Maria's Space: Week In Pictures October 26 - October 31, 2008

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Week In Pictures October 26 - October 31, 2008

Join my lonely meme and create a running, photo diary of your week.
I am trying to create a legacy for my children and Photos are the best way. When I look back at my childhood photo albums I wish my mom was around to tell me the details of the photo like:

Where we were going?
What was happening?
How old was I?
Who are those people?

Scrapping is a great way because you get some photos and some journaling, but who has time for that these days?

JOIN THIS MEME by adding the button to your post and coming back to comment so that I can come see yours. You can find the button and link on my side bar.

October 26, 2008
- Here is Goddess and Handsome listening to Groovy Ruby which I reviewed this week and also am giving a copy away. So check the post out here and enter to win.

October 27, 2008 - It is a total Goddess week this week. I took her to the pet store again and she spent an hour playing with the kittens. It is very hard to walk out of there week after week without a fluffy bundle but at the $600.00 price tag it isn't impossible.

October 28, 2008 - I took my daughter to a local airport to watch the planes take off. We didn't get to see any planes take off but we did get a nice picture of the flag.

October 29, 2008 - Goddess' ballet class had a Halloween party class after class. Notice all the adorable little princess girls...mine is dressed in Pablo from the Backyardigans. It is what she wanted and asked for 6 months.

October 30, 2008 - Here is my baby girl. The boy next to her is a little guy in her gymnastics class. This is the first time I have seen a little boy that is not her brother put his arm around her. It was very sweet and I am glad I was able to capture it. He also was in front of her on the balance beam. I watched him step off, put out his hand, take hers and lead her off. Ummm hello, is that cute or what?

October 31, 2008 - Here I am with one of the trick or treaters on my block. I was dressed as Paris Hilton in prison of course. See my review on Halloween Party Store here. I had tons of bling on, a blonde wig with a tierra and I carried a stuffed white dog. No one knew who I was.

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