Maria's Space: Camera Critters - My Ducks

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Camera Critters - My Ducks

Camera Critters

They are not really mine but since they visit my stream every day for the past week I will refer to them as such.

We where thrilled to have the ducks use our stream, the kids love watching them and now know these are Mallard Ducks and which is the male and female. Wildlife in my own back yard is always fun.


  1. I love watching the ducks ... you may have babies to watch, too! There's nothing like wildlife in your own backyard.

  2. Quack Quack.

    That's Mallard for awesome shot!

  3. How cool, to have the ducks in your yard. great shot!

  4. That is terrific that the ducks came to your stream. Free entertainment. Thanks for sharing. Valerie

  5. I'm a follower from MBC and would love the follow back :)

  6. Hope you get ducklings. Fun x10. :)

  7. Anonymous12:50 PM

    awww. My daughter and i love watching ducks. Isn't it great to have your own wildlife outside of your home.

  8. Very pretty--fluffy yellow ducklings will be even nicer subjects :) cross your fingers!

  9. I like watching the ducks in our area also... we don't have Mallards, we have muskogee ducks - they are SO ugly(sorry duckies) and the ordinary white ones.
    I will be posting photos soon.
    Your picture is so clear that you can see the great colors in both the male and female, it is wonderful!


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