Maria's Space: Floraster Kids Probiotic Packs Help Digestion-Review

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Floraster Kids Probiotic Packs Help Digestion-Review

Thanks to Mom Select, I was given the opportunity to try Florastor® Kids.

Florastor® Kids is a natural, yeast-based probiotic.

What is a probiotic? Probiotics, means, "for life," have been used for centuries as natural components in health-promoting foods. Probiotics help grow good microorganisms in the intestines, while destroying and removing disease causing microorganisms. In doing this you can maintain and restore optimal intestinal health.

The potential benefits of taking probiotics are:
  • Maintaining healthy intestinal function- If you are a mom, you know this is probably the most important when it comes to our kids. A painful bowel movement can be traumatizing for a child. They start holding and then we end up with all sorts of trouble.
  • Managing lactose intolerance
  • Improving immune function
  • Preventing infections
  • Preventing colon Cancer
  • Lowering cholesterol
  • Lowering blood pressure

Formulated to be child-friendly

  • Great tasting fruit flavor
  • Dissolves completely in juice or water
  • Can be mixed in soft foods such as applesauce and yogurt
Why take Florastor®?

  1. Florastor® is good for everyone - from infants to adults
  2. Florastor® helps with your body’s ability to digest food. (Florastor® produces enzymes that help with the digestion of fat, protein and carbohydrate)†
  3. Changes in diet and stress can cause a disturbance in your intestines. Florastor® helps maintain normal balance of the intestinal flora†
  4. To maintain intestinal health†
  5. To promote intestinal health even when traveling†
  6. To protect your intestinal tract and keep your intestines healthy†
In A Nutshell: My son, eats tons of cheese, bagel bites, bread, chicken nuggets, yogurt, milk and apples. Obviously not enough fiber in any of these (beside the apple) to help him maintain a healthy intestinal tract. I have been putting Florastor in his milk for the past 3 days and (skip over if you don't want to hear the rest), things have been much easier for him, if you know what I mean. Good health starts now!
Mom Select - Bringing Companies and Moms Together

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