Maria's Space: The Taker by Alma Katsu - A Review

Friday, April 13, 2012

The Taker by Alma Katsu - A Review


True love can last an eternity . . . but immortality comes at a price.

On the midnight shift at a hospital in rural St. Andrew, Maine, Dr. Luke Findley is expecting a quiet evening. Until a mysterious woman arrives in his ER, escorted by police—Lanore McIlvrae is a murder suspect—and Luke is inexplicably drawn to her. As Lanny tells him her story, an impassioned account of love and betrayal that transcends time and mortality, she changes his life forever. . . .

At the turn of the nineteenth century, when St. Andrew was a Puritan settlement, Lanny was consumed as a child by her love for the son of the town’s founder, and she will do anything to be with him forever. But the price she pays is steep—an immortal bond that chains her to a terrible fate for eternity.

The 411 by Karen (Maria Space's first freelance book reviewer):

The Taker is a classic tale of almost unrequited love.

Lanny is a young girl in Puritan Maine at the turn of the 19th century, she is in love with Jonathan, the son of the richest family in town.  Jonathan is adored by all the women of the town because he is stunningly handsome and of course because of his position.

Unfortunately Jonathan is hated by the men of the town for the very same reason.  As it goes an unlikely friendship bonds Lanny and Jonathan together and eventually Lanny finds herself with child.

Lanny's family sends her away to Boston bound for a convent in order to avoid the shame that would be brought upon the family should she stay.

Upon arriving in Boston Lanny decides she does not want to give up her baby and disappears into Boston where she is soon taken up by a group of mysterious characters who have their own dark agenda. Lanny finds herself involved in a world far removed from her sleepy Maine home and soon in an unreal battle against evil in its most base form.

Adair a wealthy royal from the old world has just arrived in Boston and is the toast of the town. Adair takes a special liking to Lanny and her world will forever be changed.

This book is a page turner leaving the reader with many questions and a hunger for the second of this trilogy.

While it took until the end of the book to find out what Lanny is and I am still not 100% certain, the build up was appreciated. There were many times, I felt that the story had some unnecessary moments and the same amount of time, I felt that moments should have been elaborated on.

I would be remiss not to mention the amount of sex in the book. While it wasn't offensive to me, there was a lot of non-consensual, violent sex and this could put off some readers. With that being said, it depends on what you like to read and I leave that up to you, the reader.

On another note, the cover, is beautiful and demands to be read.

To Purchase:
Only $10.20 on Amazon

Disclaimer:  A complimentary copy of the book was offered by the publisher to facilitate this review. No monetary compensation was received. All opinions are that of the reviewer.

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