Maria's Space: Monday Meme's There Are So Many Great Ones To Participate In

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Monday Meme's There Are So Many Great Ones To Participate In

This weekend while watching Goddess play with her massive Littlest Pet Shop Collection, I noticed how vibrant the colors. Jumped up from my 2 seconds of lying on the couch, grabbed my make shift light box (a small cooler), and my Canon camera, I lied on the floor snapping pictures of various animals with these memes in mind.

Look at that sad little face. Don't know why he is so sad considering I placed him in a 1st place trophy. Poor little sweetie.


 Check out the blue eyes on this little Halloween Littlest Pet Shop kitty



1. Googled yourself? Not yet, should I?
2. Googled your neighbor? No but I just might do that the next chance I get.
3. Used Google maps to spy on someone? No, do people do this?
4. Spied on someone via Facebook? No, I am getting a little concerned with these questions.
5. Friended someone on Facebook that you don't know? No! But strangers are always trying to friend me.
6. Tweeted gossip? Yes, celebrity gossip.
7. Followed a celeb on Twitter? Yes, many
8. Kissed any one of your Facebook friends? My husband
9. Regretted an online relationship? No. All the women I have met online have been awesome and people I consider friends.
10. Dumped someone online? No. My dumping days were prior to all this online social networking
11. Played a prank on someone online? No, I am not that rude.
12. Spied on a High School bully online? No.
13. Written a nasty email? Not yet.
14. Sent something X-rated via email? Uh huh!
15. Searched your state's/locality's database for predators? Yes
16. Done an online search on someone's traffic offenses? Never
17. Ordered dinner online? Can this be done?
18. Purchased something over $250 online? Yes
19. Left an anonymous comment? No
20. Checked out someone else's email (as in spy on your s.o.)? No


  1. I really like the composition on all of adorable they are! Great posts for all 3 memes.

  2. Happy Monday, loved the survey!

  3. they r so cute!

  4. I like it too pretty. happy mellow yellow Monday. Mine i up.

  5. The only dinner I've ordered online is pizza, but I know it's possible to order other food too. I'm really curious about your x-rated

  6. i love the poor dearie in the first pic! she is so cute!Mellow Yellow

  7. Cute! Happy MYM,

    Mine is here.

  8. Anonymous3:20 AM

    They look a little browned off.

  9. Interesting shapes.

  10. Poor stuff..heheh! but nice in place.

  11. You should Google yourself. It can be fun.
    Thanks for playing MM.

  12. Great answers as always....

    Love the toy pics. Great idea!

  13. aww cute! my kiddo has one of those too! :)

    u may view mine here

  14. Love the bit of blue. Happy Blue Monday.

  15. When my husband googled himself it pulled up a hot, ripped,celebrity personal trainer with the same name...Ha!

  16. I LOVE these photos~ thanks for the fantastic idea for a light box. You are SO amazing!! I have a cooler and would never have thought of that... now I can't wait to play with my camera tomorrow.
    Those were some scary questions on the Monday Mayhem... I have used Google Maps to check out my own name and house, but have never even thought to check up on someone else... creepy. For someone like me who is already scared of people and who has been stalked in the past, this just brings up all kinds of frightening thoughts. EEWWWW!!


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