Maria's Space: Blue Monday - The Big Blue Bunny

Monday, April 23, 2012

Blue Monday - The Big Blue Bunny

Handsome received this big, blue bunny on his 1st Easter. I hated it but it was from my sister-in-law in California who told her mom to pick out the biggest bunny she could find.  Well, low and behold we got this guy.

Now, don't get me wrong, I love stuffed animals as much as the next person but.....really this thing is big and if it had come from anyone else I may have already tossed it by now.
Handsome and Goddess love this guy and we have tons of pictures with him over the years. If I had more time right now I would have stitched a bunch together but as always I am flying around today and with Handsome and Goddess home sick, things are hectic. (Bunny photos to come).

In the past two years he gets put away with the Easter stuff and comes out to spend a month with them. It makes it easier for me to not have to worry about dusting him all year. Damn mite infested thing (assuming of course, and completely unfair to the bunny).

They almost talked me into letting him stay out this year but he made his way to a bin just like all the other Easter bunnies when they were in school.

See you next year big blue bunny!


  1. How cute! Happy Blue Monday.

    I played too. Mine are here and here.

    1. Happy Monday! Thanks for stopping by

  2. So huggable and so cute..

    Visiting for BM- hope you can stop by:)

    1. Thanks so much! So nice to meet you. Thanks for stopping by

  3. We have the same big blue bunny! Happy Blue Monday!

    1. Oh no! You do? Too funny.
      Thanks for stopping by.

  4. Thanks for sharing your big blue bunny.

    Happy Blue Monday, Maria.

  5. Adorable kids..

    Visiting for BM-hope you can stop by:)

  6. Perfect for Blue Monday :)

  7. Oh, how I relate to this bunny tale. When my daughter was about five she was given a giant red bear. This thing was at least five foot high and four foot wide. It made a great place to cuddle up and read or watch TV but it just took up so much room. It went from bedroom to family room to basement as she played around the house.

    She loved it and I could not get rid of it without hurting the person that gave it to her. My daughter grew up and left home but still I had that bear in our way. Finally, I hauled it to the good will store when we were downsizing to move to our retirement home.

    Even though my daughter had no room for it she still wanted me to keep it around for the grandchildren to play with. Duh!!

    1. I hear ya. This bear will be with us forever I am sure. Every year I take a photo of the kids with it because it makes keeping it worthwhile. They do the same thing and lay with him. It is very cute watching them lean against him while they watch TV or play a game.

      I can totally understand her wanting to keep it. Even weeding out my kids stuffies is hard. Eventually we will have to downsize the stuffed animals but until than...we have a stuffed animal collection nicely organized in each of their rooms.

      Thanks for your comment. It was fun to hear your story.

  8. Great post, - lovely blue!
    have a nice BM!

  9. Gorgeous! Happy blue Monday and a great week ahead!

    My BLUE, your comment will be much appreciated. Thank you!

  10. what a sweet BLUE bunny all loved with the pretty girls :-) Dropping by from BM


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