Maria's Space: My Daybook - April 23, 2012

Monday, April 23, 2012

My Daybook - April 23, 2012

Outside my window - dusk is setting and everything is dark and wet.
I am thinking - Is it time for bed yet and should I be spending some time with the kids?
I am thankful - to my husband who comes home and talks about his day and ate dinner with us as a family.
In the kitchen - It was left over rice and left over ham.
I am wearing - PJs pink and red
I am creating - A community site which is taking a lot longer than I hoped.
I am going - To try and catch up on my blog giveaways tomorrow. So much to write about.
I am wondering - How I can add more hours to my day.
I am reading - Jackie After O
I am hoping - To get a good night sleep tonight
I am looking forward to - Tomorrow being a productive day.
I am learning - That patience is powerful
Around the house - Things need so much attention. Summer clothes and winter clothes need switching
I am pondering - Everything.
A favorite quote for today - Everything worth having takes time and nothing comes easy.
One of my favorite things - Hearing my daughter make up songs.
A few plans for the rest of the week:  Catch up on email and other work
A peek into my day...

 Both were home sick today with a visit to the pediatrician's office. Hopefully not strep

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