Maria's Space: Today's Reasons To Smile

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Today's Reasons To Smile

Having kids makes me smile most of the day. I am either smiling because they are spirited, saying something funny, playing nice with each other, being sweet to each other, doing something that makes me proud or being sweet and loving to me.

The things that made me smile today:

My daughter saying, sun, star, and solar start with "S" just like my name.

While my daughter was spinning she said, "wooo I'm getting busy."

Singing Hard Knock Life, and Tomorrow from Annie with my kids in the car at the top of our lungs.

Watching my son do an amazing obstacle course at gymnastics today, complete with jumping and landing on his feet on the mat and throwing his hands up at full gymnastic posture. Yeah baby!

My Goddess completing a map of the United States in less than 3 minutes. Hello! She is 3 years old.

Handsome, shouting out some awesome "Kia's" while landing some amazing, strong kicks in Tao tonight.

Handsome getting his first yellow star for his uniform tonight for good behavior from his Master Instructor at Tao. He was so proud of himself he is sleeping with it in his hand tonight.

Handsome reading a whole "Biscuit" book tonight to me and his sister.

My kids saying their prayers together, loud and clear. Love it!

Getting to give away some amazing gifts on my blog.

Getting to read four chapters in Eclipse tonight uninterrupted.

Life is good....always notice the little things that matter and the big things won't kill you.

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