Maria's Space: Camera Critters - Dreaming and Wishing for a Pet

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Camera Critters - Dreaming and Wishing for a Pet

It has been a while since I have been able to participate in Camera Critters. Here are my two loving on my girlfriend's pets. They want a dog so bad.

Camera Critters

Picture 088

And because she heard the camera, she just had to do a Goddess face.

Picture 087


  1. many many people without jobs are abandoning great animals sadly sandy

  2. Goddess's eyes say it all!!

  3. Pets are so important....even this 65-year-old wants one. I was in West Sacramento this week visit my two granddogs and couldn't snuggle enough with them!

    At 65, I've done it! My poetry book - Life's Journey by Carmen Henesy - is out on Amazon!
    ( Poems about the things that have been important to me in my journey through life, some humorous, some sad, some that may have meaning to you as well )

  4. We have two dogs in this house already and my husband has been wearing me down literally for months wanting another dog. He's even been calling various no kill animal shelters around the state today. He keeps showing me pictures of this dog and that dog on the internet too.
    Don't get me wrong, I really don't want another dog. He doesn't get it. It will be more housework for me with three dogs shedding instead of two. I'm tired and have physical problems. Yet, every time I try to get him to understand, he always says they'll keep you company and keep you all safe when I'm at work.
    I finally took a long nap this afternoon because I couldn't look at a zillion more dogs he wanted to show me on the internet.
    I know we'll end up with another dog, and even though I love the two we have, I'm really not looking so forward to this.
    If I felt better on a daily basis I know this wouldn't be such a big issue to me, but wow he's not getting it at all. More dogs, more work for me.

  5. They really can't wait to have a dog...they're sweet girls and lovely dogs.

  6. Anonymous9:03 PM

    awwwww!! how cute!! They look so happy.

  7. My daughter has been begging for fish and for a kitten...we already have six adult cats! No more, I say!

  8. They would be in heaven at our house right now with the five we have here. I think a post with your kids wouldn't be the same without a picture of a Goddess face. I just adore her!!


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