Maria's Space: Tuesday Takes - The Aftermath

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tuesday Takes - The Aftermath

Yesterday I was in town with my camera and captured the remains of a house that had gone up in flames a few weeks ago. The sadness is overpowering as you walk among the families possessions. From my car, it just looked like a burned down house but as I got closer to the front of the house I wondered why their things where littered all over the place. Is this typical of a house fire? Where they going to return and pick through their things or was this what was left after they took what they wanted? So sad!
Picnik collage


More photos coming!


  1. I've seen something like that before and wondered the same thing. I wonder if they have to leave everything in place until the insurance investiages. It does feel sad, though.

  2. Sad indeed. What can I say other than I feel for the family.
    Thank you for participating! Very deep photos.


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