Maria's Space: Sunday Stealing: The Twenty Firsts Meme

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Sunday Stealing: The Twenty Firsts Meme

First Job: I worked at Kmart in Staten Island. I started in the infant section, moved to men's and finally women's wear. I hated announcing the "blue light" specials. Attention, Kmart hoppes, we will be having a blue light special in our women's wear department. For the next 15 mutes, get 25% off everything on clearance." Then you would stand near a cart on wheels that had a blue light on a pole on it. Flip the switch and wait for the masses to swarm you. We each had a hand held sticker gun and we would just have hands holding out clothing and we would put a sticker for the correct price ovr it. Fun times. Not!
First Real Job: It was working for my Uncle Joe. He was my mother's first employer too. There were a ton of cute guys who worked next door so needless to say, I didn't do much work. One of the guys even baked me a pecan pie once. Good times!
First Favorite Politician: I really liked George Bush. Oh sue me.

First Car: It was a 78 black camera with Lethal Weapon on the side.

First Record/CD: The first records I ever purchased was a Shawn Cassidy, Do Run Run album.

First Sport Played: I was really good at manhunt
First Concert: Bruce Springsteen
First Foreign Country Visited: I have never been to a foreign country

First Favorite TV Show: Little House On The Prairie.

First Favorite Actor: Michael Landon

First Favorite Actress: Melissa Gilbert

First Girlfriend/Boyfriend: There was this guy named Peter but I never even held his hand so I think my first boyfriend was this guy named Robert "Woody". He had a very big nose.

First Encounter with a Famous Person: Ummm.... I don't think I have ever encounted a famous person. I saw Barbara Streisand while she was filming Nuts.

First Brush With Death: I really hate this question and I am choosing not to answer it.

First House/Condo Owned: The one I am in right now.
First Film Seen: Oddly enough, the only memory I have of a movie in the theater is Animal House. There were tons before this at the drive in but I think this was the first one I saw in a theater.
First Favorite Recording Artist: Dolly Parton

First Favorite Radio Station: 92.3 K-Rock

First Book I Remember Reading: James and the Giant Peach

First Meme You Answered on Your Blog: Photo Thursday, here is the post.


  1. I had to smile, with your extra added comment to your favorite politician. And Dolly Parton...she's a doll.

    My Sunday meme is now posted, won't you join me? Happy stealing!

  2. I remember James and the Giant Peach mostly because when I got the book at school (a public school, I might add), some of the words had been blacked out. My mom had a fit that the book had been censored and bought me a copy of my own as a result.

    Here's wishing you a fun-filled Sunday!

  3. Great answers! Have a happy Sunday :)

  4. Do they still have blue light specials? They were crazy!

  5. Oh heck I remember those blue light specials. I remember being a kid and thinking I would NEVER be caught racing to get in on the action! Frankly I didn't want to be caught being in the store at all. ;o)


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