Maria's Space: Ruby Tuesday - The Seat & My Feet

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Ruby Tuesday - The Seat & My Feet

Still showing off some carnival pictures. If you look real close in the chair base, you can see me legs. Yup there I am.

June 26, 2010 (5)

June 26, 2010 (4)


  1. I love these old stools. You really do not see them much any more

  2. Awesome! At first I thought they were old diner chairs!! Great find!

  3. Great shot! Carnival fascinates me because of the colors and the rides^_^

    RT~Straw/blueberry pie

  4. Wonderful shots, right choice.

  5. Anonymous9:08 PM

    I love carnivals! I agree with fredamans, they look like diner stools.

  6. Anonymous9:08 PM

    I love carnivals! I agree with fredamans, they look like diner stools.

  7. Anonymous9:08 PM

    I love carnivals! I agree with fredamans, they look like diner stools.

  8. Great shots and I love that shade of red.
    You are so right about how different this photo looks in color vs. monochrome. I actually love the monochrome look a bit better. :-)


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