Maria's Space: Camping My Way

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Camping My Way

Yesterday, I wrote about how a lot of my friends love camping. They head into the woods with friends, kids, food, and camping gear and don't surface for about 5 days. They come back loving it, full of stories and eager for their next camp out.

I really want to love it too but the last time I camped out, my legs and arms were full of insect bites and heat stroke had me on my back for over 2 days.

As much as I am not eager to do it again, I really want to take my kids camping.

If we do go camping, I would need some serious camping gear! We are talking, a nice big tent, air mattress, toilet, coolers, flash lights, and a way to cook some serious grub.

We would need something like this because I like the idea of the screened in area for eating.

This stove looks like you could cook a full course meal plus coffee which I just couldn't do without.
Come to think of it, this could be fun. I could get tons of awesome fun photos for our scrapbook and my blog.

Maybe camping is in our future after all.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a city girl and I love camping. You can have your luxuries now, not like when I was young. Great post!


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