Maria's Space: Thursday Photo Meme's - Thursday Photo Challenge & Thematic Photographic 48 - Yellow

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Thursday Photo Meme's - Thursday Photo Challenge & Thematic Photographic 48 - Yellow

The Thursday Challenge theme this week is Spring! Here is my Spring contribution. The trees at the Botanical Gardens were all in bloom. This means Spring to me.
Over at Thematic Photographic, the theme is yellow. I don't have much since I just use my Yellow picture over at my Mellow Yellow post this week.


  1. Beautiful flower photos! I love the yellow daffodil. :)

  2. Shey, Thanks honey. Some beautiful flowers in your profile pic too.

  3. Beautiful. Such delicate texture.

  4. These are gorgeous!

  5. flowers bring us so much pleasure, these are lovely!

  6. love the close up. you can see the contrast between the yellow and white of the flower. very pretty. :)


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