Maria's Space: Glamour Poll Results Are In And Kids Buy Because Miley Is On The Cover #mileycyrus

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Glamour Poll Results Are In And Kids Buy Because Miley Is On The Cover #mileycyrus

This week I asked, Is 13 too young, to read Glamour magazine? The reason was because my 13 year old niece had it with her the last time I saw her.

The results:
71% think 10-12 is too young
35% think 13-15 is too young
4% think 16-18 is too young.

Today, I had a chance to speak with her about the magazine. When I asked if she purchased it because Miley was on the cover she said, "yes".

When I asked if she read the articles, she said, "yes."

I asked if she felt the articles were appropriate for her age and if she felt Miley should be on the cover? She said, "in Miley's article it says something about how this is her first women’s magazine cover and talks about her Vanity Fair photo shoot".

That is when I got angry. There was so much controversy over Miley's Vanity Fair photo of her wearing a sheet and the supposed provocative shot of her and her Daddy.

This is so crazy to me, Miley wasn't on this the cover of Vanity Fair in June 2008 when her "con traversal photos" appeared. So, children (my niece included) didn't feel compelled to purchased the magazine. is the cover. Are Miley fans going to purchase this magazine based on the cover?

Let's fast forward this post ....Glamour cover, Miley...looking beautiful, young, wholesome and fun. The cover, colorful and yes, enticing to her very young fans.

Yes, Miley is dressed in these pictures. She looks full of energy, young and very ingenue. A big difference from Vanity Fair's photoshoot. But!!!!!!! The articles that her fans now have access to....are disturbing.

Go here for the articles that my niece and many of Miley's young, impressionable fan base can now educate themselves on.

So I ask, Why is it OK to put Miley on the cover of a magazine like Glamour with it's sexual content but not OK, to have her wear a sheet in an artsy photo taken by Annie Leibovitz?

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