Maria's Space: 2010

Friday, December 31, 2010

Cher: The Film Collection - Great Collection of Movies!

Cher: The Film Collection (Good Times / Chastity / Silkwood / Moonstruck / Mermaids / Tea with Mussolini) SYNOPSES:

What I Can Tell You: I have always been a Cher fan. I loved the Sonny and Cher show when I was a kid. I wanted to swing my hair like Cher and walked around wishing I was a "half-breed" or hung with the "gypsies, tramps and thieves" that she sang about during the lazy, hazy 70's.

Receiving this gift set was truly, a gift. Laying on the couch over the last two weeks being unable to do anything has been made bearable thanks to books and movies. How many re-runs of Friends, and Everybody Loves Raymond can one watch?

Moonstruck is by far one of my favorite movies. The paring of Nicholas Cage and Cher was shear magic. And, Mermaids, well....who didn't want a mom who served cheese doodles for dinner?

For a woman who started out on TV, showing her belly button and swinging her long, silky, straight black hair, Cher has really made a name for herself.

As the daughter of a Gay man who absolutely loves Cher, I can tell you that passing this along to Dad as much as I want to won't be happening. I had never seen Tea With Mussoloni or Chasity and loved them too.

Cher's range is truly impressive. The woman shocked the world with her costumes in the 80's but I believe as an actress she is one of the best.  I cannot wait to see her newest Burlesque with Christina Aguilerar. It will surely be excellent.

Great gift idea for any Cher fan.

    Book Lovers, Looking For Something New To Read?

    Know someone who loves to read?
    If you or someone you know loves Romance books, have I got the perfect gift idea.

    How about a personalized, one-of-a-kind book?  With YourNovel.Com, you create the book you want. Now, that is exciting.

    YourNovel.Com offered me the opportunity to review a book.

    I headed to the site, selected my fantasy location which includes:
    • Beach/Cruises
    • Exotic
    • Mountains/Outdoors
    • Mystery/Offbeat
    Choose whether you want wild or mild. I, of course went with wild.

    Complete the questionnaire which asks for 26 details about the couple like names, eye and hair color, best friends' names, type of car, hometown, the cute pet names, how long they've been a couple, and favorite music.

    Complete the dedication page that lets you include a special greeting to commemorate the occasion. can also put the starring couple on the Cover of the Book.

    The book I selected was Jamaica Rendezous: A Couples Ocho Rios Romance. Which had the Teach and I enjoying a lovely, much needed vacation, snorkling, eating, swimming and making love at an all inclusive  Couples Resort.  I loved it. There were 168 pages of my man and I enjoying each other as we took in the beautiful surrounding location. A hidden treasure found while snorkling gives the story an added touch. I loved it. While there were things my husband would never say, it was so fun to read. 

    Very romantic, different and fun.

    I know Valentines Day is a few months away, but this is really a beautiful, loving gift. That would be great for anniversaries, wedding or shower gift and birthdays too.

    Next up, Maria and Teach head to Cold Feet/Warm Heart where we will enjoy a trip to a ski resort.

    Interesting Read - The Atheist's Guide To Christmas

    The Atheist's Guide to Christmas

    Product Description

    What do you get an atheist for Christmas?
    If you're an atheist, you don't believe in the three wise men, so this Christmas, we bring you not three, but forty-two wise men and women, bearing gifts of comedy, science, philosophy, the arts, and knowledge. What does it feel like to be born on Christmas day? How can you most effectively use lights to make your house visible from space? And where can you listen to the echoes of the Big Bang on December 25? The Atheist's Guide to Christmas answers all these questions and more:
    • Richard Dawkins tells an original Christmas story.
    • Phil Plait fact-checks the Star of Bethlehem.
    • Neal Pollack teaches his family a lesson on holiday spirit.
    • Simon Singh offers a very special scientific experiment.
    • Simon le Bon loses his faith (but keeps church music).
    • AC Grayling explains how to have a truly happy Christmas.
    Plus thirty-six other brilliant, funny, free-thinking pieces perfect for anyone who doesn't think of holidays as holy days.
    All author advances and royalties for The Atheist's Guide to Christmas will go to Terrence Higgins Trust.

    What I Can Tell You: 
    As someone who holds onto the belief of God with all my might and who celebrates Christmas and all that goes along with it, I found this book to be quite interesting.  I have never met an Atheist but if I did would never judge them as I would hope they wouldn't judge me.

    The stories range from Neil Pollack's Revenge of the Christmas Spirit where his son receives for Christmas a Sponge Bob, Square Pants Connect Four and he decides to play Santa and give the "already have" gift away to a shelter. To Nick Doody's How To Understand Christmas: A Scientific Overview. I was very interested in the scientific history of Christmasology.

    Best section of the book, the How To sections which include titles like:
    How to Have the Perfect Jewish Christmas
    How to Have A Peaceful Pagan Christmas
    How to Decorate the Outside of Your House with Lights and Not Have Your Neighbors Hate You: A guide to turning your home into a festive something that is so bright it can be seen from Space.

    Favorite quote by Allison Kilkenny:
    "It was no longer a holiday meant to worship the birth of a now dead Palestinian who once claimed to be the Son of God but who is now used as a marketing ploy by huge Corporations to sell more Xbox consoles."

    While I understand the skepticism, appreciate the scientific evidence of evolution, wonder in the history of the earth, marvel at the educated, scientists knowledge in the book, I long for the magic Christmas brings. Fake, real, I don't care! While this Christmas didn't feel Chistmassy for me, (health problems and unable to move), it was still the best day of the year. Life is hard, days turn into other days, but for a short time, everyone loves each other, decorated trees are featured and movies on TV pull the family together as we enjoy our time with each other. Life is short! Whether there is something else or whether there is nothing, we need to appreciate our time here and get the most out of life we can. 

    Thursday, December 30, 2010

    New Author Alert - Brooklyn Story by Suzanne Corso

    From Suzanne Corso comes a spirited debut novel about a girl’s lost innocence and dreams found just the other side of the Brooklyn Bridge . . . an affectionate, true-to-life tale of growing up, breaking away, and dreaming big.


    In the summer of 1978, Samantha Bonti is fifteen years old and navigating a dangerous relationship with an older boyfriend who’s devastatingly good looking—and an aspiring mobster. Half-Jewish, half-Italian, and hesitantly edging toward pure Brooklyn, Samantha lives in Bensonhurst with her mother Joan, a cynic shackled with addictions, and with Grandma Ruth, Samantha’s loudest and most opinionated source of encouragement. As flawed as they are, they are family. But when a girl wants something more, when tradition is a terrifying roadblock to the independent woman she wants to become, it’s time to break free and find one’s own way. Told from the adult perspective, this is a powerful story of leaving the past to history and the future to fate—as Samantha makes a move to restore hope where there was none, and reach for her dream of a new life as a writer in an inspiring promise of paradise called Manhattan.

    What I Can Tell You:
    As a young girl, I lived in Bensonhurst Brooklyn when I was 13 1/2 years old after my mom died. It was a big move for a young girl from Millbrook, NY and I never quite fit in. Brooklyn is like a different world and I moved out the day I graduated High School.

    Suzanne's Brooklyn is the real Brooklyn. It is about honor, family, tradition, silence, and rising above. Samantha is a smart, head strong girl who loves with her beloved Grandma and her ailing mom. She meets Tony through her best friend and suddenly finds herself thrust into the "Brooklyn Boy" world where females are disrespected, silenced and forced to look the other way while their, macho bad boys "peacock" around.

    While Samantha is smart, her studly boyfriend quickly has her wrapped around his finger as attention and hormones dumb her down but only momentarily.

    I loved and felt for Samantha. She is a good girl who is sidetracked by the beautiful Adonis who takes her shopping, out to eat, and commands respect from the Brooklites on the street.  What I loved most about this story beside the quick pace was how Suzanne, writes Brooklynese.  I was transported back to the Ave, eating at the feast, hanging on the concrete stoops with my buds, while the sounds of the radio blasts through the oppressive heat.

    This is Suzanne Corso's first novel and I cannot wait to see what else she has in store for us.

    I give this book a 5 out of 5! Great read.

    Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy from Simon and Schuster for my honest opinion.

    Play-Doh Creations

    Right before I headed to the hospital this month. Hasbro sent me a Play-Doh Creations Doh and Marker Set for the kids to check out.

    My kids love Play-Doh and will sit and play for hours, creating everything and anything.  I have to say, Play-Doh has come a long way since I was a kid.

    The box contained:
    16 reusable coloring parts
    4 wet erase markers
    A playmat
    5 two once cans of Play-Doh
    You simply use the Play-Doh as usual only now you can create all kinds of creatures with the reusable coloring parts. Color the hard plastic pieces any color you want with the markers, put them into your Play-Doh and wah-la.....the best part, the possibilities are endless. A little water and a paper towel, rag or even your finger, washes the markers right off, so you can start all over again.

    They were having a great time, creating and practicing for the holiday concert at school.

    Beside the endless possibilities this makes a great gift or just a quick inexpensive pick me up during cold weather when you are stuck indoors. At  approximately $7.99, you can get one for everyone in the house.

    Disclosure: I received a complimentary pack from Hasbro for my honest opinion.

    Monday, December 27, 2010

    Favorite Book of December - Goodnight Tweetheart by Teresa Medeiros

    Product Description

    New York Times bestselling author Teresa Medeiros absolutely dazzles in this quick-witted, laugh-out-loud funny, and highly moving love story that will set readers’ hearts atwitter.

    Abigail Donovan has a lot of stuff she should be doing. Namely writing her next novel. A bestselling author who is still recovering from a near Pulitzer Prize win and the heady success that follows Oprah’s stamp of approval, she is stuck at Chapter Five and losing confidence daily. But when her publicist signs her up for a Twitter account, she’s intrigued. What’s all the fuss?

    Taken under the wing of one of her Twitter followers, “MarkBaynard"—a quick witted, quick-typing professor on sabbatical—Abby finds it easy to put words out into the world 140 characters at a time. And once she gets a handle on tweets, retweets, direct messages, hashtags, and trends, she starts to feel unblocked in writing and in life. After all, why should she be spending hours in her apartment staring at her TweetDeck and fretting about her stalled career when Mark is out there traveling the world and living?

    Or is he?

    Told almost entirely in tweets and DMs, Goodnight Tweetheart is a truly modern take on a classic tale of love and loss—a Griffin and Sabine for the Twitter generation.

    What I Can Tell You:
    I wasn't really sure this was going to work. A love story written in 140 Characters or less? It was beautiful. I think this book could have been completely hokey but it wasn't. Teresa's Abygail and Mark are truly likeable people. I loved the banter between them. It was smart and fun. I found myself smiling most of the time.

    Can we really find love on Twitter? Who knows! All I can tell you is that when the twist happens I find myself praying and hoping. Teresa holds us until the very last pages with our breath held, we, run with Abigail and pray it isn't too late.

    As someone who isn't a big Twitter person other than my direct posts I absolutely loved it!!!

    Sunday, December 26, 2010

    Best Kids Books Of Our Holidays

    Book Description
    What could be fancier than Christmas?
    Presents with elegant wrapping paper, festive decorations, Christmas cookies with sprinkles—and who could forget the tree? After all, there is no such thing as too much tinsel. Ooh la la! This year, Nancy is especially excited about decorating the Christmas tree. She bought a brand-new sparkly tree topper with her own money and has been waiting for Christmas to come. But when things don't turn out the way Nancy planned, will Christmas still be splendiferous?

    In this merriest of stories from bestselling duo Jane O'Connor and Robin Preiss Glasser, Nancy proves once again that a little fancying up can go a long, festive way!

    What I Can Tell You:
    We have always loved Fancy Nancy in this house but holidays books are always extra special. This year Fancy Nancy: Splendiferous Christmas was part of our 25 days of Christmas. (this just means the kids open a gift a day until Christmas Eve, mostly Christmas books and DVD's).

    The pictures are amazing. So full and colorful. Like all Fancy Nancy books, there are all the special "fancy" words and our lively Nancy is fun. I loved that the snowman, or should I say Snow woman had red high heels. So Fancy!

    We follow Nancy and her family as they decorate, shop for a tree and get ready for Christmas. Things don't always go perfect but if you have the love of your family the holiday will always be perfect!

    Book Description
    What's more fun than spending Christmas with your family? Well, spending Christmas with your family and Mouse, of course! The creators of the #1 New York Times best-selling If You Give . . . Book series have brought their stories, recipes, songs, games, and activities to this deluxe edition of If You Take a Mouse to the Movies—a perfect way for families to celebrate the holidays together.

    What I Can Tell You
    My son has been a Mouse fan forever. We must have read If You Give a Mouse A Cookie over 100 times one month. They we got the read along and he read it alone every morning for another month. Finally we got the rest of the series (i.e. If You Give a Pig A Pancake or If You Give A Moose A Muffin). The stories are cute and easy enough for new self readers to read alone. If you or you know a child who is a fan of The Give A Mouse A Cookie Mouse, this is an absolute, adorable addition to your library. Wonderful illustrations as is expect with the series.

    There is even a deluxe edition that comes with:

    -Letters to you from the author and illustrator
    -The complete If You Take a Mouse to the Movies storybook
    -Three holiday recipes
    -Sheet music for two Mouse-style Christmas carols
    -Three activities for you and your family to share
    -Anecdotes from the author and illustrator
    -A sneak peek into Felicia Bond’s winter sketchbook
    -A CD with two songs and reading of If You Take a Mouse to the Movies by Jason Alexander

    Disclosure: I received complimentary copies of each book courtesy of Harper Collins Childrens Books.

    Saturday, December 25, 2010

    Symptom Cold and Flu Pak - A Must Have For The Season

    Click here to Compare SymptomPak 
    SymptomPakTM is a new product that is designed specifically to improve your cold, cough, allergy and flu therapy!

    Symptom Pak Contains:
    • 5 effective symptom-specific medications.
    • Educational dosing chart to show you the exact medication(s) to take for your specific symptoms.
    • Portable pill box with a mini-chart so you can easily take the correct relief with you.
    • The easiest way to follow your doctor recommendations if you have high blood pressure, arthritis, diabetes and for pregnant women.
    Thanks to Family Review Network, I was able to review the Symptom Cold and Flu Pak by 

    What I Can Tell You:

    Come on, are you kidding? Check this nifty little Pak out.
    It is like having a pharmacy in your own home.

    Look for your symptoms on the handy dandy box check list and color coding. People aren't one size fits all, so why should our medicine be?

    SymptomPakTM enables consumers to adjust doses of each ingredient to reflect the severity of each symptom, their age, the current medications used and to vary ingredients as the symptoms of their cold or flu episode evolve.

    SymptomPak™ educates consumers with a robust, patent pending system that includes color-coded charts and labels, a pocket-sized pill box, and support materials, all of which assist the consumer to treat their symptoms accurately and conveniently. Even the tablets are color-coded to match the labels and symptom chart. SymptomPak™ is compact for retail display and comes in a durable storage and dispensing system for in-home use.
    What  a unique concept. The Symptom Cold and Flu Pak can be purchased at Amazon, Target and a slew of other locations. Check out the link here to find a location convenient for you.

    This post was written for Family Review Network & SymptomPak who provided the complimentary product for review in exchange for my honest review"

    Life Blessings for Christmas 2010

    My kids got most of the things they asked for and were happy for it.

    My husband has been amazing taking care of all of us while I had my surgery, my week hospital stay, my medical setback over the last few days and Christmas morning with the kids.

    Sitting like a piece of furniture on the couch for the last few days unable to move or do absolutely anything for myself is SOOOOO much better than sitting in a hospital bed alone.

    The unconditional love my husband has shown me is beyond "sickness and health".

    My kids patience over the past few days while Daddy walks mommy to the bathroom and feeds her, cleans her and helps her has been amazing.

    The love of my family, friends, and readers that I have felt over the past two weeks makes my heart sing with joy.

    My grandparents who are in their 90's sending me a basket of Edible Arrangements. Although I was unable to eat any of it thanks to my surgery, my family enjoyed it and it is a blessing to be 44 and have grandparents around to send it.

    The help, trust, assistance and love of an unbelievable, trust worthy, sweet, compassionate, girlfriend who has been there from the beginning and was around the day I asked in an emergency to drop my kids off so I could run to the hospital.

    The friends and family members who have taken time from their busy days with their families to call me, txt me or say hello on Facebook.

    My sister-in-law's confirmation that my babies will be taken care of along with their father if God forbid the worst happened.

    The Christmas mircle of waking without pain that makes walking to the bathroom without my husband's 100% assistance manageable. He was there for support, in case of anything.

    Monday, December 20, 2010

    Hospital Update

    Surgery sucked!
    At least don't remember being wheeled out of Pre+OP. Was offered a cocktail by anesthesiaologist (did I spell that right). Rushed at first then nurse said "take him up on it!"

    She shouted down the hall "changed her mind. Make it a sweet one"

    He came back 2 mins later. Put it in my IV and I woke up in recovery! Hooray for me. More to come. Hard to type on crackberry with IVs.

    Sunday, December 12, 2010

    Great Book Gift Ideas for Children

    Goldilicious by Victoria Kahn the Author of Pinkalicious

    Book Description from Harper Collins Website.

    Being Pinkalicious is pinkatastic, especially when she's accompanied by her pet unicorn, Goldilicious. Goldie is a roller-skating, kite-flying, high-jumping unicorn who will protect Pinkalicious from the evil wizardry of her little brother, Peter. Together, Pinkalicious and Goldilicious can conquer anything!

    This enchanting follow-up to the New York Times bestselling Pinkalicious and Purplicious brings to life a new and magical character that is every bit as captivating as her pinkeriffic owner. With heaps of creativity and a touch of sparkle, Goldilicious glows—from horn to toe.

    What I Can Tell You:
    We are big fans of Pinkalicious (here and here ) and Goldilicious doesn't disappoint. Goldilicious is of course Pinkalicious' unicorn. She is white, gold and beautiful.

    I love the banter between Pinkalicious and Peter her brother. They both have wonderfully, wicked, fun imaginations. I also love how sweet her parents are. They always come through with love and understanding of their precocious Pinkalicious. This is a great addition to the Pinkalicious collection and can be found on my 2010 Holiday Gift Guide.

    To go along with the Goldilicious storybook, how about this....

    A Very Marley Christmas
      by John Grogan the Author of Bad Marley

    With all the excitement of Christmas approaching, it's no surprise that Marley, the lovable pup with a nose for trouble, wants to get in on the action. Anticipating his very first snowfall and Santa's arrival, Marley jumps in to help his family every way he can. But Marley, being Marley, always ends up on the wrong side of right. It's not long before he tears down the twinkle lights, attacks a chain of paper snowflakes, and mistakes the Christmas tree for . . . well . . . his very own indoor bathroom. Will Marley's good intentions ruin everything before Christmas begins? Or will he manage to share some Christmas magic with his family after all?
    This follow-up to the #1 bestselling Bad Dog, Marley! delivers a heartfelt holiday story with many hilarious Marley mishaps along the way.

    What I Can Tell You: We love Marley here.  My kids find him very sweet and funny. They want a dog just like Marley. I think as a Christmas book the books are adorable. It is sweet to think of how a dog would perceive all the changes the holidays bring in most households. My kids thought it was very funny and I have seen my son read it alone a few times as my daughter looks on. 

    We like big kids books. Lap books where I can read to both at the same time and it fits in "our" laps. Makes it easier for both kids to see it.  

    This and other children's books can be found on my 2010 Holiday Gift Guide. I love giving books as gifts. 

    Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of these books from Harper Collins Children to be able to write this review.

    Getting Hospital Ready With A Shaving Cream Made For Me

    Winter is here and a lot of us keep our legs pretty much covered up on the East Coast however, silky, smooth legs never go out of style. 

    Pure Silk Moisturizing Shaving Cream®! Available in 7 luscious scents, this rich lather protects your legs against nicks & cuts while providing the closest of shaves!

    Say good bye to dry legs with a shaving cream made for woman that with leave your legs feeling nothing but Pure Silk®!

    Thanks to Family Review Network and just in time for my trip to the hospital on Tuesday, I used Pure Silk for the first time today. 
    As someone with Italian heritage, I can tell you that I usually have a 5 o'clock shadow after shaving in the morning at 2:00 p.m. seriously, I do. I used it at 10:00 a.m this morning and I am as Scrappy Coco (Movie Trivia: Who is Scrappy Coco) I am still "silky smooth".

    Pure Silk Sensitive Skin gives your legs something extra special like papaya and willow bark extracts. This wonderfully feminine shave cream moisturizes and nourishes your skin as you shave, leaving your skin as smooth as silk. Now in an entirely rust-proof aluminum can!

    Wet skin with warm water, leave wet. Shake can and hold upright. Press top to release lather.

    Water, Stearic Acid, Triethanolamine, Propane, Isobutane (or may contain Butane), Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Laureth-23, Fragrance, Aloe Barbadensis (Aloe), Thymus Vulgaris (Thyme), Carica Papaya (Papaya) Fruit Extract, Salix Alba (Willow Bark) Extract
     Disclosure: I received a complimentary product from Barbasol, Pure Silk as part of a Family Review Network campaign.

    Friday, December 10, 2010

    Friday Fragments - You Need A License for Everything Except Being a Parent

    Mommy's Idea

    Surgery is scheduled for Dec 14th right around the time my kids will be on stage for a winter concert. I am so sad about this because I missed Handsome's Spring concert because I was at the hospital and I am very disappointed but hope to be around for many more. It is more important to have this done, not wait any longer and definitely be home before the week of Christmas. If I have to hear my kids say Merry Christmas mommy to me over the phone while I am at the hospital, I don't think I could bear it.

    Handsome lost his 5th tooth today. He was home sick and I was glad it didn't happen at school.

    Goddess' teacher called me at 2:50 to tell me that Goddess had been crying since right after lunch. She didn't eat her lunch. Was more quiet than usual and when they returned to the class she cried and cried. They asked her what was wrong and she said that she missed me. The teacher gave her tissues and she quietly cried at her desk until her teacher asked her to help her in the hall to hang things up. It breaks my heart that my baby was sad at school and I wasn't there to console her. She is my child and I feel that it is not the school's call to keep her there. I should have been called and I would have gone down there. She is 5 for God's sake. She is my daughter. To know that she was crying all day and feeling sad and alone makes me crazy. I knew when she went to school she looked upset. This was the first day that she has gone alone. Her brother usually walks in with her. She looked so lost walking in there but never said anything. Poor baby girl.

    Handsome decided on Monday he didn't want to wear a coat. After much coaxing and then yelling we couldn't get him to put it on. My husband and I decided to give him a lesson and let him head to the car without. He still refused when I got in with his coat. When we got to the school I was sure he would take it to walk in especially after I told him he wouldn't be able to go to lunch. He wouldn't and said he didn't care when I said that his friends would be playing outside and he wouldn't be allowed to go. His teacher emailed me, "he is here with no coat, is that right?" I wrote back and explained. She said, "fine if you want to teach him a lesson, I'm OK with that." I called the office and found out he was there. I asked if I could come down and talk to him while he was there. They agreed. His teacher said, he seemed upset. I walked in and he was sitting in a chair with his head down. I asked, "what's going on?" He said, "I forgot my coat" (before this he had told someone else he was in trouble). I asked, "did you forget your coat or did you leave it home?" His face changed and he started to cry. I knelled down in front of him, and said, "I don't want you to get upset. It is just that Daddy and I asked you to put on your coat because we knew you would want to play and now your friends are having fun and you aren't. Please listen next time." Then I tried to change the subject because he was crying. So I asked if he ate lunch, he said, yes. Then his teacher chimed in with "next time listen to your mommy and daddy." I was thinking geez, I'm trying to change the subject. I then asked if he would like me to get his coat so that when I picked him up, he would be warm. He said yes. I gave it to his teacher and didn't see him again until I picked him up. It was impossible not to think about him and his sweet little face, sitting on the chair and feeling sad. I know he had to learn a lesson but I hate that he looked so upset. Ahhh...parenting is hard.

    Overheard conversation between Goddess and Handsome:
    Goddess - "See that house? I'm going to live in it when I get bigger."
    Handsome - "I'm going to live in it too!"
    Goddess - "No, you can't because I am going to be a superhero and you aren't"
    Handsome - Yup, I'm going to be a bad guy."

    I love it. She has told me more than 20 times since September that she is going to be a superhero. "Me and Ava are going to be superheros when we grow up." or "I can't wait to be a superhero."

    It's so cute how sweet life is for kids. To think that you could just be a superhero. The world is your oyster when your a child. How wonderful.

    When we got home today, I asked Goddess why she was upset at school today. She said, "I missed you!" Then added, "I missed my big brother. I love him." When I told him what she said, adding, can you give her a hug?" He nodded his head and hugged her. She hugged him back with her head on his chest and started to cry. The hug was brief, the moment fleeting, but for this mom it will last a lifetime.

    Old Hollywood Showcased by TCM & Zazzle Giveaway

    (About Moguls & Movie Stars)
    TCM will tell the comprehensive story of the men and women who built the American film industry in this groundbreaking, seven-part documentary series. MOGULS & MOVIE STARS features rarely seen photographs and film footage; clips from memorable American movies; and interviews with distinguished historians and major Hollywood figures, including Sidney Lumet, Richard Zanuck, Samuel Goldwyn Jr., Peter Bogdanovich, Gore Vidal, Robert Osborne and Molly Haskell.

    Spanning from the invention of the first moving pictures to the revolutionary, cutting-edge films of the 1960s, this ambitious production is an epic history of Hollywood, detailing the personalities, inter-personal relationships, collaborations and conflicts that created an industry and an art form. The series also serves as a history of America, looking at how moviemakers responded to such major events as the Great Depression, World War II and the Civil Rights movement. MOGULS & MOVIE STARS is executive-produced by Bill Haber (TNT's Nightmares & Dreamscapes: From the Stories of Stephen King; Broadway's The History Boys and Monty Python's Spamalot) and written and produced by Jon Wilkman.

    tcm, movies, mogulstcm, movies, moguls
    Turner Classic Movie and Zazzle have come together and created t-shirts, mugs, tote bags, and more featuring quotes from Hollywood’s films and personalities.

    FYI, if you are an old Hollywood classic like me, head to TCM and watch some great Christmas Classics.

    For more information go to Turner Classic Movies.

    The Giveaway: 1 lucky winner will win their choice of one product from the Moguls & Movie Stars Zazzle shop!  Head over and take a look around, then come back and comment below (we are going go forward without the Google Doc Form until further notice now that I have numbered comments) before midnight, December 27th
    The Sponsor: Turner Classic Movies and Zazzle

    For Extra Entries:
    *Blog about this linking to me and leave me the link for (5 extra entries) (each entry must be separate)
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    *Leave a comment on my 2010 Holiday Gift Guide telling me which item you like best.
    *Follow me on Networked Blogs (2 entries)
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    *Share this post on Facebook by using the button below.
    *Enter another giveaway on my blog and let me know which one.
    *Comment on a non-giveaway post and tell me which one.
    *Become a fan of Maria's Space on Facebook (Not my personal Facebook) and post a message that you entered with a link to the giveaway on your Facebook page and leave a link to the message in the entry form (3 Entries).
    *Add me to your blog roll and leave the link (3 Entries)
    *Add my main button to your side bar

    Disclosure: I did not receive any compensation for running this campaign.

    My Life

    We have very limited furniture. My living room has a couch, TV tables, night table and kids table which makes it hard to decorate for the holidays or house our extensive media collection (which sits on the wall behind my couch (a half wall that looks over our stair case which means at anytime, it can all tumble off and break on the stairs) or collectibles. 

    I would love a TV stand that held the TV, had storage for my media collection and a place to hide all my son's Wii games and controllers. 

    Organize Your New Year With Help From Smead

    Why is it that January brings about a sudden urge to organize our lives. People start exercise programs, clean out closets, drawers, and more.

    Is it because it is the clean slate of the New Year ahead of us?
    Is it because we have nice clean, new calendars?
    Is it the impending doom of Tax Season?

    What causes us to suddenly see our lives in a completely different way. We are no different than we were 24 hours before yet, everything feel different.

    Smead Organomics has the solution to help us prioritize, minimize and declutter our lives with some very simple, very basic steps to prepare for the start of 2011.

    Usually, I spend November into the first three weeks of December organizing for the holiday.  Right after Christmas, I spend about a week in family bliss. The kids spend days in PJ's (when we are home) and play with their new stuff as my husband and I put toy after toy together. On the days we head out, we visit family and friends with packages for them and return with packages from them. We make room for the new stuff by shifting the old stuff but the first week of January...*insert screeching breaks*....everything changes.
    • The kids go back to school. 
    • Decorations get put away.
    • Files and drawers are torn apart will I make pile after pile of bills, garbage, storage stuff, tax papers, and more.
    • My computer is overhauled as I go through every file deleting things no longer needed or filing important information in "newly labeled" folders.
    • My photos for the last year are moved to an external hard drive to make room for new.
    • DVD's are created with any family movies downloaded to the computer.
     There is something about a fresh start! Everything feels lighter, less congested and more airy.

    Here are some suggestions from Smead for organizing for 2011:

    Take A Look At Your Office

    Office clutter can take over throughout the year – you get busy, create a few piles here, a stack over there, and suddenly you can’t see a single horizontal surface! Go around the room and collect up every homeless item you find, creating a set spot for each:

    Supplies and equipment: Only keep what you use on a regular basis at your desk - then store the “extras” in a cabinet or closet.

    Books and periodicals: Store journals in a magazine holder grouped by title or topic.

    Reference manuals: Keep loose brochures and sets of papers in expanding files or 3-ring binders with Index Dividers between topics. Try Smead’s durable TUFF™ Expanding File® for frequently accessed items.

    Multimedia: To save space, remove CDs and DVDs from their jewel cases and store them in file folders with self-adhesive CD/DVD pockets.

    Blank stationery items: Neatly stored in either stacking trays or a document sorter.

    To-do’s: Set up a desk file sorter or hanging files with categories for each type of action – “to call,” “to pay,” “to file,” “to read,” etc.

    Having an assigned storage space for everything makes it easier for you to maintain order after the first of the year. Just take a few minutes at the end of each day to put things away (not hard when you know where everything goes!)

    Get Ready The Night Before (Or Sooner!)

    Now that you have your schedule in order, you need to work on your daily routines. Getting ready in the morning is much easier if you start working on it the night before. Have your children spend 15 minutes before they go to bed packing everything they need for school into their book bags. Ask each person to pick out the clothes they plan to wear the next day and lay them out on a chair. Make everyone’s lunches in advance and store them in the refrigerator overnight. Also consider setting up a “launching pad” – a table, chair, basket, or other container located near the door where each person can put the supplies they will need the next day. If your kids can never seem to remember what they need for school, create a standard checklist for them – homework, band instrument, gym clothes, sports equipment, supplies for any extracurricular activities, library books, whatever. You can even make a note of where they tend to leave things if that helps – “Gym Clothes: check the laundry basket.” The goal is to have everything in one place when it comes time to hit the road.

    Just some easy ways to make life more manageable and less hectic. No one enjoys a hectic morning. 

    To keep up to date with Smead or for more information head over to Smead Organomics on Facebook.

    Disclosure: This is a sponsored post from Smead Organomics. I will be receiving a $20.00 Target Card for writing this post.

    Thursday, December 09, 2010

    Annexed by Sharon Dogar

    Annexed by Sharon Dogar
    • Reading level: Young Adult
    • Hardcover: 352 pages
    • Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Books for Children; 1 edition (October 4, 2010)
    Everyone knows about Anne Frank and her life hidden in the secret annex – but what about the boy who was also trapped there with her?

    In this powerful and gripping novel, Sharon Dogar explores what this might have been like from Peter’s point of view.  What was it like to be forced into hiding with Anne Frank, first to hate her and then to find yourself falling in love with her?   Especially with your parents and her parents all watching almost everything you do together.   To know you’re being written about in Anne’s diary, day after day?   What’s it like to start questioning your religion, wondering why simply being Jewish inspires such hatred and persecution?  Or to just sit and wait and watch while others die, and wish you were fighting.

    As Peter and Anne become closer and closer in their confined quarters, how can they make sense of what they see happening around them?

    Anne’s diary ends on August 4, 1944, but Peter’s story takes us on, beyond their betrayal and into the Nazi death camps.  He details with accuracy, clarity and compassion the reality of day to day survival in Auschwitz – and ultimately the horrific fates of the Annex’s occupants.

    What I Can Tell You:
    Wow! To say I loved this book almost seems wrong considering the facts. This was a horrible time and the death of Anne Frank and thousands of others will never be forgotten. With that said, I felt this was an amazing book. Author Dogar takes creative liberties with a story that has and will be read for many years to come. I loved hearing her spin on Peter and the kind of person he may of possibly been also how Anne may have been perceived by the people around her. This is a brave undertaking on the part of Sharon. To take such a beloved character and make her annoying, flirtacious, spoiled, obnoxious could have really doomed this book. The fact that it doesn't and that loads of people who have read and reviewed Annexed feel the same way is a testament to the writing of Sharon. 

    Interesting read! 

    Annexed on Facebook

    Frito Lay Gift Bag Giveaway

    Remember last week I posted about being a Frito Fan for life?!

    Well, I now have another reason to state this....Frito Lay offered to give one of my readers the chance to win the Frito stacked Gift Bag I received.

    Here is the prize.

    What more could you ask for? BTW..I love the bag. I keep it in my back pack to use everywhere.

    The Giveaway: 1 winner will receive a bag like the one shown above.

    The Sponsor: Frito Lay

    To Win:
    What is your favorite Frito Lay chip? Let me know by Midnight, December 27th.

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    *Open to US only.

    NBC's Community The Christmas Episode Airs Tonight

    I have not watched Community on NBC yet but I have learned through One2One Network that they have a Christmas episode airing tonight and I have something about Christmas shows. I love em' If there is Christmas in the title, I will be watching.

    So glad I did. I was able to view an advance preview copy of tonight's Christmas special entitled "Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas".

    If you are like me and have missed out on this really brilliantly written show, tonight's Christmas, stop animation is the perfect time for you to check it out.

    "Community" is a smart, witty comedy that stars Joel McHale (The Soup), Alison Brie (Mad Men), John Oliver (The Daily Show), Yvette Nicole Brown, Danny Pudi, Gillian Jacobs, Donald Glover (30 Rock), Ken Jeong (The Hangover) and Chevy Chase. (It topped NY Mag's Top 10 in TV in 2010).

    Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, and even if this is your first time tuning in to the show, we think you'll get a kick out of this clever episode!

    "Community" Twitter Names To Know & Follow:
    NBC Community @nbccommunity

    Joel McHale @JoelMcHale
    Alison Brie @AlisonBrie
    Danny Pudi @DannyPudi
    Yvette Nicole Brown @YvetteNBrown
    Donald Glover @MrDonaldGlover
    Gillian Jacobs @GillianJacobs
    Ken Jeong @KenJeong
    Dan Harmon @danharmon  (show's creator)

    What I Can Tell You: This was brilliant! I loved the stop clay animation and the characters personalities.  The musical numbers were hocky and fun just like the shows of my childhood. The show is a little colorful meaning that I don't believe it is for kids under 15. There is a guy who wants to get "laid"  and a snowman who talks about getting fondled.

    So Abed wants to learn the meaning of Christmas so his friends, lie to get him to school so he could get to a group therapy session. The Psych Professor or the "wizard" takes him and the rest of the group into a "Winter Wonderland" through "Christmas Nosis"! friends, this is where the fun begins. Very, very clever.

    If you have time, check it out on NBC tonight.

    Disclaimer: I received an advance screening of the Community's Christmas episode through a One2One Network campaign.

    If I Could Keep You Little by Marianne Richmond

    If I Could Keep You Little..., by Marianne Richmond

    This sweet, inspiring book will speak straight to a parent's heart, exploring the powerful feeling that every parent has: the push/pull feeling of wanting your child to grow and savoring and holding on to every moment.

    If I Could Keep You Little takes the reader on a journey of memory and expectation, exploring real insights into the human spirit. Marianne's artwork beautifully illustrates these complex emotions and her insightful prose showcases the fleeting little moments that reveal how a child changes and grows.
     "If I could keep you little,
    I'd decide on matching clothes.
    But then I'd miss you choosing
    Dots on top and stripes below

    If I could keep you little
    I'd cut your bread in shapes.
    But then I'd miss you finding
    "Hey! I like ketchup with my grapes!"

    What I Can Tell You: 
    Awwww......This is really the sweetest book. It says everything I try to remind myself about as my kids change over the day to day. Like when I ask my daughter to stop growing because I won't be able to pick her up anymore. Or when I get teary eyed over the fact that they are growing out of their clothes so fast. Or, when they don't ask me to read to them as much any more, or need me to get their snacks and drinks.

    I was thankfully very aware of how quick their babyhood would be and that is what got me through the almost 3.5 years of less than 5 hours of sleep. I knew they would never need me as much as they did then. 

    What Marianne puts so lovingly into words is that while we will miss the times we had to do everything for them, we are so proud when we see them accomplish things on their own. When they make their own choices and decisions, it shows us their independence and sometimes that scares us or makes us sad. But, what we should be looking at is how much WE have taught them. How safe they feel to make these decisions or how confident they are in knowing exactly what they want. That comes from feeling protected and knowing that even if they make mistakes, Mommy and Daddy will be there to pick them up if they should fall. 

    The back of the book reads:

    "If I could keep you little, I'd keep you close to me. 
    But then I'd miss you growing into who you're meant to be!"

    When I had my 2010 Holiday Home Party last week with my girlfriends, I showed them all the book, they all loved it and everyone had a boo-boo face when they read the words above. 

    Truly a beautiful book to be shared by a child and the people who love them!

    You can find this book on my 2010 Holiday Gift Guide.

    Disclaimer: I received a complimentary book from Sourcebooks for my honest opinion.

    "Pledge To Love Your Kitchen" Contest

    Yesterday, Pledge let me know of a generous contest being offered at Mom It Forward.

    About the Contest:
    The contest offers moms the chance to win $15,000 in gift card(s) to a major home improvement retailer to help update their kitchen along with a year’s supply of Pledge® to make it shine. For all the details and official rules, go to

    I could so use a new kitchen. My kitchen, although big enough (is a kitchen ever really big enough?), really isn't mapped out properly. There are 3 doors and a window which leaves 1 full wall which houses the sink, stove, and my separate 2 feet of counter space.

    So, I checked out the directions, took two quick pictures and filled out the form. It's easy and who knows, just maybe I could have a new kitchen next year.

    Stocking Stuffer Idea #7 + A Squinkies Giveaway

    What's not to love about these sweet, adorable Squinkies?

    I have 6 little girls under 8 on my list and they all love these. As a mom I love them because they are small, take up very little room and are very affordable.

    We received Squinkies just launched NEW Bubble Pack Series 7, 8, and 9 and 1 to giveaway to one of my readers.

    Each Surprize Inside Bubble Pack (SRP $9.99) includes 16 collectible “squooshy” Squinkies, including four hidden “surprise” Squinkies, to start or add to a collection.  Each lovable little squishy, squooshy and squashy Squinkie is individually packed in its own toy bubble!  These new Bubble Packs can be found at major retailers including Walmart, Target, Toys R Us and Amazon

    The packs are filled with animals, babies and friends but my favorite is this little purple frog.

    He's so cute with his crooked smile!

    The Giveaway: 1 Winner will receive a Squinkie Pack of their own.

    The Sponsor:
    Blip Toys

    To Win: Become a Maria's Space email subscriber by Midnight, December 20, 2010

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    *Open to US only.

    Disclaimer: I received complimentary Squinkie packs for my honest opinion and to host a giveaway for Blip Toys.

    Wednesday, December 08, 2010

    Pear Tree December Giveaway - What’s Your Resolution? – Photo New Year’s Cards

    Photo Cards
    This month Pear Tree Greetings has a wonderful giveaway entitled: What’s Your Resolution? – Photo New Year’s Cards.

    Can you believe it is almost 2011?! That’s right; here come the New Year’s resolutions of getting a gym membership, getting organized and eating less. Pear Tree wanted to take a more positive approach; rather than nitpicking at yourself, find something that you enjoy doing and do more of that, “this year I will eat more chocolate” or “this year I will relax more”! So this month’s giveaway will be 16 free What’s Your Resolution? – Photo New Year’s Cards to one winner you choose. What better way to show your friends and family what your New Year’s resolution will be this year than with this card!

    I love this idea. After the December rush of holiday cards, January usually brings loads of bills from all that holiday shopping we did. Why not make someone's day with a photo card!

    Check out Pear Tree's promo cards for the month here.

    If I were to send out a card this year for my resolution it would be to spend more time doing the things I really want to do like; coloring and reading with my kids, run outside, go bike riding, visit family if I can, spend more quality time with my husband and finding a part time job to help pay for the medical costs of this year.

    However, my favorite memory of the year was watching my son get his first soccer goal. He has had 4 since then and it never gets old but the 1st one was amazing! I had to actually hug people because I was so happy, so I did! Walked around hugging other moms. Watching him thrust his fist into the air was so inspiring.

    What is your favorite 2010 memory!

    The Giveaway: 1 Winner will receive 16 free What’s Your Resolution? – Photo New Year’s Cards.

    The Sponsor: Pear Tree

    To Win: Leave me a comment telling me what resolution and you would put on your cards if you won by Midnight, December 22, 2010

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    *Open to US residents only.

    Disclosure: Pear Tree will be supplying the giveaway.

    12 Days of Christmas - Day 12 - The Dog Who Save Christmas Vacation DVD

    Day 12 Brings an adorable Christmas movie about a dog.

    A hilarious and heartwarming family romp and the “paw-fect” sequel to the hit ABC Family original movie, The Dog Who Saved Christmas, the festive new release features Paris Hilton, in her first-ever voiceover role as the prim and proper poodle “Bella” alongside Mario Lopez, who returns as the voice of mischievous yellow Labrador “Zeus.”  The Dog Who Saved Christmas Vacation takes a bow(wow) at retail stores nationwide, December 7, 2010, just in time to help kids and families celebrate the holiday season together.

    The Dog Who Saved Christmas Vacation (SRP $19.98) follows the Bannister family to a beautiful Rocky Mountain ski lodge for their long-awaited holiday vacation.  Upon their arrival, however, it soon becomes clear that this trip will be no dog walk in the park!

    Obnoxious relatives and their prissy poodle Bella (voiced by Paris Hilton) are staying at the house too, and they want little to do with the Bannisters or Zeus (voiced by Mario Lopez), despite his growing “puppy love” for the cutest new pooch in town.

    Meanwhile, the hooligans who attempted to ruin the Bannister’s Christmas last year are up to their old tricks.  They’ve made their way to the ski resort too – with plans to snatch a diamond necklace from a resort guest.  When the necklace is mistaken for Bella’s dog collar the cantankerous crooks kidnap the pampered poodle and it’s up to Zeus to once again save the day.

    Showcasing a pack of terrific talent, The Dog Who Saved Christmas Vacation stars Gary Valentine (“King of Queens”), Dean Cain (“Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman,” Abandoned), Elisa Donovan (Clueless, “Sabrina, the Teenage Witch”), Casper Van Dien (“Watch Over Me,” The Curse of King Tut's Tomb), and Mindy Sterling (“iCarly,” the Austin Powers trilogy), Adrienne Barbeau (Fly Me to the Moon).  Kayley Stallings (“Monk”), Brennan Bailey (My Sister’s Keeper) bring two fresh young faces to the cast as the Bannister children.       

    The Giveaway: 1 Winner will receive a copy of The Dog Who Saved Christmas Vacation.

    The Sponsor: Anchor Bay

    To Win: Become a Maria's Space email subscriber by Midnight, December 19, 2010

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