Maria's Space: Product Review - The Wonder Mop - You Need One!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Product Review - The Wonder Mop - You Need One!

The Next Amazing Product was my new favorite mop.

This mop is called Wonder Mop and it is by The Libman Company. They have been making family made products since 1896. If a company can be around that long in this economy, they must be doing something right.

The Wonder Mop put my dirty old sponge mop to shame. My faithful mop has been cleaning my kitchen forever but it is already sitting on my deck waiting for the trash man scheduled on Friday. I will never again use a sponge mop.

Fibers are the way!

I love the lightweight, the ease of wringing the the mop out and the fact that It can reach into many, hard to reach areas. My kitchen is very cluttered and it is hard to get everything out so that I can do a thorough swapping of the deck so to speak. Not necessary with this mop. I was able to reach under my microwave stand, my stove, behind the microwave stand and I didn't need to get on my hands and knees to get into the corners of my kitchen to clean them. The mop did the dirty work for me and got everything. Loved it!

Would you like a mop of your very own? The Wonder Mop is available at most grocery store chains, Walmart, Target, and Kmart to name a few. Another way to get your own Mop would be to come back here and look for my upcoming June Cleaver Giveaway.

Sponsored by The Libman Company


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