Maria's Space: The Simple Women's Daybook - April 27, 2009

Monday, April 27, 2009

The Simple Women's Daybook - April 27, 2009

For Today...April 27, 2009
Outside my window... Sunny and hot but not as hot as yesterday. The buds are all in bloom and it is getting quite green almost overnight.

I am thinking... This time of year kills my kids. They have the worst allergies to trees and grass and both are suffering.

From the learning rooms... Learning to hit the ground runny.

I am thankful for... friends who tell me I am always positive.

From the kitchen... Not hungry today.

I am wearing... Capri jeans and a purple t-shirt.

I am reading... How I Got To Be The Person I Am, and Twilight

I am hoping... My business cards come in this week.

I am creating... A mess with all these clothes I pulled out of storage. I need to wash all this stuff.

I am praying... peace

Around the house... Tons of winter clothes and summer clothes that need to transition.

One of my favorite things... listening to music. I had given it up for a while when the kids were little but now that I have my Sirius MP3 player, I have fallen in love again.

A few plans for the rest of the week... Catch up, catch up, catch up

Here is a picture I thought I would share with you...


  1. Neat post.
    I like the photo

  2. Wonderful post. I hope the allergies are getting better. Too me a few days to get here, but better late than never right?


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