Maria's Space: Bring Story Time To Life And Your Child Will Love Reading

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Bring Story Time To Life And Your Child Will Love Reading

Thankfully I have children who love reading, we read all the time, Handsome reads on his own and Goddess has loved books read to her since she was under a year old. It might have something or nothing to do with the fact that mommy and daddy forever have a book under their nose or arm.  However it wasn't always like that. Handsome preferred to flip all day through picture books but if I ever tried to get him to sit down so I could read one line he was out of there!

What worked for him were books that included characters he could hold while we read them.

I recently was able to review a book called Benjamin and Bumper to the Rescue by bestselling author Molly Coxe, BraveMouse Books. It's funny because Handsome's love of reading started with another mouse book; If You Give A Mouse A Cookie by Laura Numeroff.

Benjamin and Bumper to the Rescue is about friendship and bravery, ingenious plans, humorous situations and surprising twists make this endearing tale of Benjamin, a fuzzy mouse and Bumper, his true-blue elephant friend, an instant bedtime classic.   

Here is the amazing book trailer teaser(excuse my silly video at the end, it was totally unnecessary after seeing this).

When Benjamin and Bumper embark on a harrowing mission to rescue Benjamin’s mother, their travels take them from the floor of a wooden wardrobe, to the heights of a lofty kitchen table, through a dangerous garden path and up-up-up a castle tower to the lair of Sir Pouncelot, the book’s foppish villain. Skillfully photographed by Olivier Toppin, Coxe’s uncommonly endearing felted wool characters are wonderfully alive, and her carefully gathered props of buttons, antique toys and cracked dishes are perfect for kids who delight in searching the illustrations for all of the tiny details that reveal themselves at the turn of every page. 

What I Can Tell You:

The photographs are colorful, fun and incredibly detailed. We loved each picture. The first time you read, I suggest not reading the book and just going through the pages. Goddess wanted to talk about each page and what she was seeing in the middle of my reading. I had to stop every two words. Best to let them look at the book and then bring on the story. Benjamin Middlemouse, Bumper and Sir Pouncelot (tee hee) will make you smile.

This will undoubtedly be a classic, order your signed copy today.

Now for the best part, you and your child can make their very own Benjamin just by using a sock and some supplies. This is such a great way to use their little baby socks that you have kept (ok, maybe that is just me). Creating a child's very own Benjamin helps the story take on a whole new life and it is super easy.

Here is a video of the author Molly showing us how to DIY a Benjamin of our very own.

Since the story is to inspire young artists to create their own imaginary world I have a surprise. One of my readers will win copy of Benjamin and Bumper to the Rescue, we’ve put together a Make-a-Mouse kit that contains everything needed to create two mice – including fabric for clothes and a few props for these hand-made mouse characters to use when performing risky rescues. Isn't that fun?

Looking for inspiration for your very own Benjamin, check out the BraveMouse Book’s Facebook Page  to see Supa Mouse, Mermouse and Vampire Mouse (so cute!!). 

The Giveaway: One of my readers will get a copy of Benjamin and Bumper to the Rescue, and a Make-a-Mouse kit

The Sponsor: Brave Mouse Books

To Win: Friend Brave Mouse Books on Facebook , and leave a message on their page linking to this giveaway by Midnight, August 11, 2010.

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Disclaimer: I was given a complimentary copy of Benjamin and Bumper. The opinions are my own.

Thank you to the sponsor for providing the review and giveaway copy and make a mouse kit.

1 comment:

  1. I don't do Facebook (yeah, I know, how terrible, right?) so I can't enter but those sure are adorable felted wool creatures. I'm am amazed at some people's creativity!


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