Maria's Space: ABC Wednesday - G

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

ABC Wednesday - G

G = Girl or more specific My Girl or Gorgeous!
Picture 026

G = Gigantic as in this is a gigantic mound of snow!
Picture 143

G = Games - This is pretty much how I see my son everyday. The back of his head! When he is older and wonders why there are no pictures of him on my website, I will refer to THIS picture.
Picture 841

G = Gifts - "Look at all those gifts, mom."


  1. The Girls are all Gorgeous and the Gifts Geezz can I have one? ^_^ Happy weekend!

    G is for Gold

  2. Alot of great "G" rated photo's there, looks like you have "GREAT" kids.

  3. What a little darling (your Gorgeous Girl). That is an adorable shot.

  4. These are great looking kids.

  5. That is the best photo of Goddess yet! She is beautiful!

  6. G=great big brown doe eyes :)
    G=go away gigantic mound of snow!

  7. What a great shot of Goddess! She looks like a model in that one.
    I'm so glad we don't have that snow, I'd have to hide in the house.
    I love the picture of Handsome and the Christmas gifts, his smile is infectious!


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