Maria's Space: Toy Time and Upcoming Birthday Gifts

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Toy Time and Upcoming Birthday Gifts

Recently my daughter has decided to start clearing out toys in her room. She holds random things up to me and says, "I don't want this anymore". Usually the toy isn't something that I would be throwing out or giving away, it is usually something that cost me over $80.00. Why can't she part with some of the million stuffed animals in her room? You know, the ones that she won at a carnival or something?

Why is she house cleaning? Well, not because she wants more room to play. No sir, she is shopping for new toys. Recently while shopping for birthday gifts for all the upcoming birthday parties she spotted a few things she wants in the wooden toys section of The Kid Store.

Can't say I blame her. Noah's Ark was one of my favorite toys when I was growing up.

I just got a few 3D Wood Puzzles for a little girl I know for her 1st birthday and my son and daughter want one now too.

Check it out.
Now that I am thinking of it, this wood puzzle was the one all the kids at mom and tot fought over. They all wanted to play with it.
I am one of those moms who feel you can't have too many books or too many puzzles. If my kids ask for books or puzzles and I can afford it at the moment, I tend to buy it.

This past weekend, I was at my son's Godmother's house for a birthday party and in her daughter's playroom there was the biggest dollhouse my daughter has ever seen. 
My girlfriend researched long and hard and the reason she purchased this one, was because it was wood and extremely sturdy. I loved it because you could use Barbie's in it. My daughter and I sat in the corner of the room playing for over 40 minutes.

If it were up to me, I would do a whole room for the kids furnished with furniture from The Kid Store. I love their stuff, especially their art stuff.

Could you not be inspired in a room full of this stuff?

Ahhhhh to dream!


  1. Makes me wish I was a kid again. Great finds! I`d go with the dollhouse for sure!

  2. I love the dress up clothes carousel.

  3. Anonymous9:19 PM

    I love that barn shelf. Beautiful color


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