Maria's Space: Are You Into What They Are Calling Mommy Porn?

Monday, April 30, 2012

Are You Into What They Are Calling Mommy Porn?

While I must admit I don't see these books as porn or erotica I know that they are outside of a lot of folks normal reading zones and may be considered as such. As someone who reads and enjoys porn to a certain degree, I find that these books are definitely titillating and love that the covers aren't so embarrassing that you have to hide them from your children.

Recently author C.J. Ellisson and Sylvia Day were featured on Fox5 San Diego News talking about the "new trend" of female erotica. They were seated with a fertility specialist and sex therapist and asked questions like why do you think there is a trend and do you think this is unhealthy for woman to live in this fantasy world? Ugh..

I love how Sylvia and CJ answered their questions. Like hello people, this surge has been going for quite some time. We are having successful careers and it has nothing to do with 50 Shades of Grey which by the way, is on my Need to Read List!

While I cannot talk about Sylvia's books as I have yet to read one, I can say that CJ's books are fantastic. There is grown up talk and the female character is strong. To read CJ's take on the interview go visit CJ Ellisson and BTW I couldn't agree with you more CJ. "I didn’t want to read about the heiress in a forced marriage where he semi-rapes her on their wedding night, then she falls in love with him later. Or the Viking who captures his enemy’s daughter and falls for her strong, proud bearing—making up for his harsh first encounter with her throughout the whole book to win her heart." That scenario is just plain creepy and doesn't say much about woman. I love that your the VV Inn Series features a trouble female who stays strong throughout the book.

If you haven't had a chance to pick up CJ's VV Inn Series about a 508 year old vampire who runs a vacation spot for vamps and their entourage in Alaska. Very hot! While I am normally a vamp lover, in this book, I was hot for the sexy werewolf! Grrrrowl! 

PhotobucketGet Book 1 and start this fun series or add it to your summer reading list:


  1. I used to read these books all the time in the 90's but after a while got bored with them.

  2. New trend? These people are crazy--every old woman in my family has read these kinds of books for years :)

  3. Thanks so much for your review and kind words, Maria! I'm thrilled to hear you've enjoyed what you've read of the series so far.

    If you'd like to do a giveaway on your blog for my eBooks, just email me at

    Renee -- I agree! The idea of calling it a new trend was laughable!

    Brutus -- I moved on from romance books about the same time. But I still enjoy a good action packed book with the occasional sex scene thrown in! I like to think of it as some added spice ;-)

  4. Not way. CJ has come to Maria's Space. LOVE IT! You rock girl. Totally emailing you.

    Thanks for addressing my readers. Love that you did that. Talk to you soon.


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