alizé is delicious mixed with vodka, tequila, rum or a splash of Champagne. Alizé is also refreshing on the rocks or in mimosas, martinis and margaritas.

    This week I was able to review Alize's Gold Passion and Red Passion thanks to PR folks after my own heart!

    My plans were to host a tasting with some of the chicks I hang out with in my town during school. I peaked their interest by posting this on Facebook.

    Going to review a fruit infused vodka called Alize'. Anyone want in?

    In 5 hours I got 10 responses
    I love Alize! Good stuff! Save me a glass!
    Ummmm hell to the YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH
    When? I'm so in!
    It's good!!! I used to drink it a long time
    Sounds good let me know
    Me! Me! I want some
    Great idea I love Alize'
    Me too! I used to drink it when I was younger. Count me in!
    Is there some for me? Yes please, I want to be included.

    Ok, so now that I knew my friends were interested, the plan was a board game and some drinks.

    My beer drinking husband looked at the Red Passion and asked me what it taste like. I told him I had had a glass and it was good. Not too strong. Very tasty and taste great with some seltzer added too!

    He said, you know I don't like strong alcohol. Will I like it? I said, try it. He had a drink. Then he had another. He came up to cracked open the Gold Passion stating that he really liked the Red Passion. Four glasses later, I am down to a half bottle of Gold Passion and will have to grab some bottles next week for the ladies who were interested. I hate to tease and not follow through.

    Alize' passed the test in my house. I am not much of a drinker and my husband only drinks beer. For him to say he "I really, really like it" and have 4 glasses, says something.

    BTW, if you are hosting a Halloween Party, be sure to grab some bottles of Alize'.
    Check out these recipes.

    Mad Scientist Sangria

    1 part Alizé Red Passion
    1 part red wine
    Chill Alizé Red Passion and red wine. Just before serving add 1 part ginger ale. Serve in a wine glass
    and garnish with a slice of apple or orange.

    Vampire Kiss Martini

    1 ½ part AlizĂ© Red Passion
    1 part Alizé Gold Passion
    1 part premium vodka
    Top with lemonade and serve in a martini glass.
    Devil’s Punch

    2 parts Alizé Gold Passion
    2 parts Bacardi Limon
    Splash of Canton Ginger Liqueur
    Splash of Cranberry juice
    Splash of Lime juice
    Splash of Ginger ale

    Now, those drinks really sound like a reason to throw that Halloween Party Goddess has been talking about.

    Disclaimer: I received two complimentary bottles from Alizé Liqueur to try for this review.

    Redi Shade Simple Fit Has Me Wanting To Redo All My Windows+GIVEAWAY

    A few weeks ago I received an interesting email asking if I would like to try Redi Shade Simple Fit. Having never heard of it, I researched and saw that it was easy to put up since it required no hardware.

    Sounds great but having a husband who can do anything around the house, I wasn't sure what to make of a shade that I could put up myself.  Now, I know!

    I received the email on the 3rd, received the shade on the 7th and then asked daily for my very busy husband to please remove the shade and hardware from the window so I could try RediShade. It took him until yesterday to finally have time to do it. If I had a RediShade in that window it would have taken me less than 3 minutes to remove it and two of those minutes would have involved setting up the step stool and climbing.

    My husband removed the shade in 8 minutes having to screw out all the hardware so I had a clean slate. I removed the plastic and climbed up the stool.  I climbed back down the stool. Why? It wasn't the blinds fault! I had no idea where the button was.

    Ok, take husband (woot, he is on my blog) gives me the "go ahead, you're on" hand gesture and...well, you check it out. Here is the video. (BTW...excuse my backside and Clary, don't laugh too hard.)

    I was surprised can you tell!?  I, Maria, tenant of 33 locations, put up my first shade. Crazy I know!

    The reason we did Handsome's room (he's playing a video game in the background and was unimpressed with his mother's handiwork) is because he wakes too damn early. When his room is darker, he tends to sleep past 6:45 a.m. I needed these shades all summer. We got his shade in blackout.


    Disclaimer: I received a complimentary shade from Redi Shade who are also providing the giveaway.

    Thursday, September 23, 2010

    Season 1 of Modern Famly Is On DVD

    I know, I have said it many times but spending time in front of a TV for me means that the show better be really worth it. There aren't many shows I will dedicate time to. Life is short and I have too much living to do to sit in front of TV for hours on end however...that being said....I love me some Modern Family.

    If you have not watched this mockumentary yet, you seriously need to grab this DVD.

    Fox Connect Description

    Come join the family for the hilarious and critically acclaimed breakout hit of the year! Featuring an all-star cast led by Ed O’Neill, Sofia Vargara, Julie Bowen, and Ty Burrell, Modern Family takes a refreshing and funny view of what it means to raise a family in this hectic day and age. Multi-cultural relationships, adoption, and same-sex marriage are just a few of the timely issues faced by the show’s three wildly-diverse broods. No matter the size or shape, family always comes first in this hilariously “modern” look at life, love, and laughter. 

    Special Features

    Disc 1:
    * *   Pilot
    * *   Run for Your Wife
    * *   The Bicycle Thief
    * *   Come Fly with Me
    * *   The Incident
    * *   Coal Digger
    * *   Deleted, Extended & Alternate Scenes
    * *   Deleted Family Interviews

    Disc 2:
    * *   En Garde
    * *   Great Expectations
    * *   Fizbo
    * *   Undeck the Halls
    * *   Up All Night
    * *   Not In My House
    * *   Deleted, Extended & Alternate Scenes
    * *   Deleted Family Interviews

    Disc 3:
    * *   Fifteen Percent
    * *   Moon Landing
    * *   My Funky Valentine
    * *   Fears
    * *   Truth Be Told
    * *   Starry Night
    * *   Deleted, Extended & Alternate Scenes
    * *   Deleted Family Interviews

    Disc 4:
    * *   Game Changer
    * *   Benched
    * *   Travels With Scout
    * *   Airport 2010
    * *   Hawaii
    * *   Family Portrait
    * *   Deleted, Extended & Alternate Scenes
    * *   Gag Reel
    * *   Real Modern Family Moments
    * *   Before Modern Family
    * *   Fizbo the Clown
    * *   The Making of Modern Family: 'Family Portrait'
    * *   Modern Family 'Hawaii'

    In 2010, it won the Emmy Award for Outstanding Comedy Series, as well as two other Emmy Awards, Outstanding Supporting Actor in Comedy Series for Eric Stonestreet, and Outstanding Writing for a Comedy Series for Steven Levitan and Christopher Lloyd.

    Now that I have all the details out of the way, let's move on.

    What I Can Tell You:

    This is by far, one of the best shows on TV. It is done very well for a family comedy.

    We have Jay (Ed O'Neill) and his stunning, much younger wife Gloria (SofĂ­a Vergara)who has a son named Manny. I was a big Married with Children fan and love Ed O'Neill so I was excited to watch. Sofia is so smoking hot, she could turn woman gay and Manny is like a little old soul.

    Claire(Julie Bowen) is Jay's daughter and she is married to Phil(Ty Burrell). They have 3 children and the dynamics of this household cracks me up. Phil really thinks he is intuned with everyone, cool dad, understanding husband but he is adorably clueless.

    The next household is Mitchell (Jesse Tyler Ferguson), Jay's son who lives with his partner Cameron(Eric Stonestreet) and their adopted Vietnamese baby, Lily. This couple is too funny.

    Why This Show Works: The writers are witty. The actors deliver perfectly and there is nothing like this on TV. I love how the actors turn to the camera and give face! I love the couch sessions peppered through the episodes and I love how diverse the show is. Hysterically funny and they touch on all topics.

    This is the kind of show you will watch in re-run and on DVD. This is the kind of show you will discuss episodes in detail with your friends and family.

    In my opinion, one of the best shows on TV.

    Thanks to Fox Connect for hooking me up with a complimentary DVD set of Season 1.

    Memory Rewind - Farm Posing

    Here is your chance to use some of those older photos you have on your computer that you may have forgotten about. Post a photo and write a story about it.

    Join me and bring back a memory.

    This picture of Handsome and Goddess was taken in 2007 during one of our many farm excursions. We headed out daily to play outside, see animals and walk around.

    Sitting on the tractor