Maria's Space: Seventh Generation

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Seventh Generation

As a member of My Blog Spark I get invited to try out a lot of really awesome products, report back to you guys and in most cases, give one away to a reader. What a fun group to be part of right?

This time the products I received in the mail were Seventh Generation

Why is it that a box full of cleaning supplies make people so happy? It seriously was like Christmas and I smiled with each item in the carrier.

There were two rolls of paper towel, a multipurpose spray, bathroom cleaner, disinfecting wipes and a book called Conscious Kitchen. Even the caddy is made from recycled plastic. Sounds like Heaven right? I know!

Picture 864

My kids were very confused with the paper towels being brown. It was an educational moment as I explained that usually bleach is added to make the paper white and that this was 100% recycled, unbleached paper towel.

Seventh Generation has partnered with eco-lifestyle consultant and author, Alexandra Zissu, whose new book, The Conscious Kitchen, discusses what´s good for your health, what´s good for the planet and what tastes great. Her book also includes great tips on maintaining a green and healthy kitchen, including:



  1. The many many natural cleaners

  2. Not sure where i'm supposed to post for the give away..but i am following you on twitter


    sorry i this is wrong

  3. I grow my own veggies.


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