Maria's Space: The Descendants

Friday, April 06, 2012

The Descendants

If you haven't seen the Descendants yet, you NEED to. We all watched George Clooney receive award after award and if we hadn't seen it, wondered, WHY?! Once you see the movie, you won't wonder. George does an amazing job and if I weren't already a fan, I would be now.

George plays Matt King, a descendant and executor for the King family who own a large part of underdeveloped land in Hawaii. He and his cousins are in the process of selling the land for a large amount of money much to the dismay of many. While handing that his estranged wife is in a boating accident which leaves her on life support. George must now take over the responsibility of his youngest daughter and his estranged teenage daughter. 

George and his daughters reconnect over the traumatic accident and he become the father he wants to be while dealing with his wife, a revelation about their marriage and his cousins who want to sell the land.

The movie focuses a Clooney's relationships and his dealings with it. You will laugh and cry while pulling for Matt and how he handles life and the hand he has been dealt.

Clooney does and amazing job playing a father who now must face finally being a parent in the midst of trauma and drama.  One of his best performances ever. Very real!

The entire movie is well acted, truly believable and I cannot wait to see it again!


Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy to facilitate this review. No monetary compensation was received.

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