Maria's Space: The Simple Woman's Daybook

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

The Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY... April 6, 2010

Outside my window...  Warm and dark

I am thinking...  ~that I am going to have to give my son a big hug before he falls asleep. We did a lot of arguing this evening. He as very rude and disrespectful.

I am thankful for...  ~my husband

I am wearing...  ~blue pj pants with little scottie dogs on them and a Book Diva shirt.

I am remembering...  ~how great it will be when the central air is on.

I am going... to start going through summer clothes very soon.

I am currently reading...  ~Jane Slayre

I am hoping...  ~that tomorrow will be cooler

On my mind...  my son, and my daughter's upcoming birthday

Noticing that...   my son needs to spend less time playing video games and more time at 
the table working.

Pondering these words... You're the best  - Quote from Goddess

From the kitchen...  ~yogurt, cheese, and cookies (dinner of champions)

Around the house...  ~

One of my favorite things  ~ when my dear friend laughs!

From my picture journal...


Goddess, said it is a hot air balloon.


  1. Anonymous9:40 PM

    I was caught off guard for a second cause you have the wrong date! lol

    That hot air balloon made me laugh. She has a great imagination. It is cute though!!

  2. Sorry to read about Handsome giving you a hard time of late. I hope it gets better soon for you all.



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