Maria's Space: Mourning with a Smile!

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Mourning with a Smile!

April 8, 1978 - My Mother Died
April 8, 1991 - My Grandmother Died
April 8, 2009 - I am getting through the day with a smile and a song in my heart.

Some years this date is too much to bare. This year, good friends and family make things seem that much lighter.

Last night a new friend told me she loved me, this morning another friend called Life on Record for my daughter and left a really beautiful message, "Your mom is an amazing women." How did she know I needed to hear that today? It is what I hope my mother thinks of me. Then another friend text asking "what are you doing" on her 15 minute break. She has 15 minutes to herself and she texts me?

Just now my daughter came over with her fingers in the shape of a heart and said, "does this make your heart happy."

This was all done without me saying what today is!

Today's motto: Enjoy life and everything it is! Life is a blessing.


  1. I'm so sorry for your loss. But your Mother and Grandmother are still with you.... in your heart.

    I emailed you my info twice but it keeps coming back to me.
    I won the journal.


  2. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Wonderful post!! Very inspiring!

  3. I hear you Sister!!! My mom, as you know passed away 2 years ago! Oh it is so hard!!!
    I'm away Celebrating my 25th Anniversary, but I was just checking email and saw your post and had to comment!!!
    You are so sweet and YOU are in MY heart today!!!!
    From One to another... sometimes I feel like a 47 year old orphan, silly I know!


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